Features of eating beets for gastritis

Dishes such as borscht and beetroot soup are very similar. Because they are made from beets, served as a starter, tasty and healthy at any time of the year. But there are still differences. Firstly, beetroot soup is a cold soup. Therefore, it is best to cook it in the summer. Secondly, the liquid part of such a soup consists of beetroot infusion or bread kvass. Beetroot soup is never hot!

Having dealt with the differences between borscht and beetroot soup, let’s move on to the next question: is it possible to have beetroot soup for gastritis? Not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. On the one hand, patients are allowed to eat beets exclusively in boiled form. Because raw vegetables have an irritating effect on the lining of the stomach. On the other hand, when acidity is increased, the vegetable is generally removed from the diet. It can make you feel worse. But with normal and low acidity, beets are allowed for consumption.

Is it possible to eat beets if you have gastritis?

It’s not for nothing that beets are increasingly called the queen of the vegetable garden. After all, it has multiple beneficial properties and brings invaluable benefits to human health. In particular, it minimizes the risk of sclerotic changes for the human body, and also perfectly strengthens the walls of capillaries. Due to the presence of certain substances in its composition, this vegetable helps remove excess fluid from the human body. But, is it possible to have boiled beets for gastritis? After all, it is in this form that it is very widely used in cooking, in particular, as part of casseroles, salads and other dishes.

It should be emphasized that people throughout history have used this product as a medicinal

When a person has abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive organs, the first thing he needs is proper nutrition. Sometimes it is very difficult to plan your diet when the list of allowed foods is quite small. Today we will talk about an amazing product that does not cause much interest among society. This is a plant with large fruits from the Amaranth family - beets. Due to its taste, the fruit of this plant is not popular compared to other fruits. But if people knew the full value of beets, they would change their attitude towards the root vegetable.

It should be emphasized that people throughout history have used this product as a medicinal product. Since time immemorial, people have known the healing effect that seemingly inconspicuous beets have. And, surprisingly, there are legends about beetroot (as beets are called in the southwestern territory of Russia). One of them says that beets were used as a medicine during plague epidemics.

Unfortunately, this super-healthy product cannot be used in case of inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa or ulcers. This is due to the irritating effect of fiber, as well as acids, which are generally contraindicated for gastritis with increased secretion. Cramping and heartburn may occur. Is it possible to eat boiled beets? For gastritis with hyposecretion, beets can be eaten in small quantities and boiled.

Features of eating

Patients with gastritis can use beets in their diet, but they must follow the rules for its use (dosage, frequency of intake, type of processing), and only in this case will such people be able to minimize possible risks.


A doctor can recommend the optimal dose for consuming a vegetable or beet juice , so you should consult with a specialist before starting juice therapy or introducing root vegetables into your diet.

You can find out whether you can eat a vegetable every day, what the norm is and the dangers of exceeding it in our material.

In what form can it be eaten?

Beetroot retains its beneficial properties well; it must be included in the diet of a patient with gastrointestinal pathology, especially in the spring (you can find out the chemical composition of the red root vegetable, as well as the benefits and harms of beets for human health, in a separate material).

Root vegetables can be taken in the following forms::

  1. Boil vegetables until softened, peel and grate. You can add finely chopped herbs (dill, parsley) to the dish as a seasoning and add salt to taste.

  2. Vegetables are grated and used as a component for casseroles.
  3. You can use young beet leaves to make soups. It must be thoroughly washed and cut. The tops contain many vitamins and healthy substances.
  4. Root vegetables can be baked in the oven. To do this, wash the vegetables, wrap them in foil and put them in the oven for 15-20 minutes, temperature – 200°C. Use baked beets in salads.
  5. During the remission stage, it is possible to consume raw beets, but to do this, they should be processed in the following way. The vegetable needs to be grated, then kept in the cold for several hours. Add to salads, mixing with other vegetables.
  6. To prepare beet juice, you need to take mature vegetables, with thick skin, and an even bright burgundy color.
    Freshly squeezed juice should be consumed only after it has settled, as it contains toxins that are subject to breakdown only when exposed to oxygen.
  7. Vegetable oils (olive, sunflower) and methane with a low percentage of fat content are suitable for seasoning beet dishes. Spices should not be used. They only increase irritation of the gastric mucosa.
  8. It is not advisable to combine beets with yeast products that cause strong fermentation, with sour juice, or with kvass.

