Food poisoning: how to give yourself first aid

An unsuccessful trip to a cafe or a party with a lot of alcohol can cause malaise and indigestion. We tell you how to alleviate the condition of poisoning and when you should consult a doctor. We talked about how to avoid them with Alexey Golovenko, candidate of medical sciences, gastroenterologist at GMS Clinic.

Food poisoning can be caused by many factors: food contaminated with bacteria or their toxins, excess alcohol, various toxic substances in foods. Whatever the cause, at first the symptoms of the diseases are very similar and it is quite difficult to distinguish what is happening.

Nausea, vomiting in women (including during pregnancy)

Nausea and vomiting, along with a throbbing headache, depressed mood, increased sweating and numbness of the hands, characterize the cephalgic form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
At the same time, blood pressure remains within normal limits. Unpleasant symptoms occur 2-10 days before menstrual bleeding in women with irregular cycles, a history of abortion or depression. Considering that the nervous system in women is more excitable than in men, nausea and vomiting during menstruation can be triggered by any unpleasant odor. Often, prolonged nausea without vomiting in women is a consequence of following a strict diet for a long time. The use of dubious food additives, a lack of essential microelements and vitamins, and the abuse of laxatives leads to chronic stress and disruption of the digestive tract. In addition to this, dysbacteriosis develops. The feeling of nausea goes away only after the intestinal microflora is normalized.

Nausea for no apparent reason is often the first sign of pregnancy. The unpleasant sensation is associated with a sharp increase in the level of the hCG hormone. Further hormonal changes in the female body, changes in metabolism and psychological stress often provoke vomiting 1-2 times a day, more often in the morning. The state of health returns to normal by the 13th week of pregnancy.

Early toxicosis (before 16-18 weeks of pregnancy)

  • Mild degree - vomiting up to 5 times a day, the condition of the pregnant woman is satisfactory, the fetus is not in danger.
  • Early toxicosis of moderate severity - vomiting up to 10 times a day, weight loss up to 3 kg, rapid pulse (up to 100 beats/min), acetone in the urine.
  • Excessive vomiting of pregnancy (grade three) - vomiting up to 25 times a day, weight loss of more than 5%, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Immediate medical intervention is required.

Important! Severe vomiting in early pregnancy may indicate a hydatidiform mole.

Regularly occurring nausea and vomiting in late pregnancy makes one suspect the development of preeclampsia, the third stage of late toxicosis (preeclampsia). This condition is preceded by the appearance of swelling of the limbs and face (stage 1), increased a/d and protein in the urine (nephropathy, stage 2 of gestosis). Without timely treatment of preeclampsia, seizures (eclampsia) develop and the risk of stroke is high. For the fetus, late toxicosis is fraught with hypoxia, delayed development and perinatal pathologies. There is a high risk of placental abruption and premature birth.

Important! Nausea and vomiting in a pregnant woman can also be caused by taking iron supplements to treat anemia, common gastroenteritis, or another disease.


In the female body, the hormone is produced mainly in the ovaries and plays a very important role in the development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics during puberty, and later in the normal functioning of the woman’s reproductive system.

  • Stimulates the growth of the endometrium of the uterus immediately after menstrual bleeding, preparing it for future pregnancy.
  • Responsible for female-type fat deposits (on the hips and chest) - this is also the work of the hormone estrogen.
  • It has a stimulating effect on brain cells, improves memory, and prevents dementia.

Most organs in our body have receptors sensitive to the action of estrogen: skin, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, uterus, mammary glands. The hormone makes a woman sexy and attractive.

Nausea and vomiting in children

Frequent regurgitation of infants in most cases is caused by gastroesophageal reflux (reflux of food into the esophagus due to incompetence of the lower sphincter). However, this condition has nothing to do with vomiting. A one-time gag reflex against the background of a normal general condition also does not require special attention. Repeated vomiting in a newborn often indicates illness.

