7 strong recipes for all types of papillomas. It helps especially older people and is practically harmless

Traditional treatment

Anonymous: Hello. Why is the period of taking the drug, that is, the course, not indicated in the first two methods? Best regards, Valentina.

Tanya : In the first two recipes there is a course of administration until the mixture runs out.

Lyudmila : Hello! I don’t really understand the traditional method of treating stomach polyps with viburnum. Before brewing viburnum, should you crush it or brew it with the whole berry??? Please tell me! Thank you in advance!

Tamara : After what period of time should I expect the results of the release of stomach polyps from seeds and oil? Thank you.

Anonymous : Should the seeds be peeled or not?

Ibrahim : Yolks and pumpkin seeds. If I use this method to clean the surface of the skin from various spots and moles, will I not create other problems for the body?

Ibrahim : Yolks and pumpkin seeds. Should the vegetable oil used in preparing the mixture be refined or not?

Anonymous : Hello! Pumpkin seeds should be peeled or ground together with the peel, it’s not clear, but I want to try, there is some hope. Thank you.

Alena : Hello! After what period of time from taking the seeds and oil will the polyps come out? Should the seeds be peeled or not?

Vlada : Hello! Should pumpkin seeds be peeled to get rid of polyps?

Olga : What kind of oil is needed when treating polyps, refined or not?

Svetlana : We cooked honey with ghee for polyps over low heat for 2 hours. The result was an amber-colored mass and it froze like caramel. Please write what we did wrong?

NINA : Hello! Please tell me what kind of seeds should be - peeled or unrefined and oil (refined - not refined). WITH RESPECT – Nina

Lyudmila : Please respond, those who have already been cured of stomach polyps. And share how you were able to overcome the disease? Thank you. Lana: I have been tormented by polyps in my stomach for a couple of years now. But I know for sure that honey loses all its medicinal qualities even when added to hot tea. And after 2 hours of cooking, it is no longer honey, but simply a very sweet mass. It is not surprising that such cooking turned Svetlana’s honey into caramel. And celandine is quite capable of removing all kinds of growths, including polyps. When I was a child, my aunt only anointed a wart on my leg once, and it disappeared after a while. But this is a very poisonous plant. And if you treat polyps in the stomach with celandine without the advice of experienced herbalists, then you can plant other organs. It will be even worse.

Anonymous : help!!! cure polyps in the stomach. I can't stand another operation.

Tatyana : Treatment of polyps with pumpkin seeds and oil is an old and proven recipe. For stomach polyps, good results can be achieved by using any oil: butter, sunflower, corn, refined and unrefined. Since the recipe is old, the original used unrefined oil. It is also healthier for the body. But if someone cannot stand the taste of unrefined oil, then you can take refined oil. There won't be much difference. Take the seeds peeled, but with a green film. 6 tbsp. l. not difficult to clean. If someone cannot peel seeds at all (one or both hands are missing). You can grind it with the peel, but increase the dose to 9 tbsp. spoons The peel will not cause harm, but will only improve intestinal function. But on the other hand, seeds with shells are not suitable for a weak, tender and sick stomach, so why strain it once again. I would clean the seeds. Polyps begin to emerge approximately a month after the end of treatment. This folk remedy is absolutely harmless and will not cause any harm to other organs. Well, if only it will help cure prostatitis at the same time. Helps in about 50-70% of cases. A more reliable remedy for any polyps is celandine juice, there is a 100% result. But the main thing is not to overdo it; everyone’s body perceives the same doses of poison differently. If you notice signs of poisoning (nausea, weakness, tachycardia, etc.), reduce the dosage. Celandine does not accumulate in the body, so even if the norm is exceeded for a short time, it will not cause any serious harm. For example, when treating cancer with poisons, the dosage should be such that there are mild symptoms of poisoning. I knew a man who for a long time drank an infusion of celandine instead of tea, without thinking about the dosage. As a result, I cured stage 4 cancer. What is a stomach polyp compared to cancer? Yes, some kind of nonsense that you can easily cure.

