Bird cherry for diarrhea, how to do it correctly?

When a person has diarrhea, he experiences severe discomfort, since with this disease he experiences sharp cramping pain in the abdomen, frequent loose stools, and the inability to restrain the urge to defecate. If diarrhea catches a patient on the street, and he does not have the opportunity to urgently cope with the need that has arisen, in addition to physical harm, the disease can also cause serious psychological trauma. The main danger with diarrhea is dehydration, which develops very quickly. After 6-8 acts of defecation, in some cases it even poses a danger to the patient’s life. When there is a lack of fluid in the body, internal organs begin to experience serious malfunctions, which can cause death.

Treatment of diarrhea should begin immediately after loose stools occur. You should not expect a recurrence of pathological bowel movements before starting therapy. In addition to taking pharmaceutical drugs, you can also use folk remedies, which are safer and at the same time no less effective. One such home remedy for diarrhea is bird cherry, which quickly and gently solves the problem. In order for this natural medicine to be beneficial, the patient should know exactly how to use it.

The effectiveness of bird cherry for diarrhea

Among folk remedies for diarrhea, one of the most popular is bird cherry, which has no equal in effectiveness. The quick results from the action of this plant are associated with a unique composition that determines the antidiarrheal properties of bird cherry.

The plant is rich in essential oils, phytoncides and other beneficial substances. The fruits contain hydrocyanic acid, aldehydes and vitamins, which together have an astringent effect and help get rid of diarrhea.

Various parts of the plant are used in folk medicine to treat diarrhea. The bark and inflorescences are used not only to get rid of diarrhea, but also to treat other diseases. The plant is rich in ascorbic acid (especially flowers and berries) and can compete in its content even with black currants and rose hips. With proper, regular intake of bird cherry infusion during diarrhea, the immune defense of the entire body is enhanced.

Bird cherry berries have a wide spectrum of action. They are useful for normalizing the functioning of the digestive system. Flavonoids contained in fruits have a beneficial effect on improving bile flow and protecting against stone formation.

A decoction of the plant is no less effective against diarrhea than medicinal sorbent preparations, and the spectral range of action of this natural remedy is even wider. The effectiveness of the decoction can be judged by the fact that within a few minutes after use the patient feels better.

The substances that make up bird cherry are well absorbed by the body, so the result is not long in coming. Thanks to the organic acids contained in the plant, pathogenic microorganisms are suppressed. Aldehydes, which bird cherry is rich in, allow the body to quickly get rid of toxins of any origin. These same substances activate the breakdown of poisons in synthesis with purnasin.

Bird cherry has an effect only for diarrhea that is not caused by infection. Otherwise, it is better to use antiseptics or antibiotics prescribed by your doctor to suppress viruses and bacteria.

How bird cherry works for diarrhea

The antidiarrheal properties of bird cherry are due to the fact that it contains substances that produce astringent, analgesic and antibacterial effects. Thanks to this, the plant quickly improves the patient’s condition, not just stopping loose stools by mechanically binding them, but also eliminating the cause of the disease. The flowers and bark of the plant are most often used for therapeutic purposes. The substances in bird cherry are in the most convenient state for absorption by the body, and therefore the therapeutic effect of medicines based on the plant is achieved very quickly. The only thing that should definitely be taken into account when starting such treatment is that, like any other medicine, bird cherry has certain contraindications.

Recipes with bird cherry for diarrhea for children and adults

There are many formulations with this plant that help stop diarrhea in patients of different ages. The main thing is to prepare the product correctly and follow all further recommendations for its use.

Antidiarrheal decoction of bird cherry bark for adults

To prepare the decoction, you will need 1 tbsp. l. bark. It is poured with 1 glass of boiled water and heated in a water bath for 30 minutes, tightly covered with a lid, after which the broth is infused for 2/3 hours.

The recommended regimen is 100 g 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. It is recommended to drink the product with plenty of water to avoid heartburn.

