When inhaling, there is a colitis under the right rib: what could it be?

Pain can be localized anywhere in the human body, and depending on its location, doctors can determine a possible diagnosis. Sometimes the pain syndrome can cause serious discomfort. Particularly unpleasant is pain in the right hypochondrium when inhaling. What can it signal?

Pain in the right hypochondrium when inhaling

What happens in the hypochondrium during breathing?

Everything inside the human body is interconnected. The breathing process involves not only the lungs, but also other organs . At the upper border of the hypochondrium is the diaphragm, which takes an active part in breathing. Thanks to it, negative pressure is created inside the pleural cavity, due to which the lung tissue is greatly stretched and air enters it during inhalation.

How does a person breathe?

The muscles located between the ribs are also involved in the act of breathing. When they contract, the ribs move upward and the chest increases in volume. At this moment, the diaphragm descends towards the peritoneum and becomes flat.

Muscles of inhalation and muscles of exhalation

On a note! There are two types of breathing - chest and abdominal. The first is typical for women and occurs due to the muscles between the ribs; abdominal breathing is more often observed in men and its main participant is the diaphragm.

During movement, the diaphragm pulls along with it the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity. For example, the liver is connected to it by a special ligament. In turn, the gallbladder is attached to the liver. The intestinal organs are also involved in movement.

Respiratory system

Where does pain in the hypochondrium come from?

It is not difficult to understand where pain in the hypochondrium comes from when inhaling if you understand all the anatomical features of a person. It can be caused by any reason, not always related to breathing problems. So, according to this, there are several types of pain based on location:

  • pain associated with the digestive organs;
  • gynecological pain;
  • pain arising from problems with the chest organs;
  • pain syndromes associated with other anatomical formations.

Pain can vary

On a note! Even a completely healthy person who does not pay due attention to physical activity can feel pain in the liver area. He may experience pain after a short run. This pain syndrome can be triggered by a spasm of the diaphragm due to a disruption in the respiratory rhythm or an increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood, which causes an increase in the amount of blood in the liver. In this case we are not talking about pathology.

Causes of dull pain in the hypochondrium on the right when inhaling

Diseases of the digestive tract cause dull or sharp pain depending on the phase and stage. In a chronic course with rare exacerbations, patients note intermittent pain in the lower part of the chest on the right when taking a deep breath.

Chronic inflammatory processes in the liver and gallbladder are accompanied by partial sclerosis (replacement of own tissue with scars) of the organ parenchyma or cavity wall, and deformation. This disrupts the location of the ligamentous apparatus. And when breathing and pulling up with the diaphragm, it causes pain in the side or above the projection area.

Chronic cholecystitis is a common disease of the gallbladder of inflammatory nature. Outside of exacerbation, it gives nagging and dull pain in the hypochondrium on the right. In patients with a long history of the disease, the bladder becomes thinner and becomes covered with scars and adhesions. Painful sensations occur not only when taking a deep breath, but also when moving the body and turning.

Biliary dyskinesia is considered the initial stage of cholecystitis and cholangitis. It is expressed in a violation of the contractile function of the bladder and ducts, pain of either a dull or spastic nature.

It is observed in nervous people prone to irritability, anxiety, and hormonal imbalance. The connection between pain and inhalation is due to impaired regulation of breathing and incoordination of contractions of muscle groups. Calming procedures help get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Symptoms of liver problems

Hepatitis - inflammatory diseases of the liver contribute to swelling of the tissue and an increase in the volume of the organ; pain is caused by stretching of the capsule.

Usually they are dull in nature, patients are located in the right hypochondrium.

Increased breathing is possible when trying to move actively, play sports in the remission phase, or the addition of cholecystitis. Fatty degeneration and cirrhosis of the liver is a long-term process with deformation of the organ, replacement with scar tissue, and tension of the ligamentous apparatus of the diaphragm.

The main diseases that provoke such pain

A variety of pathologies associated with the digestive, respiratory, reproductive organs, etc. can cause pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium when inhaling. The list of diseases is given in the table below, and the main ones will also be discussed in more detail.

The cause of pain can be various diseases

Table. Possible diseases that can cause such pain.

