How to drink Essentuki mineral water for pancreatic diseases

Essentuki Spring No. 17. The root stream is located at the Main Entrance to the Healing Park in its southwestern part. It was put into operation in 1912 and is still the main asset of the resort.

Used for drinking treatment. Chemically, it is carbonic acid, hydro-carbonate-chloride-sodium water with a mineralization of about 13 g/l. Free carbon dioxide 2 g/l. Its temperature ranges from I to 13°C. Despite significant fluctuations in flow rate, the chemical composition of this mineral water is remarkably constant.

This water is used to treat patients with chronic diseases of the stomach, occurring mainly with secretory insufficiency, inflammatory and functional diseases of the large intestine, various diseases of the liver and biliary tract and some metabolic diseases.

Benefits of Essentuki No. 17

Drinking mineral water is one of the main spa methods for treating diseases of the digestive system and metabolic disorders.

Essentuki spring No. 17 in spring

When drinking mineral water, visual, olfactory and auditory impressions are also important, as well as the appearance, smell of water and the release of gas; when drinking mineral water, changes appear in the oral mucosa, a tingling sensation, tingling in the mouth, all these factors of drinking mineral water at the source increase salivation.

Mineral water Essentuki No17, taken on an empty stomach, in contact with the walls of the stomach, promotes the separation of gastric juice, enzymes, the dissolution of mucus in the stomach, and the opening of the exit from the stomach. It is also very important that Essentuki No17, taken inside the body, changes the processes of osmosis and the electrical charge of cells.

Mineral water Essentuki No17, taken with food and shortly before eating, stimulates gastric secretion.

Essentuki Source No. 17 sculptures in the hall

Essentuki No. 4

«Essentuki No. 4

» - medicinal table chloride-bicarbonate sodium, boric (salt-alkaline) natural drinking mineral water of medium mineralization (7.0–10.0 g/l). Source - Essentuki field, Essentuki city, Stavropol Territory, wells No. 33-bis, 34-bis, 39-bis, 41-bis, 49-E, 418′, 56, 57-RE-bis, 71. In the resort park In the city of Essentuki there is a drinking gallery in which water “Essentuki No. 4” coming directly from the source is bottled for everyone.

Composition of mineral water “Essentuki No. 4”

Mineral water "Essentuki No. 4" contains (mg/l):

  • Anions:
  • hydrocarbonate HCO3– — 3400–4800
  • sulfate SO42− - less than 25
  • chloride Cl− - 1300–1900.
  • Cations:
    • calcium Ca2+ - less than 150
    • magnesium Mg2+ - less than 100
    • sodium + potassium Na++K+ - 2000–3000.
  • Boric acid H3BO3 - 30–60.
  • Carbon dioxide dissolved in produced water – 500–1800
  • Indications for medical use of mineral water “Essentuki No. 4”

    Mineral water "Essentuki No. 4" is indicated for the treatment of the following diseases (outside the acute phase):

    • gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophagitis
    • chronic gastritis with normal, low and high acidity
    • stomach and/or duodenal ulcer
    • irritable bowel syndrome
    • intestinal dyskinesia
    • diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract
    • chronic pancreatitis
    • rehabilitation after surgery for gastric ulcers
    • postcholecystectomy syndrome
    • diabetes
    • obesity
    • disturbance of salt and lipid metabolism
    • chronic pyelonephritis
    • urolithiasis disease
    • chronic cystitis
    • chronic urethritis.
    Professional medical publications regarding the use of Essentuki No. 4 mineral water

    Mineral water "Essentuki No. 4" when consumed orally stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid by the parietal cells of the stomach, therefore it is used as a remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with reduced secrecy (atrophic gastritis and others), although its effect is similar to that of other similar stimulants , is not very effective and does not last long.
    To stimulate acid secretion, Essentuki No. 4 is drunk warm 15–20 minutes before meals (Kostyukevich O.I.). “Essentuki No. 4” is useful in the balneological treatment of chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis in children. To reduce the increased secretory function of the stomach, “Essentuki” is prescribed at the rate of 3-5 ml of mineral water per kg of child’s weight per day, 1.5-2 hours before meals. If necessary, stimulate the secretory function of the stomach, mineral water is taken in the same amount 20-30 minutes before meals (Privorotsky V.F., Luppova N.E., 2005). Often, to restore the rhythm of bowel movements in children suffering from constipation, it is enough to drink from a quarter to one and a half glasses of Essentuka No. 4 with a small amount of gas in the morning (Privorotsky V.F., Luppova N.E., 2009).

