Is it possible to eat oranges and other citrus fruits with gastritis?

Gastritis has several subtypes. Each of them has its own diet and its own list of prohibited foods. Although the diets are not very different. If you are unsure whether you can eat oranges or other fruits, consult your doctor. At a minimum, you need to find out an accurate diagnosis. Until then, it’s better not to eat anything “dangerous.”

Citrus fruits may increase stomach acid levels

Nutritional value and composition of mango

Fresh mango contains various vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements.

Beneficial properties of mango

Natalya Fadeeva

nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences

– Mango is primarily a source of carbohydrates, plant fiber, vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Due to the large amount of dietary plant fiber, mango is useful for constipation because it stimulates bowel cleansing.

The fruit contains a lot of carotenoids and vitamin A, which are good for vision and various skin problems. A large amount of vitamin C is useful for colds and stress. B vitamins are important for diseases of the nervous system and improve brain function. Potassium and magnesium are needed for the cardiovascular system, and iron for anemia.

Restores the digestive system

Mango helps with problems with the stomach, intestines, stool or chronic constipation. A 2022 study found that after eating mangoes daily for four weeks, a person's digestive system improved due to the high amount of fiber in the fruit - 20% of the daily value.

According to the results of a 2022 study, dried fruit peel, which consists of 40% fiber, has prebiotic properties, which means it improves intestinal microflora.

Selection rules

If you suffer from chronic gastritis, choose the right fruits, taking into account your doctor’s recommendations:

  1. For acute gastritis, fresh fruits are prohibited. The ban also applies to the stage of exacerbation of chronic gastritis of any form. Fresh fruits are not consumed at this time, and after the symptoms subside, they are introduced gradually, in the form of homogenized fruit purees, jelly, compotes, and jellies.
  2. With hypoacid gastritis, during the period of remission, sweet and sour fruits with soft skin are allowed.
  3. With normal acidity in the remission stage, fresh fruits are allowed, but it is not recommended to eat in limited quantities - more than 3 - 4 pieces per day.
  4. For hyperacid gastritis, only sweet fruits can be consumed fresh, which do not affect acidity or reduce it due to their astringent and enveloping properties. Good choices are sweet pears, persimmons, and avocados.
  5. In case of erosive and atrophic gastritis, you should completely exclude foods that can injure the mucous membrane. Therefore, before eating, be sure to remove the skin and chop the fruit. For these forms of the disease, the same fruits are recommended as for high acidity.
  6. Fresh fruits for all forms of gastritis are limited to 2 - 3 fruits per day, with the exception of gastritis with a normal acidity level, when it is permissible to include up to 4 medium fruits in the diet.

Benefits of mango for women

Vitamin C helps the body produce collagen, a protein that strengthens hair roots, restores their condition and actively accelerates growth. Therefore, mangoes are used in cosmetology: fruit extracts are often added to creams, serums and hair masks.

The vitamin A contained in mangoes prolongs the youthfulness of the skin.

Mango also reduces symptoms of toxicosis, nausea, heartburn during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But before including mangoes in your diet, you should consult your doctor so as not to cause an allergic reaction in yourself or your child.

Polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamin C and terpenoids in mango suppress the development of breast, colon, liver and other tumor cells.


The attitude of nutritionists towards kiwi fruits is positive - experts value it for its soft structure, strong antioxidant and immunostimulating properties.
Kiwi is a good prevention of anemia, which often accompanies gastritis. However, in the presence of erosions and hypersecretion, a high content of organic acids comes to the fore, which will inevitably increase the level of acid in the stomach. Therefore, for hyperacid, erosive and atrophic gastritis, it is better to avoid kiwi.

Normal and reduced acidity allow the consumption of kiwi in the amount of 3 - 4 medium-sized peeled fruits. The crushed fruit can be added to yogurt and cottage cheese to make an excellent dessert.

Benefits of dried mango

The beneficial properties of dried mango are no different from those of fresh mango because they have the same chemical composition. One piece of dried fruit contains more than 20% of the daily requirement of copper, which helps the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates, is needed for insomnia and affects the balance of hormones, vitamins and enzymes in the body.

Therefore, dried fruit can be an alternative to fresh mango. You can take it with you on a trip, as it helps to survive seasickness or get rid of swelling while flying on an airplane.

But it is worth considering that dried mango has a higher calorie content: about 340 calories per 100 g.


Avocado is an exotic fruit that not everyone loves because of its unique taste. However, for gastritis, avocado is widely recommended. It has anti-inflammatory and enveloping properties without affecting acidity in any way. Therefore, even aggressive forms of gastritis are not a contraindication for including avocado in the menu.

Avocados also have some special features:

  • The fruit is very high in calories and contains fatty acids, so the amount of fruit per day should be limited to 100 grams.
  • Handle the avocado with care - cut the fruit lengthwise without touching the pit, which contains toxic substances. The bone is then carefully removed and discarded.
  • Only ripe (not overripe or green) fruits are suitable for food.
  • Peeled avocado fruit retains its beneficial properties for 10 minutes. Therefore, it is tedious to eat it right away. Otherwise, the avocado oxidizes, darkens, and the beneficial components are destroyed.
  • Avocado can be used in the menu of a patient with gastritis in the following options - soup, side dish, salad ingredient, dessert, fresh fruit.

You've probably heard about side dishes, desserts and salads, but you probably don't know how to make soup. Let's talk.

