TOP 13 cheap and effective analogues of the drug Creon for adults and children

Has restrictions during pregnancy

Allowed during breastfeeding

Allowed for children

Allowed for older people

Has limitations for liver problems

Has limitations for kidney problems

Creon is a drug that includes enzyme substances and is used to correct food digestion processes. The active substance is pancreatin. It consists of three groups of enzymes:

  • protease;
  • lipase;
  • amylase.

The main task of these substances is to catalyze the processes of digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. There are several forms of this drug (drug), the main difference between them is the dosage of the active substance. In pharmacies you can purchase Creon 10,000, 25,000 and 40,000 units, as well as analogues of each of the forms given below. There is also a children's form of the drug Kreonchik for 5000 units. The drug is completely safe and can be used for all categories of patients.

Creon's action

The drug may be prescribed in the following cases:

  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • neoplasms of the pancreas;
  • surgical interventions on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cholestasis;
  • biliary obstruction;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • Shwachman-Diamond pathology;
  • malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract of various ethologies;
  • cirrhotic processes;
  • duodenostasis and gastrostasis;
  • pathologies of the small intestine;
  • rehabilitation therapy after infectious lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalization of pancreatic enzyme activity in elderly people;
  • obstructive processes in the bile ducts;
  • disorders of the intestinal microflora in newborns.

Description of the drug

Creon is a drug manufactured by Abbott Laboratories. The average price is 330-500 rubles. The main active ingredient is pancreatin. It corresponds to the content of the following components:

  • lipase (10,000 units);
  • amylase (8,000 units);
  • protease (600 units).

These are the main enzymatic substances involved in food processing and the formation of feces. Under the influence of active components the following pharmacological effects are formed:

  • digestion of carbohydrates, fats, proteins;
  • rapid absorption of nutrients through the small intestine;
  • compensation for insufficient enzyme production in inflammatory diseases of the pancreas.

Under the influence of the medicine, the digestion process is facilitated. Nutrients do not penetrate into the systemic circulation; they are eliminated along with feces. The product helps with the following conditions:

  • insufficient production of enzymes in diseases of the pancreas, cystic fibrosis;
  • inflammation of parts of the digestive tract that impede the absorption of food and the formation of feces;
  • removal of part of the stomach, chemotherapy;
  • improper diet containing a lot of fat (body weight increases, the patient is prone to obesity).

The remedy not only heals. It is used to prepare for x-ray examination of the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal organs. Pancreatin helps to evacuate the contents of the digestive tract.

Side effects contraindications

If the dosage is followed, the drug is well tolerated by all patients. Negative reactions arise due to an error in the concentration of the drug or the course of use prescribed by the doctor. But individual intolerance may occur, then the following side effects are formed:

  • dyspeptic disorders, nausea, vomiting, impaired stool formation;
  • lack of effectiveness when drinking alcohol in large quantities (this is prohibited);
  • allergic reactions on the skin (rash, itching, peeling, swelling, redness);
  • an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood with the further development of gout, if the patient uses the drug in excessively high doses for a long time;
  • In infants and children, irritation develops around the anus when consuming high doses.

The drug should not be used only due to acute pancreatitis or hypersensitivity to one of the components. This means that it can be used by children, women during pregnancy and lactation. But they do this only after consulting a doctor and undergoing laboratory and instrumental tests. This will prevent complications that negatively affect the fetus.

Creon: reception features

The main substance in the fight against stomach diseases is pancreatin. It has been known since ancient times.

Thanks to combined use with auxiliary components - dimethicone and macrogol, the desired result is achieved much faster.

The drug is usually prescribed for the treatment of pancreatitis, pancreatic and stomach cancer. But besides this, doctors often prescribe pills for the following manipulations:

  • performing a hysterectomy;
  • after surgery in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • partial resection of the stomach.

Creon should be used only after a doctor's prescription.

How to choose the dosage of pancreatin?

In the process of treating pathologies of the digestive tract, it is important to give certain doses of medicinal substances and enzymes. Then only a positive effect will arise, there will be no negative effect. The exception is patients with individual intolerance. The most common enzyme concentrations are:

  • 10,000 units;
  • 25,000 units.

The dose is selected depending on the condition of the patient’s body. It is important to use only the right concentration for the desired effect to occur. The following factors influence its selection:

  • body mass;
  • the ability of the pancreas to independently produce some enzymes;
  • the condition of the stomach, intestines, and its microflora for the normal formation of feces;
  • age.

The lowest dosage is selected for children. It is recommended to start with the minimum concentration and gradually increase it. However, at a certain stage, the therapeutic effect may not differ, even if the dose of the drug is increased. Then it is left at the maximum level, without increasing it any further.

