Is it possible to eat dates if you have pancreatitis?

The fruits of the date palm can be eaten in dried, canned, or dried forms; they are often used by confectioners and chefs to prepare compotes, cakes, sauces, and candied fruits. Winemakers produce sweet liqueurs, tinctures and wines from the fruits. Brown fruits not only taste good, they contain many vitamins and minerals that improve human health. It is necessary to find out whether it is possible to eat dates with pancreatitis, because they are included in the diet for some diseases.

The fruits of the date palm can be eaten in dried, canned, or dried forms; they are often used by confectioners and chefs to prepare compotes, cakes, sauces, and candied fruits.

Beneficial properties and harm

These fruits, which come to people's tables more often in the form of dried fruits, are rich in amino acids, they contain 23 of the 26 existing organic compounds. A number of mineral substances were found in sweet products: calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, iron, sodium, but most of all potassium in dates (100 g of product contains 696 mg of this element).

Dried fruits contain vitamins of groups B (B1, B2, B5, B6), A, E, C, PP and K.

If you regularly eat just a few fruits, the body receives the nutrients necessary for its normal functioning. Dates with water are a daily breakfast, lunch and dinner for some tribes in African countries. Such a menu does not change throughout a person’s life, but he feels good.

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Sweet dried fruits have healing properties:

  1. Strengthen the immune system, reducing the risk of catching a cold or viral infection.
  2. Dates improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, preventing the development of anemia, lowering blood pressure, strengthening the heart muscle and making blood vessels elastic.
  3. Reduce severe pain during labor by increasing contraction of the uterine muscles.
  4. After childbirth, illness, physical and mental fatigue, dates quickly restore a weakened body.
  5. Reduce nervousness.
  6. Helps cure respiratory diseases.
  7. Prevents the formation of carcinogens and slows down the aging process.
  8. Strengthens gums.
  9. Prevents the development of malignant tumors in the stomach and intestines.

Although the fruits of date palms have many beneficial properties, they should be eaten in small quantities, because... They are high in calories and quickly increase blood glucose levels.

Therefore, people prone to obesity and people with diabetes are advised to avoid these dried fruits. The carbohydrates found in dates destroy tooth enamel in people with caries. And since this product takes a long time to digest in the gastrointestinal tract, it contributes to constipation in pregnant women, people who are sedentary and with slow intestinal motility.

Dates and the remission stage

If the patient does not have symptoms of exacerbation, dates can be consumed for pancreatitis, without complications associated with insufficient insulin. An additional condition is that the patient does not have problems with excess weight and carbohydrate metabolism in the body.

After acute inflammation has subsided and pancreatitis has entered the remission stage, eating dates becomes desirable. There is a positive effect on internal organs:

  1. The beneficial substances in the composition have a detrimental effect on pathogenic flora and parasites.
  2. Antioxidants perfectly suppress the inflammatory process and the growth of cancer cells in the body.
  3. With regular consumption of dried fruits and dates, mood improves and depressive symptoms recede. This is an important addition for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - it has been scientifically proven that stress is directly related to the exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

During remission of pancreatitis, dates are a permitted product; the permissible daily intake does not exceed ten pieces.

Remember, treatment of pancreatitis often depends on the behavior of the patient, who is obliged to follow medical instructions, take medications on time and exclusively as prescribed by the treating doctor. It is required to follow a strict diet during the acute period, when the disease manifests itself clearly, and when symptoms recede. Before the onset of stable remission, it is important to monitor the correct diet and nutrition. The inclusion of new food products in the menu of a sick person must be discussed with the doctor, even the introduction of healthy and nutritious dates.

How to choose and store correctly?

Fruits that have not had time to fully ripen on palm trees are often brought to Russia. Such dates are dried in ovens or soaked in sugar syrups, due to which they become more nutritious and their beneficial properties are reduced. But there are also quality products on sellers’ shelves. They can be recognized by their appearance. Ripe dried fruits have a dark brown color, a matte surface without cracks, dates should not be sticky to the touch.

