ASD 2 for the pancreas for cancer and pancreatitis

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Recently, the drug ASD 2 has become popular for the treatment of many diseases. Therapy with ASD 2 for pancreatitis of the pancreas shows good results. It is noteworthy that at first the medicine was intended to treat the effects of radiation exposure. The positive properties of the drug were discovered during tests on animals and volunteers.

How to take the drug Asd for pancreatitis

ASD for pancreatitis is a real miracle, which, according to doctors, patients and the creator of the drug, allows you to suppress the disease at the initial stage. Where does the medicine come from, under what conditions was it developed, what is its intended purpose, uniqueness, release form, cost, etc.?

History of the appearance of the drug ASD

Did you know that the abbreviation ASD is nothing more than Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant? The title mentions the name of the inventor, who, in 1947, which is distant relative to our time, revealed his pharmaceutical creation to the world.

It is an amazing fact that until the early 70s of the 20th century, this medicine remained classified, since the scope of its use fell exclusively on top Soviet officials and their associates. It is known that in the late 40s of the last century, in the fight against oncology of L.’s mother.

P. Beria was prescribed this medication.

A.V. Dorogov himself, contrary to your guesses, was not the personal physician of the secretaries of state, but a candidate of veterinary sciences. In those days, he happened to work in a secret scientific chemical defense laboratory.

The employees had a mission to create a number of medicines that would protect the body of animals and humans from all kinds of bacteria, chemical and ionizing radiation, and Alexey Vlasovich coped with the task with a bang.

Uniqueness and relevance of ASD

ASD is considered an adaptogen drug, that is, it helps the body resist external environmental factors that undermine the immune system and make it vulnerable to microbes, bacteria and various diseases. This is more relevant than ever, because due to deteriorating environmental conditions, people’s health levels are rapidly declining.

The uniqueness of ASD lies in the fact that the drug has a beneficial effect on all adaptation levels, from the nervous system (vegetative and central), to the immune and endocrine. In addition, it has a positive effect on the stability of peripheral tissue barriers.

The drug is presented in two fractions:

  • Asd 2 can be used both externally and internally.
  • Asd 3 for external use is mostly used to relieve animals of dermatological problems: disinfection of wounds, fight against parasites and fungi, eczema, psoriasis, etc.

The very first faction turned out to be of little use, so it is not currently used.

Fraction ASD 2 in pancreatitis

The choice of this drug in the treatment of inflammatory pancreas is due to many advantages over other drugs, including analogues:

  1. Availability and low cost. You will probably find it in stock at any pharmacy, and the affordable price will not hurt your wallet. On average it costs 90 rubles. per bottle with a volume of 100 ml.
  2. Safety and absence of contraindications. Even women who are pregnant or during lactation can turn to ASD for help.
  3. The effect occurs on the entire body. The medicine does not hit a specific direction, but has a positive effect on the body as a whole.
  4. Doesn't get rejected. Medical research proves that even in the presence of tumors, the components of the drug always reach the target, regardless of the disease.
  5. Not addictive.

The only drawback is the unpleasant odor that will accompany taking the medicine. The fact is that if shock absorbers were added that would drown out the nasty aroma, most of the healing properties would disappear. This moment is nothing compared to the effectiveness demonstrated by ASD.

In the treatment of pancreatic ASD the following is observed:

  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Increased resistance;
  • Regulation of the digestive system;
  • Stimulation of enzymes;
  • Improved motor function;
  • Ensuring the passage of potassium and sodium ions through cell membranes.

So, the drug Asd for pancreatitis, how to drink and in what quantity? The medicine is taken strictly in the indicated dosage, exceeding which is unacceptable. The principle “the more the better” does not work here.

As a rule, it is prescribed twice a day, 30 drops for adults/15 drops for adolescents. This amount of ASD is poured into a small container, for example a glass, and boiled water is added.

The course lasts five days, after which there is a mandatory three-day break.

We urge you not to self-medicate and before taking any medications, including ASD, consult a gastroenterologist, who will individually develop a drug prescription regimen and take into account the characteristics of your body.

Features of reception and warnings

Before you start taking ASD or any other drug, you should consult your doctor. You should not self-medicate, as this can lead to unpredictable consequences. The use of the fraction is not recommended for people suffering from increased blood clotting and a tendency to form blood clots. If you want to quickly get rid of the painful symptoms of the pathology, try to adhere to the following recommendations during the course of treatment.