Even before our era they knew about the healing properties of beets. Read the advice of our experts about the benefits of this vegetable and how to take it correctly for oncology, sore throat, cholelithiasis, runny nose, diabetes, to cleanse the whole body and liver.

Are boiled beets allowed for gastritis?

So how useful are beets against the development of gastritis? The fact is that if we are talking about gastritis, which is caused by increased acidity of the juice in the stomach, then only boiled beets will be acceptable on the menu. For cases where acidity is low, experts allow freshly squeezed juice made from this root vegetable.

It's no secret that this vegetable contains iron, as well as zinc and iodine. But the presence of vitamins in it is small, even limited. If we consider the chemical composition of this root vegetable, it is worth noting, among other things, the presence of bioflavonoids, amino acids, glucose and fructose, and pectin. In addition, it also contains fiber, which effectively improves intestinal motility.

So, is it possible to have boiled beets for gastritis? It is precisely because of the presence of coarse fiber in its composition that it is not desirable for gastritis with increased secretion. The fact is that immediately after it enters the stomach, beets begin to have a strong mechanical effect on its inflamed mucous membrane. But precisely against the background of inflammation, that same coarse fiber will cause serious damage to it, which will definitely lead to a deterioration in the patient’s general condition.

But fresh beets have obvious juice-containing properties. Therefore, if necessary, it can well increase the acidity in the stomach in cases of decreased secretion.

So is it possible to include beets in your menu for gastritis that occurs against the background of increased acidity? Experts allow its use against the background of stable remission. But at the same time, heat treatment will be required for it.

So is it possible to include beets in your menu for gastritis that occurs against the background of increased acidity? Experts allow its use against the background of stable remission. But at the same time, heat treatment will be required for it. Under no circumstances should you overuse this root vegetable, so it should be present in minimal quantities on the menu of patients with gastritis.

For boiled beets to be most beneficial for gastritis, you do not need to prepare them correctly. Therefore, it must be boiled in its peel, that is, preliminary cleaning is not necessary. Moreover, during the cooking of beets, you need to monitor the safety of the peel. After all, it is precisely this that ensures the best preservation of all nutrients. In total, 15 minutes will be enough to cook the beets. If desired, such a manipulation as cooking can be replaced by baking. After all, beets baked in the oven for gastritis will have the same properties as boiled ones.

Rules for cooking vegetables

Since fresh beets can increase acidity in most forms of gastritis, you need to know how to cook them.

First, fruits of equal size are selected. It is important that each vegetable is cooked with the same heat treatment period. Then the root vegetables are thoroughly washed in warm water.

The fruits must be placed in a container, filled with water so that the products are covered. The pan should be put on fire. Once the boil starts, you can cook the beets for no longer than 15 minutes. This is the only way to really preserve all the beneficial properties.

Beets should always be boiled with their skins on and should not be pierced during cooking. There is no need to salt the water.

The product is sometimes consumed with high acidity, but only under the condition of careful heat treatment. In addition to boiling, patients enjoy eating baked beets. To do this, the washed fruits should be lightly greased with oil, wrapped in foil and placed in the oven for 15 minutes at 200 degrees.

When a product is prohibited

Although eating beets for gastritis is allowed, there are contraindications:

  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers;
  • severe osteoporosis;
  • exacerbation of gastritis.

Raw root vegetables tend to accumulate toxic substances. The most dangerous place is considered to be the area closer to the tops. To reduce the risk, it is better to cut off this area.

It is undesirable to eat even boiled beets during periods of inflammation due to gastritis. Due to the high fiber content, it “scrapes off” everything that is on the surface of the internal digestive organs. If the stomach walls are inflamed, it will cause pain and possibly nausea.

The diet for gastritis should not include beets if frequent diarrhea occurs. Since the vegetable accelerates peristalsis, the problem will worsen.

Patients suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should monitor what products they combine beets with. The introduction of this vegetable and any yeast components into the menu leads to fermentation.

Is the product allowed?

If you have gastritis, you can eat beets only in properly cooked form. Raw vegetables can irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is important to monitor the amount of product consumed. With gastritis with high acidity, beets can aggravate the condition. It is better to eat dishes with this vegetable with normal or reduced acidity.

