Sigmoidoscopy is one of the most common methods of examining the body. Preparation for the procedure should
The text is for informational purposes only. We strongly urge you not to use diets or resort to
Doctors Cost Price list Clinic doctors Dysbacteriosis is not an independent disease, but a consequence of certain factors. He
Cholangitis is an inflammation of the bile ducts, occurring in acute or chronic form. In most cases
Medical editor: Zemereva N.Yu., physiotherapist Flatulence is a condition when gas formation in the intestines is increased, and
If you find a yellowish plaque on your face in the eyelid area, on the cheek, insignificant
Published: 09/24/2021 12:05:00 Updated: 09/24/2021 Peritonitis is an inflammatory lesion of the peritoneum, the serous membrane covering the majority of
Colic - translated from Greek as "intestinal" - is an acute pain that is sudden,
The gallbladder is classified as an auxiliary organ of digestion. Its main task is the accumulation of bile,
Almost every person has been tested by rotavirus at least once and remembers these debilitating symptoms of the disease: