Sleep disturbance during pregnancy

Sleep disturbance during pregnancy is a common cause that causes a woman severe discomfort and leads to loss of strength due to the fact that the body cannot replenish it at night due to lack of proper rest. During pregnancy, restful sleep of sufficient duration is very important, since if it is lacking, not only the mother, but also the child begins to suffer. Considering this, it is important to immediately seek medical help and treatment if a disruption in biorhythms occurs. It is strictly forbidden to choose your own medications, as this can easily cause serious harm to the unborn child and mother.

Insomnia during pregnancy occurs in most women and is manifested by problems with falling asleep and insufficient sleep duration, starting from the early stages of pregnancy. It is provoked by hormonal changes (sleep disturbance during menopause also occurs due to hormonal surges). Often the disorder occurs in women who previously had no difficulty sleeping at all. A particular danger of sleep disturbance is associated with the fact that a woman gradually becomes overtired, which has an extremely negative effect on the fetus and can even cause the loss of the child. According to medical statistics, in the first 4 months of pregnancy, sleep disturbances are observed in 80% of women, and in the later stages - in 97%. Sleep problems in the first weeks after the expected conception are regarded as one of the indirect symptoms of pregnancy.

For the occurrence of sleep disturbances, the impetus is various physiological changes in a woman’s body, as well as her psychological state, which usually becomes unstable. When a doctor comes to him with a complaint of insomnia, he immediately tries to find out what category of factors affect the woman. After determining them, the most effective treatment in a particular case is prescribed.

What's happening

There is very little space in the uterus now, so don’t be surprised if the number of movements decreases. Be sure to listen to your baby's every movement: both excessive activity and complete calmness are not very good signs. Normally, at 40 weeks of pregnancy, you should feel about 10 movements in 12 hours.

Like the mother, the baby is preparing for birth. In order for the birth process to go smoothly, the tiny body produces the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine, which should reduce pain when the fetus passes through the birth canal.

By the 39th – 40th week of pregnancy, the baby’s blood circulation is established, the digestive system is actively functioning, processing amniotic fluid and dead skin cells. The meconium formed from them will leave the baby’s intestines only after birth. The bones of the skull are still flexible, allowing the fetus to pass through the birth canal without hindrance.

The 40th week of pregnancy should be the final one, but in practice only a few women give birth at the expected time. So be patient and wait while continuing to lead your normal life. In any case, very soon you will hug your baby.

How you feel

If you have not yet had any warning signs of labor, they may appear at 40 weeks of pregnancy.

  • Lowering of the abdomen. The baby moves down in the uterus and presses its head against the pelvic floor. Due to this, the expectant mother’s heartburn disappears and it becomes much easier for her to breathe. But due to the strong pressure on the bladder, pregnant women at this stage are forced to go to the toilet more often;
  • Food system disorders. Approximately 24 to 48 hours before labor begins, loose stools may occur;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Weight loss. Before childbirth, body weight may decrease by 1 - 2 kg;
  • Exit of the mucus plug. During the 40 weeks of pregnancy, the plug closed the entrance to the cervix, protecting the baby from infections. Its separation (you will know this by the lumps of mucus on the panties) frees the birth canal for the child;
  • Discharge of amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid is released just before birth. Most often it is transparent, but if particles of meconium have entered it, the color may be yellowish or greenish;
  • Painful contractions. Primipara women may confuse training contractions with real ones, especially since by 39–40 weeks of pregnancy, false uterine contractions are also accompanied by pain and are repeated more often than in previous periods. To understand exactly what kind of contractions you are having, change your body position during muscle contractions. Lie down or, conversely, stand up, walk around the room, then sit on a chair. If the contractions have stopped, then it is not labor yet.

The use of sleeping pills is allowed

Quite often, a woman during pregnancy, in order to improve her sleep, voluntarily tries to use sleeping pills. Doing this is strictly prohibited. Drugs in this category cannot be used during pregnancy. Such drugs will cause serious harm to the developing child and may even cause his death.

Only certain herbal preparations can be used to restore sleep, which should be selected by the gynecologist observing the woman. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe them for yourself.

As a folk sleeping pill, even before consulting a doctor, you can only use milk with honey, but only if there is no allergy to the beekeeping product. The drink should be warm and drunk no earlier than 20 minutes before you plan to go to bed.

