What salads can you eat with pancreatitis - delicious and healthy recipes, reviews

With diseases of the digestive system, patients are forced to eat a strict diet. In one situation, products may not have any effect on the patient’s well-being, but in another situation they can significantly undermine the health of the pancreas. Salads for pancreatitis can diversify the diet. Their recipes include vegetables that are allowed to be used. You can also add meat, herbs, fruits, and seafood to the salad. We’ll look at what kind of salads can be prepared for pancreatitis in this article.

Which ones are possible?

Salads have long been recognized as an integral part of the diet of many people. They can serve as a separate appetizer or as an addition to the main dish (side dish, meat, fish, etc.). Numerous options can be prepared from simple foods that are in everyone's daily diet, and other salad options act as holiday appetizers. A patient with pancreatitis during the period of dietary nutrition should not be completely tabooed on such dishes, but the patient should know the method of making salads and the list of ingredients so as not to provoke attacks of pancreatitis.

What products are allowed for making salads?

The dietary diet for patients with pancreatitis allows the consumption of products that are used to prepare salads:

  1. Lean meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey, beef);
  2. Lean fish (white meat);
  3. Rice;
  4. Boiled or steamed fruits and vegetables;
  5. Cottage cheese, sour cream with a low fat content;
  6. Vegetable oil.

The list of these products is allowed for consumption separately and as salads.

What foods are prohibited for making salads?

List of prohibited foods that need to be removed from your diet:

  1. Fatty meats (lamb, pork);
  2. Fatty fish;
  3. High fat dairy products;
  4. Cheese;
  5. Nuts;
  6. Mayonnaise;
  7. Beans, peas and other legumes;
  8. Chicken egg yolks;
  9. Chips, crackers, spicy seasonings.

Knowing this list of prohibited foods, the patient can independently think through the combination of foods when preparing salads and make changes to traditional recipes.

Certain products may be on the border with a list of permitted and prohibited products. The reason lies in the composition of useful elements and those that are dangerous for the inflamed gland. Examples include spinach and green lettuce leaves.

  • Spinach has an extensive list of vitamins and beneficial microelements. It contains a significant amount of oxalic acid, which has an irritating effect on the inflamed pancreas. For pancreatitis, experts advise eating only fresh, soft and young spinach leaves.
  • Green salad has undoubted benefits for a healthy person and for a person who suffers from pancreatitis. Since it contains a high content of ascorbic acid, it is not recommended to include green salad in your diet more than twice a week.

Boiled, steamed, baked vegetables will be beneficial and will be good elements of the diet for chronic pancreatitis (during a stable period of remission). To ensure that vegetables do not lose their own taste properties when cooked, it is recommended to send them to the oven for baking. You can use foil for this.

It is recommended to consume vegetables in combination with meat or fish. They retain all the beneficial elements, as they undergo gentle processing during preparation. It is necessary to remember that the following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • Horseradish;
  • Garlic;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Vinegar;
  • Onion;
  • Mustard;
  • Sorrel;
  • Radish;
  • Bell pepper;
  • Radish;
  • Rhubarb.

Great as a salad dressing:

  • Olive oil;
  • Low-fat sour cream;
  • Natural unsweetened yogurt.

For pancreatitis, salads are allowed to be consumed as independent dishes and as an addition to the main side dish.

Lettuce and spinach

The presented ingredients can be included in diet salad recipes for pancreatitis. Because they are on the border between acceptable and prohibited products in the event of such a pathology.

Eating fresh lettuce leaves benefits the body of any person, including those suffering from inflammation of the pancreas. The product contains an abundance of ascorbic acid. However, it is not recommended to eat lettuce more than twice a week.

Spinach contains many essential microelements. However, this salad contains oxalic acid. The latter can irritate the inflamed pancreas. Therefore, nutritionists advise only occasionally including a small amount of young, fresh spinach leaves in your diet. Uncontrolled use of the product can lead to the most unforeseen consequences.

Benefit or harm?

Of course, there is no need to consume the usual salad compositions if you have pancreatitis. With this disease, salads must contain only approved products. For this reason, numerous ingredients that are often used in conventional cooking will need to be eliminated. Only in this case will salads bring benefits to the body, and the resulting harm will be reduced to zero.

In order to be sure that salad is allowed to be consumed for pancreatitis, it is better to take your own taste as a guide and change your favorite dishes in accordance with dietary needs. In this case, dietary changes will be easier, food will remain more familiar, but at the same time the conditions for a gentle and healthy diet will be met. Patients will need to adhere to certain general principles:

  • Salads must be consumed only fresh, in moderate portions. This may be inconvenient, troublesome and expensive, but for patients with pancreatitis it is very necessary. Leaving salad in the refrigerator to eat later or overeating, so as not to leave or throw away food, is extremely prohibited. Storing food already changes the quality, and excessive amounts of food eaten increase the load on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • For salads you need to use a minimum of seasonings and spices; it is better to use only a small amount of salt.
  • Fat must be limited and for this reason dressings can only be yoghurt, kefir, low-fat sour cream, a small amount of olive or sunflower oil.
  • Heat treatment of all products is preferred. Only vegetables and fruits from the permitted list are allowed to be used in small quantities.
  • When cutting salad, you should know that the permissible size of cutting vegetables should not exceed a match head. This means that everything should be chopped very finely. It’s better to completely grind everything through a grater or blender.
  • To quickly cope with your own diet, when you need to set the table for a holiday and you have a lot of work, it is possible to use the main ingredients for holiday salads in a small version, but at the same time changing certain products from the prohibited list.
  • Products whose effects on the body of a sick patient have not been tested should not be added to the salad. In this case, an exacerbation of the disease may occur.