  1. For oral administration, use exclusively the ASD-2 fraction of the antiseptic stimulant. There is also a third faction, the bottles are very similar. But ASD-3F is intended for external use only.
  2. During treatment with Dorogova, increase your fluid intake and enrich your diet with acidic fruits and juices. This will help prevent blood thickening and more quickly cleanse the body of toxins, toxic substances and pathogenic microflora.
  3. Drink the product strictly in the recommended dosages and do not interrupt the course of therapy under any circumstances.
  4. Do not open the bottle. When an adaptogen comes into contact with air, it loses its healing properties and becomes inactive. Take out the required amount of medicine using a syringe, piercing the rubber cap.
  5. If you are taking other medications, take ASD three to four hours after taking them.

The product is very effective and, if used correctly, will help in eliminating painful manifestations and speedy recovery. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and take the drug in the indicated doses.

Drawing up a treatment regimen for pancreatitis using ASD

Faction properties

The fraction is 100% biocompatible and has no contraindications. In addition, the drug does not cause side effects or overdose.

It is especially important to emphasize that the drug always and in any dosage has a therapeutic effect. It can be taken long-term and cure any chronic process

It does not accumulate in the body and is not addictive. This means that its biological activity is preserved regardless of how exactly the treatment regimen is drawn up.

The solution is available in bottles and is a liquid whose color varies from yellow to dark brown. There is a pronounced smell. Depending on the number, ASD is used both internally and externally.

Method of application

Traditionally, 14-30 drops are taken, which need to be diluted in 1/3 glass of water. Tea can also be used. You need to take the drug twice a day before meals. Therapy continues for at least five days. Next, you need to rest for three days and start treatment again. Therapy continues until the pathology is completely eliminated.

Faction Benefits

It is impossible to use aromatic additives with ASD, since their presence loses the positive properties of the drug.

For internal use, a standard scheme is used. As a result, the following effects are noted:

In some situations, gastroenterologists prescribe a different regimen for using the drug. But in any case, the fraction is not accepted more than twice a day.

Rules for using the drug

The fraction is used only after consultation with a doctor

It is important to choose the correct product number and use ASD 2 for internal use, and ASD 3 for external use. For pancreatitis, any fraction can be used, but the most pronounced effect will be when they are combined

The treatment regimen with the internal composition does not change, but is only supplemented.

You can learn about the use of the fraction in the treatment of diseases from the video:

  • Gordox solution in the treatment of pancreatitis
  • Pancreas: features of the choice of drugs for inflammation
  • Does taking Hilak Forte relieve the symptoms of pancreatitis?

I've heard about the faction many times. Some cured ulcers, others drank even when suffering from cancer. But the problem is that the drug has a very strong smell. Because of this, I could not take it internally. Even treating the abscess was agony for me. Sometimes it came to the point of vomiting.

Tell me how to take it correctly, what is the scheme?

Nikolay, please write the result.

Nikolay, please tell me how many times a day should I take 20 drops?

I took the first course for 4 months, drank for 5 days, rested for 2 days, reached 25 drops and stopped because my weight is 46 kg. I advise everyone to get up at 4 am, because a friend advised me to do so; she cured uterine cancer. At this time, the drug works better, since the person does not eat or drink and all the beneficial substances penetrate immediately into the tissues and are not diluted with water and food. It's not difficult, the alarm clock rang, I got up #8212; drank and went back to sleep. For the second time of the day, I preferred 16.00. It was so convenient for me. I took it 2 times a day. I haven’t cured my pancreas yet. But I cured hemorrhoids that did not go away at all#8230; I suffered terribly and ran from doctor to doctor. The back pain that had been tormenting me for several months also went away. I was pleasantly surprised. The drug works

I didn’t notice the result right away, I just didn’t pay attention, but then it dawned on me that ASD really works. You can drink herbs and vitamins together

I took Alphabet supplements and vitamins. This will make the effect even better. The smell doesn't bother me since I drink from a straw. Now I'm going to start the course again. An acquaintance cured pancreatitis, but he says that it takes about a year to take it. You can't drink or smoke. This is the basic requirement, and a break of 2-3 days is required. I think there is no need to worry about the scheme. Just start with 5 drops and add 5 drops every week. Focus on your weight. I'm thin, so I stopped at 25 drops. The drug can be kept in the refrigerator, as well as in a cool, dark place.

Don't be afraid to use a fraction in your treatment! With her help, I am now coping with all my illnesses. If I break my diet and eat something fatty, I don’t run to the pharmacy like I used to, but simply drink an additional dose of ASD. The effect is always positive.

Good evening everyone! My mother has cancer of the head of the pancreas. She had a PDR operation and so far only one course of weak chemotherapy. Tell me, is it possible and how to start using this fraction correctly? Thank you, to those who will respond to our misfortune.