  • Pyloric stenosis (manifests at 3-12 weeks) - vomiting “fountain” soon after finishing feeding. Unlike systemic diseases, vomiting with pyloric stenosis does not contain bile, and the baby sucks the breast with appetite.
  • Intestinal obstruction - occurs due to intestinal atresia, obstruction of the ileum by extremely viscous meconium (meconium ileus), volvulus, or intestinal stenosis. From the first days the baby suffers from vomiting, and the general condition rapidly deteriorates.
  • Intussusception (3-36 months) - often caused by viral enteritis and leads to intestinal obstruction. Attacks of severe abdominal colic and vomiting every 15-20 minutes lead to ischemia of the intestinal area, gangrene and perforation.

Nausea and vomiting in a child can be caused by unusual foods, nervous stress and various odors.

The main causes of vomiting in older children:

  • viral/bacterial gastroenteritis - often occurs with diarrhea and fever;
  • influenza, acute respiratory infections, childhood infections (for example, scarlet fever) - against the background of a high temperature, the child often develops vomiting and convulsions are possible;
  • helminthic infestation - the child complains of nausea without vomiting, the parents note that the child has bad breath, rumbling in the stomach, itching in the anus and grinding of teeth at night;
  • errors in nutrition - too fatty, spicy or fried foods provoke nausea, diarrhea and sometimes vomiting without fever;
  • appendicitis - pain can begin in the stomach, near the navel or lower in the right side, the child becomes lethargic and drowsy, any painkillers for abdominal pain are strictly prohibited;
  • poisoning with drugs and household chemicals - often causes an extremely serious condition, the symptoms depend on the toxic substance;
  • sunstroke (heatstroke) - when overheated, the body temperature rises to 40ºC, the skin turns red and sweats significantly, nausea/vomiting and headache occur, breathing and heart rate increase;
  • taking antibiotics almost always provokes intestinal dysbiosis (feeling of nausea after eating without vomiting, loss of appetite, constipation/diarrhea). To maintain intestinal microflora, antibacterial courses are combined with the intake of probiotics.

Why hormonal imbalance may occur

When there is balance in the body, each hormone performs its functions, ensuring the coordinated functioning of the entire body as a whole. But from about 35 years of age, the female body begins to experience fluctuations in the production of estrogen and progesterone (the hormone that balances estrogen). This stage is called perimenopause.

From this time until the onset of menopause, the synthesis of the hormone estrogen gradually decreases by an average of 25–30%. At the same time, progesterone synthesis drops sharply by an average of 70–75%. Due to differences in estrogen and progesterone production, maintaining normal estrogen levels in women becomes increasingly difficult.

Nausea and vomiting with coronavirus

Severe complications and high mortality with COVID-19 force us to more carefully study the first symptoms of the disease. The difficulty lies in the fact that the virus rapidly mutates, and the clinical manifestations of the disease also change. In 2022, typical symptoms of coronavirus infection were fever, loss of smell and taste, muscle pain, and only then a cough. Only some patients experienced nausea and vomiting a little later. In 2022, the majority of cases are caused by the Indian strain of COVID-19, which is characterized by higher infectiousness and a “stomach” syndrome. Against the background of fever and catarrhal symptoms (runny nose, sore throat, cough), every third patient with coronavirus experiences nausea/vomiting and pain in the stomach. A little later, diarrhea and hearing problems appear, and the sense of smell disappears less often.

The "Delta" strain most often affects young people and children. And previously worked out treatment regimens give a noticeably less effect. This is why vaccination of the population, including those who have previously had coronavirus, is so important. Although a two-time vaccination does not completely eliminate infection, it will help avoid severe disease, complications and death. Among the sick, the percentage of vaccinated people does not exceed 1%.

Important! Nausea after vaccination against coronavirus occurs in every tenth vaccinated person. Vomiting is a rare side effect. All unpleasant consequences of the vaccine disappear within 3 days.

