Honey for heartburn: causes, methods of treatment, rules of use

A burning sensation in the digestive tract is a common condition and usually appears after eating food. Everyone who has encountered a symptom wants to quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations. Honey for heartburn can both help and harm. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor before use. Recipes that include honey for heartburn are often found when prescribing medical procedures.

Causes, symptoms and prevention of heartburn

In simple terms, heartburn is a burning sensation in the esophagus. This happens due to gastric secretions entering through the dividing sphincter when it weakens. Due to the ingress of acidic liquid, the mucous membrane is irritated, which leads to a burning sensation. At first glance, the condition does not seem dangerous, but it often causes erosions, cancer, and other diseases of the stomach and esophagus.

The main factor that affects heartburn is the acidity level in the stomach cavity. If there is an increase, then irritation of the mucous membrane appears. This is considered the main reason. As acidity decreases, the sensitivity of the inner surface of the esophagus increases.

Reasons that aggravate the problem:

  1. Changes in diet. Burning sensations are provoked by fasting in the first half of the day and subsequent overeating in the evening, eating large amounts of food before bed or at night.
  2. Unhealthy food. Frequent inclusion of fatty, fried and difficult-to-digest foods, fast food, and carbonated drinks in the diet leads to digestive problems.
  3. Abuse of “provocateurs”. Eating chocolate, tomatoes, citrus fruits, salty foods, rye bread, spicy seasonings and sour vegetables leads to increased acidity of gastric juice.
  4. Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking are factors that irritate the surface of the digestive tract. This causes increased acidity, weakening of the sphincter and the release of some gastric juice.
  5. Taking medications. Some medications can increase acidity in the stomach - ibuprofen, aspirin, and other drugs.
  6. Mild nervous disorders. Depression and frequent stress, anxiety, and emotional distress provoke the development of heartburn.
  7. Factors influencing the production of gastric secretions. This includes heavy lifting, squeezing the abdomen with tight belts, pregnancy and excess weight.

The listed reasons have one thing in common - a direct effect on the acidity level in the stomach. Therefore, when a burning sensation appears, you need to pay attention to these provoking factors.

Heartburn is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • belching with the release of part of the secretion with a bitter-sour taste;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • increased salivation;
  • pain syndrome emanating from the epigastric region and passing behind the sternum, between the shoulder blades, and into the neck on the left side;
  • "lump in the throat;
  • periodic coughing, hoarse voice.

If heartburn occurs together with loss of appetite, sweating, chronic fatigue, blood in dark stools or vomit, then you need to consult a doctor. These signs indicate the presence of serious health problems.

Prevention of heartburn involves adjusting your diet. Products that do not cause a sharp change in acidity include porridge, herbs, broths, jelly, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese or cheese. It is recommended to eat vegetables - beets, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkin. Among meat and fish products, it is better to take low-fat varieties.

Getting rid of bad habits, regular physical activity and eliminating stress factors and worries will also help prevent heartburn. A healthy lifestyle is the basis of prevention.

Treatment of heartburn during pregnancy

To treat heartburn during pregnancy in mild cases, it is enough to follow the following points:

  • Dieting. For pregnant women, oatmeal, natural milk, boiled or baked meat and low-fat fish, and steamed omelettes are recommended. A diet for heartburn involves certain restrictions, especially in plant foods, which can lead to a deficiency of minerals and vitamins necessary for the body. To avoid this situation, you can take vitamin and mineral complexes designed specifically for pregnant women. Such drugs, for example, include the Pregnoton Mama complex. It contains folic acid, Omega-3, liposomal iron, iodine, selenium, biotin, zinc, and vitamins. All these substances are necessary for the proper formation and development of the fetus. The drug is available in the form of soft capsules that are easy to swallow. Thus, mother and baby will receive all the necessary substances even if they follow a diet.
  • Lifestyle changes. Not only to prevent heartburn, but also in general during pregnancy, you need to give up alcohol and cigarettes, including electronic ones. After each meal, it is better to walk a little or sit quietly. Taking a horizontal position and bending over is strictly not recommended.
  • Proper sleep. To prevent heartburn, pregnant women are advised to sleep with the head of the bed elevated. This is where an extra pillow can come in handy.
  • Proper eating. Food must be chewed thoroughly and there is no rush. It is better to reduce the size of portions, but increase the number of meals.

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Method of treating heartburn with honey

Bee products are often used to treat heartburn, but the method depends on the acidity level. The time of admission and the duration of the course will vary. The use of flower nectar as a remedy is aimed at performing different tasks depending on the amount of acid produced in the stomach cavity.

With increased acidity

The main problem is the production of hydrochloric acid in larger quantities than is required to digest food. This causes irritation of the mucous membranes. It is recommended to take honey as a medicine for severe heartburn with high acidity according to the following rules:

  • time – morning, immediately after waking up, on an empty stomach;
  • type – honey water (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water);
  • repeat – 2 hours after eating;
  • Course duration – 3 weeks.

Dissolving nectar in warm water will reduce the concentration of substances. After the liquid gets inside, a smaller amount of gastric juice will be released, which will correct the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. After the course, you need to take a break - 7-10 days, during which you should follow a dietary diet. The course is repeated if there is no improvement.

