Aloe for gastritis: beneficial properties, possibility of use, preparation rules, contraindications

Gastrointestinal ailments are not uncommon among residents of Russia. Very often, gastroenterological diseases are diagnosed in school-age children and even toddlers. Many parents, due to the many side effects caused by the use of medications, prefer to treat their children using traditional recipes. Treatment based on herbs and natural ingredients is welcomed not only among children; adults also prefer healing using traditional methods. Whether it’s right or wrong, the doctor will say. Moreover, any use of medications, even natural ones, has contraindications. Does aloe with honey help the stomach?

General information about aloe

Aloe, or agave, has a number of medicinal properties, which is why it is often used to treat various diseases.
The juice contains vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body.

Medicinal and beneficial properties

Aloe has a number of beneficial properties:

  • accelerates wound healing;
  • reduces pain, helps relieve inflammation;
  • increases general and local immunity;
  • protects the gastric walls from acid exposure;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • has a choleretic effect;
  • reduces the activity of E. coli;
  • destroys pathogenic microorganisms;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and toxic substances;
  • reduces acidity if it is elevated;
  • reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors of the stomach and duodenum.

Aloe protects the stomach walls from acid attack.

The plant contains 20 of the 22 amino acids necessary for humans (7 of 8 essential), and replenishes the deficiency of vitamins A, C, E, and group B.

Saturates the body with iodine, iron, calcium, chromium, mel, selenium, manganese, sodium, zinc.

Choosing the best to save your stomach

The origin of honey, which is one of the components of the medicine, is also of great importance. Only a natural bee product is rich in beneficial properties, and not diluted with sugar.

How to choose the right honey and not be deceived? If you don’t have a bee apiary on your property, and your friends also can’t advise where to buy good honey, then you can independently learn to determine its naturalness. This product does not flow from a spoon in a stream, but lies in layers. In addition, after 30 days from the date of collection, the honey becomes a little lighter and begins to crystallize. If the bee product matches the description, then it can be safely used to prepare homemade medicine.

Possibility of use for gastritis

Before consuming aloe, consult your doctor. Do not replace folk remedies with medicines; use the plant juice as an adjuvant therapy.


Indications for the use of folk remedies are:

  • gastritis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Indications for the use of aloe are gastritis or ulcerative colitis.

Medicinal properties of honey

Honey has been used as a folk remedy since the advent of beekeeping, and before that people collected wild honey. He contains:

  • 75–80% of the mass is carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose);
  • beneficial vitamins (B1, B6, B2, E, C, K, carotene - a precursor to vitamin A), folic acid;
  • minerals (potassium, silicon);
  • phytoncides that destroy microorganisms;
  • amino acids.

Everything except sugars is present in small quantities and is significantly inferior to aloe.

The effect of honey on the body:

  • wound and tissue healing;
  • bactericidal;
  • choleretic;
  • normalization of digestive juices;
  • stimulation of the immune system.

How to choose the right honey?

Flower honey is produced by bees when they collect and process nectar from flowering plants. It is called after honey plants or is mixed. There is also a honeydew type of honey. It is obtained by bees from the sweet secretions of insects, aphids, and plant stems. It is characterized by a high content of microelements and has a greater tendency to crystallize.

Read also: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Different healers give preference to their favorite varieties of honey. In late spring and summer you can buy liquid honey. At other times of the year, all varieties crystallize except chestnut and acacia. Bees produce May honey from various primroses, acacia, and linden. It is considered the most useful.

Light honey is considered the best for medicinal purposes. It is recommended to determine its quality by scooping up a small amount with a spoon and turning it around its axis.

An indicator of full ripening is that the honey is wound onto a spoon in the form of a ribbon and flows down in a continuous viscous stream.

When purchasing crystallized honey, you should pay attention to its consistency: there should not be too large crystals, a good composition is uniform, similar to butter. Large crystals mean the bees have been fed sugar. A 1 liter volume of ripe honey should weigh approximately 1.4 kg.

Features of treating diseases with aloe

Agave helps with atrophic, antacid forms of the disease. When choosing a recipe, consider the level of stomach acidity.

With increased stomach acidity

In this case, the plant juice relieves irritation and accelerates the healing process of tissues, erosions, and ulcers. To achieve maximum effect, aloe is mixed with honey and other additional ingredients.

At low

For reduced acidity, use tinctures with alcohol or vodka. The natural medicine is drunk after a glass of water infused with rice.

General information

Aloe is a perennial leafy plant.
The genus includes more than 500 species. Under natural conditions, agave is found on the African continent and the Arabian Peninsula. Some varieties of the plant can be grown at home in almost any region.

Composition and healing properties of aloe

Aloe contains:

  • vitamins A, C, E and group B;
  • anthraglycosides;
  • polysaccharides;
  • amino acids;
  • more than 30 minerals (copper, potassium, manganese, etc.).

