Recipes for healthy and tasty compotes for patients with pancreatitis

For the human body, daily replenishment of mineral components, vitamins and microelements is vital. But in the case when he is diagnosed with inflammation of the pancreas, and a strict diet is recommended to restore health, the intake of these substances is sharply reduced. In this case, fruit and berry pickles will come to the rescue. Compote for pancreatitis becomes the only (not counting medicinal vitamin complexes) source of macro- and micronutrients. But you need to consume this drink in doses, since its uncontrolled intake into the body can easily cause an acute attack of the disease. When preparing a healthy drink, patients should know which fruits can be used for it, and which are strictly prohibited.

The benefits of compotes for illness

Pancreatitis is a dangerous and insidious disease that forces the patient to give up their usual diet for a long time, and in some cases forces them to follow a strict diet for life. A decoction using fresh or dried fruits and berries will help to avoid vitamin deficiency caused by serious food restrictions. It is these drinks, without overloading the gland damaged by the pathological process, that can increase the patient’s immunity. They require practically no effort from the body to digest and at the same time bring maximum benefit, so the answer from gastroenterologists to patients’ questions about whether it is possible to drink compote from fresh or dried fruits for pancreatitis is almost always positive. The beneficial properties of fruit drinks for a person who has inflammation of the pancreas secretory organ are as follows:

  • reduction of intoxication of the body due to cleansing it of toxins,
  • normalization of the functioning of the digestive organs,
  • excellent vitaminization of the body.

But we should not forget that the benefits of such drinks are directly related to their composition. Some berries and fruits are strictly contraindicated for gastrointestinal pathologies. Before including fruit and berry compotes in your diet, you should consult your doctor about the admissibility of certain ingredients. This will help speed up the healing process and prevent the occurrence of complications of the disease caused by disruption of the digestive organ. It is also important to observe such rules as the ban on sweetening uzvar. Sugar is very dangerous for pancreatitis, as it enhances the production of insulin, so its content in berries and fruits is quite enough to make a tasty drink.

Which compotes can be drunk and which ones are prohibited?

Based on the above, we can conclude that the preparation of compotes for patients with a history of inflammation of the pancreas should be approached with caution. The question of which fruits can be used to make a tasty and safe drink for a person with pancreatitis, and which ones should be avoided, remains one of the most pressing today for this disease. Experts give the answer to this when prescribing a diet for a specific person, because everyone’s body is individual.

That is why the choice of fruit component for compotes will be influenced not only by the results of diagnostic studies showing the stage of development and nature of the disease, but also by general indicators of a person’s health.

But still, nutritionists highlight a general list of berries and fruits, the use of which as a basis for compotes is not only acceptable, but also recommended for patients with pancreatic pathology. You can see it in the table.

Healthy berries and fruits for compote for pancreatitis in remission

List of fruits allowed for compote Useful properties Warnings and recommendations Summer apples Strengthening vascular walls due to the content of large amounts of pectin, normalizing digestive processes, lowering cholesterol levels. From 2–3 days of illness. Rose hip. Reducing irritation of the mucous membrane, gradual relief of pain, regeneration of damaged tissue structures, strengthening the immune system. At any stage of development of a pathological condition. Melon. Effective restoration of the body's defenses and water-salt balance, removal of toxins and reduction of intoxication, improvement of the digestion process. No more than a glass a day in the absence of acute symptoms. Raspberries. Good antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that persist after heat treatment. Dosed consumption of a drink without berries outside the exacerbation phase. Strawberry wild-strawberry. High content of vitamins of various groups, minerals and trace elements. During long-term remission, half an hour before meals. Grapes (raisins). Excellent antioxidant properties, optimal ratio of vitamins C and P, which enhance the body’s absorption of ascorbic acid, without exacerbation and exclusively in dried form. Blueberry. Reducing the inflammatory process and intoxication of the body. In the absence of acute symptoms for a long time and in small quantities so as not to provoke constipation.

These are only the main fruits and berries allowed for consumption for pancreatitis. A list of fruits acceptable for each specific patient is given by the attending physician when prescribing a diet. But there are also fruits that are strictly contraindicated both during an exacerbation and in the remission stage of the disease. Every patient suffering from the development of an inflammatory process in the pancreas should definitely know them. The following types of compotes should be completely excluded from the diet of a sick person:

  • grapefruit and orange, especially with the addition of lemon,
  • currant,
  • sea ​​buckthorn,
  • cranberry,
  • pomegranate,
  • cherry.

The ban on these types of vitamin drinks is associated with the high content of fruit acids in the fruits used for their preparation.

Special mention should be made of currant compote. If you have inflammation of the pancreas, it is unacceptable to use only white or red varieties of berries for compotes. Black currant, containing a large amount of vitamin C, is recommended for patients with pancreatitis.

Features of preparing compotes in different phases of the disease

In addition to the fact that patients with pancreatitis should know exactly which fruits and berries are acceptable for preparing a vitamin drink, it is also necessary to carefully follow the technology for preparing it for this disease. At different stages of the inflammatory process in the pancreas there are nuances. For example, in the acute phase (the first 2-3 days of acute symptoms), you should not take any compotes other than warm rosehip decoction. After severe symptoms subside, uzvar is gradually introduced into the diet of a sick person. However, when preparing them, the following rules should be observed:

  • Do not add sugar, lemon juice or acid to the compote;
  • Dilute the drink in half with water.