Recovery after vomiting

Whatever the cause of the disease, after treatment it is necessary to undergo a recovery process. It includes the following items:

  • the patient must remain in bed for some time;
  • You should drink liquid often and little by little; for this it is better to alternate plain water, sweet tea and low-fat broth;
  • temporarily stop consuming dairy products, as well as coffee, alcohol, citrus fruits, and aspirin-based medications;
  • start eating food with light dietary foods: lean meat, bananas, rice, cereals;
  • For 2-3 days, completely eliminate spicy, fried, smoked, and fatty foods.

Specific features of nausea and vomiting

To identify the cause of poor health and assess the patient's condition, the duration of nausea and vomiting is important. Acute vomiting (1-2 days) is often caused by medications, infections, poisoning (such as alcohol), kidney damage, and diabetes. Chronic vomiting (more than 1 week) is characteristic of long-term gastrointestinal diseases and mental disorders.

Features of vomiting and nausea

  • Vomiting immediately after eating is characteristic of stomach lesions. If the gag reflex occurs 2-3 hours after eating, pathology of the duodenum is possible.
  • Nausea and vomiting of acid are observed with gastritis with increased secretion and stomach ulcers.
  • Vomiting of bile (greenish-yellow color) is caused by pathology of the hepatobiliary system (liver, gallbladder) or pancreas.
  • Bloody vomit (red or brown) indicates gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Vomiting mucus is characteristic of diseases of the respiratory system (smoker's bronchitis), which occurs with a debilitating cough. Patients with alcoholism often complain of foamy vomiting in the morning (on an empty stomach).
  • Vomiting with fever indicates the infectious nature of the disease. With a viral infection, the temperature can reach 39-40ºС. Nausea, vomiting and temperature up to 37.5-37.8ºС are more typical for bacterial infections.
  • Vomiting with diarrhea/constipation without fever suggests an intolerance or allergy to certain nutrients, such as lactose.
  • Constant nausea without vomiting and fatigue often occur with hypothyroidism.
  • Vomiting and pain in the upper abdomen makes it necessary to exclude myocardial infarction, but is more often associated with gastrointestinal pathology.
  • Fecal vomiting (dark vomit with a characteristic smell of feces) occurs with intestinal obstruction, tumors, and gastrointestinal fistulas.

Why might there be water vomiting?

This type of vomiting is extremely rare, except for artificially induced vomiting during gastric lavage.

Causes of water vomiting in children:

  • Runny nose;
  • Colds;
  • Teething;
  • Pathologies of the ear, nose and throat.

All these reasons are due to large amounts of mucus entering the stomach. It flows from the nasal and oral cavities through the throat and esophagus into the stomach. Irritation of its mucous membrane causes vomiting. The consequence of this is vomiting of water without impurities.

In the absence of visible causes of the disease, this symptom manifests itself due to excessive dry air, exposure to air in frosty weather, and also due to an allergic reaction. In this case, the release of a large volume of mucus is the body’s protective reaction to the negative influence of the environment. Then everything happens according to the algorithm described above - the mucus irritates the gastric mucosa, where it enters in excess quantities.

It is not difficult to eliminate this symptom in children; you need to create optimal living conditions and cure the pathology of the ENT organs.

If vomiting water is diagnosed in an adult, this may be due to long breaks between meals. Gastric juice is secreted reflexively, and the longer the interval between meals, the more juice is formed in the stomach. If a large amount of juice causes vomiting, it may seem like you are vomiting water. Visually, these liquids are almost indistinguishable from each other.

For various reasons, a person does not feel that he is hungry, however, the body needs food. This condition leads to excessive production of stomach acid and vomiting that looks like water.

When medical attention is needed

Call an ambulance if nausea/vomiting is accompanied by:

  • severe or increasing abdominal pain;
  • chest pain;
  • high temperature;
  • neck muscle tension;
  • anuria (lack of urine, less than 100 ml per day);
  • confusion, unconsciousness;
  • dehydration;
  • numbness and paralysis of the limbs, asymmetrical smile and speech problems;
  • vomiting feces or blood;
  • uncontrollable vomiting.