    “Essentuki No. 4” restores the excitability of brain neurons and the motor function of the stomach, relieves pyloric spasm and reduces the secretory function of the stomach. During the rehabilitation of patients with GERD, a single intake of water is carried out at the rate of 3 mg/kg body weight (start with 75-100 ml and gradually increase) taking into account food intake 3-4 times a day. In case of a hyperacid state, Essentuki No. 4 is taken 60-90 minutes before meals, heated to 30-45 °C, quickly in large sips; in a hypoacid state - take 15-20 minutes before meals, temperature 20-25 ° C, slowly in small sips (Lyadov K.V., Preobrazhensky V.N.).

    The choice of a drinking treatment regimen for the rehabilitation of patients with chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease is determined by the peculiarities of the secretory and motor-evacuation functions of the stomach. Sodium Na+ and potassium K+ ions contained in Essentuki No. 4 mineral water increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid by activating the transport of sodium Na+ ions through the apical membranes of the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa. For hypokinetic type of motor function, a significant volume of fluid is prescribed (more than 5 ml/kg body weight). Taking “Essentuka No. 4” at low temperatures (20–25 °C) not only stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid and gastrointestinal peptides (especially gastrin), but also enhances gastric motility by increasing the tone of the pylorus, reducing duodenogastric reflux. It is advisable to take “Essentuka No. 4” in a dose of up to 3 ml/kg body weight (75–100 ml), temperature 20–25°C, 15–20 minutes before meals in small sips, slowly, number of doses 3–4 times a day , repeated courses after 4–6 months (Lyadov K.V., Preobrazhensky V.N.).

    “Essentuki No. 4” stimulates insulin production and therefore is used in the rehabilitation of patients with pancreatic diseases. After Essentuka No. 4 enters the stomach, stretching of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and irritation of the mechanoreceptors located here lead to stimulation of the secretion of gastric juice, increased secretion of gastrin, hydrochloric acid and histohormones. Due to the close functional relationship of gastric histohormones with insulin, the early phase of insulin secretion is activated predominantly in the gastroenteropancreatic system, stimulating the enzymatic utilization of glucose in hepatocytes, and carbohydrate metabolism is restored. These processes are enhanced by magnesium cations Mg2+. Chlorine anions Cl−, combining in the stomach with hydrogen H+, form hydrochloric acid, stimulate the choleretic function of the liver, increase the intensity of glycolysis and lipolysis in liver cells. Sulfate anions SO42− reduce gastric secretion; practically without being absorbed in the intestine, they stimulate its motor function, stimulate the tone of the gallbladder muscles and relax the Lutkens and Oddi sphincters, which leads to an acceleration of the directional movement of bile into the duodenum and an increase in bilirubin in its composition. In combination with calcium cations Ca2+, they activate the microsomal enzyme system of the liver, thicken the vascular wall, reduce the content of intracellular water and mucus during inflammation of the walls of the digestive tract. The order of taking Essentuka No. 4 depends on the acid-forming function of the stomach: with low acidity - 15-20 minutes before meals, with normal acidity - 30-45 minutes, and with high acidity - 60-90 minutes. The water temperature should be 36–45 °C. Drinking treatment with Essentuki No. 4 water starts with 100 ml and is gradually increased to 200–250 ml. Drink in small sips, slowly. Depending on the diet, Essentuki No. 4 is taken 3-4 times during the day. The course of treatment is 21–24 days at the resort and 28–40 days on an outpatient basis. Repeated course after 4–6 months (Lyadov K.V., Preobrazhensky V.N.).

    Taking mineral water “Essentuki No. 4” is recommended for the prevention of disorders of bile rheology and bile outflow. Take 1 glass of water, without gas, 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, for a course of up to 1-3 months, up to 2-3 times a year (Mekhtiev S.N.).

