Chronic pancreatitis

Pancreatitis & Intestines



July 27, 2021

Hello, about 5 months ago, I didn’t eat all day, then at night (which is rare) I ate a salad from a can of tuna, there were also greens, half a loaf of bread, and butter cookies. In the morning I woke up, felt discomfort somewhere in the lower abdomen, increased blood pressure, tachycardia, for 3 days everything was in a fog, as if my vision had dropped slightly, there was a spasm in the back of my neck. I drank 5 tablets of activated carbon. I did an ultrasound, a general blood test, everything was more or less normal, I’ve had gallstones for 8 years now, they didn’t show any symptoms, they said there was just tension in the neck, maybe even from pressure. After that, I started walking a lot and drinking water, my vision was more or less restored, it felt like some kind of intoxication, at night dry mouth began, I woke up inside as if everything had dried out, there was also a sweetish taste in my mouth, while my sugar was normal. Then I went to the doctor, who 10 years ago diagnosed me with an attack of pancreatitis (at that time I had a spasm in the left intestines, I did a colono, there was only left-sided colitis, and they treated me for the heart, since it was radiating there, I came to her no longer, wild weakness, intoxication, she then ordered a test for diastasis, it turned out to be 800, they gave me Contrical drips, and on a diet I somehow came to my senses after 7 months, all this was 10 years ago). And when she came to her, she again sent her for a diastasis test, this time it was 660, she said that the attack was small, prescribed 5 droppers of pantaprazole (ringer + pantaprazole), duspatalin, enzymes Creon 10,000, then after 5 days pantaprazole tablets for a month in the morning , alpha normix. So I was treated for 1 month, interestingly, everything around me seemed lighter from pantaprazole, maybe this was a side effect. I started following a diet, the doctor initially suspected that I had picked up something from canned food, did a stool culture, found Giardia, took Alpha Normix, limited sweets and starchy foods. A month later, I began to notice weakness in my legs, while I still walked a lot. There was also discomfort in the intestines, from the very beginning there was a feeling that it was standing up, as if the intestines were taped inside with tape, the doctor prescribed me enterosgel to clean it, after which constipation began, and then she decided to prescribe Flit for constipation, which is usually done during a colonoscopy. After the cleansing, I became even weaker, my intestines seemed to rebel, I had the urge at night, after bowel movements the intestines were irritated, I even had little strength to walk on my feet, which is interesting after the cleansing, my sugar jumped to 9 on an empty stomach, after that I checked it several times, everything was normal . After that, I drank Alpha Normix again, the intestines stopped waking up with urges, although I began to sleep intermittently, I wake up every three hours. If before this my dry mouth had already more or less gone away, then everything worsened again, I woke up at night, my mouth was all dry, I drank rehydron and water. I felt weak, I began to have trouble sleeping at night, after eating for about an hour I had cramps in the intestines, It’s as if everything is tense. Also after eating there is weakness, about an hour later, then sometimes it can happen after a glass of water, there is a quiet squeak in the left ear, which is either monotonous or seems to go with the pulse. When I get up, it’s as if I’m being pulled down, it feels like my blood pressure is dropping, although while sitting it’s normal. I also lost about 12 kg. Also due to dietary restrictions. Help me figure out what this could be, it all looks like pancreatitis, but this time something has dragged on, it looks like something sluggish. The head is sometimes not clear, as if there is intoxication after eating, my vision even dimmed slightly in the evening, I was also tired of weakness, especially noticeable when walking. At first, when it all started, the stool was yellow, porridge, but now it’s more or less normal. At the moment I don’t drink anything other than enzymes. Before that, I sometimes took ringer droppers and duspatalin. What did I do from the tests: a general blood test three times, slightly increased neurophils, slightly decreased lymphocytes, the rest is normal, tested thyroid hormones TSH, T3, T4, everything is normal, tested glycated hemoglobin, also normal, insulin and insulin resistance are normal , general stool analysis, there is a little mucus, no hidden blood, no parasites, I also did a culture, lipase, amylase in the blood are normal, calprotectin is normal, tumor marker CEA is normal. The last two ultrasounds showed slight diffuse changes in the pancreas, gallstones. Fgds, mild gastritis, Helicobacter positive, pylorus sphincter does not close, two polyps 0.6, 0.7. CT scan of the abdominal cavity with contrast - again, as on the ultrasound, gallstones and spasm in the intestines, at the point of transition of the thin to the thick, the doctor said there was nothing like that on the CT, and so far he rejected the colonoscopy. I haven’t had a colonoscopy yet, because I’m already weak, and then after washing, I barely came to my senses. Now I’m trying to expand my diet, go out and walk more, even though I’m weak. I don’t understand what can cause such a condition, maybe I can do a gallstone test with a stress ultrasound. 10 years ago I also lost weight, I was weak, and an ultrasound showed my pancreas to be normal, but it turned out to be pancreatitis, and after the contraception I felt better, but now I can’t fully come to my senses, maybe my intestines are also inflamed from everything. How can you try to remove weakness, something might leak? I made ringer with vitamins, but it was of little use.

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