Dry berries for adults

To prepare the decoction, you need to place the pre-crushed fruits of the plant in an enamel container. Fill with water in a ratio of 1/10. Place the mixture in a water bath, close the lid, and heat for 20 minutes. Leave for half an hour and filter using several layers of gauze.

You should drink a decoction of 120 g 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is no more than 2 days. If there is no improvement, you should stop taking it and immediately consult a doctor.

The product will be even more effective if you add other components to the composition that enhance the astringent effect and help to quickly eliminate the symptoms of diarrhea:

  • pomegranate peels;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • oak bark

Children's fruit decoction

You will need dried berries of the plant. Like the decoction for adults, it is prepared in an enamel container and then infused in a water bath. The only difference is the ratio of crushed berries and water – 1/12. Give the child the product 3 times a day, 100 g.

Fresh berries

Fresh bird cherry fruits are also an excellent, although not the most powerful, remedy against diarrhea.

This is especially true if it is not possible to make a decoction of dried fruits - for example, on vacation in the forest. An adult can safely eat a full handful of fruits, but without seeds - they need to be spat out. If a child has diarrhea, he will only need 25 berries.

Leaf-floral infusion

You need to take a mixture of leaves and flowers in equal proportions - half a teaspoon each. The mixture is brewed with a glass of boiled water and filtered after 1 hour. The infusion helps not only against diarrhea, but also against pneumonia, bronchitis, and colds as a diaphoretic. Drink 50 g up to 4 times a day.

Binder mixture

To prepare this product you will need bird cherry (2 tbsp) and blueberry (1 tbsp) berries. The fruit mixture is poured with a glass of boiled water and boiled for 1/3 hour. Drink 0.5 glasses up to 4 times a day.

To prevent hydrocyanic acid from decomposing when infusing fresh berries and flowers, you need to fill them with water whose temperature is less than 50 degrees.

Properties of bird cherry

Bird cherry is a unique plant, because its healing properties are found in fruits, leaves, flowers and even bark.

The tannins contained in the composition, which have astringent and fixing properties, help stop diarrhea. Their concentration reaches a maximum in berries, while heat treatment does not affect the level of tannins. However, you cannot boil the berries; the water for making medicinal infusions should be slightly higher than body temperature.

In addition, other components of the plant help relieve diarrhea:

  • Organic acids with antiviral and antiseptic effects.
  • Pectins improve the process of food absorption and reduce the processes of decay in the intestines.
  • Prunazin and benzoic aldehyde, removing toxins.

Unlike medications used for diarrhea, bird cherry contains a rich complex of vitamins. Therefore, decoctions of the plant help replenish vitamin deficiency during poisoning. To quickly restore the digestive process, it is recommended to refrain from eating for at least one day, and bird cherry-based recipes help you survive this period without harm to your health.

Important! Patients with increased blood clotting should not overuse bird cherry in any form.

Before starting treatment, it is important to make sure that diarrhea is not caused by an infection. If, against the background of diarrhea, there is an increase in temperature, severe weakness, vomiting, you should consult a doctor.

If the use of any product with this plant in the recipe acts as a provocateur for the deterioration of the condition, herbal medicine cannot be continued. If necessary, call the emergency medical service.


Bird cherry should be used with caution to treat diarrhea. Despite the many advantages and many useful substances, this plant is not indicated for all people - mainly due to the presence of hydrocyanic acid in the composition.

Contraindications for treating diarrhea with bird cherry are:

  • allergic reaction to components that the plant contains;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding (some plant substances can be dangerous to both the fetus and the child);
  • children under 3 years of age (and under 12 years of age, the product should be used with extreme caution);
  • frequent constipation (the fixing effect may increase);
  • diabetes mellitus type 2 (the berry contains a large amount of fruit sugar);
  • increased blood viscosity;
  • low hemoglobin.

It is dangerous to eat berries with seeds that have a high content of substances that can cause intoxication of the body.