If the patient only has a capsule with a concentration of 10,000 units, and he needs to drink 5,000, you can divide it equally.

When a patient develops a violation of stool formation, use 10,000 units. For inflammatory pathology of the pancreas, a decrease in the ability to produce enzymes, 25,000 units are used.

Use of the medication

The medicine is available in the form of capsules, which must be taken orally with a large volume of water.

Typically, experts recommend taking two capsules at a time.

One of them before meals, and the second during meals. If the patient has difficulty swallowing, carefully open the capsule and dilute its contents in liquid, then mix well and drink.

The exact dosage and duration of therapy are prescribed exclusively by the doctor, after the diagnosis has been established.

Analogues and substitutes

Contraindications are rare. Side effects are more often observed with an incorrectly selected dose. Therefore, the doctor prescribes an analogue; if the price is too high, the patient experiences individual intolerance. It may run out at the pharmacy, then the pharmacist will recommend a completely identical product. It is recommended to choose a replacement medicine presented in the table.

A drugActive substanceManufacturerprice, rub.
PancreatinLipase, amylase, proteaseValenta Pharmaceuticals60-100
PanzinormLipase, amylase, proteaseKRKA120-150
MicrasimLipase, amylase, proteaseABBA rus250-450
PenzitalLipase, amylase, proteaseShreya Life Sciences270-500
HermitalLipase, amylase, proteaseNordix Pharma150-300
PangrolLipase, amylase, proteaseMenarini Pharma50-300

The table shows that absolutely every substitute contains identical active ingredients. Lipase, amylase, protease have different concentrations, together they form a certain dose of pancreatin. For example, 10,000 units, 25,000 units. If the mechanism of action and pharmacokinetics are identical, change the drug without asking the doctor’s approval. But if there are changes in the instructions for use, it is better to seek advice. The new medication may require additional dosage adjustments.

Is there a difference between Creon and Pancreatin

The closest analogue of Creon 25000 is Pancreatin. Creon is an imported product, so its price is slightly more expensive than other enzymes. Pancreatin is produced in Russia, so it is cheaper. The tools have the following identical parameters:

  • pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics;
  • indications, contraindications for use;
  • side effects.

Often at the pharmacy, customers ask which is better, Creon or Pancreatin. These substances are absolutely identical, there is no difference between them. They have the same active and auxiliary components. This eliminates the risk of sudden negative reactions that the doctor would not have foreseen when prescribing the medicine.

Many patients and doctors believe that Russian-made drugs have less effect and may cause more side effects, but the theory has not been proven.

When Pancreatin is used, the patient can only take into account the dose, which is recommended by the doctor. If he prescribed 10,000 units of Creon, you need to buy an identical concentration of Pancreatin, no more. This is important for the normal course of treatment and the absence of excessive stress on the body when consuming a huge amount of enzymes.

Which is better Creon or Micrasim

Micrasim is a drug based on pancreatic enzymes. These are lipase, amylase, protease. With their help, they improve the digestion process. The product capsule contains pellets. These are miniature substances that are quickly and evenly distributed throughout the incoming food.

It is much easier for them to penetrate the duodenum and small intestine. Only there are enzymes released from the pellets and begin to act.

Thanks to the use of pellets, most of the active substance penetrates into the small intestine. It does not pass through natural physiological barriers, such as gastric acid. Therefore the effects are always more significant. Due to the pellets, the concentration of the distributed drug increases.

Micrazim is identical in indications, contraindications for use, and side effects with Creon, so the drugs can replace each other.

If we compare the pharmacological action, it is impossible to say which is better, Creon or Micrazim, since they are identical. More clinical trials have been conducted on the latter drug. Therefore, part of the pharmacokinetics is known. The substance enters the intestines, but is not absorbed into the systemic circulation there. The entire remedy has an effect only in the duodenum and small intestine.

Comparative characteristics with Hermital

Ermital is a German drug based on pancreatic enzymes. When they act, a proteolytic, amylolytic, lipolytic effect occurs. When figuring out which is better between Creon or Ermital for the digestive system, doctors explain the identical effect.

When the patient consumes the capsules, the pharmacokinetics are slightly different. This is due to the shape of the enzymes inside it. The following actions are distinguished, starting from the stomach:

  • under the influence of gastric juice, micro-tablets are released from the capsule;
  • they mix with the bolus of food, passing into the intestines;
  • in the duodenum, the removal of enzymatic substances from micro-tablets begins, which starts the active digestion process.

The use of micro-tablets improves the mechanism of action. This form of receipt provides a more reliable effect. Not a single part of Pancreatin is destroyed by gastric juice. Therefore, the function of pancreatic enzymes is completely replaced.