Thanks to this, there will be no increased load on the diseased pancreatic organ, which will speed up remission. After the exacerbation has completely subsided and chronic pancreatitis has returned to the calm phase, these restrictions are lifted. However, the content of sugar and lemon juice in drinks should be kept to a minimum so as not to provoke a relapse.

During the period of remission, you should not take more than two glasses a day. This will also help reduce the load on the digestive organ that the plant fiber contained in these drinks can provide, as well as prevent the development of a disease very often associated with pancreatitis, such as cholecystitis.

Recipes for delicious and healthy compotes

There are many variations of uzvars acceptable for use by patients with pancreatitis. Each recipe is good in its own way and provides certain benefits unique to it. You can prepare compotes from both dried and fresh fruits and berries, and you can also add one or more components to their composition, depending on the wishes of the sick person. Most often, nutritionists who prescribe for people suffering from frequent exacerbations of the pathological process occurring in the pancreas recommend several options for fruit and berry drinks, which I want to talk about.

Dried fruits compote

This type of uzvar can not only quench thirst, but also nourish the body weakened by disease with a large amount of microelements and vitamins that dried fruits contain. The best option for such a compote would be dry apple, pear and prunes.

Moreover, the plum component is not always included in the drink. It is necessary only when a sick person develops constipation due to pancreatitis.

It is not recommended to eat plums if your stool is normal or weak. In order to prepare a tasty and healthy compote from dried fruits, you can use the following recipe:

  • Soak fruits or berries approved by your gastroenterologist for half an hour in a small amount of water. Usually these are apples, dried apricots, pears, prunes, raisins.
  • Rinse all fruits with running water. This process only seems easy. In order to completely clean dried fruits from dirt adhering to them and chemicals used for processing before storage, it is best to use a brush.
  • Place the prepared clean fruits in a saucepan and pour two liters of boiling water. After the uzvar boils, reduce the heat under it to a minimum, close the lid tightly and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. As mentioned above, you can drink such compote no more than two glasses a day.

    Compote of dried apricots

    Dried apricots, just like apricots, are dried apricots, but unlike the latter, they do not contain seeds. This fruit is recommended for patients with pancreatitis only in dry form, for preparing a vitamin drink.

    Its preliminary preparation is carried out in the same way as for other dried fruits. After the dried apricots are completely cleaned, start cooking compote from them:

  • a handful of dry fruits are placed in a saucepan and poured with a liter of water,
  • after boiling, reduce the heat to such an extent that the boiling of the liquid is barely noticeable,
  • cook until tender for half an hour.

When drinking this drink, you need to remember one limitation - people with bowel problems, no matter constipation or diarrhea, should drink dried apricot compotes in the most minimal quantities. This warning is associated with the ability of the fruit to influence the activity of intestinal peristalsis, which provokes bloating, flatulence, diarrhea or, conversely, long-term retention of stool.

Dried apple compote

This drink is most often recommended for patients with a history of pancreatic inflammation.

Apple uzvar is considered easy to prepare, especially if it is prepared from independently collected and dried apples. The recipe itself used to prepare compote from these fruits is no different from those described above, so you should not focus on it. I would just like to say that a drink made from dried apples will be much more beneficial for the pancreas damaged by inflammation if you add a handful of raisins to it.

Fresh fruit and melon compote

This aromatic drink is the most popular among patients with pancreatitis. The only drawback of this type of uzvar is the possibility of preparing it exclusively during the melon ripening season. Fresh fruits for compote are taken in any composition from those approved by the attending physician. They are washed, peeled, cut into pieces and left to cook until softened. After the main fruit component is ready, chopped melon pulp is added to it, brought to a boil again and turned off.


Compote is a drink made from berries and fruits that are boiled in water or poured with boiling water and infused. Vzvar is called compote, which is brought to a boil and immediately removed from the heat. For pancreatitis, you can prepare compotes according to recipes whose list of ingredients does not include spices, sugar, herbs, or alcoholic beverages.

From a mixture of dried fruits

Recipes for dried fruit compotes:

  1. Mix 100 g of dried apricots, 100 g of prunes and 100 g of light raisins, add boiled water and let it brew for 2-3 minutes. Stirring with a spoon, rinse the dried fruits and drain through a colander. Place in a saucepan, add 1.5 liters of purified water and cover with a lid. Cook on the lowest heat for 30 minutes. Divide the broth into 6 parts and drink after cooling.
  2. Sort dried apples and pears (500 g) and rinse under the tap. Pour 1.5 liters of water, cook over low heat until the fruits soften (about 25-30 minutes). Let it brew for 12 hours.

We recommend reading: Is it possible to drink tea for pancreatitis?

From berries

Berry compote recipes:

  1. Sort and wash 200 g of gooseberries, 100 g of black currants and 50 g of red currants. Remove the stalks of currants and the bottom dry part of gooseberries. In a separate container, crush the currants using a spoon or masher. Cut the gooseberries in half. Strain the currant juice through a strainer into a separate glass, mix the pulp with gooseberries. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, cook for 3 minutes. Drink chilled, adding fresh currant juice.
  2. Sort out 0.5 kg of lingonberries and blueberries, trying to set aside berries of the same size. Remove the stems. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, cover with a lid, and wrap the pan. Infuse the drink for 4-5 hours.
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