I periodically drink a fraction according to the scheme 2 times a day, 1 ml (30-35 drops) 40 minutes before meals for 5 days, resting for 2 days. I forgot about heartburn and deforming osteoarthritis of both ankles and feet. 41 years old, weight 115 kg. Health to everyone!


Sergey, 35 years old. I have suffered from chronic pancreatitis since childhood. Sometimes the symptoms were very debilitating - abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. I took everything that the doctor prescribed. Two years ago I read an article in a magazine about ASD. I found out where I could buy it and bought it. What immediately repulsed me was the smell, a sharp, sickening one. After reading reviews on the Internet of those who treated pancreatitis with this remedy, I started taking it. The first time I took one drop (diluted in water), on the second day - 2, and so on until 20. Then I drank it for another week at this dose. What I want to say is that after the course the condition improved significantly, even exacerbations did not occur so often. When the disease worsened again, I drank 1 ml every day in five-day courses. The product is very effective, my recommendations.

Marina, 44 years old. I have known about ASD for a long time and have been taking it for a long time; I have chronic pancreatitis. The medicine helps to get rid of the symptoms of the disease in a short time. If an exacerbation begins or I feel that I have eaten something wrong, I immediately start drinking an antiseptic stimulant. It is a pity that medicine has not yet recognized it.

ASD 2 for pancreatitis for the pancreas

The product of dry sublimation of bone and meat waste at high temperatures is an adaptogen. It corresponds to the structure of cells, passes through tissues and the placenta, coordinates hormonal levels, serves as a tissue preparation, and a biogenic stimulant.

Benefits of treating pancreatitis with ASD

The following characteristics of the second fraction are important for patients:

  • cheap product available in all pharmacies
  • not rejected for pancreatic tumors and other diseases
  • has no contraindications, is prescribed for nursing and pregnant mothers
  • has no selectivity, rejuvenates the entire body
  • is not an immunomodulator (it adjusts the body to destroy microbes, increasing immunity)

The disadvantage that ASD 2 has is the smell. When deodorizing, the drug loses its properties and is not compatible with flavorings. The healing properties outweigh the unpleasant aspects of treatment; addiction to the product does not occur.

Impact of ASD 2 on the body during pancreatitis:

The ASD 2 fraction used for pancreatitis is no more than the standard dose of 15 drops (at the end of the increase) for adolescents, 30 drops for adults. Dilute the product in a glass with plain water. The standard dosage regimen (five days on, three days off) can be adjusted individually by a gastroenterologist. It is prohibited to take the drug more than twice a day.

ASD for pancreatic cancer

  • Activation of energy metabolism.
  • Improved tissue nutrition.
  • Strengthens cell membranes.
  • Normalization of hormonal levels.
  • Normalization of the nervous system.
  • Adaptogenic properties.

During treatment for ASD F-2 cancer, you should not drink alcohol and you should not eat meat products. Therapy with this veterinary remedy goes well with taking herbal medicines. Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant is combined with other medications and relieves side effects from chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Interesting materials on this topic!

Extracts and extracts from plants, Altai medicinal honey serve as the basis for these dietary supplements. Supplements Siberian Health.

Supplements can be included in the diet only at the second stage of recovery, after recovery from the crisis. At primary.

Liquids and food entering the body are processed by enzymes produced by the pancreas. If the affected organ fails to cope.

readers of the article ASD 2

Good afternoon We started taking ASD, the doctors sent my husband home because... Stage 4, is it possible to use ASD with fly agaric tincture? I read that alcohol is not allowed while taking the drug. Tell me, please, what should we do?

We’ve been drinking for 2 months, we didn’t manage to reach 50 drops, the MRI didn’t show a tumor either.

Hello! Does ASD treat chronic pancreatitis and chronic cholestitis? I have a hormonal imbalance, I haven’t had my period for 6 years and I haven’t gotten pregnant! Anyone who has been cured or undergoing treatment, please respond! I am only 23 years old, I dream of my own miracle!

Good evening Larisa! Please tell me, 50 drops for each dose, it turns out 200 drops per day, I understood you correctly! Please tell me, besides Asd-2, do you take anything else or just Asd-2? Thank you in advance!

Now ASD has been certified for humans. sold as a dietary supplement. In addition to ASD2b, it contains selenium and folic acid. The smell and taste are also terrible.

My father was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, we take Asd 2, we reached 50 drops 4 times a day, we take it for 5 months. On December 4th we had an MRI #8212; the tumor did not show, I don’t understand, it’s a mistake or has resolved.




Uniqueness of the drug

Firstly, it is worth noting that the ASD 2 fraction is a relatively inexpensive drug, and does not have contraindications or side effects. Its active substances contribute to providing an overall positive effect on the entire body. ASD activates processes in the body to independently eliminate pathology, which reduces the duration of treatment. As noted above, its only drawback is the not entirely pleasant aroma.