Note! Some salads use canned vegetables (green peas, beans). These products can be used by people who are in remission of pancreatitis and only in small portions.

General recommendations

Proper preparation of a variety of salads for pancreatitis will diversify the patient’s diet, speed up the healing process and replenish the body with nutrients.

You cannot limit your diet only to salads; it is important to remember that dietary food must remain varied and complete. Like other dishes, salads should not be eaten hot or too cold; portions should be small and meals should be frequent.

Let us remember that pancreatitis is a serious disease that requires correct treatment, including proper nutrition. Such a diagnosis cannot be made independently, since the symptoms are similar to other pathologies of the digestive tract. This indicates that when signs of the disease appear, you need to contact a gastroenterologist, who, with the help of medical manipulations, will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapy. You should not prescribe a diet for yourself and arbitrarily decide whether certain foods are allowed to be consumed - such issues are within the competence of the doctor.

Recipes for dietary salads for pancreatitis

You need to be especially attentive to your own health and well-being. Before you decide to diversify your diet, you need to consult with your healthcare professional to ensure that the added foods only bring benefits and not harm. The doctor will tell you which products can be used and what should not be consumed. Indeed, in the case of pancreatitis, the dish should not only be tasty, but also healthy.

On every day

When understanding what salads can be prepared for pancreatitis for every day, it is necessary to mention that each patient has his own sensitivity and susceptibility to certain foods. The same product can provoke different reactions from the digestive tract in different patients. For example, one person can easily eat tomatoes in salads, but for another, such a vegetable will provoke pain in the abdomen. It would be better to consult with a specialist about introducing certain foods into the diet that are in doubt.

Salads for pancreatitis for every day can be very different. Having a list of allowed products in your arsenal, you can prepare a variety of salad variations for yourself.

Beet salad

To prepare such a salad, you need to cook the vegetables for 2 hours until they are completely cooked. Next, you need to chop the beets well (you can grate them), add a little salt and season with a small amount of olive or sunflower oil.

Despite the fact that this vegetable has useful and beneficial qualities for the body, it should be consumed with caution, since beets contain fiber, which can create additional stress on the pancreas. For this reason, you need to remember the measure and the fact that the salad is prepared for one time.

A variation of this dish can be a salad with the addition of boiled carrots. It also needs to be crushed before use. Some people may add a little grated apple to their salad.

Cucumber salad

This salad is easy to prepare. You need 100 grams of cucumbers (fresh), washed and cut into rings. Finely chop the dill, salt the salad, add vegetable oil (sunflower or olives). In addition, you can season this salad with sour cream. In this version, it is better to peel the cucumbers and cut them into cubes.

Do not forget that vegetables should be consumed only during periods of stable remission. If the disease has reached the acute stage, then vegetables can only be eaten boiled or steamed.

Cucumber and tomato salad

A traditional summer salad that many people love. What should patients with pancreatitis do? If you are already in stable remission, then you can eat this salad. To do this, the tomatoes need to be peeled and finely chopped. Cucumbers can also be peeled and finely chopped. The salad can be seasoned with low-fat sour cream, vegetable oil, and a pinch of salt.

For the New Year

When preparing salads for pancreatitis, you need to pay attention to the fact that salads with pickled vegetables are prohibited during periods of exacerbation of the disease. In addition, vinaigrette can be included in the diet only during stable remission.

Traditional Olivier

The ingredients for Olivier should be taken in the same proportions as for preparing regular Olivier. Potatoes and carrots are boiled in their skins. In addition to them, you need to boil chicken fillet and eggs. Then you should cut it all into cubes and season with low-fat sour cream. If desired, you can add some fresh peeled cucumbers to this Olivier.

You can also use low-fat yogurt as a dressing. This salad will be the best recipe for pancreatitis for the New Year.


Dietary versions of salads for diseases of the pancreas can be added to the diet daily, since they are considered not only tasty, but also healthy. To prepare mimosa, you need to hard-boil 3 eggs, 250 g of fish fillet (pollock or any other low-fat fish), large carrots and 3 medium potatoes for 20 minutes.

Next, you need to start creating layers of salad. First place the fish on the bottom of the plate, which must first be cut into small pieces. Next, grate the carrots. The next layer is a small part of low-fat cheese. Then grated egg white and grated potatoes.