Risk factors

The main danger of 40 weeks of pregnancy is rapid labor. The baby can be born very quickly, especially in multiparous women. Therefore, it is better to go to the hospital in advance, approximately a week before the expected date of birth. And if you live close to the hospital, avoid long trips and tedious shopping trips.

At the 40th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor the nature of the discharge. If they change their smell, color and consistency (for example, they become purulent or cheesy), this indicates an infectious disease that requires immediate treatment. The presence of pathogenic microbes in the vagina creates a risk of infection for the child.

As at any stage, at 39–40 weeks of pregnancy anemia is dangerous, as a result of which the level of oxygen in the tissues decreases. Low hemoglobin provokes fetal hypoxia, and the expectant mother faces an increased risk of developing late toxicosis and complications during childbirth.

Possible signs of anemia during pregnancy:

  • Dry skin;
  • Brittle nails and hair;
  • Feeling of weakness and fatigue;
  • Paleness of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Insomnia;
  • Headache;
  • Feeling of impending fainting;
  • Arrhythmia and bradycardia;
  • Constipation;
  • Presence of taste perversions.

Treatment of anemia involves taking iron supplements and following a special diet.

Causes of heartburn during pregnancy

The main factor that causes heartburn is the hormone progesterone. This is the main hormone of pregnancy, allowing the fetus to develop normally. It is progesterone that relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus, this is necessary to prevent miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. Progesterone affects not only the myometrium, but also all muscles in the body. Heartburn most often occurs due to the release of gastric juice into the esophagus, as a result of which the sensitive mucous membrane is irritated. Of course, the esophagus is protected from the effects of stomach acid by a kind of valve - the sphincter. But under the influence of progesterone, muscle tone is relaxed, including the muscles of the esophagus. And this muscle clamp valve in this relaxed state allows stomach acid to enter the esophagus. Tight closure of the sphincter is also prevented by the enlargement of the uterus and increased intra-abdominal pressure, so heartburn worsens as the period increases or may occur at approximately 25 weeks.

High levels of hormones during pregnancy also affect the duration of digestion. The muscle contractions that help food pass through the esophagus are slowed by hormonal secretions. As a result, the digestive process and breakdown of food takes longer, leading to indigestion and heartburn. Typically, heartburn begins soon after eating, especially after eating large amounts of fatty, fried and spicy foods, and can last from a few minutes to several hours at a time. Many pregnant women note that they constantly experience heartburn, even if they do not eat or drink anything. Heartburn often appears when the expectant mother lies down, so she has to sleep sitting up.

Medical observation

At the 40th week of pregnancy, you will have another trip to the doctor, where the usual procedures will be carried out: measuring blood pressure, weighing, determining the height of the uterine fundus and, of course, listening to the baby’s heartbeat.

And in order to monitor the functioning of the kidneys, you will need to take a urine test. If your doctor's due date has passed, you may be scheduled for a Doppler ultrasound. This study makes it possible to evaluate the blood flow of the fetus, blood circulation in the placenta and uterine vessels, and also determine whether the baby receives enough oxygen and necessary substances. Another study, sometimes prescribed at 40 weeks of pregnancy, is cardiotocography, thanks to which the specialist will be able to exclude intrauterine hypoxia.


In the time remaining before giving birth, try to rest properly, because after the birth of the child this is unlikely to happen. Now it is very important to remain calm, because your emotional state greatly affects the baby. Tune in to the upcoming birth and think only about the good.

At 39–40 weeks of pregnancy, you should not experiment with nutrition. Eat foods high in protein and carbohydrates. They will help you gain strength and stock up on the energy you will need during childbirth. Don't forget about vitamins. Now the body needs vitamin K (it is found in spinach, all types of cabbage, asparagus, herbs, plums and prunes). This element improves blood clotting, which is very important for childbirth. You also need vitamin A, found in yellow, red and orange vegetables and fruits, beef liver, egg yolks and full-fat dairy products. Its lack can lead to the baby being underweight. And even at 39–40 weeks of pregnancy, you need B vitamins: they ensure not only the proper development of the fetus, but also the well-being of the mother. Their most valuable source is dry brewer's yeast, but it can only be used after consulting a doctor. B vitamins are also present in oatmeal, millet, meat, fish, eggs, legumes and dairy products.