Organ systemDiseases
DigestiveCholecystitis, ulcerative duodenitis, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, cancer, hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, appendicitis, peritonitis, cholelithiasis, abscess and hydatid cyst.
GenitourinaryRenal colic, adrenal tumors, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cyst torsion, andexitis.
RespiratoryPneumonia, pleurisy, pneumothorax.
CardiovascularAbdominal form of myocardial infarction, venous thrombosis.
Other systemsIntercostal neuralgia, trauma, thoracic osteochondrosis.

If you want to learn in more detail how to treat shingles pain under the ribs and in the back, and also consider possible causes and alternative treatment methods, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Acute cholecystitis

This disease is characterized by obstruction of the biliary tract. In acute cholecystitis, stones from the gallbladder enter the ducts, blockage of the channels occurs, stagnation of bile and inflammation of the bladder.

Gallbladder, pancreas

The pain in this case is usually sharp and acute, most often manifesting itself at night. The tone of the gallbladder increases, the organ is forced to contract more often, and each such contraction is accompanied by the appearance of a new attack of pain, albeit short-lived. Acute cholecystitis may be accompanied by vomiting, fever, and pain in the arm. Sometimes the pain radiates to the collarbone and scapula. If the pain moves to the epigastric region, this means that the stone has moved into the main bile duct.

Diseases of other organs

Also, pain in the right hypochondrium can also appear due to the development of pathologies in a number of other organs - lungs, heart, muscle tissue, etc. For example, pneumonia or pneumonia is a serious independent disease or one that occurs as complications, the cause of which is pathogenic microorganisms , activated against the background of decreased immunity. The main symptoms of the disease: very high temperatures, cough with purulent sputum, shortness of breath, severe pain when breathing, poor health.

Diagnosis of pneumonia

Against the background of pneumonia, a complication such as pleurisy often develops - with this disease, fluid accumulates in the pleural area. Pleurisy is also characteristic of tuberculosis. The patient experiences pain under the ribs and behind, radiating to the stomach, and cannot breathe deeply. Chills and temperature changes are noted.

Inflammation of the pleura

On a note! Pleurisy can be caused by cancer, lung abscesses, and bronchiectasis.

Pain can also be caused by right-sided pneumothorax, in which the lung tissue ruptures and air enters the pleural area. The right lung is compressed, the patient cannot breathe, and loses pressure.

Often the cause of pain in the right hypochondrium when breathing is due to diseases of the cardiovascular system. For example, pulmonary embolism. The patient suddenly finds himself unable to breathe, experiences sharp pain in the chest, and the skin of the upper half of the body becomes bluish. He loses consciousness.

Pulmonary embolism

Also, pain in the right hypochondrium is a companion to a large number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. These are injuries, muscular myositis, intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis, pinched intervertebral hernia, etc.

If you want to learn in more detail the possible causes of back pain when inhaling, and also consider diagnostics and treatment methods, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Pathology of other organs

  • Among other diseases that can radiate pain to the hypochondrium and intensify with inhalation, the following can be noted:
  • pyelonephritis of the right kidney, especially accompanied by inflammation of the perinephric tissue around the upper pole;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • adrenal tumors with metastases to the spine;
  • thrombosis of the hepatic and vena cava.

Considering the versatile nature of the lesions, which can cause pain in the right hypochondrium associated with breathing, it cannot be tolerated for a long time. If you have acute and severe pain, you should call an ambulance. If a previously familiar symptom has changed in radiation and character, then you should contact the clinic. Self-treatment can be harmful and complicate the course of the disease.

When is it important to see a doctor immediately?

In some cases, when pain appears in the right hypochondrium when inhaling, emergency assistance from specialists is necessary. You should immediately rush to see a doctor if you suspect:

  • appendicitis;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • renal colic;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • myocardial infarction.

Ectopic pregnancy

What to do if there is severe stabbing in the right side?

When tingling in the side appears after eating, you need to figure out what foods the body reacts to. Sometimes dietary nutrition helps, in severe cases you need to consult a gastroenterologist, he will prescribe treatment.

In case of severe and sharp pain, you must call an ambulance. Painkillers cannot be used; they will blur the clinical picture, which will make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

You should not place a heating pad in the area of ​​the liver projection, as it can accelerate the pathological process and provoke complications.

If your side starts to hurt while running, you need to stop, lean forward a little and wait 4-5 minutes. The pain will go away. When the pain and/or tingling does not go away, consult a doctor.

When the colic has passed, but the condition has not improved, and other symptoms remain, you need to call a medical team or go to the clinic yourself.

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