Industrial intervention in the drying process can be guessed from the following signs:

  1. Peeling of the skin and cracks on it.
  2. Shiny surface and sugar crystals appearing on the skin.
  3. Packed and sticky fruits.
  4. Products with a fermented smell and fried taste.

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It is better to buy dates with pits, because... they are less often subjected to heat treatment.

After purchasing, dried fruits should be stored in a cool, dark place in a tightly closed plastic container. If the product needs to be left untouched for a month or more, the container should be placed in the refrigerator.

Nutrition for chronic cholecystitis


There are a large number of different diseases in the world that affect the digestive system. Recently, more and more people are diagnosed with cholecystitis . It can be either acute or chronic. The latter is somewhat more common. Unfortunately, it cannot be cured completely. You can only achieve remission. Therefore, you need to learn to live with him correctly. And in order for the remission to be long-lasting and for exacerbations to occur less and less frequently, it is necessary to eat properly.

What is cholecystitis

The term cholecystitis means inflammation of the gallbladder . It, as mentioned above, can be acute and chronic. Acute cholecystitis can occur with any acute infection or with a serious disruption in the usual diet.

Chronic cholecystitis occurs mainly with various diseases of the digestive system. Most often, chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, and hepatitis can lead to its occurrence. cholecystitis can develop into it . Increased body weight, poor diet and use of a large number of medications can also lead to the development of chronic inflammatory process in the gallbladder .

Symptoms of the disease

With this disease, people may complain of pain and discomfort in the right hypochondrium. the mouth and nausea may occur . During exacerbations, the pain can be so severe that medical attention and even hospitalization may be required.

Products allowed for chronic cholecystitis

For chronic cholecystitis, you should follow a strict diet . It is necessary in order to avoid exacerbations and the appearance of stones in the bladder.

  • For this disease, flour products . It could be wheat bread, long-lasting cookies. Biscuit is allowed, but only dry, unsweetened confectionery filled with fish, cottage cheese or apples.
  • The soup is recommended for consumption for this disease. But it must be vegetarian vegetable or dairy. Soup made from various grains is also allowed.
  • You can cook meat that will not be very difficult for the body to digest. That is, there should be no tendons, fascia, or skin in it.
  • are very useful for chronic cholecystitis It can be kefir, milk, yogurt, sour cream. Acidophilus will be very useful, as it contains a large number of beneficial lactic acid bacteria. Cottage cheese is also allowed, but it should not be fatty. You shouldn’t give up mild cheese either.
  • eat almost anything. However, preference should be given to oatmeal and buckwheat. You can make puddings with the addition of vegetables or fruits.
  • Berries, fruits, and vegetables are welcome in the diet . They can be boiled, baked, stewed. Or eat it raw. The main condition is that they are not sour. It is recommended to use them in the form of dried fruits, marshmallows, marmalade, and jam. It would be nice if the sugar in them was replaced with xylitol.
  • Drinks allowed include tea and coffee with milk. Various herbal decoctions, such as rose hips, are also recommended. They can be added to tea or drunk instead. Vegetable and fruit juices are also allowed for consumption.

What not to do with chronic cholecystitis

If you have this disease, it is not recommended to fry food. Fried, spicy, smoked and fatty foods can aggravate the disease. Pastries made from puff pastry are not recommended. It would also be better to avoid fried pies and freshly baked bread.

Various flavor enhancers, for example, bouillon cubes, will enhance the processes of bile formation and bile secretion. This is not very good, so their use should be strictly limited. This rule also applies to seasonings.

Full-fat dairy products are allowed, but not more than once a week.

Alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited. You can drink tea and coffee, but not very strong ones. But it’s best to avoid cocoa. Chocolate is also prohibited.

Thus, chronic cholecystitis is a disease for which almost all products are allowed. The main thing is to cook them correctly.

