The use of enterosorbents Filtrum-Sti and Filtrum-Safari in the complex treatment of rotavirus infection in children

Pharmacological properties

Filtrum ®-STI is a natural enterosorbent consisting of hydrolysis products of wood components - a lignin polymer, the structural elements of which are derivatives of phenylpropane and hydrocellulose.

It has high sorption activity and nonspecific detoxification effect.

Binds and removes from the body pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins, medications, poisons, salts of heavy metals, alcohol, allergens, as well as excess of certain metabolic products, including bilirubin, cholesterol, urea, metabolites responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis.

Non-toxic, not absorbed, completely eliminated from the intestines within 24 hours.

Features of the composition and pharmacological action of Filtrum

The annotation for the drug indicates that it is produced in tablets of a brownish tint, with additional inclusions of grayish or chocolate color and a line dividing the dragee in half. The composition of Filtrum is presented:

  • hydrolytic lignin;
  • povidone K-17;
  • talc;
  • calcium stearate;
  • colloidal anhydrous silicon dioxide;
  • sodium croscarmellose;
  • microcrystalline cellulose.

The medicine belongs to natural enterosorbenes, which include the products of hydrolysis of wood elements - a high molecular weight lignin compound. Derivatives of the active ingredient are phenylpropane and hydrocellulose.

The component composition allows you to bind and remove from the body:

  • pathogens and their metabolic products;
  • drug metabolites;
  • ethanol and derivatives;
  • an excessive amount of individual products resulting from metabolic processes, including bilirubin, urea and metabolites that provoke the formation of endogenous toxicosis.

Filtrum is non-toxic and is not absorbed when it enters the gastrointestinal tract. The period for complete elimination of the medication is 24 hours.

Indications for use

As a detoxification agent in adults and children with exogenous and endogenous intoxications of various origins:

  • acute poisoning with drugs, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals, alcohol and other poisons;
  • complex treatment of food toxic infections, salmonellosis, dysentery, dyspepsia;
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases accompanied by severe intoxication;
  • hyperbilirubinemia and hyperazotemia (liver and kidney failure);
  • food and drug allergies;
  • prevention of chronic intoxication among workers in hazardous industries.

Contraindications and indications for Filtrum therapy

The instructions advise taking the drug for adults and children in cases of identified poisoning of various etiologies:

  • for acute intoxication with medications, alcoholic beverages, salts of heavy metals, nitrogen-containing organic compounds;
  • to relieve the consequences of food poisoning;
  • for dyspeptic disorders, dysentery, salmonellosis;
  • inflammatory and purulent pathologies causing severe intoxication;
  • allergies due to inappropriate foods or medications;
  • liver and kidney failure.

Filtrum can be used to prevent chronic poisoning in people who constantly work in hazardous industries.

The medicine is contraindicated in patients with individual intolerance to the component composition. The use of Filtrum is undesirable for patients with gastrointestinal ulcers that are in the acute stage, with intestinal atony.

Directions for use and doses

Orally, preferably after preliminary crushing, with water an hour before meals and taking other medications.

The dose of the drug depends on age, body weight and severity of the disease, the drug is taken 3-4 times a day, the average single dose is for children under 1 year - 1/2 tablet; 1 - 3 years - ½ -1 tablet; 4 - 7 years - 1 tablet, 7-12 years - 1-2 tablets; for adults - 2-3 tablets.

If necessary, on the recommendation of a doctor, the daily dose can be increased to 20-30 g in 3-4 doses.

The duration of treatment for acute conditions is 3-5 days, for allergic diseases and chronic intoxications up to 14-21 days.

Repeated courses of treatment after 2 weeks on the recommendation of a doctor.

Adverse reactions and overdose

The filter can become a source of constipation and allergic reactions. In the latter case, the symptoms are manifested by obsessive itching, redness of certain areas of the skin, and dermatological rash. In difficult cases, the appearance of nettle fever is noted.

The instructions do not mention any reported poisonings with the drug. In theory, exceeding recommended doses can cause allergies. If unusual symptoms appear, the patient should consult a doctor and describe in detail the changes that have occurred.