    See also:

    • Lazebnik L.B., Rustamov M.N., Badalov N.G. Combined use of drugs and natural factors in the eradication of HP in patients with DU // XII Congress of the National Scientific Research Group “Classical and Applied Gastroenterology” Abstracts of Dr. 2012 M. S. 21–22.
    • Efimenko N.V., Kaysinova A.S., Topuria D.I. and others. Treatment of patients with erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastroduodenal system at the Essentuki resort. VIII International Slavic-Baltic Scientific Forum “St. Petersburg - Gastro-2006”. C. M53-M54.
    • Shalov M.T. Correction of metabolic disorders in erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastroduodenal system at the sanatorium-resort stage. Abstract of Ph.D. 03/14/11. FSBI PGNIIK FMBA of Russia, Pyatigorsk, 2011.
    • Vikulin S.A., Antonov P.F., Altunin A.A. Experience of using a sample with mineral water “Essentuki-4” for intragastric pH-metry in the conditions of the Essentuki resort // “Medtechnics and medical products” No. 3 (9) June/July, 2002.
    • Kaysinova A.S., Efimenko N.V., Glukhov A.N. Medical rehabilitation of patients with esophagogastroduodenal diseases in the phase of fading exacerbation // Resort medicine. 2013. No. 4. pp. 14–19.
    • Kaysinova A.S. Scientific rationale for the use of balneotherapy for erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum in the phase of fading exacerbation // Bulletin of medical technologies. – 2016. – T. 23. No. 1. – P. 67-70.

    On the website in the “Literature” section there is a subsection “Mineral waters (articles)”, containing publications for healthcare professionals on this topic.

    Popular articles about mineral waters for patients
    • Vasilenko V.V. Healing waters for home / 2018
    • Sargsyan D. Should I drink Borjomi? Is mineral water generally beneficial or harmful? /, 12.7.2019

    Mineral water "Essentuki No. 4" is a medicinal table mineral water and, like other mineral waters of this class, is not recommended for daily drinking for a long time. Treatment with Essentuki No. 4 mineral water is not carried out in cases of exacerbation of many diseases; there are other contraindications. For therapeutic or long-term use, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

    Bottled mineral water “Essentuki No. 4”

    A large number of different companies are involved in the extraction and bottling of Essentuki No. 4 mineral water, including:

    • OJSC Wimm-Bill-Dann Food Products, which bottles water from well No. 49-E of the Novobladarnensky section of the Essentuki field. The depth of the well is 865 m, the water temperature is 45°C.
    • Essentuki-Aqua LLC receives water from well No. 57-RE-bis, well depth 90 m.
    • Avant-Aqua-Mineral LLC bottles water from well No. 49 and sells it under the brand name “Essentuki No. 4. Old Pump Room”.

    Under the trade name “Essentuki No. 4”, chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium mineral water from the Nagutskoye mineral water deposit, located approximately 30 km from Essentuki, is also sold.
    After GOST R 54316-2011 came into force (from 07/01/2012), this water should be sold under the trade name “Nagutskaya No. 4”. An example of mineral water sold under the name Essentuki is water from well No. 49 of the Nagut deposit "Essentuki Doctor Wasser No. 4", as well as water "Essentuki No. 4" of JSC Vodnaya. These bottles of Vodnaya JSC also indicate GOST R ISO 9001-2008, which concerns only quality management issues and is not directly related to the mineral water itself (see photo). Despite the entry into force of GOST R 54316-2011, in stores and at the end of October 2012 you can find mineral water with the label “Essentuki No. 4” without indicating a specific deposit. Example: “Essentuki No. 4” is the trademark “Springs of the Caucasus”, and instead of a specific deposit it is indicated “The source is located in the territory of the specially protected region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters” and well No. 49. Despite the fact that there are wells with No. 49-E at the Essentuki deposit , with No. 49 is at the Nagutskoye field and, perhaps, in other places. The label says that the main ions are given (which differ from the requirements of GOST R 54316-2011 for the waters “Essentuki No. 4” and “Nagutskaya No. 4”):

    • Anions:
    • hydrocarbonate HCO3– — 3500–5000
    • sulfate SO42− — 100–300
    • chloride Cl− - 500–1000.
  • Cations:
    • calcium Ca2+ - less than 150
    • magnesium Mg2+ - less than 100
    • sodium + potassium Na++K+ - 2000–3000.

