Soup recipes for patients with gastritis with high acidity

Soups for gastritis are the basis of the diet.
The variety of these dishes not only helps to vary the menu, but is also an integral part of treatment, since the basis of therapy for stomach diseases is a properly selected diet. Soups are recommended to be consumed at lunchtime, but there are exceptions. For example, milk soup can serve as an excellent breakfast; pureed vegetable soup can replace dinner when an exacerbation subsides.

The first dishes for a patient with gastritis are not rich borscht, generously fried with lard, not kharcho soup with garlic, and not a mixed meat hodgepodge. Here everything is more gentle and delicate - after all, the main goal of a diet for gastritis is maximum sparing of the diseased organ. Therefore, both the choice and preparation of first courses have their own characteristics. Let's talk about them.

Classify and select

Modern chefs know more than 150 types of soups. Each type is divided into a thousand or more types, so it is difficult to say exactly how many recipes for first courses exist in the world. Soups can be classified according to serving temperature (hot, cold), and according to the liquid base (water, kvass, milk, brine, juice), and other criteria. We will consider two main classifications - according to the main component and according to the cooking technology.

Based on the main component, soups can be divided as follows:

  • from meat or poultry;
  • fish;
  • mushroom;
  • vegetable;
  • cereal;
  • milk or cheese;
  • flour;
  • fruit.

A separate group includes soups made from seafood, seaweed, as well as first courses prepared from fermented products - sauerkraut, pickles, kvass, yogurt.

According to cooking technology, the following types of soup are distinguished:

  • Transparent. Its basis is a strong broth. The side part of the soup is prepared separately, and then poured with clarified broth.
  • Refueling. This group includes our cabbage soup - borscht - rassolniki. A special feature of the preparation is the obligatory addition of vegetable sautéing.
  • Roaster. This type of soup is most common in eastern countries - all the ingredients are placed in a cauldron, fried in oil, then poured with water and cooked until tender.
  • Thickened. At the end of cooking, such soups are specially “thickened” with the help of various dressings - flour, egg and others.
  • Soup - puree. All ingredients are crushed with a blender or by hand.
  • Sweet. This type of dessert is made from fruits and berries.
  • Combined. This recipe involves the use of several technologies to prepare one dish.

The basic rule for preparing the “correct” soup is the ratio of liquid to thick part. Ideally, the proportion looks like 1:1. The only exceptions are puree soups and thickened dishes.

Not all of the above types of first courses are allowed for gastritis. We immediately exclude frying and dressing soups, and even transparent ones can be classified as undesirable dishes. But this does not mean that patients with a sick stomach will never taste borscht or chicken broth with meatballs. We replace the traditional recipe with a dietary one, prepare soups according to certain rules and lift the ban.

Sample menu for the week

In case of chronic gastritis in the acute stage, the patient is prescribed a gentle diet. The menu for the week might look like this:

Days from the onset of exacerbationBreakfastDinnerDinner
FirstSteamed rice porridge balls, tea with milk, crackersPuree potato soup, some boiled meat with pasta, an allowed drink.Zucchini circles stuffed with minced meat, fruit jelly.
SecondCottage cheese seasoned with low-fat sour cream, a cup of green tea.Chicken soup, boiled meat with buckwheat, apple compote.A piece of fish and potatoes, steamed, tea.
Still othersSemolina pudding, rosehip decoction.Small vermicelli soup, a piece of skinless steamed chicken, garnished with rice, tea.Carrot casserole with cottage cheese, topped with sour cream, permitted drink.
FourthOatmeal (spread) with a small piece of butter, herbal tea.Rice soup, meat soufflé, tea with milk.Cottage cheese dumplings topped with low-fat sour cream, sweet fruit jelly.
FifthCottage cheese casserole, topped with jam, green tea.Broccoli soup, steamed potato zrazy, compote.Stewed vegetables, tea.
SixthSteamed egg white omelette, compote, crackers.Vegetable soup with fish balls, rice with chicken, tea.Buckwheat with steam cutlet, berry compote.
SeventhCottage cheese casserole, drizzled with honey, green tea.Vegetable soup, potatoes with meat, permitted drink.Potato dumplings, vegetable salad, drink.

In addition to the main meals, there should be two more snacks - second breakfast and afternoon snack. They help maintain a feeling of fullness. The following can be used as a snack:

  • sweet apples baked in the oven;
  • a little cottage cheese;
  • sweet fruit jelly;
  • puddings and souffles;
  • tea with biscuits or homemade crackers;
  • natural yogurt;
  • banana;
  • peeled pear.