Rano Khakimovna : I started bleeding in my stomach from polyps, tell me what to do next? Thanks in advance!

Rosa : In 1985, I had a polyp plucked out in my stomach (polypectomy). Naturally, I was young then, and now something is wrong again and I’m already afraid, my age and the doctors now do not inspire confidence. I drank pure celandine juice and dissolved gallstones, a teaspoon three times a day before meals for 20 minutes (in my youth)

review from Rai : why be silent, please give answers to these questions, who knows

Anonymous : take Asd2 1 ml on an empty stomach and at night on an empty stomach

Valentina : One recipe said: you need to take olive oil + seeds, I made it, took it as said, it hasn’t been tested yet, 4 months have passed, but there are no visible results.

Svetik : what are these traditional methods of treatment? who is their author and what doctors think about this is what I would like to know.

katyao : I would really like to know the opinion of specialist doctors in this field

galya: some recipes are not specific, really, what pumpkin seeds are with or without peel? Are the seeds raw or dried?

Zhanna : Tatyana, thank you very much for your practical advice. Health to you!

Lydia : I haven’t tried it yet, but I made a potion from pumpkin seeds, I hope for a positive result.

Tatyana : I take a serum infused with celandine, a recipe in the newspaper for healing letters.

zina : did melted butter with honey help anyone, but while I was doing it, I sniffed it and was able to drink only 1 spoon and now just the sight of this mass makes me sick, is it worth torturing myself further? Advice: after cooking, pour it warm so that it cools in the container where it will be stored

Maria : brew a pack of celandine with boiling water, leave for an hour, strain, add a glass of vodka, half a liter of honey, bring to a boil when it boils, turn off let it cool and drain, drain without sediment, store in the refrigerator, drink a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals, good health to all

albert : good recipes

Hasan : Good afternoon? Tell me, has anyone gotten results from the recipe for honey with butter or pumpkin seeds? My mother has had two operations, she is 60 years old, she has a polyp for the third time, she doesn’t want to go under the knife, give me a proven recipe, thank you everyone, good health. Recipe with yolks: should the yolk be boiled or stirred raw?

Tanya : Yolks for the treatment of polyps should be boiled

Tamara : I carried out a course of treatment for polyps: 35 g of celandine per half liter of vodka and in a dark place for 10 days. For half a glass of water, 1 tablespoon of tincture on an empty stomach for 30 minutes. before meals. It helped. But after 3 years the polyp appeared again, I’ll start again.

Gulfira : Good afternoon. On different sites, the dose of taking the remedy for polyps with pumpkin seeds and yolks is different. Here it says to take one teaspoon at a time, but on another site take five teaspoons at a time. The difference is significant, where is the right technique.

Olga : I took a folk remedy for polyps with pumpkin seeds, one teaspoon for a whole month, I didn’t notice anything, now I’m taking another medicine with celandine

Valentina : Removal of polyps without surgery, recipe from the newspaper. Thoroughly grind 7 yolks of boiled chicken eggs and 6 tablespoons of raw pumpkin seeds, cleared of husks and green film, until a homogeneous mass is obtained, pour the mixture into an enamel bowl with 0.5 liters of vegetable oil, mix everything again and place the pan in a boiling water bath. Boil from the moment of boiling for 20 minutes, after cooling, pour the broth into a glass jar and place in the refrigerator. Take the medicine 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach for 5 days in a row, then take a five-day break, and after that repeat the treatment course. Conduct such courses intermittently until the prepared mixture is finished. The polyps, as the test showed, had completely resolved

Maria : They discovered a polyp in my stomach, they took a biopsy, I’m waiting for the result, I’m upset. T

Anya : Maria, don’t be upset. Many people have polyps in their stomach, but not everyone knows about it.

Anonymous : I had a polyp removed from my stomach twice in 2012 and 2013. I did an EDS today. There’s a polyp again, we took a biopsy, I’m waiting for the result. What to do? They prescribed a bunch of medications, I don’t know whether to take it or not Galina: I did an EDS and they said the stomach was full of bile (the gallbladder was removed) tell me how to remove bile from the stomach

Nurdida : how can you check your stomach without swallowing the hose? Are there any polyps?