Experts warn that it is strictly forbidden to use this fraction with the addition of aromatic additives, as this helps to destroy the basic properties of this product.

With the development of pancreatic disease, the positive effect of the drug in question is explained by the presence of the following components in it:

  • a huge number of amides,
  • components of the sulfhydrate group,
  • hydrocarbon,
  • acids of the carboxylic group.

To eliminate pancreatic pathology, ASD2 can be used externally, by applying the drug in the form of a mesh in the area of ​​the affected organ, as well as internally, according to the standard treatment regimen, as a result of which the following effects will be noted:

  • reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process,
  • increasing the resistance of tissue structures to the negative effects of external factors,
  • normalization of digestive tract processes,
  • increasing the enzymatic functionality of the parenchymal organ,
  • improvement of intestinal motility,
  • normalization of the processes of saturation of body tissues with elements such as sodium and potassium.

When treating pancreatic pathology, it is necessary to start taking the drug with 14 drops, with a gradual increase in dosage to 30. This will allow you to gradually get used to the unpleasant aroma and adjust the body to the required level of performance. Using this remedy, you can eliminate not only the acute form of pancreatic disease, but also its chronic course, as well as prevent the likelihood of its development against the background of cholelithiasis and stomach diseases.

Asd fraction 2 for pancreatitis

ASD fraction is an abbreviation for a drug invented by the Soviet scientist Dorogov, which was originally planned to be used for protection against radiation and wound healing. Hence the name - antiseptic Dorogov stimulant (ASD).

Fraction ASD 2 is not a drug, but it is quite widely advertised among non-traditional (alternative) medicine, including recommended use for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the pancreas.

How justified, useful and safe is it to include ASD 2 fraction in the treatment of pancreatitis?

What is ASD 2 fraction?

ASD 2 fraction is a solution obtained from meat and bone meal and other waste products from meat processing plants.

It contains water, carboxylic acids, cyclic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, amide derivatives and some other components.

These substances are released from the cell before its death, and it is believed that they are able to “tune” the cell to fight and counteract destructive factors (inflammation, injury, disease, etc.).

Effect of ASD 2 fractions in pancreatitis

According to the description of the product, when taken orally, the fraction activates protective processes and has a stimulating effect on the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and the secretory activity of the digestive glands.

ASD 2 fractions are credited with the property of improving food absorption and normalizing metabolic processes.

According to the supporters of the drug, for pancreatitis, ASD 2 fraction should have an anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect on the pancreas and help relieve clinical symptoms (nausea, abdominal pain after eating, diarrhea, malnutrition, etc.).

Treatment regimen

For pancreatitis, it is recommended to take ASD 2 fraction of 15-30 drops, dissolving them in about 50 ml of boiled water, half an hour before meals, twice a day.

The treatment regimen provides for constantly repeated courses of administration: 5 days with a two-day break, the duration of therapy is not limited (until recovery).

Considering the presence of a strong odor in the product and the inadmissibility of its long-term storage after opening, you should not remove the rubber cap from the bottle of ASD 2 fractions. To collect the amount of product required for administration, you can use a sterile syringe by piercing the cap with a needle.


It must be remembered that the ASD fraction is not a medicine. It is not registered as a medicinal product and is not approved for use in humans (except for external forms). ASD 2 fraction is officially approved only in veterinary medicine and dermatology.

The evidence base on the effectiveness of treatment of pancreatitis (as well as other diseases) is based mainly on positive reviews from patients and advertising from manufacturers and suppliers; no reliable clinical studies of ASD 2 fractions have been conducted.

There are no instructions for treating patients with pancreatitis with ASD 2 fraction, and all recommendations are given in accordance with previous (Soviet) studies and the personal experience of patients. Although there are no reports of any serious adverse effects after treatment with standard doses of ASD fraction, it is unlikely that your gastroenterologist will prescribe this drug for the treatment of pancreatitis.

Instructions for use

The bottle has a rubber cap secured with an aluminum stopper. The bottle cannot be opened completely. Only part of the aluminum cover should be removed. Take the medicine with a needle from a disposable syringe. Before this, the bottle is shaken, turned over, a needle is inserted, and then a syringe is inserted. The liquid is injected very carefully, the needle should be immersed in water.

The product promotes blood thickness. It is necessary to add acidic foods and juices to the diet, and drink plenty of fluids.

INTERESTING fact: ASD 2 candles instructions for use

The use of ASD fraction 2 for the pancreas and its pathologies has many positive reviews. However, we should not forget that the drug is not approved by medicine as a medicine.

Be healthy!

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