Duodenochel is an anti-inflammatory agent

pharmachologic effect

According to supporters of alternative medicine, the disease can be cured with tiny doses of substances that, in significant concentrations, can cause it. The therapeutic effect of Duodenohel, according to homeopaths, is due to the properties of its individual components.

Lachesis should help with inflammation and increased bleeding of the mucous membranes. Robinia pseudoacacia reduces the acidity of the gastric environment and helps with intestinal disorders (diarrhea). Petroleum, according to homeopaths, is characterized by anti-inflammatory properties. Ipecac is also prescribed for pathologies of inflammatory origin, and iodine is prescribed for “hunger” pain due to duodenitis and peptic ulcers. Healers recommend Argentum nitricum and anacardium for a variety of digestive disorders.

Duodenohel tab sublingual No. 50


Active substances:

  • Semecarpus anacardium (Anacardium) (Semecarpus anacardium (anacardium)) D4 - 30 mg;
  • Argentum nitricum (argentum nitricum) D6 - 30 mg;
  • Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Ipecacuanha) (cephaelis ipecacuanha (ipecacuanha)) D4 - 30 mg;
  • Iodum (Jodum) (iodum (iodum)) D6 - 30 mg;
  • Lachesis mutus (Lachesis) (lachesis mutus (lachesis)) D12 - 60 mg;
  • Petroleum rectificatum (petroleum rectificatum) D6 - 60 mg;
  • Robinia pseudoacacia (Robinia pseudacacia) (Robinia pseudoacacia) D4 - 60 mg.

Excipients: magnesium stearate 1.5 mg, lactose to obtain a tablet weighing about 0.302 g.

Indications for use

The drug is used in complex therapy of duodenal ulcer, gastroduodenitis, gastritis with high acidity.


  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, in particular to iodine,
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • children under 12 years of age due to insufficient clinical data;
  • for diseases of the thyroid gland, the drug should be taken only after consultation with a doctor;
  • lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Directions for use and doses

Adults and children over 12 years of age take 1 tablet 3 times a day half an hour before meals or 1 hour after meals. The tablet should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.

The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after consultation with a doctor.

During exacerbations, take 1 tablet every 15 minutes for no more than two hours.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 30 °C. Keep out of the reach of children!

Best before date

5 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

special instructions

When taking homeopathic medicines, existing symptoms may temporarily worsen (primary worsening).
In this case, as well as if side effects occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. If side effects occur that are not described in the instructions for medical use, you should inform your doctor.

Information for patients with diabetes: the carbohydrate content in 1 tablet of the drug corresponds to 0.025 bread units.

Keep away from moisture! Close the pencil case immediately after using the drug.


Homeopathic medicine for the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastroduodenitis, gastritis with high acidity.

Dosage form

Round, flat-cylindrical tablets with a chamfer, from white to yellowish-white in color, sometimes with yellowish or grayish inclusions; without smell.


A multicomponent homeopathic medicine, the effect of which is determined by the components included in its composition.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.


The use of homeopathic medicines does not exclude treatment with other medicines.


Cases of overdose have not been reported to date.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Does not affect.

Indications for taking Duodenochel


Taking homeopathic tablets cannot replace traditional treatment.

Duodenochel can be used in complex therapy of the following pathologies of the digestive tract:

  • acute and chronic hyperacid gastritis;

  • duodenitis;
  • erosions and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum (including with relapses);
  • pyloric spasm;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis.


Check the exact price for the drug Duodenohel in pharmacies in your city. The instructions provide an approximate cost.

The cost in Russia and Ukraine for this product is significantly different.

Price in Russia

In Moscow, the cost of this drug ranges from 277 to 350 rubles.

Price in Ukraine

In Kyiv pharmacies you will have to pay an average of 150 UAH for the drug Duodenohel.

Video on the topic: Stomach ulcer


The combined homeopathic remedy is strictly contraindicated in patients with intolerance to the main or auxiliary ingredients. The tablets contain milk sugar, so they should not be taken by persons with a deficiency of the enzyme lactase, impaired absorption of glucose and galactose, or genetically determined galactosemia. The drug is not prescribed for diagnosed pathologies of the thyroid gland.


Duodenochel is not given to children and adolescents under 12 years of age!

Side effects

The only side effect that this drug can cause is individual intolerance to any elements included in the drug.


This drug is not recommended for use in conditions such as:

  • Childhood. If the child is under 4 years of age, then Duodenochel should be discontinued;
  • Individual intolerance to individual components included in the composition;
  • Lactose deficiency;
  • Glucose malabsorption syndrome;
  • Congenital galactosemia.

This medicine can be prescribed to patients who have problems with the thyroid gland. In this case, the patient must be constantly under the close supervision of a doctor.