It is recommended to drink a glass of fresh kefir at night. You can drink teas throughout the day.

Basic principles of preparing dietary soup

  1. Soups for gastritis can be prepared with different ingredients. The basis for them can be broths - fish, meat, vegetables. The types of meat or fish for preparing dietary soup should be low-fat; bone parts are not used in this case.
  2. Preparing milk soup requires a 1:1 ratio of milk and water.
  3. Puree first courses are the best option for a sore stomach. They have a delicate consistency, do not irritate, but, on the contrary, envelop the mucous membrane.
  4. It is useful to include mucous and pureed soups in the menu. They are especially indicated after the exacerbation has subsided. The mucous membranes are prepared on the basis of rice or oatmeal, no spices or seasonings are added. Puréed soups are those for which the ingredients are first ground and then boiled.
  5. For first courses with gastritis, do not use hot seasonings; it is permissible to add herbs and vegetable oil.
  6. All ingredients for the first course should be finely chopped. Vegetables should be boiled directly in the broth.
  7. The temperature for serving first courses should be no lower than 15 and no higher than 60 degrees.
  8. It is recommended to prepare the soup for one serving.
  9. To acidify borscht or cabbage soup, use a slice of lemon - vinegar is not used in dietary medical nutrition.

By following these rules, you can prepare absolutely any first course. You just need to learn how to choose and combine products.

Nutrition for exacerbation of gastritis with low acidity

In case of aggravated gastritis, accompanied by low acidity, the patient is recommended to follow a diet for a full calendar month. If the disease relapses, the patient’s menu may include dishes such as steamed cutlets, pasta, cottage cheese, homemade crackers, herbs, fruits, and weak tea with added milk.

The main goal of the diet is to eliminate the symptoms of inflammation. Subsequently, the patient switches to another type of diet that promotes the production of hydrochloric acid.

Mucous and pureed - everyone can

In case of acute gastritis, the patient is prescribed a starvation diet for 2–3 days. After the pain subsides, mucous and pureed first courses are gradually introduced into the diet. During the period of exacerbation of chronic gastritis of any form, these dishes are also preferred. For gastritis with high acidity, in the presence of erosions in the stomach, pureed soups should form the basis of the diet - they softly envelop the inner walls of the stomach, are easily digested and well absorbed.

Recipe from "Hercules"

To prepare you will need:

  1. “Hercules” – 1 glass;
  2. 1 liter of water;
  3. 600 ml milk;
  4. 1 egg;
  5. Butter or vegetable oil – a teaspoon;
  6. 5 – 7 grams of sugar;
  7. Salt.


Boil salted water, add Hercules, stirring. After boiling, place the pan on low heat and simmer the flakes for at least one hour. Then place on a sieve or cheesecloth and let the flakes drain well. Place the resulting liquid with a mucous consistency on the fire and let it boil. Cool slightly and add egg and milk dressing. To prepare the dressing, combine the beaten egg with milk. Add sugar and butter to the warm mixture and stir until completely dissolved.

The next soup that can be recommended during the period of subsiding of an exacerbation, as well as for erosive and hyperacid gastritis, is pureed.

Mashed and vegetable with poultry

Not all patients like soups based on milk and cereals. We offer you the option of a light and extremely healthy soup, which is allowed for all types of gastritis.

You will need:

  1. 400 grams of cauliflower.
  2. 1 carrot.
  3. 1 small onion
  4. 2 medium sized potatoes.
  5. 1.5 liters of weak broth made from skinless chicken fillet.
  6. Butter or vegetable oil as desired.
  7. Salt.
  8. Greenery.


First, cook the broth. To do this, boil skinless chicken fillet in water for 60 minutes. The foam that forms during cooking must be skimmed off. Once cooked, remove the bird from the broth.

Peel and finely chop all the vegetables, put them in boiling salted broth, cook until tender. After the vegetables are cooked, drain the broth and grind the garnish of the soup in a blender. If you don’t have a blender, strain the soup through a fine sieve - it will turn out just as good. Boiled fillet can be used to prepare a second course, or can be added to soup. In this case, it needs to be chopped together with vegetables.

Combine the thick mass with the strained broth, bring to a boil again and simmer under the lid for 5 minutes. At the end add herbs and oil.

