Esophageal ulcer: diet as a method of treatment
Chest pain is considered very dangerous, because these sensations occur in the most complex diseases. Among
Modern treatment of Helicobacter pylori-associated peptic ulcer in children
Gastrointestinal diseases often cause abdominal discomfort, nausea, unpleasant belching and other symptoms,
Diarrhea with mucus in a child: when should you worry?
When they talk about diarrhea Why are young children prone to diarrhea Types of diarrhea Main causes
When swallowing there is pain in the middle of the chest: reasons, how to treat
Periodic or constant chest pain when swallowing can be a sign of many problems and
Differential diagnosis for irritable bowel syndrome: focus on lactase deficiency
Among all nutrition-dependent diseases in children, malabsorption syndrome (MAS) occupies a special place due to its prevalence,
Methods for diagnosing and treating intestinal disorders
According to statistics, approximately a fifth of the adult population of the planet suffers from various manifestations of dysfunction
Antispasmodics: list of drugs with names (myotropic, neurotropic, combined)
Remedies for spasms in children are antispasmodic drugs (antispasmodics). Antispasmodics for children are
Modern ideas about the treatment of regurgitation syndrome in children of the first year of life
Pylorospasm in newborns The basis of treatment is to reduce the number of regurgitations, normalize weight and prevent possible
How to take Omeprazole for gastritis? Purpose, contraindications, analogues
Treatment of chronic gastritis and stomach ulcers is rarely complete without a drug such as Omeprazole (with
Diagnosis of appendicitis during pregnancy
The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate.
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