Although you can eat beets if you have gastritis, you should be careful when adding seasonings. Due to increased sensitivity in the stomach with this disease, nausea and discomfort may develop.

But is it permissible to eat vegetables with subatrophic gastritis? Yes, provided that the acidity is normal or reduced. With this form of the disease, the inner layer of the protective glands gradually becomes thinner, causing atrophic areas to increase. Therefore, the vegetable can be consumed cooked in small portions.

Indications and contraindications

People suffering from gastritis are justifiably worried: is it possible to eat beets, under what conditions is it beneficial, and when should it not be consumed?

You should not include pickled and pickled beets in your diet if you have any form of gastritis. Root vegetables, which have a powerful laxative effect, are not recommended for use for diarrhea. But they are useful for those who suffer from persistent constipation.

Raw vegetables are contraindicated for gastritis with high acidity for the following reasons:

  1. Hard root vegetables contain a lot of fiber. Coarse dietary fiber, when digested, injures the mucous membranes of the stomach.
  2. Hydrochloric acid, intensely released during the splitting of beets, corrodes the mucous membranes. New ulcers and erosions form on them, and old ones grow and deepen. Eating fresh root vegetables is allowed in the remission stage and with gastritis with low acidity. Raw beets are usually added to salads.

Thermally processed vegetable is the best option for feeding people with gastritis. In this form, it is not able to increase the acidity of gastric juice.

It is forbidden to add hot spices, vinegar and mayonnaise to dishes with boiled and fresh beets. Spices irritate the mucous membranes and increase the negative effects of hydrochloric acid. To season dishes, use vegetable oils and low-fat sour cream.

The difference in vegetable consumption with high and low acidity

The difference in the use of beets for hyperacid and hypoacid gastritis lies in the difference in the methods of processing the root crop for further use in the diet.

Let's consider both variants of the disease:

  1. Gastroenterologists suggest actively including the root vegetable in the menu of a patient with low acid secretion, as it stimulates the production of gastric juice.
    You should be careful when consuming the vegetable raw, so in the beet recipe it is recommended to heat the root vegetables.
  2. In case of highly acidic secretion, doctors warn patients against frequent consumption of heat-treated vegetables and against consumption in raw form. Since the menu for this category of patients should consist of products whose action is aimed at blunting the production of hydrochloric acid.

Can people with gastritis eat beets?

It is necessary to exclude pickled beets from the diet - it will also provoke a rise in acid levels.
It is best to eat it after heat treatment. People with gastritis can eat beets, but not always:

  • Considering that this vegetable contains a huge amount of useful substances, once it enters the stomach, it will force the organ to produce juice. For this reason, patients with gastritis with high acidity should never consume beets. Regardless of the method of preparation, the product will increase the acid content in the stomach, which will lead to an immediate aggravation of the disease.
  • If the acidity level in the stomach is within normal limits, the root vegetable can be consumed, but also with caution. Hot spices, ketchup and mayonnaise should not be used as seasonings. These food additives will have a bad effect on the stomach, causing nausea or vomiting in the patient. Olive oil and low-fat sour cream can be used as seasonings.

It is necessary to exclude pickled beets from the diet - it will also provoke a rise in acid levels. It is best to consume it after heat treatment.

How often can I use it?

The frequency of use directly depends on the patient's health status . Boiled and baked beets can be eaten in small quantities every day, limited only by your own tastes and needs. But you should not get carried away, as large portions of beets can cause intestinal upset and aggravate gastrointestinal diseases. During remission, patients with high acidity of gastric juice can periodically eat 100 g of boiled vegetables.

Thus, a properly prepared and moderate portion of a beet dish will lift your spirits, give you additional strength, and most importantly, will contribute to the recovery of a person suffering from gastritis.

Boiled beets

Baked or boiled root vegetables are a healthy food product. Heat-treated vegetables are consumed with high and low acidity.

Boiled beets are used for gastritis to relieve inflammation and pain caused by excess acidity. Soups, side dishes and salads made from it lift your spirits, strengthen your immune system, and restore your strength. Thanks to them, the body's defense reactions are mobilized. It actively fights germs. Beetroot dishes saturate tissues with minerals and bioactive substances. The vegetable contains S-methylmethionine, a rare antioxidant with anti-ulcer properties. Vitamin U accelerates the regeneration of damaged mucous membranes. Ulcers and erosive formations heal quickly.