If at 40 weeks of pregnancy you feel the onset of contractions, do not rush to go to the maternity hospital. Before giving birth, you should replenish your energy reserves, and for this you can drink sweet tea, jelly or compote, eat some low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt. As soon as the duration of contractions reaches 1 minute, and the interval between them is 5–7 minutes, go to the maternity hospital.

Many expectant parents are interested in the question of whether it is harmful to have sex at 39–40 weeks of pregnancy. In the absence of contraindications, this is not prohibited. And in some cases, sexual intercourse is even recommended as a means of preparing for childbirth. The sperm contains the hormone prostaglandin, which softens the cervix, and the orgasm experienced by the woman stimulates the onset of contractions.

How to get rid of pregnancy heartburn

Many medications against high stomach acidity and heartburn negatively affect the development of the fetus, so they should not be used. And those drugs that are approved give a weak and short-term effect. Therefore, treatment of heartburn during pregnancy should consist not so much in the use of drugs, but in a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Only a doctor can prescribe medications for heartburn. Short-acting antacids that work in the lumen of the stomach and are not absorbed into the blood are usually recommended. However, when taking antacids you need to be very careful - they neutralize acid, but the acidity of gastric juices is different for everyone, only special tests can accurately determine it. In any case, you should definitely consult your doctor. Under no circumstances should you drink soda - the effect is short-term, but then a rebound effect occurs, since hydrochloric acid is synthesized faster due to soda. Therefore, the best option would still be a diet.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman with heartburn

A pregnant woman should exclude lemons, pickles, pickled foods, carbonated drinks, and coffee from her diet. If heartburn occurs frequently during pregnancy, then you need to exclude fermented milk products, fresh berries and fruits, and vegetables that increase acidity in the stomach: tomatoes, cabbage. Too cold or hot foods can cause heartburn, so ice cream and hot tea should be removed from the diet. In some women, acidity in the stomach increases due to fresh yeast bread, fatty meats, fried foods and boiled eggs. Some medications relax the muscles of the esophagus and thereby increase heartburn, in particular antispasmodics no-shpa, papaverine. They are often prescribed when there is a threat of miscarriage. If heartburn is severe during pregnancy, you should discuss with your doctor the issue of changing the drug. You should not stop taking the pills on your own, as this can lead to a miscarriage.

Smoking contributes to the onset and worsening of heartburn, so quitting this bad habit can help. Stress also increases the production of hydrochloric acid, so if a pregnant woman is very nervous, then heartburn pills will be ineffective. It is better to take sedatives and enveloping drugs, then the condition will improve significantly.

You need to eat in small portions: in small portions, five to seven times a day, the last time three hours before bedtime, this reduces the manifestation of heartburn. You can drink milk in small portions throughout the day. Oatmeal, walnuts and almonds help eliminate heartburn. Ginger often helps; you can add it to your food in powder form, or you can buy fresh ginger root and cut off small pieces to chew.

Herbal remedies for heartburn, which have an astringent and enveloping effect, may well alleviate the condition.

You can also drink various jelly as an enveloping and soothing stomach remedy.

Sometimes heartburn becomes a temporary phenomenon and goes away after the body adapts to the new hormonal levels and the tone of the esophageal sphincter muscles returns to normal. If this does not happen, you need to tell your obstetrician-gynecologist about heartburn, who will help correct the situation to one degree or another. Remember that treatment is prescribed strictly individually.

The main rules for dealing with heartburn during pregnancy

Proper nutrition, avoiding compression of the stomach, which occurs when bending over, wearing tight clothes or constricting the stomach. A horizontal position also provokes attacks of heartburn, especially after eating, so for 40-60 minutes after eating you need to walk, sit, but not lie or bend over. If you have heartburn, it is better to sleep on your back, with your upper body elevated with pillows. If you really want to turn on your side, keep in mind that depending on the curve of your stomach, heartburn is always felt stronger on one side than on the other.

If a woman follows all the necessary rules, then the likelihood of heartburn worsening is minimal.

Shortly before giving birth, heartburn goes away because the amount of progesterone in the pregnant woman’s blood drops. In addition, despite the fact that the uterus has reached a large size, the height of its fundus is gradually decreasing, and the uterus puts less pressure on the stomach. After childbirth, the burning sensation usually disappears without a trace. But if there is a tendency to excess acid formation, gastritis or stomach ulcers may appear over time.

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