This medication should not be taken if the girl is pregnant. This is due to the fact that the drug has a negative effect on the mother's fetus.

If an appointment is necessary, the doctor must select the safest analogue.

You should also avoid taking it if the girl is breastfeeding her baby. This is due to the fact that the medicine has the ability to pass into breast milk.

Doses and regimen

Duodenochel is consumed 1 tablet three times during the day, 30 minutes before meals or 1 hour after . The drug is placed under the tongue and wait until it is completely absorbed. During exacerbations of chronic diseases of the digestive tract, take 1 tablet. at 15-minute intervals for 2 hours. The duration of treatment is determined by the homeopathic specialist; it usually ranges from 3 to 4 weeks. The course can be repeated if necessary. This product should only be given to children and adolescents after consultation with a doctor.

Storage conditions

The drug Duodenochel should be stored at room temperature (up to 25 degrees) in a place where small children and pets will not have access. In addition, you should avoid getting water on the tablets.

If all conditions are met, the shelf life of the drug is no more than 5 years . After this time, this medicine should be discarded. Ingestion is strictly prohibited.

additional information

The use of homeopathic tablets may provoke a transient exacerbation of clinical symptoms. With the so-called “Primary deterioration”, the course should be stopped and a specialist should be consulted.

Diabetics should take into account that the sugar content in 1 tablet. corresponds to 0.025 “bread units” (XE).

The active components do not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions.



◊ tab. for homeopathic resorption: 50 pcs. Reg. No.: P N013498/01

Clinical and pharmacological group:

Homeopathic medicine that reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid

Release form, composition and packaging

Homeopathic lozenges

white to yellowish-white, sometimes with yellowish or grayish inclusions, round, flat-cylindrical, chamfered; without smell.

1 tab.
Semecarpus anacardium (semecarpus anacardium) D430 mg
Argentum nitricum (argentum nitricum) D630 mg
Ipecacuanha (ipecacuanha) D430 mg
Iodum (iodum) D630 mg
Lachesis mutus (lachesis mutus) D1260 mg
Petroleum rectificatum (petroleum rectificatum) D660 mg
Robinia pseudoacacia (Robinia pseudoacacia) D460 mg


magnesium stearate, lactose.

50 pcs. — polypropylene pencil cases (1) — cardboard packs.

Description of the active components of the drug "Duodenochel®"

pharmachologic effect

Homeopathic remedy.


In complex therapy:

— duodenal ulcer;

- gastroduodenitis;

- gastritis with high acidity.

Dosage regimen

Dissolve 1 tablet 3 times a day under the tongue half an hour before meals or 1 hour after meals. For exacerbations, take 1 tablet every 15 minutes for no more than two hours.

The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after consultation with a doctor.

The use of the drug in children over 4 years of age is possible as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician.

Side effect

Allergic reactions are possible.


- diseases of the thyroid gland;

- pregnancy;

- lactation period;

- children under 4 years of age;

- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, in particular to iodine.

The drug contains lactose, and therefore it is not recommended for patients with congenital galactosemia, glucose or galactose malabsorption syndrome, or congenital lactose intolerance.

Pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Application for children

The use of the drug in children over 4 years of age is possible as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician.

special instructions

When taking homeopathic medicines, existing symptoms may temporarily worsen (primary worsening). In this case, you should stop taking the drug and consult your doctor.

If side effects occur that are not described in the instructions for medical use, you should inform your doctor.

Instructions for patients suffering from diabetes: 1 tablet contains 0.025 XE.

Drug interactions

The prescription of complex homeopathic medicines does not exclude the use of other medicines used for this disease.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.

Storage conditions and periods

Store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 15°C to 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children! Shelf life: 5 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

Drug interactions

The prescription of complex homeopathic medicines does not exclude the use of other medicines used for this disease.


Duodenochele has no structural analogues.

Drugs with a similar effect, but with different active ingredients include:

  • Actovegin;
  • Aloe syrup; now on
  • Addamel N;
  • Actiferrin Compositium;
  • Aflutop;
  • Actinolysate;
  • Adenocin.

The question of replacing the drug can only be decided by a homeopath. You should not self-medicate to avoid deterioration of your health.

Plisov Vladimir, doctor, medical observer

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Reviews about this medicine are mixed: some praise the drug, while others, on the contrary, speak negatively about it.

Among the positive aspects, people note the high effectiveness of the product, a convenient method of administration, and the absence of side effects. In addition, many patients note that the drug can be combined with other medications.

There are also negative reviews. Some people note that this drug did not have any therapeutic effect. In addition, many are not satisfied with the high cost of the medicine. Pregnant girls were not satisfied with the fact that the drug is prohibited for use during pregnancy.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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