What are the benefits of beets for gastritis?

Although beets are a simple and affordable vegetable, the benefits hidden in them are many times greater than many expensive dish ingredients and special additives. The benefit of the vegetable for gastritis lies in its ability to accelerate the process of food digestion. Beets have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The fiber contained in the product is responsible for the function of improving peristalsis. Pectin, found in root vegetables, reduces the amount of cholesterol and improves the functioning of the intestinal tract. The vegetable has the property of preventing and relieving inflammation. Special substances in the composition have a diuretic effect and increase metabolism. Beets replenish the body with elements such as sodium, iron, iodine, and phosphorus.

Useful properties of the product

In general, boiled beets are beneficial for gastritis. The vegetable has the following properties:

  • normalizes intestinal motility;
  • prevents constipation;
  • relieves inflammatory processes;
  • saturates the body with vitamins and microelements;
  • improves the condition of blood vessels;
  • helps remove excess fluid from the body;
  • has a calming effect;
  • protects against free radicals;
  • neutralizes pathogenic microflora;
  • normalizes the psycho-emotional state;
  • rejuvenates body tissues;
  • improves metabolic processes.

Unlike many vegetables, beets are best consumed only after proper heat treatment. It retains all useful properties. You should take into account the rules for preparing the product so as not to harm the body.

Beetroot contains many useful substances. It is rich in iodine, zinc, amino acids and fiber. Regular consumption helps reduce blood cholesterol, get rid of toxins and waste, and protect the body from iron deficiency anemia.

We recommend: What is atrophic gastritis and is it dangerous?

A little history and interesting facts about beets

If we turn to history, we will find that in the Middle Ages, the Eastern Slavs sincerely believed: beets can protect the human body even from the plague! This belief was explained very simply - the plague epidemic never managed to “swallow” the peoples of Eastern Europe (who passionately loved beets), although in Western Europe the plague raged in full.

As we said above, modern researchers have not yet found in beets the miraculous properties that our ancestors endowed them with, but it is reliably known that this root vegetable contains substances that can effectively fight cancer cells. True, the vast majority of vegetables and fruits have anti-cancer properties, so beets cannot stand out with this fact.

The most interesting fact, in our opinion, is that beet tops on average contain twice as many useful substances as the root vegetable. Moreover, this applies not only to chard (leaf), but also to the most common table beet, which we use to prepare borscht, herring under a fur coat and other “red” dishes.

Hence the conclusion: fresh beet leaves should not be thrown away, but eaten as a salad, or in some other way... By the way, this is exactly what people did in ancient times. At first, only wild plants were eaten, but a little later - around the second millennium BC - Swiss chard began to be cultivated. Well, for the sake of root crops, beets began to be grown only in the 4th century BC. (on the islands of the Mediterranean Sea).

Beet root crops came to Russian lands around the 10th century AD. In Western Europe, beets appeared three centuries later. Three centuries later, beets began to be divided into fodder and table beets, and in the 18th century, sugar beets were also separated.

Nowadays, beets are eaten everywhere, both by people and pets. And about a third of all sugar in the world is now produced from sugar beets.

The chemical composition of beets greatly depends on the fertility of the soil in which they grew. What cannot but affect the results of research on this root vegetable published in the scientific community

How to cook beets if a person has gastritis?

To prevent dark red root vegetables from causing harm to the stomach, it is important to cook them correctly.

  • Choose fruits of the same size at the supermarket or market. This will allow each vegetable to cook at the same time.
  • Wash the beets thoroughly in warm water.
  • Place the fruits in a large container and add enough water to completely cover the roots.
  • Place the pan on the fire. Wait until it boils. 15 minutes after the water has boiled, remove the beets. This will preserve the maximum amount of useful elements and nutrients.

Before cooking, the beets do not need to be peeled - just rinse them well under running water. It’s also not worth salting the water or piercing the root vegetables.

Chemical composition of beets

The chemical composition of beets greatly depends on the fertility of the soil in which they grew. Which cannot but affect the results of research on this root vegetable published in the scientific community...