With low acidity

When the indicator decreases, insufficient production of hydrochloric acid is observed. To restore balance, it is recommended to take cold honey water (1 small spoon of bee product per 200 ml) 12–20 minutes before meals. The course lasts from 2 to 3 months.

The point of taking flower nectar with low acidity is to increase the cost and effort of digestion. This happens due to the composition of the product, which is rich in nutrients and beneficial substances. Consuming immediately before meals will trigger the release of acid.

Useful tips and general recommendations

To avoid heartburn when consuming a bee product, you should not eat it on an empty stomach.
It is especially dangerous to start the day this way if you have a peptic ulcer or gastritis - the production of hydrochloric acid will increase sharply, and painful sensations will appear. Abuse should be avoided. The daily intake for healthy people depends on age and general condition.

CategoriesDuring treatment, for 10–14 days, st. l. Norm per day as a food product, Art. l.
Healthy adults4–52–3
Obese people2–31–2
Children under 5 years old1.5–2 tsp.1.5–2 tsp.

Crystallized honey should be eaten ¼ less than the recommended serving.

If unpleasant sensations appear after consumption, it is better to refuse the beekeeping product or drink it with milk, combine it with butter or other products that soften the effect.

How does honey help with heartburn?

Flower nectar is approved for use in the treatment of heartburn due to its numerous beneficial components. Beneficial effect on the digestive system:

  • neutralization of bile secretion (when taking warm honey water);
  • activation of the release of gastric juice (when taking a cold solution);
  • improving the functioning of the pancreas;
  • restoration of the protective membrane on the surface of the stomach.

Including an acceptable amount of bee product on an ongoing basis will help improve the functioning of the digestive system. This will eliminate not only the burning sensation, but also some diseases. Sometimes nectar is the only way to cope with the burning sensation, for example, during pregnancy.

Nuances of manifestations in pregnant women

During pregnancy, heartburn most often appears from the middle of the 3rd trimester. The uterus enlarges, putting pressure on the intestines and abdominal organs. Because of this, dysfunction of the gastric sphincters develops, which creates favorable conditions for the return of the food bolus from the stomach to the esophagus.

But sometimes reflux plagues pregnant women from the first days after conception. The hormones progesterone and prolactin are actively produced, relaxing the smooth muscles of the uterus.

The gastric sphincter also consists of muscles of this type - it also relaxes. With sudden movements, food returns to the esophagus.

During pregnancy, heartburn can appear from the third trimester.

Why do you get heartburn after honey?

Although the bee product is used in folk medicine to treat heartburn, it often causes the opposite effect. The main reason is incorrect application. Heartburn from honey – causes:

  • nectar temperature is below 36 degrees - consumption on an empty stomach will cause a burning sensation due to the large amount of acid produced to warm the ingested product;
  • increased acidity of the stomach - if you consume cold nectar, the production of gastric juice will be stimulated, which will cause irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, duodenitis) - honey, if consumed incorrectly, will cause an exacerbation of symptoms.

Doctors recommend taking no more than a tablespoon per glass of water at one time. Preparing the liquid version increases the degree of absorption of nutrients and does not lead to irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. However, do not forget that when heated above 40–50 degrees, the bee product loses its medicinal properties.

Folk recipes based on honey for heartburn

Honey water is a universal and common method of intake in the treatment of heartburn. However, adding other ingredients will enhance the effect, which will speed up recovery. Pumpkin seeds, olive oil, milk, potato juice, and aloe extract are added to the bee product.

Heartburn honey with olive oil

Preparation of the medicinal mixture: combine flower nectar and olive oil in equal quantities and mix thoroughly. It is recommended to take 1-2 tablespoons in the morning. You are allowed to drink this mixture with water. Olive oil is used to reduce the acidity of gastric juice, eliminate inflammation, and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Heartburn honey with pumpkin seeds

For preparation you will need 100 g of pumpkin seeds, 50 g of freshly collected nectar. After mixing the ingredients, it is recommended to take 1 large spoon of the mixture half an hour after a meal, twice a day. The benefit of pumpkin seeds is to neutralize and remove excess hydrochloric acid, which relieves pain. The seeds enhance the healing effect of drugs used to treat gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Heartburn honey with aloe

The recipe for the medicinal mixture is to combine the pulp of aloe leaves with honey in equal proportions. It is recommended to take 1 small spoon three times a day. The benefit of aloe is its ability to eliminate inflammation on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. This property is used to treat duodenitis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis.

Honey for heartburn with milk

The recipe for a healing drink is to dissolve one teaspoon of flower nectar in a glass of warm milk. It is recommended to drink after meals to relieve the unpleasant burning sensation. Milk reduces acidity, and honey acts on the problem from the inside. Taking these products together enhances the therapeutic effect.

Honey for heartburn with potato juice

Preparation: make an extract from potatoes, heat 100 ml to 30 degrees, add 1 small spoon of bee product. Drink the drink in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before bed. Potato juice helps relieve inflammation, heal erosions or ulcers, and restore acid-base balance. The enveloping property eliminates burning sensation.

Honey has long been used in traditional medicine recipes to eliminate the burning sensation caused by the reflux of gastric secretions into the esophagus. Before taking it, be sure to visit a doctor, as the condition may worsen due to improper use.

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