Specifics of diet during exacerbation

The reason for the termination of the remission period is nutritional errors. The appearance of characteristic symptoms that accompany an exacerbation of gastritis - pain in the epigastric region of the abdomen, nausea - can be provoked by too hot / cold dishes served to the table, spices present in food that are aggressive in taste, as well as pickles and preserves.

To prevent the onset of an exacerbation, the patient’s diet should completely exclude foods that can irritate the inflamed walls of the stomach. Features of nutrition for gastritis of the stomach during exacerbation:

  • food served to the patient must be thoroughly chopped, since the large pieces present in it can be difficult to digest;
  • The patient should eat fractionally, i.e. a person will eat up to 5–6 times a day, in small portions;
  • the food served must have a temperature that is comfortable for the stomach - neither hot nor cold;
  • Cooking food is allowed only by steaming or boiling food; frying is completely prohibited;
  • It is necessary to exclude fatty and difficult-to-digest foods from the menu, in particular nuts, seeds and chocolate.

Important! The duration of a strict diet during an exacerbation is 14 days. But if the symptoms are mild, then it can be reduced to 7 days.

Nutrition during exacerbation of gastritis should be as gentle as possible. Many gastroenterologists recommend completely abstaining from eating in the first day after the development of signs of exacerbation. During this period, only drinking is allowed. Non-carbonated mineral water, weakly brewed warm tea, and a decoction of rose hips will be allowed as drinks.

During the day you need to drink at least two liters of permitted fluid. Starting from the second day, it is possible to expand the diet at the discretion of the attending physician. Steamed/boiled products are served in pureed form. Spices and salt are not used during cooking.

Drinking a glass of water in the morning helps remove stomach mucus that has accumulated overnight and starts the gastrointestinal tract to function.

Preparing a safe broth

To prepare broth that is allowed for any type of gastritis, follow the rules that we gave above. Use poultry, meat, or lean fish that has been previously filleted (without skin).

To ensure a high-quality broth, immerse the washed fillet only in cold water. The ratio of water and meat is approximately 3:1, that is, we take 300 grams of fillet, which means that 900 ml of water is required.

To cook the broth, take a saucepan with thick walls, which you cover with a lid before boiling. After the broth boils, skim off the foam and reduce the heat to low. If foam accumulates again, do not forget to remove it.

If your gastritis is in remission, you can add raw onion and parsley root to the pan when adding meat products - this will make the broth aromatic.

Now about time. Cook chicken broth for one hour; if you are preparing pork or beef broth, it will take 2.5 hours, no less.

Important! To make the broth low-fat, let it cool thoroughly after cooking. All fat accumulates on the surface in the form of a whitish film. Carefully remove the film from the broth and strain the remaining liquid.

Fish broth is ready after 40 minutes from the start of boiling, vegetable broth - after 30 minutes.

Broths, prepared correctly, are used not only for preparing first courses, but also as a basis for porridges, and also as an independent dish.

Rice cream soup

For it you will need:

  • any lean meat – 0.2 kilograms;
  • water – 2 liters;
  • parsley root;
  • small carrots;
  • greenery;
  • cooked rice - half a glass;
  • butter – 10 grams.

The meat is boiled in water. Half an hour before cooking, add coarsely chopped vegetables.

Then you need to grind everything in a blender along with the rice and return it to the strained broth. Chopped greens are placed there too. Boil the soup and leave on the lowest heat for a quarter of an hour. Season with oil.

Prohibitions and dietary options for a sick stomach

The most stringent restrictions in the assortment of first courses are necessary for gastritis with high acidity, erosive and atrophic gastritis. The following are completely prohibited :

  • all seasoning soups. Traditional borscht, sour and fresh cabbage soup, pickles, solyanka seasoned with fried onions and lard are strictly prohibited.
  • Mushroom soups and dishes made from legumes are also prohibited - peas, beans, lentils - they are difficult and take a long time to digest, increase the acidity of the stomach and gas formation in the intestines.

We offer several recipes that are approved for erosive, atrophic and hyperacid gastritis.

Creamy vegetable soup

To prepare a vegetable first course, you can use any seasonal vegetables. We present a classic recipe that can be prepared at any time of the year.

You will need:

  1. Potatoes – 2 medium tubers;
  2. 1 small onion;
  3. broccoli - 200 grams;
  4. 1 medium carrot;
  5. Water - 3 glasses;
  6. Olive oil – 1 tablespoon;
  7. Salt - to taste.