Features of using Filtrum for diarrhea

Filtrum-STI for diarrhea has the following indications for use:

  • acute viral intestinal infections;
  • acute bacterial intestinal infections;
  • severe food or alcohol intoxication;
  • individual sensitivity of the body to certain substances;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • hyperazotemia;
  • diseases of a purulent-inflammatory nature.

The effectiveness of Filtrum has been proven in the treatment of diarrhea due to intestinal infections of varying degrees of neglect. The drug is easily tolerated by children. The medication does not injure the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is non-toxic and leaves the body unchanged.

The drug is used for severe alcohol and food poisoning

Adults should take several tablets every 6-8 hours to treat diarrhea. Filtrum should not be taken simultaneously with other medications. There must be a break of at least an hour.

Children should take 0.5-2 tablets depending on age. The medication can be used even by small infants. The medicine is absolutely safe.

The daily dosage can reach up to 50 tablets. Large doses can only be recommended by a doctor.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman can use the drug. The drug is of plant origin and is considered absolutely safe. However, you must first consult a doctor. Self-medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding is strictly prohibited.

The drug is taken one hour before meals. You need to take the medication with warm water. You can speed up the Filtrum process yourself. To do this, the tablet is pre-crushed. The course of treatment is usually up to 14 days.

It is advisable to use the filter for diarrhea together with vitamin complexes. The drug may wash out some essential components from the body.

Despite many erroneous opinions, the drug cannot be used if you want to lose weight. The medication cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, but does not promote weight loss. The medicine is not a fat burner.

What other drugs are used to treat diarrhea, you will learn from the video:

Instructions from the manufacturer and interaction features

Long-term use of Filtrum can lead to problems with the absorption of calcium and certain vitamins. During treatment, patients should simultaneously take preventive multivitamin complexes with the maximum number of useful components (Centrum, Alphabet, Vitrum Plus, Multitabs, etc.).

Clinical studies on the safety of the drug have not been conducted on pregnant and lactating women. If it is necessary to treat intoxication, the patient must obtain the doctor's approval by attending a consultation.

The drug does not affect the rate of reactions. Patients undergoing therapy can drive vehicles and operate complex moving machinery.

Filtrum is allowed before being included in complex treatment with other medications. The instructions recommend following the rules of separate administration, with a break between procedures of at least one hour. The drug can reduce the effectiveness of certain medications used orally.

Composition and form of Filtrum used for diarrhea

Filtrum is a medicine belonging to the group of enterosorbents. Consists of safe and natural ingredients. When used correctly, it does not cause side effects.

The composition of Filtrum-STI is described in the table.

Main componentsThe main component is lignin. The component is obtained from wood through special processing. The substance helps remove all toxic substances present in the body from the body.
Auxiliary componentsAdditional components include:
  • magnesium stearate;
  • starch;
  • povidone.

Filtrum-STI for diarrhea is a universal remedy. Available in tablet form. The medication is packaged in contour cells or vials. One pack of medicine may contain 10-100 units of medicine. The cost of the drug ranges from 60 to 200 rubles, depending on the number of tablets.

Lignin is the main active ingredient in the drug

The advisability of using Filtrum for diarrhea

The drug is based on hydrolyzed lignin. Medicines containing this component were used by German soldiers during the Second World War to combat gastrointestinal disorders.

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For diarrhea, Filtrum is used to remove toxic substances from the body. The drug helps restore natural microflora. The medicine has a sweetish taste, so children take it without disgust.

The filter consists of components of plant origin. They are not absorbed in the stomach. The product leaves the body naturally after a day. While in the body, the drug adsorbs pathogenic microorganisms.

The peculiarities of Filtrum are that the medication eliminates not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also their metabolic products.

The drug used for diarrhea does not provoke the appearance of intestinal dysbiosis. The medication is excreted along with feces and urine. The medicine does not change the natural microflora.

Instructions for use of Filtrum for children and adults contain information about the proven clinical effectiveness of the drug. The medication removes any harmful substances from the body. Can be used for alcohol intoxication or overeating.

The drug has the following effects:

  • enterosorbent;
  • detoxification;
  • antidiarrheal.

Filtrum-STI adsorbs and naturally removes all harmful microorganisms from the gastrointestinal tract

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