    Bottled mineral water “Essentuki No. 4” is sold carbonated. When used for medicinal purposes, it is advisable to release the gas (partially) from such water. It is recommended to store bottles of Essentuki No. 4 at home in a dark, cool place, in a supine position. For most medicinal table waters, precipitation of a small amount of mineral salts is allowed. Back to section

    Water ESSENTUKI 17 - indications for use

    Mineral water Essentuki 17, the benefits of which have long been proven, is used for a wide range of diseases and as a preventive measure. It is most often used for the following diseases:

    1. Deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract.
    2. Gastritis with characteristic low or high acidity.
    3. Various liver pathologies, including hepatitis.
    4. Obesity.
    5. Diabetes.
    6. Intoxication (food or alcohol).
    7. Cough.
    8. Diathesis.
    9. Digestive problems.
    10. Pancreatitis.

    As well as a number of other diseases. In particular, the benefits of using Essentuki 17 water for stomach and duodenal ulcers are noted. When considering Essentuki 17, what the water is prescribed for and how to use it, it is better to consult with specialists. But one thing is worth knowing - it is unacceptable to drink water in unlimited quantities, as this can cause harm to the body.

    Is it possible to drink Essentuki for pancreatitis and cholecystitis?

    Mineral water is considered a fairly effective remedy that is used for pancreatitis. It significantly facilitates the course of the disease and has a beneficial effect on the therapy process. There are different types of Essentuki, but Essentuki numbers 4 and 17 are most often prescribed for pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

    The chronic form of pancreatitis is considered a rather serious disease. Her therapy is long. When prescribing treatment in the fight against this disease, alkaline mineral water is considered integral. During the period of drinking mineral water, the damaging effects of activated enzymes are reduced. Essentuki alkaline water exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect for pancreatitis, which has a beneficial effect on the treatment of the disease.

    This product helps produce the outflow of juice and bile found in the bile ducts. In case of chronic illness, it is necessary to use exclusively warm mineral water. Otherwise, muscle valve spasm may occur. Consumption is required 2-3 times a day (initially the dosage is 0.25 cups). The dosage for chronic pancreatitis increases over time. When the exacerbation of the disease subsides, it is necessary to use water 60 minutes before meals. This will help activate the secretory ability.

    Essentuki-17 water is considered quite highly effective for pancreatitis. This is chloride-bicarbonate sodium water, the structure of which includes microelements, organic components, etc. During the period of drinking water, the formation of red blood cells in the blood is stimulated, the process of nitrogen metabolism is normalized, and the level of hemoglobin increases.

    Despite the therapeutic effect of this water, it is imperative to consult a specialist before drinking. The doctor will determine the dosage and period of administration, which will help achieve the highest quality effect in the treatment of the disease.

    How to drink Essentuki No. 17 mineral water correctly?

    Combine physical activity with mineral water intake

    You need to drink mineral water from sources from the “living hands of nature”, where the water retains its natural properties. In addition, a walk to the source has a beneficial effect on appetite and speeds up the absorption of the mineral water you drink.

    It is not recommended to linger in the premises of the springs, since walking after drinking mineral water improves oxidative processes in the body and metabolism; you need to start a 15-minute walk or simply head to your sanatorium.


    Mineral water for drinking is prescribed by a doctor from 100 to 400 g per appointment, the amount depends on the age of the patient, the nature of the disease, concomitant diseases, and the state of the cardiovascular system.

    Drinking mineral water is prescribed to each patient strictly individually, taking into account indications and contraindications for all organs and systems of the body.

    Drinking mineral water and effective treatment excludes the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

    In accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, when drinking mineral water, it is necessary to use individual glasses.

    Cold, warm and hot mineral water - what is the difference for the body?

    Taking water at the right temperature will depend on the purpose of use. Here it is already necessary to consult with a specialist, since even with the same disease at different stages, individual selection of dosage and water temperature is required.

    For example:

    • When treating and preventing gastritis, it is recommended to drink water slightly above room temperature;
    • For peptic ulcers, increased stomach acidity and liver diseases, drink water at a temperature of 50 degrees.

    Drink water only from the source

    If you visit a sanatorium and there is a mineral water source Essentuki 17, you should only take water from the source. The fact is that at the source the water is in a different environment. At a depth of 1400 meters or more, the pressure is significantly increased, and at this point the water and all minerals are at rest.