Tatyana : I made a composition from pumpkin seeds and yolks, I liked the recipe, I’ll wait for the result.

Alexey : I am 70 years old without three months. He acquired many polyps of the stomach, and in the lower part in the form of a conglomerate of them with ulceration. Doctors suggest resection of 2/3 of the stomach, reminding, at the same time, of age. Refused. There are many treatment options available. I don't know which one is suitable. Those with practice, please advise.

OLGA : Today, after 3 months of taking an infusion of celandine with calendula and burnet (batch filter bags) and breaks of 7 days after seven, I did a gastroscopy - there is no polyp or erosion in the esophagus, there is no gastritis. Both the doctor and I were surprised. A follow-up examination was scheduled after 2 months.

Lyudmila : Olga, write a recipe: how much celandine, calendula and burnet you need and how to drink it.

Lyudmila : Why write all this nonsense, how can honey and butter remove a polyp? I boiled honey with melted butter, it turned out to be such a poisonous black mass, like petroleum products (my homemade honey and fresh melted butter), I cooked it for 1.5 hours over low heat, as written, I’m afraid to take such a rancid black mass, lest my liver fail.

Tatyana : Olya, write in detail about the treatment of the polyp, please.

Zinaida : I was examined for the subject. knee joint replacement, they found polyps in the upper part of the stomach, I was scared, there are different reviews, they advised me to be treated with folk remedies, the town is small, there are no specialists, only the therapist with whom I am seeing, I need to go to the regional city for examination. I read your reviews and recipes and am at a loss as to which method to use.

sholpan : they discovered polyps in my stomach, they took me for a biopsy, I’m worried about how to treat it

Sholpan : 7 yolks, 6 spoons of pumpkin seeds and 0.5 liters of oil, made a paste and drink 1 teaspoon after 5 days. I calculated that the product lasts for 3 months or more, but after a month the pulp in the refrigerator began to deteriorate, the unpleasant smell, in a word, stank. How should we drink it? We'll just get poisoned, because there are egg yolks in there?

Maria : We discovered a polyp in the stomach. I’ve been drinking ASD fraction 2 for the third week, I don’t know whether it will help or not, but I’m tormented by heartburn, I can’t eat anything, I burp from milk, I’ll eat something a little richer or a little sour, heartburn. Maybe someone who was treated with the fraction, tell me the result, should I continue drinking or stop?

Tatyana : Each of us has our own body, and what it will react to is unknown, you have to try it yourself. I had bile in my stomach, but it went away, I didn’t drink anything choleretic, the bile goes straight into the duodenum and stomach, which means the sphincter between the duodenum and the stomach is weakened, you can’t take mint, it relaxes you, I haven’t eaten pumpkin for a year and did exercises - breathing with the stomach, sticking out the stomach when exhaling, drawing in the stomach when inhaling, gradually all the means give their results.

Galina : Celandine with vodka is cruel. For 20 years now, I have been using this composition: celandine-vodka-honey, in a ratio of 1:2:2, starting with 0.5 teaspoon and up to a whole, drinking for 2-2.5 months, 2 times a year. The polyps disappear, and if you stop treatment, they appear again. This composition has become a part of my life, now I drink it not with a spoon - from a jar, depending on my condition I can determine whether to increase or decrease the dose. Diagnosis: polycystic bowel disease, 2 operations. Doctors gave a bad prognosis, after the first year of taking celandine, improvement began, I don’t go to doctors.

Tatyana : My husband drank an infusion of chaga for six months. The polyp, approximately 2 cm, has resolved.


Vera : My dears, you are adults. But how to treat a 12 year old child? The child also has polyps in the stomach. I made the recipe for yolks + seeds, and an allergy developed. Finished taking it. It seems like it’s still too early for a child to do anything with vodka. Maybe there is something else?

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