Which drug is more effective: Creon or Pangrol

Pangrol is an enzymatic drug produced in Germany. It is cheaper than Creon. The main active ingredient is obtained from the pig pancreas. Upon admission, an identical pharmacological effect occurs as with Creon.

The release form is changing. Pangrol is produced in the form of gelatin capsules. They dissolve in the stomach. Under the influence of hydrochloric acid, miniature tablets are released that are not affected by hydrochloric acid. The tablet capsule is eliminated only under the influence of substances in the intestines.

The enzyme delivery method is suitable for patients suffering from high stomach acidity.

After entering the intestine, the active component is released, and proteolytic, amylolytic, and lipolytic effects begin. Digestion is normalized. Unlike Creon, the indications for use have been changed:

Side effects are common. Mainly appear from the gastrointestinal tract. Contraindications are identical to Creon.

The choice between Creon and Panzinorm, Penzital

Penzital, Panzinorm are identical to Creon. They have the same indications and contraindications for use. Their pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are the same. The difference is the price of the drug. The cost is determined by the following indicators:

  • country of issue;
  • manufacturing company;
  • markup in a pharmacy selling a medicine.

No other medicinal effect is expected. It is identical to drugs of an enzymatic nature. You can buy any product in the form of Creon, Panzinorm, Penzital. A person should be guided only by the correct dosage. It is calculated by the doctor after laboratory and instrumental examinations, detection of insufficiency of enzymatic function, and other diseases leading to digestive disorders. Then they buy one of the offered products at the best price. The price category of drugs based on pancreatin starts from 60 rubles. The maximum is 600-800 rubles. But the drug may cost more only because of markups; the mechanism of action is identical to cheap drugs.

Medicines for gastrointestinal problems

Today, pharmaceutical companies offer a wide selection of remedies to combat discomfort. All that remains is to make the right choice and start treatment. One of the popular remedies is the drug Creon 10000 and its substitutes.

If you believe the annoying advertising, then after the first course of taking pills, you can notice positive dynamics. The product can help cope with even severe forms of gastrointestinal diseases. The cost of the drug is seriously inflated, so many people are wondering what to replace Creon with. Not all doctors are happy to talk about substitutes.

In practice, there really are cheap analogues of Creon. Thus, when treating the gastrointestinal tract, there is no need to spend large amounts of money.

How to choose the right enzyme preparation?

Inflammation of the pancreas and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract are common pathologies that occur in the body of many patients. In this case, therapists and pediatricians recommend drugs based on pancreatin. This applies to people of different age categories. Patients include children, adults, and pregnant women. They are allowed to take enzymatic medications. This is due to the fact that identical substances are produced by the body, but in insufficient quantities.

When they are used, absorption into the systemic circulation is not detected, therefore there are no systemic adverse reactions.

Doctors explain how to choose a remedy. Be sure to take into account the concentration of the substance contained in 1 capsule. The minimum is 10,000 units, the maximum is 50,000 units.

It is recommended to use preparations containing micro-tablets in each capsule. They dissolve only in the intestines and are not subject to the negative effects of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, the patient experiences maximum effect, enzymatic deficiency is completely restored, and stool formation improves. If the doctor recommends slightly increasing the concentration of the drug, you can not buy another product, but use part of the micro-tablets from 1 capsule. This saves the patient money, but the doctor’s recommendations are fully followed.

Creon cost

The drug is available in the form of capsules, which are in a jar. The cost of Creon depends on the number of pills:

  • 20 pieces have a cost of 300 – 560 rubles;
  • 50 pieces will cost the buyer a decent amount, about 1,500 rubles.

Based on the cost, every patient wants to find a cheap analogue of Creon 10000.

After all, if you calculate the overall course of treatment, then the amount for such therapy is quite high. To the great happiness of many people, such products exist, and they have a wide range.

To make the right choice, you need to familiarize yourself with some of them in detail and make a small comparison.

Pangrol or Creon: which is better?

Pangrol is considered one of the highest quality analogues. And all thanks to the similar composition and amount of active ingredients. Typically the drug is prescribed for the following diagnoses:

  • treatment of chronic pancreatitis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • pancreatic cancer.

Often, specialists prescribe the drug after surgical interventions for speedy rehabilitation. Pangrol helps to efficiently digest heavy foods and fights intestinal infections.

The release form is in the form of capsules, which guarantees high-quality absorption and delivery of the necessary components to the source of the problem.


  • acute pancreatitis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy to components.

Adverse reactions may occur, including diarrhea, vomiting, and rash.

Manufacturers of high-quality analogues are Italy and Germany, so the drug cannot be called cheap. Its price in many pharmacies across the country reaches 260 rubles.

Thus, both components have the same properties. The only difference is that the effect of Pangrol occurs after 45 minutes, when its analogue only needs 30 minutes.

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