All layers must be coated with sour cream with a fat content of no more than 10%. Finally, the salad can be garnished with a sprig of dill or parsley.

Simple salads

People diagnosed with pancreatitis need to follow a strict diet throughout their lives that excludes fatty and spicy foods and foods that are excessively rich in carbohydrates.

A patient’s gentle diet must include the maximum amount of useful elements and vitamins, which can be easily achieved by supplementing your main dishes with salads. Intricate salads take a lot of time to prepare. What simple salads can be prepared for pancreatitis?

Leaf salad

There are different salad recipes for chronic pancreatitis. This also includes leaf lettuce, which can be included in the menu no more than 2 times a week in a dietary diet. You can prepare the dish as follows: green salad leaves with neutral acidity should be thoroughly washed under water and then all excess moisture should be removed from them.

Boil the egg in advance and cut it into 8 equal parts and add it to the salad leaves. Another element of the salad is hard cheese in small pieces. All salad components need to be seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Apple and carrot salad

This lard is an excellent option for a vitamin dessert for pancreatic diseases. It's easy to prepare. Carrots need to be boiled, peeled and cut. A fresh apple must also be peeled and crushed using a grater. You can dress the salad with natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream.


This simple salad can be prepared in two variations. The first option is to mix mild and low-fat hard cheese. Add finely chopped dill to it. You can season the salad with a tablespoon of kefir. The second option is to add a teaspoon of finely chopped greens to 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese. We also season with kefir.

Chicken salad

In most salads, the base element can be boiled chicken fillet, which needs to be finely chopped. This will help supply the body with useful components. And another pleasant surprise when eating such salads is that you will not gain excess weight at all.

Chicken salad option

First of all, to prepare such salads you will need boiled chicken fillet. It needs to be finely chopped. Then take a tablespoon of finely grated peeled zucchini and a tablespoon of Adyghe cheese. The cheese should be grated on a fine grater and the salad should be salted. Use yogurt as a dressing and mix all ingredients.

Chicken and pumpkin salad

Boil chicken fillet and cut into small pieces. Add chopped boiled pumpkin to the meat. Season the salad with low-fat yogurt or kefir.

Chicken and green salad

To prepare the salad, boil the chicken fillet and cut it into small pieces. Add green salad leaves to the meat, which should be cut into small pieces. You can add green peas or boiled eggs to the salad, to taste. Season the salad with vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream, add a pinch of salt.

Salads for pancreatitis and cholecystitis

It is possible to diversify your diet with a combination of vegetables and fruits. What mixed fruit and vegetable salads can be consumed without a doubt for pancreatitis: there are several recipe options:

  • The first recipe calls for boiled carrots and a few sweet apples. Apples need to be peeled and grated. The salad should be dressed with low-fat yogurt, to which you can add a drop of honey or a teaspoon of sugar.

  • Another good option for fruit salad: mix 300 g of melon, 2 apples, 300 g of pumpkin. The pumpkin needs to be steamed and the apples peeled. The salad ingredients must be cut into cubes. The dressing is natural yogurt with minimal fat content. For taste, you can add a small amount of sugar.
  • For the third version of the fruit salad, you will need to take equal proportions of peaches, bananas, and pumpkin (it needs to be steamed). All components of the salad must be peeled, crushed into cubes and mixed. The dressing is low-fat yogurt or sour cream.

Classic vinaigrette

Vinaigrette is a classic salad on the Russian table. The salad, which is prepared according to a traditional recipe using sauerkraut and pickles, is not allowed for people with pancreatic diseases. You can prepare only a dietary type of salad that will not harm your well-being.

You need to take potatoes, beets, and carrots in equal quantities. They need to be washed well and boiled without peeling. Boiled vegetables should be cooled and cut into cubes, mixed and seasoned with vegetable oil. You can add a pinch of salt. This vinaigrette can be consumed without fear for your pancreas.

Fruit and vegetable salads

Carrots and pumpkin are ideal vegetable companions. Carrots are usually used raw, and pumpkin is pre-baked or steamed.


Peel one carrot and one apple and grate them. Season with yogurt and a drop of honey. In a state of remission, you can add one crushed walnut.


Take equal parts of melon and pumpkin pulp (100 g each) and one apple. Steam the pumpkin and cut all the ingredients into cubes. Season the salad with yogurt.


Pumpkin pulp (100 g) is steamed and cut into cubes. Slice the peach and banana. The ingredients are mixed and seasoned with yogurt or low-fat sour cream.


In case of pancreatitis, it is contraindicated to drink alcohol and smoke on an empty stomach. As for salads for diseases of the pancreas, they also have their own nuances. What is contraindicated to add to salads:

  1. White cabbage, sauerkraut;
  2. Liver, kidneys, brains for making salads;
  3. Sorrel;
  4. Sour cucumbers, tomatoes;
  5. Sausages;
  6. Mayonnaise.

The list of contraindications can be large. It is imperative to consume such salads only in the stage of stable remission of pancreatitis. For advice, contact a specialist.

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