Make an appointment with a doctor at the First Family Clinic of St. Petersburg if:

  • in an infant, vomiting does not stop for 12 hours, in a child under 2 years old - 24 hours, in an adult - more than 2 days;
  • nausea and vomiting occur at least once a week for 1 month;
  • nausea and vomiting are accompanied by weight loss.

Which doctor should I contact?

To diagnose a disease manifested by vomiting, you need to contact a gastroenterologist or therapist. If the symptom is central vomiting, it is quite possible that you will need to consult a neurologist, and for psychogenic vomiting, a psychotherapist.

Treatment of vomiting is impossible without a thorough diagnosis of the underlying disease and treatment of its manifestations. Manifestations of the gag reflex should not be ignored; they can be a symptom of dangerous pathologies.

Author of the article:

Alekseeva Maria Yurievna |
Therapist Education: From 2010 to 2016 practicing physician at the therapeutic hospital of the central medical unit No. 21, the city of Elektrostal. Since 2016 he has been working at diagnostic center No. 3. Our authors


Patient examination

  • Assessing the degree of dehydration.
  • Determination of symptoms of acute surgical pathology.
  • Neurological status, assessment of clarity of consciousness.

Recommended tests

  • Blood tests (general, biochemistry, thyroid hormones, sugar levels).
  • General urine test and pregnancy test.
  • Stool analysis (coprogram, worm eggs, culture).

Recommended Research

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and endoscopy.
  • X-ray and colonoscopy.
  • CT/MRI of the intestine, brain.


Therapeutic tactics depend on the causative disease, the presence of accompanying symptoms of nausea/vomiting and the general condition of the patient.

  • Treat dehydration and electrolyte imbalance with oral medications or IV infusions.
  • Antiemetics. In severe cases, the use of 5-HT3 receptor antagonists and corticosteroids is acceptable.
  • Causative therapy aimed at eliminating the causative disease.

Self-administration of various tablets for nausea/vomiting is not recommended. Only a doctor, after conducting the necessary research, will determine the cause of poor health and prescribe effective and safe treatment.

Can antibiotics cause vomiting?

Antibiotic drugs have a large number of side effects, and vomiting occurs when using these drugs along with other symptoms.

Causes of vomiting while taking antibiotics:

  • Vomiting is a side effect of a specific drug;
  • There is incompatibility of the antibiotic with concomitantly taken medications from other pharmacological groups;
  • Dietary disturbances or alcohol consumption occurred during antibiotic therapy.

The occurrence of vomiting directly depends on the form in which the drug is taken. Antibiotics in tablet form are more likely to cause vomiting than the same drugs given in injection form. You should not refuse a particular medication if oral use causes vomiting. It is worth trying intravenous or intramuscular administration. Adjusting the dosage to reduce the volume or frequency of taking the medication will reduce the risk of this unpleasant side effect, but at the same time the effectiveness of the treatment may suffer.

Antibiotics that may cause vomiting:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Azithromycin (Sumamed);
  • Tetracycline;
  • Streptomycin;
  • Ciprofloxacin (Tsiprobay, Tsiprinol, Tsiprolet);
  • Ampicillin;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Metronidazole (Trichopol, Metrogyl);
  • Neomycin;
  • Cefpodoxime (Cefodox);
  • Gentamicin;
  • Doxycycline.

Drugs that cause vomiting when used simultaneously with antibiotics:

  • NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Diclofenac, Indomethacin);
  • Cardiac glycosides;
  • Estrogens;
  • Potassium sulfate, ferrous sulfate;
  • Antiviral agents.

Drinking alcohol and eating fatty foods during antibiotic therapy may trigger vomiting and increase this side effect.