    But once on the surface and being under normal atmospheric pressure, minerals come out of a state of calm and gradually begin to lose their properties, in particular, the microelement composition changes significantly:

    1. Fe2+, Mn2+ are destroyed almost immediately after bottling.
    2. Calcium (Ca2+) quickly binds to bicarbonates and precipitates.
    3. The catalytic ability of water is quickly lost.

    In addition to the loss of its properties and changes in composition, it is also necessary to highlight the process of diffusion of substances from PET (polyethylene terephtholate) into water. Scientists have proven that under the influence of ambient temperature and sunlight, acetone, acetaldehydes and formaldehydes, which are harmful to the human body, are released into bottled water.

    Therefore, remember that for medicinal purposes it is necessary to drink Essentuki-17 not from plastic bottles, but from springs at the resort.

    A course of treatment

    Due to the fact that stimulation of the secretion of the inflamed pancreatic duct is contraindicated, mineral water is prescribed during the period of remission, that is, outside the acute form of the disease.

    A course of treatment for advanced pancreatitis with mineral water should begin after a professional examination and consultation with a doctor. He will talk about the principles of drinking water, the dosage, and also tell you at what time of the day the benefits of drinking water will provide the best result for the diseased organ.

    However, as a rule, the duration of the course is no more than 4 weeks. The water is heated to a temperature of 36-40 degrees and consumed 2-3 times an hour before meals. The volume of water consumed per day varies from person to person, but not less than a quarter glass.

    Harm to the human body from misuse of Essentuki No. 17

    The first thing we emphasize is that independent treatment using Essentuki 17 water is unacceptable. Let's look at some recommendations for intake so that you have an idea about this water.

    Of course, it is worth considering some of the negative properties of water that may bother you if you abuse mineral water or use it incorrectly for a long time.

    Mineral water Essentuki 17, the harm of which has been studied quite well, can have a negative effect in the form of increased swelling, unstable kidney function and other issues.

    If you have any of the contraindications listed below, Essentuki 17 will cause harm, so you should not use it.

    Other uses of water

    For coughs, you can do inhalations with mineral water. They are indicated to soothe the throat and upper respiratory tract during colds, pharyngitis, and also a runny nose. Treatment options are:

    • heat the water to 60 degrees, breathe over the steam while it continues (7-10 minutes), repeat three times a day;
    • pour water into the nebulizer, inhale for 10 minutes, do it three times a day.

    You can prepare a facial tonic from Essentuki water - you need to add a tablespoon of lemon juice to a glass of water, then wipe your face as needed. After tanning, you should spray mineral water poured into a spray bottle onto your body - this will help moisturize and restore the skin. After opening, you need to store the water in the refrigerator, but not for long, so it’s better to buy small packages.

    Essentuki No. 17 contraindications

    Therefore, pay attention to contraindications for use, including:

    1. If you have urinary tract diseases or kidney diseases, uncontrolled intake of mineral water is prohibited. This may cause the stones to suddenly pass out.
    2. For gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage in the stomach and intestines. Drinking treatment during this period is often accompanied by severe pain, vomiting and bleeding.
    3. It is prohibited to carry out drinking treatment in the presence of gastrointestinal disorders that prevent the free passage of food. For example, cicatricial narrowing of the esophagus or pylorus, stretching of the stomach or its sudden prolapse.
    4. If your urine is alkaline, you should not drink hydrocarbonate water.
    5. Hypertensive crisis.

    Essentuki 17 - how to distinguish a fake

    It is believed that real Essentuki 17 is sold only in glass containers. This is wrong. Genuine mineral water is also produced in plastic containers. How to distinguish a fake? The bottle should be made of dark material, dark green glass or plastic. The label should be glued well, without any loose corners. The presence of the GOST sign on it indicates original mineral water. If “TU” is present, it is a fake.

    The expiration date must be stamped or squeezed out - this is a guarantee of quality. The painted expiration date can be easily erased and faked. The label must include the number of the well, source and composition of the mineral water. It is best to buy mineral water at a pharmacy, where you are guaranteed to be given a certificate of quality. Buy mineral water only from trusted places.

    What is the difference between Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17?

    The internal use of mineral waters has a centuries-old history. More than 600 different sources of mineral waters have been explored on the territory of the former USSR. Among them are the world famous Essentuki carbonic hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium waters of sources N4 and N17.