Cooking technology:

Wash all the vegetables, peel them, cut them into small cubes and put them in boiling salted water. Boil until done. Puree the soup in a blender or through a sieve, bring to a boil again, add oil.

Chicken broth for high acidity

There are no special preparations for chicken broth; it is cooked according to the same “dietary principles” as for any other form of the disease. You should not overuse broths on the menu; pureed first courses are better filling and have enveloping properties.

Puree cereal soup

To prepare a cereal first course, you can use buckwheat, rice, and millet groats. For aggressive forms of gastritis, it is undesirable to use pearl barley, whole oatmeal and semolina. We offer a recipe based on buckwheat.

You will need:

  1. Buckwheat – 70 – 80 grams;
  2. Chicken broth (prepared in advance) – from 800 ml to 1 liter;
  3. Potatoes, carrots - 1 piece each;
  4. Butter or vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon;
  5. Salt.

Cooking technology:

We sort the buckwheat, rinse it, and boil it in half the chicken broth. In the other half of the broth, boil the chopped vegetables. Combine the parts and place in a blender. Grind and add broth to desired consistency. Add oil.

Creamy rice soup with milk

This soup is very nutritious, tasty, and completely devoid of fat. It is easy and quick to prepare. The ingredients are for two servings.


  • lean boiled veal (100 grams);
  • vegetable broth (300 milliliters);
  • half a glass of cooked rice;
  • skim fresh milk (100 milliliters);
  • raw egg white – 1 piece.


  • the rice is rubbed through a sieve;
  • the meat is ground in a blender;
  • both products are mixed with milk and broth;
  • The soup is simmered over low heat and removed from the stove.

Serve after cooling. If desired, it is flavored with a small amount of butter.

Borscht with high acidity – is it allowed or not?

The traditional first course with fried potatoes, tomatoes, paprika and garlic is strictly prohibited in aggressive forms of the disease. If you prepare the first course according to a dietary recipe, you can treat yourself to a plate of aromatic borscht. Naturally, the taste will be very different, but still!

Here are some tips on how to prepare borscht for a patient with erosive or hyperacid gastritis.

  • If you cook borscht with meat broth, be sure to drain the first water when cooking the meat.
  • Replace white cabbage with Chinese or cauliflower.
  • Before adding beets and carrots for frying, simmer in water without adding oil.
  • Do not add tomatoes or tomato paste. Instead of sour cream for dressing, use low-fat yogurt.

Basic Techniques

First of all, you need to give up strong broths. Diet soups are prepared without using bones or fatty meats. Spicy seasonings should also not be used.

The following rules for preparing soup must be followed in all cases:

  • all products are cut into very small pieces;
  • after cooking is completed, it is better to grind them additionally with a blender;
  • You should not undercook vegetables;
  • to make the soup thicker, you can add flour simmered in a frying pan or whipped egg whites;
  • All types of mushrooms must be excluded from the diet;
  • if possible, refined vegetable oil should be used instead of butter;
  • You should add pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, and broccoli to soups as often as possible;
  • First courses with rice or oatmeal, which have a slimy texture, are also useful.

First courses with normal and low acidity

For patients with normal and low acidity, the culinary horizons are somewhat wider - first courses can be acidified with lemon juice in small quantities; fresh tomatoes, sweet peppers, and white cabbage can be used to prepare aromatic cabbage soup or borscht.

The principles of preparing first courses remain unchanged, that is, frying and sautéing are excluded.

The following are considered prohibited:

  1. Bean soups.
  2. Mushroom soups.
  3. Spicy soups.

As an option for pea soup, you can make a light soup with fresh green peas or use canned brain peas.
But such a dish is the exception rather than the rule. There is a strict prohibition regarding any mushrooms for gastritis, even with normal acidity. But if the mushroom aroma still seduces you, you can try the first dish in a weak mushroom broth, provided that you remove the mushrooms themselves from there.

We believe that it is not worth deceiving the body in this way - heavy food is ready to provoke an exacerbation at any moment. And it’s definitely of no use to you. Among the huge range of dietary recipes, you can choose an equivalent replacement. For example, make soup with meatballs from lean meat, which has no contraindications, or pumpkin and cheese soup.

The secret of experienced patients: If at the end of cooking you add a little tofu cheese or low-fat rennet cheese to any first course, your soup will acquire a very unique and piquant aroma. The additive is allowed for pureed and traditional dishes, and for broths. Give it a try.

Potato soup

In general, potatoes are extremely useful for gastritis. The first dish made from it can normalize digestion. In addition, it is very filling.