Published in Nutrition and Diet Premium Clinic

Is it possible to eat dates if you have pancreatitis?

People with pancreatic disease need to eat right.

People with pancreatic disease need to eat right, but since sweet dates are healthy foods, they are included in the menu of a person with pancreatitis, taking into account the form of the disease (acute or chronic), as well as the period (remission or relapse).

In acute form

If a person gets pancreatitis for the first time in his life, the pathology is often acute and bothers the victim with severe pain. At this time, it is better for him to completely give up not only dates, but also other food for several days. After therapeutic fasting, palm fruits are not included in the patient’s diet, since against the background of pancreatic inflammation they can worsen the person’s condition. Digested dried fruits provoke intestinal colic and cause fermentation, manifested by bloating and loose stools.

In the chronic stage

Dates can be gradually introduced into the patient’s menu if the pathology of the gland has become chronic.

During the period of remission (rest), a person can eat up to 10 dried fruits per day.

It is better to eat them as part of jelly, compotes, jams and low-fat sauces. Fruits rich in potassium and sodium relieve swelling of the gland. Dates, thanks to glutamic acid, reduce the production of pancreatic enzymes, which worsen the condition of the pancreas.

During exacerbation of the disease

During a relapse, it is better for the patient to give up dried fruits. When his condition improves, he can begin to eat palm fruits in small quantities by removing the rough skin and rubbing the dates through a sieve. In this form, the products can be added to porridges and jelly.

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In case of cholecystopancreatitis, it is better to remove dried fruits from your diet, because with this disease insulin deficiency often occurs, and fruits contain a lot of sugar, which, quickly entering the blood, further aggravates this process.

Acute stage of pancreatitis and dates

Pancreatitis is recognized as a serious and dangerous disease that poses a threat to the health and life of the sick person. When the disease occurs, the pancreas becomes inflamed due to poor nutrition, eating unhealthy foods, or excessively fatty or spicy foods. If you combine the above with alcohol abuse, it is easy to provoke the development of pancreatitis in a short time.

As with other diseases associated with the digestive system, pancreatitis requires following a strict diet, which involves eliminating harmful foods from the sick person’s diet and always avoiding alcoholic beverages. At the beginning of the acute stage of pancreatitis, it is better to refrain from eating, minimizing the load on the pancreas. Then you will need to follow a strict diet.

Let's figure out what is allowed and strictly prohibited to consume at the specified time. As a rule, the answer to the question of whether dates are allowed for pancreatitis is negative if we are talking about an exacerbation of the disease. The decision is explained by the effect of substances contained in dates on the body of a sick person:

  • Dates provoke bloating and flatulence in the intestines.
  • Loose stools and colic.
  • Due to the sugar content, the load on the pancreas increases; dates are contraindicated for diabetes and concomitant pancreatitis.

When the patient gets better, dates are introduced into the menu, grounded, after removing the rough peel. Dates are allowed to be added to other dishes or drinks, for example, compote, jelly.

On days of remission, eating fruits in an acceptable form provides great benefits to the body due to the content of beneficial components. Swelling of the pancreas is reduced, and the production of enzyme substances is reduced.

The permitted quantity of fruits for a particular patient is selected based on the patient’s condition.

Recipes for delicious dishes and drinks with dates

Various dishes are prepared from dates, but for patients with pancreatitis, drinks made from dried fruits are better suited.

Various dishes are prepared from dates, but for patients with pancreatitis, drinks made from dried fruits are better suited.


To prepare compote you need 100 g of palm fruits, 3 large apples, a pinch of cinnamon and 1.5 liters of water. Apples are peeled from seeds and cut into slices, dried fruits are poured with warm water for 10 minutes, washed and the seeds are removed. After placing the dates and apples in the pan, add water and bring it to a boil. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes, add cinnamon. After 5 minutes, turn off the gas and cool the drink to +37°C.

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