    Medicinal-mineral waters are natural waters that contain certain mineral components and various salts in high concentrations, and No. 4 and No. 17 refer to medicinal-mineral waters.

    The main difference between these two types of mineral waters is the degree of mineral-salt concentration. Essentuki 17 is more saturated. The question often arises, which Essentuki are salty 4 or 17 , but each type has a salty taste, only the second option is more intense.

    As you can understand, the waters differ in their chemical composition. In 4 “Essentuki” the content of each element is on average 1.5 times less.


    The benefits of mineral water and the variety of positive properties have made Essentuki 17 a sought-after product. In this regard, consumers have many questions. The most popular ones should be answered.

    What is the difference between Essentuki 17 and 4

    Some people still believe that there are no differences between the two numbers. The main difference lies in the degree of concentration of chemical compounds and mineralization.

    Essentuki 4 is less saturated with minerals and has less pronounced properties, so drinking mineral water is allowed for a long time without harm to internal organs. The liquid can be taken every day for 4 months. Restrictions apply only to single servings of no more than 250 ml. Drink water on an empty stomach 40 minutes before meals.

    We recommend reading: What are the benefits of Essentuki 4 water and how to drink it correctly

    Long-term use of Essentuka No. 17 is prohibited by specialists. Mineral water is drunk strictly under the supervision and prescription of a doctor. For each disease, its own dosage and rules of use are determined in order to obtain only benefits.

    Which is better: Essentuki or Narzan

    It is impossible to make a choice in favor of one of the two mineral waters. Each has its own composition and positive properties.

    Narzan contains a large number of trace elements necessary for the treatment of the liver and gall bladder. Mineral water is most effective for gastrointestinal diseases. Compared to Essentuki 17, the concentration of Narzan is much lower (2 g per 1 l). Water will be a godsend for opponents of a pronounced salt taste.

    The two medicinal mineral waters have common contraindications. Abuse of liquids does more harm than good. It is important to follow the standards prescribed by your doctor. Also, both waters are not suitable for acute periods of gastrointestinal diseases.

    Which is healthier: Essentuki or Borjomi

    Borjomi is considered a medicinal table water. Essentuki 17 – medicinal liquid. Their difference is in mineralization and content of nutrients. The second option is more concentrated, but a lot does not always mean good. A high number of chemical compounds requires compliance with the dosage.

    Essentuki 17 contains boric acid. Borjomi water does not have this element, but is saturated with fluorine. Therefore, it is not recommended to take it daily. There is a risk of developing fluorosis. Excessive intake of fluoride into the body has the opposite effect, destroying the structure of tooth enamel.

    Both mineral waters help cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and metabolic disorders and are not inferior to each other in properties. Each patient is given an individual drink, depending on the extent of the disease.

    Even experts cannot answer the question of which mineral water will bring more benefits. The only recommendation from doctors is to buy Essentuki 17 or Borjomi strictly at the pharmacy. There the risk of stumbling upon a fake is much less than in a store.

    Chemical composition of Essentuki No. 17

    Water from spring number 17 in the Essentuki resort park


    • LITHIUM 0.00153 g/l
    • SODIUM 3.5358 g/l
    • POTASSIUM 0.0100 g/l
    • MAGNESIUM 0.0885 g/l
    • CALCIUM 0.1370 g/l
    • IRON 0.0071 g/l
    • COPPER
    • Amount 3.7589 g/l


    • CHLORINE 2.4018 g/l
    • BROMINE 0.0086 g/l
    • IODINE 0.0021 g/l
    • SULFATE 0.0053 g/l
    • HYDROCARBONATE 6.1508 g/l
    • HYDROPHOSPHATE 0.00002 g/l
    • FLUORINE 0.00002 g/l
    • Amount 8.5688 g/l

    Undissociated molecules

    • SILICIC ACID 0.018 g/l
    • CARBONIC ACID 1.7824 g/l
    • MINERALIZATION 12.3479 g/l
    • SOLID RESIDUE 9.252 g/l
    • TEMPERATURE 13.0 C


    Rating of the top 5 best alkaline mineral waters according to KP

    Mineral water "Borjomi"

    Mineral water "Borjomi".
    Photo: Widely known natural bicarbonate sodium mineral water is produced in Georgia in the Borjomi Valley in the territory of the national park. Under the influence of high temperatures, water rises, passing through layers of volcanic-sedimentary rocks. Next, the mineral water passes through the chalk rocks and, under the influence of carbon dioxide, comes to the surface.