  • potatoes (4 medium-sized tubers);
  • carrots (2 pieces);
  • chicken eggs – 2;
  • olive oil – three teaspoons;
  • water;
  • greens for sprinkling the finished dish;
  • two slices of stale white bread.

All vegetables are cleaned of dirt and peel. Then:

  • cut into cubes;
  • boil in water until tender;
  • add butter and finely chopped herbs;
  • salt;
  • eggs, beaten with a whisk, are poured into the soup with constant stirring.
  • When serving, place diced croutons on a plate.

Useful video

We invite you to watch an interesting video about the principles of making puree soup.

Nutrition for stomach diseases, although it has its own nuances, should not be depleted in nutritional value. Fantasize, invent new recipes, eat tasty and varied food. And remember that when choosing any dish, the main criterion for approval or prohibition is your well-being and the right choice of products. Use our advice, let the given recipes become basic, and you can vary them endlessly.

The importance of proper food preparation for gastritis

During illness, it is important to reduce stress on the stomach. Fatty, spicy and salty foods aggravate the human condition and lead to the development of pathological changes.

Treatment of gastritis without diet correction will be ineffective and will take a long time.

Dietary dishes are prepared by boiling, baking, steaming, and stewing. Full frying in a frying pan using large amounts of vegetable oil is prohibited.

All food for gastritis is boiled, baked or steamed.

Experts' opinion

Svetlana, gastroenterologist, Moscow In my practice, I often encounter patients suffering from stomach ulcers.
They are always prescribed a gentle diet. Slimy soups are especially useful. When switching to them, the condition improves within 3–5 days. With this disease, you cannot violate the prescribed diet. Irina, nutritionist, St. Petersburg Often, specialized specialists refer patients with stomach ulcers to me for diet selection. An important component of the diet for this disease is soups. Their inclusion in the menu contributes to the rapid attenuation of the exacerbation and the transition of the pathology into remission.

What soups are absolutely forbidden for people with gastritis?

If you have gastritis, you should not eat overcooked dietary soups. They contain small amounts of useful substances.

Too rich and fatty broths are prohibited. You can't add lard to them.

Flour is added to first courses only after pre-processing (sauteing). Fresh and sour cabbage soup, traditional borscht, solyanka, rassolnik, as well as soups seasoned with fried onions are strictly not recommended.

Soups prohibited for gastritis.

List of allowed and prohibited foods for soups for ulcers

The choice of products for preparing soups that are intended for a person suffering from an ulcer has special requirements.
Can be used:

You can use low-fat fish.

  • low-fat fish;
  • beef;
  • chicken;
  • turkey;
  • rabbit meat;
  • rice cereal;
  • oats;
  • buckwheat;
  • barley;
  • wheat;
  • cold pressed vegetable oils;
  • lean cheese;
  • potato;
  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • cauliflower;
  • boiled greens, etc.

Instead of dressing, you can use yogurt and low-fat fermented baked milk.
People suffering from stomach ulcers should avoid using such products when preparing soups as:

Beans should be avoided.

  • beans;
  • beans;
  • peas;
  • White cabbage;
  • mushrooms;
  • turnip;
  • tomato paste;
  • fatty fish;
  • pork;
  • duck;
  • goose;
  • mutton;
  • cheeses;
  • cooking fat;
  • offal;
  • refined vegetable oils;
  • sausage sets for solyanka;
  • smoked meats;
  • ready-made refills;
  • margarine;
  • hot and spicy seasonings;
  • pickles and marinades, etc.

In addition, mayonnaise and other factory-made sauces cannot be added to ready-made soups, because their use may provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

The benefits of soups for stomach ulcers

Peptic ulcer is a pathological condition in which an erosive defect forms on the wall of the stomach or duodenum, which affects not only the mucous membrane, but also the deeper layers.
Dietary nutrition is an important component of complex treatment of the disease. The basis of the diet of a person suffering from an ulcer should be properly prepared soups. The first courses are prepared in gentle ways, so they are easier to digest than the second courses, and at the same time contain a sufficient amount of nutrients. Of particular benefit for stomach ulcers are mucous soups based on barley, rice, oatmeal and some other cereals. Thanks to this consistency, the dish envelops the mucous membrane, reducing the negative impact of various irritants on it.

Properly prepared soups satisfy hunger well, reducing the risk of breakdowns and eating food that can aggravate the course of the disease. Regular inclusion of main courses in the diet helps restore the mucous membrane.

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