Do you want healthy and clean..? Washing, processing and cleansing the vagina

how to do an enema how to give an enema an enema at home an enema to yourself

To carry out this procedure, first of all, you need to decide why and for whom you are doing it, since the size of the syringe will depend on this. Currently, manufacturers offer pears for children with a capacity of 50 ml. For adults, a volume of 200 to 300 ml is suitable. The tips are soft rubber or plastic. For a one-time procedure, disposable products with a ready-made laxative solution are offered, but they look different and are supplied in the form of a tube with a cap tip.

The size of the syringe is selected based on the patient’s age and weight

Types and purposes of enemas

An enema is quite easy to do at home. The procedure does not require sterility. However, the process must be carried out only for its intended purpose; carrying out cleansing on your own leads to negative consequences. There are different types of enemas. Each of them has certain features and purposes.


  • Cleansing. For such an enema you will need up to one and a half liters of water. Designed to cleanse the intestines from the accumulation of feces.
  • Medicinal. Medicinal solutions are administered, the volume is selected by the doctor. Used for intestinal diseases.
  • Hypertensive. Use a specific solution of a glass of water and half a tablespoon of salt. Helps with severe constipation and persistently high blood pressure.
  • Starchy. Five grams of starch are diluted in a glass of water and used as a solution. It is used for acute inflammatory processes in the large and small intestines.
  • Drip. Use up to two liters of clean water. An enema is prescribed to replenish fluid in the body.
  • Nutritious. For administration, choose saline solution, water, nutrient broths. Used when it is impossible to absorb food through the stomach.
  • Emulsion. The treatment solution includes equal amounts of fish oil and water. This procedure promotes bowel movements.
  • Oily. For introduction into the intestines, choose any oil - sunflower, olive or vaseline. An enema helps with persistent constipation.
  • Siphon. The process uses up to ten liters of water, so the process is carried out only in a medical facility. Used when cleansing enemas are ineffective, or when there is serious intestinal obstruction.

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The type of enema is selected by the doctor depending on the patient’s condition. If there is intense pain and other unpleasant symptoms, stop the procedure and consult a doctor. Before prescribing such treatment, you need to talk about your existing diseases. For kidney diseases and constant exacerbations of arthrosis, an enema is performed only when necessary.

How to give yourself an enema at home

How to do a pear enema at home for yourself?
It is not difficult to carry out the manipulation yourself. Many people do not want another person to perform such a procedure. In order to get the desired effect, you need to prepare all the tools and follow the sequence of actions. How to give a pear enema to an adult? Stages:

  1. Prepare the tools: pear, solution, Vaseline or baby cream, oilcloth. Wash the syringe and tip thoroughly with warm water and soap. The temperature of the water for administration should not exceed 35 degrees. Additional components are added to the solution in small quantities.
  2. They are preparing the place. A horizontal surface is considered the most convenient option. An oilcloth is spread on the chosen place.
  3. The solution is filled into the bulb. Squeeze out all the air from the syringe and lower the tip into the solution. The instrument is gradually unclenched and the liquid is sucked inside. It is possible to remove excess air by pressing lightly on the walls and releasing a little liquid.
  4. The tip and anus are lubricated with Vaseline or baby cream. Take a comfortable position: on all fours, on your side in the fetal position, squatting.
  5. Slightly spread the buttocks and carefully insert the tip into the anus. Slowly, pressing on the bulb, inject liquid into the rectum. After the solution is finished, the tip is carefully removed.
  6. For some time it is necessary to restrain the urge to go to the toilet.
  7. The bulb and tip are thoroughly washed and sterilized.

If necessary, the procedure is repeated no less than six hours later. If necessary, it is allowed to add other components to the solution to obtain a better result. It is recommended to remember that enema should not be abused so as not to harm the body.

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☛ How is vaginal treatment done?

At our clinic, gynecologists carry out the procedure for sanitizing the vagina and external genitalia in women and girls (sanitation) as follows. The drugs that are used in our work are not only well-known and, in some cases, proven to work well, miramistin and chlorhexidine. Our patients are offered modern imported antiseptic drugs that act effectively and quickly, have antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral properties, and have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

The doctor’s sequence when performing vaginal sanitation manipulation is as follows.