Thanks to its beneficial properties, agave has a complex effect on the body:

  • reduces acidity;
  • cleanses the blood;
  • removes toxins;
  • heals wounds;
  • stops inflammatory processes;
  • eliminates pain.

Aloe contains vitamins A, C, E and amino acids.

Cooking rules

Choose a plant that is at least 4-5 years old. Stop watering it a week before preparing the medicine. After cutting off the lower leaves, first rinse them with cold water, then put them in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Remove the side spines, then puree the rest of the mixture in a blender. Strain through a gauze bandage, squeezing thoroughly. Store the finished juice in a dark glass bottle.

Plants 4-5 years old are suitable for preparation.

How to prepare aloe juice?

Before treating aloe stomach, you first need to prepare the leaves.
More healing properties accumulate in aloe by the 5th year of life. It is also possible to use “younger” representatives under the age of 3 years. When treating aloe gastritis, the lower and middle leaves are collected. They are torn off carefully, avoiding kinks and damage. After collecting, the leaves need to be washed, dried and wrapped in foil, put in the refrigerator. At zero temperature, the plant can last up to a month, but the medicine is prepared already on the 10-15th day of storage.

Juice preparation:

  1. Get the leaves.
  2. Grind them with a knife or blender.
  3. Depending on the recipe, you can use the resulting mass or put the crushed leaves in a vessel, wrapped in gauze. Then wait until only the juice flows out, gradually pressing on the “lump” to speed up the process.

Juice does not store well in its finished form. It is extracted immediately before use. If desired, you can prepare a special alcohol mixture that allows the juice to last longer. Recipe:

  1. Mix juice with vodka (proportions 4 to 1).
  2. Pour the mixture into a clean container.
  3. Screw on the lid tightly and put it in the refrigerator for storage.

The alcohol solution is not suitable for the preparation of some medicinal recipes and should not be given to children. The best way is to store aloe in the form of leaves.

Healthy recipes

The choice of prescription depends on the characteristics of the diagnosis.

Plant juice without other products

It is not recommended to use it in its pure form for gastritis. This natural remedy is best used to prevent disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. For a month, drink 10 drops every day 30 minutes before meals. Then take a break. Repeat the course after 5 months.

With honey

To prepare a mixture with honey, take the ingredients in equal proportions and mix.
Take 1 tsp three times a day. before eating. You can prepare a suspension from aloe and honey.

To do this, take:

  • 100 g liquid flower honey;
  • 100 ml plant juice;
  • 1 tbsp. boiled water.

Prepare a mixture of aloe and honey.

Mix all ingredients until smooth. Drink the resulting product 1 tbsp. l. in the morning and in the evening.

You can make a wine tincture based on aloe and honey.

To do this, take:

  • 400 g of beekeeping product;
  • 350 g of aloe juice aged for a week in the refrigerator;
  • 1 bottle of red wine.

Mix all the ingredients, then place the drink in the refrigerator for a week.

Use the resulting natural preparation for 3 months.

With vodka

To prepare an alcohol tincture, take:

  • 200 ml vodka;
  • 100 ml agave juice;
  • 100 ml liquid flower honey.

You can make an alcohol tincture from vodka.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly, then pour into a glass jar and leave in a cool, dark place to infuse for 40 days. Take the resulting natural preparation once a day, 1 tbsp. l. before eating.


Margarita, 42 years old:

I suffer from a chronic form of gastritis, which usually flares up after a festive feast. I treat it with agave, but not with ordinary honey, but from dandelions. Signs of inflammation disappear the next day. This simple remedy makes the illness easier to bear.

Inga, 28 years old:

I recently encountered gastritis, which was influenced by my office lifestyle. Along with drug treatment, the doctor advised taking folk tinctures. I prepared a tincture from agave, a beekeeping product, and vodka. I felt relief after a week, the pain symptoms became less pronounced. For prevention, I will now use this tincture every year.

Anatoly, 50 years old:

Every year in the spring I prepare fresh aloe juice for myself and take it for about a month, diluted with water and St. John’s wort decoction. The digestive organs are not bothered, there is no feeling of heaviness or nausea. I think this is the merit of my preventive product.

Nuances of use

Aloe has an antibacterial effect, which can cause disturbances in the microflora of the stomach and intestines.
To avoid unwanted effects, it is recommended to combine the intake with yoghurt or kefir with pre- and probiotics. Follow the dosages exactly. Agave contains anthraglycosides, an excess of which leads to the development of intoxication and deterioration of the patient's condition.

For treatment, only aloe juice and pulp are used. The outer shell of the leaves contains aloin. When consumed in excess, this substance stimulates the development of malignant tumors.

Women over 45-50 years old are not recommended to use agave. During this period, hormonal changes occur in the body before menopause. The risk of developing cancer increases.

Precautions and contraindications

You will have to stop using aloe vera if:

  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • severe kidney and liver pathologies;
  • allergic reactions, individual intolerance to the plant;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • malignant, benign tumors, fibrotic changes;
  • under 3 years of age;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies.
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