So, for example, some scientists claim that the chemical composition of red beets contains practically no microelements, but there is quite a lot of folic acid, while others say that beets are full of chromium, molybdenum, vanadium and other micronutrients, but there is practically no folic acid.

Moreover, the amount of macroelements (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium), as well as B vitamins, is almost identical in all studies.

MagnitudeQuantity per 100 grams
Beet calories42 kcal
Fats0.1 gram
Squirrels1.5 grams
Water86 grams
Alimentary fiber2.5 grams
Organic acids0.1 gram
Mono- and disaccharides8.7 grams
VitaminsA, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, PP, Beta-carotene
MineralsPotassium (288 mg.), Calcium (22 mg.), Magnesium (46 mg.), Sodium (46 mg.), Phosphorus (43 mg.), Iron (1.4 mg.).

Where does this leave us? To one of two:

1) you can choose the results of the study you like most and be guided by them in life

2) or take into account the similarities and completely ignore controversial indicators, and also observe your feelings when eating beets

You can also turn to traditional medicine, but this option is somewhat out of line with the “scientific” approach to evaluating beets. Therefore, we will not recommend it. Although, perhaps this is what will help you in the end...

Authorized Products

The diet for atrophic gastritis includes:

  • Concentrated broths based on lean meat/fish/mushrooms and first courses based on them with the addition of finely chopped vegetables and permitted cereals.
  • Lean red meat (beef, pork, lamb), rabbit meat and poultry (chicken, turkey) boiled, baked or stewed (bits, cutlets, zrazy, quenelles).
  • Low-fat fish (hake, pink salmon, cod, pollock, pike) in pieces or in the form of cutlets, meatballs.
  • Dried (yesterday's) wheat bread, dry cookies, uneaten flour products.
  • Broth-based jellied dishes, sauces prepared with meat broths for main courses.
  • Porridges cooked with water/meat broth.
  • Dairy/fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, curdled milk, sour cream, omelet with cheese, grated cheese, milk, cottage cheese and cream in dishes).
  • Vegetable puree (zucchini, potato, beetroot, pumpkin, carrot, cauliflower), green peas, stewed vegetables with the addition of garden herbs and vegetable oils.
  • Ripe pureed fruits, oranges, baked apples, tangerines, watermelon, peeled grapes.
  • Desserts: marshmallows, marshmallows, jam, marmalade, preserves, honey.
  • Diluted vegetable/fruit juices, tea with lemon, mineral water, coffee and cocoa.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens


Cereals and porridges

white rice6,70,778,9344

Flour and pasta


Bakery products

white bread crackers11,21,472,2331


Maria cookies8,78,870,9400

Raw materials and seasonings

milk sauce2,07,15,284



Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese17,25,01,8121

Meat products

boiled beef25,816,80,0254
boiled veal30,70,90,0131


boiled chicken25,27,40,0170


chicken eggs12,710,90,7157

Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,00,00,0

Juices and compotes

apricot juice0,90,19,038
carrot juice1,10,16,428
pumpkin juice0,00,09,038
rose hip juice0,10,017,670
* data is per 100 g of product

Calorie content of beets (boiled and raw)

Separately, I would like to talk about the calorie content of beets. Because there are some features that everyone who monitors their weight and blood sugar levels should know...

Let's start with the fact that boiled beets stimulate the appetite, but raw ones do not. Why? Yes, because the glycemic index of beets (the ability to increase blood sugar) increases greatly during heat treatment. If we express this in numbers, we get the following picture:

  • glycemic index of raw beets – about 30
  • glycemic index of boiled beets – about 65
  • Swiss chard is completely harmless in this regard, since its glycemic index is approximately 15

As a result, some nutritionists believe that boiled beets greatly increase blood sugar levels and are therefore contraindicated for people with diabetes. However, this is not quite true. After all, the calorie content of boiled beets is only 44 kcal per 100 grams (raw - 42 kcal), and not everyone can eat more than 150-200 grams of boiled beets in one sitting.

In addition, no matter how many calories are in boiled beets, and what its glycemic index is, it should be borne in mind that in cooking, beets are almost always mixed with vegetable oil, high-protein foods or unsweetened vegetables. Therefore, any dish with red beets has a low glycemic index and practically does not affect blood sugar levels.