How to relieve nausea and vomiting at home

  • Drink more fluids. The daily intake for adults is 30 ml/kg body weight. It is advisable to use decoctions of chamomile and mint. Drink slowly, in small sips. You should not drink only after bloody vomiting.
  • Eat small meals. Food should be warm. Avoid hard, fried, spicy, fatty and sweet foods. But if you experience uncontrollable vomiting, you should refuse to eat.
  • If an unconscious patient is vomiting, turn the head to the side to avoid aspiration.
  • If you have severe nausea, you should lie down. Open windows for fresh air. Avoid strong odors and other irritants. Do not brush your teeth immediately after eating.
  • If you suspect poisoning (vomiting and diarrhea), you can take activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight), smecta, phosphalugel or polysorb.
  • Measure your blood pressure. If the readings are high, take an antihypertensive drug prescribed by your doctor or call an ambulance.
  • For low blood pressure, it is enough to drink a cup of tea or coffee and sniff ammonia.
  • For motion sickness, it is permissible to take antihistamines or special medications (for example, Dramamine).

If nausea or vomiting continues for more than 2 days and your general condition is affected, you should consult a doctor. At the First Family Clinic of St. Petersburg, you will undergo all the necessary tests and instrumental studies in order to quickly identify the cause of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

Literature used in writing

  1. "Gastroenterology - National Guide" (2008). Authors: Ivashkin V.T., Lapina T.L.
  2. “Diseases of the digestive system in pregnant women. Gastroenterology" (2011). Author: Eremina E.Yu.
  3. "Manual of Gastroenterology, Volume 1" (1995). Authors: Komarov F. I., Grebenev A. L.
  4. “Gastroesophageal reflux disease in children” (2007). Authors: Prokhorova L.I., Davydova A.N.
  5. “Inflammatory bowel diseases” (a practical guide for doctors, 2012). Author: Sitkin S.

Home therapy

There are many ways to deal with vomiting at home. It is important to know the reason for the deterioration in health.

Help with food poisoning. In this case, it is not recommended to stop it immediately. Undigested food and harmful compounds are removed with the excreted masses. Afterwards, you should do a gastric lavage with a weak infusion of potassium permanganate and drink water. If poisoning is accompanied by non-stop stomach eruptions, high fever, and dizziness, then call a doctor.

Activated carbon tablets are used for food poisoning. The drug prevents the absorption of toxic substances from the stomach, thereby neutralizing them. Activated carbon can be taken during pregnancy and childhood, if there are no allergic reactions to the drug. In case of poisoning, mineral water restores the water-salt balance in the body.

Treatment for gastrointestinal infections

If the cause of the illness is pathogenic microorganisms, then immediately perform gastric lavage. Thus, most of the pathogenic bacteria are removed from the body. Then take antiemetics.

Cerucal is an effective drug in the fight against nausea and pain due to inflammatory processes of the stomach. If there is blood or bile in the discharged masses, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor. This may indicate exacerbations of chronic diseases of the stomach or complications of the disease.

Treating nausea in children at home

Children's vomiting is usually caused by food poisoning, overeating, or a stressful situation. It is important for an adult to constantly monitor the child’s condition. If the urge intensifies, the baby becomes lethargic, the temperature rises, urgently call a doctor or go to the hospital.

To help your child stop vomiting, try these tips:

  • Rinse the stomach with plenty of warm water (a teenager can rinse the stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or give activated charcoal);
  • We need to calm the baby down and put him to bed;
  • If you have a fever, give an antipyretic;
  • Wash your baby's face with cool water;
  • After vomiting, you need to give liquid, you can steam the child with chamomile (from 0 years old). Chamomile has antiseptic properties and soothes the stomach;
  • To replenish the physiological loss of fluid, you need to take rehydrating drugs (Humana Electrolyte, Regidron);
  • If the gastric eruption does not stop, the child feels worse, you need to consult a doctor.

Treat your baby carefully. A child's body is more susceptible than an adult. To achieve a positive result and recovery of the baby, consult your pediatrician. Use medications only with the permission of a doctor.

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