  1. Immediately before the procedure, the woman needs to empty her bladder and bowels.
  2. Undress below the waist and sit on the gynecological chair, closer to the edge, with your legs spread wide apart and slightly pulled up to your stomach. This position will make it easier to insert instruments and allow solutions to better act on the side walls.
  3. The external genital organs are treated with antiseptics, all folds and areas of the labia minora, urethra and clitoral pocket are affected (the space between the clitoral head and its hood; a frequent place for the accumulation of any discharge).
  4. A gynecological speculum is inserted into the vaginal cavity as deeply as possible and fixed with a stop. The vagina is cleaned of leucorrhoea with a cotton swab, after which antiseptic solutions are poured inside one by one (the so-called “vagina baths”). Process again and remove any remaining accumulated secretions. After undergoing several sanitation cycles, the expander is removed.
  5. After thorough rinsing and a bath, special antimicrobial creams/ointments are applied to the vagina and external genitalia, and the external labia are covered with a sterile gauze cloth.

How to give an enema to a child at home

Sometimes an enema needs to be given not to an adult, but to a child.
It is allowed to carry out such manipulation at home. However, the procedure has some peculiarities. How to properly give an enema to children? First of all, you need to choose the right tools for the process. The size of the syringe depends on the age of the child. Size:

  • For infants up to three months, take pear number 2; the volume of injected liquid should not exceed 50 ml.
  • For babies aged from three to eleven months, syringe No. 2.5 is suitable, the amount of solution is 100 ml.
  • For children from one to three years old, an enema is performed using bulb No. 4, the permissible volume of medication is 170 ml.
  • A child over three years old (4 years old, etc.) can carry out the procedure using an Esmarch mug.

Having selected the right syringe and prepared the necessary instruments, they administer an enema. It is necessary to follow the procedure so as not to harm the baby.


  1. The baby is placed on a straight surface. An oilcloth or diaper is placed under the buttocks.
  2. The bulb and tip are thoroughly washed and the solution is collected.
  3. The child is placed on his side, the infant on his back. The tip and anus are lubricated with Vaseline or baby cream.
  4. The air is released from the bulb, the tip is carefully inserted into the child's anus and the liquid is slowly released inside.
  5. After introducing the solution, the tip is removed and the baby’s buttocks are squeezed. You need to try to prevent the child from having a bowel movement right away.
  6. After a while, send the child to the toilet.

If the procedure is performed correctly, there should be no pain. An enema is the last option to relieve constipation. Currently, there are many medications that help get rid of this delicate problem.

Frequent manipulation leads to disruption of normal bowel function, making independent bowel movement more difficult.

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☛ How to do douching

Depending on the goals and objectives, as well as the technical capabilities and desires of the patient, this manipulation can be performed at home or in a medical facility. We will tell you how douching is done in a given situation and how to carry out the procedure correctly in order to get the maximum benefit from it.


The method of washing the vagina depends on the temperature of the solution. Most often, doctors prescribe cleansing from a plastic syringe with a liquid with a temperature of +34 to +36 °C. In the gynecologist's office, the procedure is carried out using a special Esmarch mug.

The patient is placed on a gynecological chair or couch. In the latter case, a vessel is placed under the hips. The woman should relax, spread her legs and bend them at the knees. The Esmarch mug is placed above the patient's waist, the tip of the hose is inserted into the vagina and the tap is opened. The used liquid flows into a container under the chair.

Sometimes gynecologists prescribe hot douching with a solution (chamomile, sage, furatsilin) ​​with a temperature of +45 to +50 °C. Hot liquid is well absorbed into the tissue of the mucous membrane, but can burn the skin. The procedure is carried out only in a medical clinic or antenatal clinic. They use a special washer or tip - a device that protects the skin of the external genitalia from discomfort due to contact with hot liquid.


At home, it is easier to use a syringe from a pharmacy. Next, we will tell you how to do douching at home correctly. First, before douching, you must thoroughly wash the plastic tip. To disinfect it, immerse it in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. It is unacceptable to use unboiled water. To prepare the solution, water (settled tap or bottled water) must be boiled and then cooled.