Beetroot in a therapeutic diet for gastritis: is it possible or not?

The root vegetable increases acidity, which means that beets with gastritis with high acidity should not be consumed too often.
To determine whether or not you can eat beets with gastritis, let’s remember the most common forms of the disease. As a rule, it occurs against a background of increased or decreased acidity. Depending on the “activity” of your stomach, a special diet is prescribed.

  1. The root vegetable increases acidity, which means that beets for gastritis with high acidity should not be consumed too often. Abuse will lead to an increase in the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The result is a deterioration in general health, the appearance of pain, nausea and vomiting.
  2. Often a lot of salt and spices are added to beet salads. When cooked, the vegetable in combination with hot seasonings also causes an increase in acidity.
  3. If you follow the measure, red beets will be beneficial for gastritis. It is a source of many vitamins, and for constipation and vitamin deficiencies, which often accompany gastrointestinal diseases, it is simply invaluable.
  4. At zero acidity, it is recommended to introduce the product into the diet in small quantities. But raw beets are extremely undesirable for gastritis.

Possible negative consequences

Gastritis leads to damage to the mucous membrane , which as a result becomes very sensitive.

Beets included in the diet of a patient with hyperacid gastritis, as a product with strong irritating properties, can lead to various undesirable symptoms.

The following ailments may occur in a patient when eating raw vegetables:

  1. injury to the gastric mucosa due to mechanical action of fiber;
  2. the appearance of swelling of mucous surfaces;
  3. allergic skin rashes;
  4. strong feeling of nausea and dizziness, weakness.

Beet juice for gastritis

Drinking beet juice is allowed only for people who have low acidity in the stomach due to gastritis.
Drinking beet juice is allowed only for people who have low acidity in the stomach due to gastritis. If the production of gastric juice is poor, this drink facilitates the process of digesting food and stimulates the formation of secretion.

  • You should not drink beetroot juice from stores, as it may contain dyes and other undesirable impurities that can worsen the patient’s condition.
  • It is also prohibited to take beet juice during an exacerbation of gastritis. Even with a low content of gastric juice, the product in this case will provoke a deterioration in the patient’s condition, increasing pain and the inflammatory process.

Beet juice

For gastritis, beets are consumed in the form of juice. Only it will be useful for low acidity. A drink made from raw vegetables has a stimulating effect and restores stomach function in case of insufficient secretion. You should not drink juice if your illness worsens.

A freshly squeezed drink is useful, not a store-bought one, since the latter contains additives and preservatives. To obtain the drink, you should make sure that you are using a product grown in an environmentally friendly place. The drink should not be consumed if you have diarrhea or food allergies. Before use, you should consult your doctor to find out about the possibility of taking juice and the norm.

Cooking rules

Useful components are preserved only if the vegetable is cooked correctly:

  • Speaking of boiled vegetables, it is worth noting that they do not need to be peeled before this process. During cooking, care must be taken to ensure that the outer skin remains intact.
  • You can cook the vegetable either in a saucepan or in the oven. To do this, the root vegetables are washed and then placed in foil, first greased with vegetable oil. Cooking time – no more than 15 minutes.
  • In order to prepare beetroot juice at home, the vegetable must be thoroughly washed. It is also worth treating the apparatus that will be used in the juice production process.

Already prepared juice should be consumed as quickly as possible: the more time passes, the more beneficial properties are lost.


You can prepare different dishes from vegetables:

  1. Salad. You need to boil and grate ½ beet and 1 carrot. You also need to peel and grate the apple. Mix the ingredients, add low-fat sour cream (3 tbsp.).
  2. The vinaigrette. You will need potatoes (2 tubers), beets (1 root vegetable), carrots. Vegetables must be boiled and cut into cubes. The products need to be mixed, dill, salt and vegetable oil added.
  3. Sweet salad. Add chopped prunes to the boiled beets. The salad should be mixed with sour cream and honey.

Beets are a healthy and tasty vegetable. It contains a lot of glucose and fructose. In addition to problems with acidity, the root vegetable is useful in blocking blood vessels, preventing anemia and cancer. There are many ways to prepare the vegetable. The main thing is to remember the norm and technology for processing root crops.

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