Cream - avocado and poultry soup

  1. Cook chicken broth.
  2. Grind the boiled poultry in a meat grinder or blender.
  3. Separately, chop the raw avocado without the peel.
  4. Combine the chopped meat with avocado puree, dilute with broth until creamy.
  5. Garnish with herbs and the soup is ready.

The dish is unusual, tasty, healthy. Try it - you won't be disappointed.

Harm of mangoes and possible contraindications

Is mango healthy? Yes. But there are situations where it can cause harm. Allergy

Mango is a member of the Anacardiaceae (Sumacaceae) family, which includes cashews and pistachios. Therefore, the fruit should not be consumed if you are allergic to the fruits of sumac plants, as well as latex. The skin is the main allergen.


People with any type of diabetes are allowed to eat foods with a glycemic index of up to 50. The glycemic index of mango is 55. Therefore, consumption of this fruit by diabetics is permissible only twice a week in small quantities.

Stomach problems

Unripe mangoes can irritate the gastric mucosa and lead to problems in the gastrointestinal tract - colic and gastritis. Overeating can also cause fever or constipation.


Mangoes contain the element urushiol, which causes rashes or redness on the skin.


An inflamed pancreas can be damaged by large amounts of organic acids and sugar.

Effect on the stomach

The digestion time of fresh fruits in the stomach is about 40 minutes. Soft fruits - apricots, peaches - are digested faster, hard ones - slower. Pectins and fiber, contained in most fruits, have a tonic effect on the intestines, stimulate digestive processes, and cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

However, if the recommended volumes are exceeded, fruits perform unkind services:

  • Apples increase gas formation and cause flatulence.
  • Peaches, apricots and bananas can cause diarrhea.
  • Pears eaten on an empty stomach cause pain and heaviness in the stomach.
  • Grapes for gastritis can cause stomach upset and aggravation if consumed with skins and seeds.

Baked fruits have a milder effect on the mucous membrane. You can bake apples, pears, and quinces in the oven. Adding sugar or honey is not recommended.

Kissel or fruit jelly is the best option for a patient with gastritis. Fruits added to cottage cheese casserole or porridge are well digested. In this case, you need to select only from the permitted assortment.

Homogenized puree is difficult to prepare at home. During the period of exacerbation, we recommend using baby food products; baby fruit purees are easily digestible and do not irritate the mucous membranes.

Now let's talk about those types of fruits with which you should be especially careful.

How to choose?

Mangoes have more than 300 varieties. They have roughly the same chemical composition, so they differ mainly in size, taste, color and texture.

Typical varieties have creamy, tender, butter-like flesh. But there are varieties in which the pulp consists of hard fibers, so it may seem that the fruit is spoiled. For example, Vietnamese green mango.

Fresh fruit can be identified by several characteristics.

Peel elasticity

. There should be no damage to the fruit, the skin should be shiny and smooth. Ripe fruit retains its shape and does not leave dents, but is not too hard.

Peel cleanliness

. In a ripe mango it is smooth and dense. At the same time, the color itself is unimportant, because it depends on the variety and growing conditions. A fruit with small dark spots is ripe and can be eaten. Dark spots are a sign of overripeness.


. Ripe mango has a sweet, fruity scent, a bit like melon or pineapple. If the smell is weak or absent at all, then the fruit will be tasteless. Overripe mangoes have a sour smell with hints of alcohol - the fruit is spoiled.


. The ideal fruit is shaped like a rugby ball. The shape does not affect ripeness, there is simply more pulp in rounded fruits.

How to store mangoes?

Fresh mangoes can be stored for one to two weeks, while cut mangoes can be stored for no more than a day in the refrigerator.

If the mango is not yet fully ripe, you can wrap it in a paper bag and leave it at room temperature to ripen. If you want to speed up the process, put an apple or banana in the same bag, which will release ethylene, which accelerates ripening, and in this case the mango will ripen in about two to three days. Once the fruit is ripe, it can be stored in the refrigerator.

If you need to preserve the mango for a long time, you can freeze it. Freezing will turn the skin black, but the flesh will remain in good condition.

Dietary rules for a person with gastritis

Experts here have highlighted the following points:

  • food must be chewed very thoroughly;
  • any dish must be steamed or boiled, baked, stewed;
  • adherence to the regime: small portions and frequent meals;
  • during exacerbations, imposing a taboo on raw fruits, freshly squeezed juices in undiluted form;
  • exclusion from the diet of foods that are salty, smoked, spicy, fried, as well as all kinds of drinks containing alcohol, soda.

How to eat mango correctly?

The main rule in eating mango is not to overeat. Excessive consumption of mango pulp can contribute to the development of allergies and lead to digestive problems and a surge in blood sugar, especially if the fruit is consumed on an empty stomach.

“The recommended average norm for all fruits and berries is 300–400 grams per day,” says Natalya Fadeeva

. – Therefore, one mango per day is enough for a snack. You can eat it fresh, or you can make a smoothie or juice.

It is better not to eat mango on an empty stomach.

You can include fruit in your dinner. For example, add a few pieces to a turkey salad.

To avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, after eating unripe mangoes, you should not drink cold water, soda and sweet drinks, which will increase the harmful effects of organic acids.


For gastritis, it is better to consume plums in the form of compote, jelly and juice, half diluted with water. With high acidity, erosion and atrophy, nutritionists do not recommend including plums in the menu, since even sweet varieties increase acidity.

Important! The recommended amount of plums for normoacid and hypoacid gastritis is no more than 5 pieces per day.

Plums have strong laxative properties, so they are undesirable in the menu of patients with “weak” intestines.

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