It is most convenient to carry out the procedure while lying in the bathtub, bending your knees and placing them on the edges. The tip of the syringe is inserted into the vagina and moved inward to a depth of 5-8 cm and gradually and smoothly compressed. The solution should seep out slowly and evenly. It is necessary to ensure that the water pressure is not too strong, otherwise the liquid, along with bacteria and fungi, will enter the uterus from the genital tract. When the liquid has completely come out, you should contract the vaginal muscles for a second. After the procedure, you need to lower your legs, relax and lie down for 5-10 minutes.

Another option is douching over the toilet or just over the basin. The woman should spread her legs, bend them at the knees and lean forward slightly. After the procedure, you need to get dressed and lie down for a few minutes.

If the gynecologist has prescribed antimicrobial suppositories or tampons with ointment, they are placed in the vagina after douching is completed.

⚠ Warning! If, to sanitize the vagina, a woman regularly douches, and even uses aggressive liquids (for example, a solution of soda, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide), then over time the state of the normal microflora will be disrupted, the mucous membrane will begin to dry out, microcracks will appear on it, and in severe cases - ulcers. Therefore, therapeutic douching in gynecology is carried out in courses of 5-7 sessions (sometimes up to 10), with a short break between them.

☺ Is douching a virgin allowed?

Is it acceptable to carry out various medical manipulations on the genitals of girls who have not had vaginal sexual contact in the past? The answer to this question can be twofold. To begin with, we note that possible indications for prescribing vaginal sanitation, irrigation and baths, as well as douching in gynecology are various inflammatory processes and infections of the intimate area (vulvitis, vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, thrush, etc.). And if the patient is sexually active, then there are no problems. In the case of a virgin, everything is not so simple and sometimes even gynecologists are afraid to prescribe intravaginal lavages for fear of damaging the hymen. These concerns are only partly true and are completely excluded if the following conditions are met.

✅ When a virgin can do vaginal douching: ✔ Moral readiness for the procedure itself; ✔ The manipulation is carried out in the clinic by an experienced doctor; ✔ The characteristics of the hymen (the diameter of the hole and its extensibility) allow you to easily insert the tip of the device; ✔ Intimate discharge is caused by pathogenic flora, which is confirmed by test results.

Douching for conception

Among women and practicing gynecologists, there is an opinion that douching with soda promotes conception. This is only partly true and only if a woman cannot become pregnant due to the increased acidity of the vaginal environment. Soda is alkalizing, which increases the chances of sperm survival and subsequent fertilization of the egg. In all other situations, vaginal irrigation and rinsing with soda solution are pointless and even harmful!

What gynecologists say about douching

Vaginal douching is not a hygienic, but a medical procedure. If itching, burning, or suspicious vaginal discharge occurs, a woman should definitely consult a doctor and get tested. Self-medication at home using recipes from the Internet or reviews on forums in such cases can seriously harm your health.

Reviews about douching

Women who had sanitization of the vagina and treatment of the genitals in our paid clinic, without exception, noted in their reviews a significant improvement, the disappearance of the feeling of “wetness” between the legs and excess “phlegm” of the intimate area, the absence of odor and a decrease in itching. Getting rid of pathological discharge from virgin girls as part of the treatment prescribed by a doctor through baths, sanitation and vaginal treatments is carried out with a certain amount of caution.


Local treatment, vaginal treatment800
Instillation of the drug500
Treatment of the external genitalia300
Sanitation of the vagina, cervix1 000
Therapeutic bath500
Laser treatment of the vagina1 000
Sanitation of the vagina (comprehensive), incl. treatment of the external genitalia, vaginal walls, medicinal bath, ointment) 1 cat2 500
Sanitation of the vagina (comprehensive), incl. treatment of the external genitalia, clitoris, vaginal walls, bath, laser therapy, ointment applications) 2 cat3 000
Sanitation of the vulva and vagina (combined): incl. everything in category 2 + massage of the vaginal walls with reparants (solcoseryl gel or the like, in the absence of contraindications) 3 cat4 500

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