Preparing a decoction, how to do it correctly?

Antidiarrheal infusion can be prepared from both fresh and dried raw materials. Flowers, berries, leaves and roots have the greatest effect. However, their collection should be carried out according to all the rules, for example:

1 harvesting of bird cherry roots is carried out exclusively in August or September;

2 the bark must be cut from a perennial plant that is at least four years old;

It is recommended to take 3 shoots from young bird cherry trees.

The recipe for preparing the medicine is quite simple. To do this, you need to take two tablespoons of raw material and combine them with three glasses of water slightly above body temperature. The components of the medicine must be mixed in an enamel pan with a lid, which should be wrapped in a warm cloth and left for 6-7 hours. After this time, the infusion is considered ready, it should be carefully strained and taken 100 ml three times a day. The finished medicine should be stored in a cool place for no longer than two days, after which a new decoction should be made if necessary.

The technology for preparing bark-based medicine is somewhat different. In this case, the raw material must be thoroughly crushed to a powder state, take 10 grams of the resulting base, combine it with a glass of water and bring to a boil over low heat. After boiling, the medicine should be boiled for about 10 minutes, removed from heat and left for another five hours. The finished broth is filtered and drunk just a teaspoon three times a day for a week and a half. For acute diarrhea, such treatment is carried out no longer than two days. It is not recommended to use this medicine if you are prone to constipation, as it may aggravate the condition.

An enema based on bird cherry decoction will be no less effective. To prepare it, you need to take a tablespoon of dried berries, pour a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. After removing from the stove, the medicine should be strained and cooled to a comfortable temperature. The finished broth is placed in a special pear and injected into the intestines for 3-5 minutes.

Side effects, overdose

To ensure that the treatment does not cause harm to the body, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for taking the medications. There are no special side effects when treating diarrhea with bird cherry. However, some patients may experience an allergic reaction: rash and itchy skin.

In case of overdose, the allergic reaction is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, difficulty breathing, dizziness, tachycardia, and convulsions. To eliminate the symptoms of overdose, it is recommended to induce vomiting, take activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight) and do a cleansing enema.

Bird cherry products help quickly cope with diarrhea and have a beneficial effect on strengthening the immune system. Thanks to this, the patient's condition quickly normalizes. However, you need to remember that the plant is not useful for everyone, and strictly follow the recommendations for taking products prepared on its basis.

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The use of bird cherry to prevent diarrhea

Bird cherry has incredible medicinal qualities, so its use as a preventive measure for diseases of the digestive system is not without reason. The use of bird cherry decoctions in some cases helps prevent pathologies such as gastritis, intestinal colic, bloating and cholelithiasis.

Contraindications for the use of bird cherry include chronic constipation, prostatitis and acute hemorrhoids. This medicine is no less effective in treating intestinal microflora disorders. In this case, the bird cherry must be combined with garlic and blueberries, poured with alcohol and left for two weeks in a dry, dark place. The finished medicine should be filtered and taken a teaspoon once a day before meals. This medicine is good at supporting the functioning of the digestive tract in people with lactase deficiency.

To summarize, it can be noted that bird cherry decoction is one of the most effective, natural and affordable remedies for diarrhea. It has an immediate effect, has virtually no side effects and promotes the complete removal of toxic substances from the patient’s body. If, after two days of using the decoction, symptoms of diarrhea persist, you should consult a specialist about further treatment.

Causes of diarrhea

The main causes of indigestion can be called intestinal dysbiosis. Most often this happens due to;

  • low-quality products;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • with an unbalanced diet;
  • after long-term use of certain groups of drugs.

Diarrhea is often caused by worms and dysbiosis of the digestive system. It is easy to identify such causes of the disease; for this you need to monitor the condition of the stool, what kind of smell it is, sour or rotten, and you should not ignore the color and the presence of bloody discharge. In medicine, there are several types of disorders that have their own causes, symptoms and, accordingly, methods of treatment.

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