    "Borjomi" is traditionally used for diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver and gall bladder. Also prescribed for diseases of the bladder, urinary and respiratory tract.

    Main characteristics

    Useful materialQuantity
    Average level of mineralization5.0-7.5 g/l
    Hydrocarbonates3500-5000 mg/l
    Chlorides250-500 mg/l
    Calcium20-150 mg/l
    Magnesium20-150 mg/l
    Sodium1000-2000 mg/l
    Potassium15-45 mg/l

    Advantages and disadvantages

    rich in minerals, useful for various diseases

    carbonated - has a number of contraindications and is not suitable for frequent consumption

    show more

    Mineral water "Essentuki No. 17"

    Mineral water "Essentuki No. 17".
    Photo: Natural chloride-bicarbonate sodium boron drinking mineral water. It is mined in the Essentuki deposit of the Caucasian Mineral Waters in the Stavropol Territory. The name is due to the fact that this water was first produced in well No. 17 of the Essentuki field. The water has a salty taste with a slight bitterness.

    "Essentuki No. 17" is used for health purposes. Recommended for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the endocrine glands, metabolic disorders: obesity, diabetes. Taking this mineral water stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid, so “Essentuki No. 17” is well suited for gastritis with low acidity.

    Main characteristics

    Useful materialQuantity
    Average level of mineralization10.0-14.0 g/l
    Hydrocarbonates4900-6500 mg/l
    Sulfates< 25 mg/l
    Chlorides1700-2800 mg/l
    Calcium50-200 mg/l
    Magnesium< 150 mg/l
    Sodium + Potassium2700-4000 mg/l

    Advantages and disadvantages

    low price, mineral-rich composition

    not suitable for frequent consumption, specific taste

    show more

    Mineral water "Narzan"

    Mineral water "Narzan".
    Photo: Sulfate-hydrocarbonate sodium-magnesium-calcium natural mineral water. It is mined in the North Caucasus in Kislovodsk. Water is formed from melting Elbrus glaciers, penetrates deep into the earth through cracks, accumulates in underground lakes and comes to the surface under pressure. In the process of chemical interaction between rock, water and gases, Narzan is naturally gasified.

    This water is recommended for the treatment of diseases outside the acute phase: ulcers, gastritis, liver and pancreas diseases. Helps with metabolic disorders, salt and lipid metabolism, diabetes and obesity, as well as urinary tract diseases.

    Main characteristics

    Useful materialQuantity
    Average level of mineralization2.0-3.0 g/l
    Hydrocarbonates1000-1500 mg/l
    Sulfates250-500 mg/l
    Chlorine-50150 mg/l
    Calcium200-400 mg/l
    Magnesium50-120 mg/l
    Sodium50-250 mg/l
    Potassium50-250 mg/l

    Advantages and disadvantages

    natural carbonation, mild taste

    carbonated - has a number of contraindications

    show more

    Mineral water "Dilijan"

    Mineral water "Dilijan".
    Photo: Natural mineral water, which is extracted from the only well of the Dilijan mineral water resort in Armenia. Minerals are absorbed by water from melting glaciers and rivers as it passes through geological formations - volcanic rocks from the Cenozoic era that are more than 30 million years old. Next, the mineral water is saturated with carbon dioxide, accumulates in underground lakes and comes to the surface under pressure.

    The water is low-mineralized, therefore it has a mild taste and is suitable for drinking for preventive purposes. In Soviet times, Dilijan was especially recommended for diseases of the stomach and intestines.

    Main characteristics

    Useful materialQuantity
    Low level of mineralization2.0-3.5 g/l
    Hydrocarbonates1000-1700 mg/l
    Sulfates250-500 mg/l
    Chlorides50-200 mg/l
    Calcium200-500 mg/l
    Magnesium50-150 mg/l
    Sodium + Potassium50-250 mg/l

    Advantages and disadvantages

    natural carbonation, mild taste

    carbonated - has a number of contraindications

    Mineral water AQUAdetox

    Mineral water AQUAdetox.
    Photo: Bicarbonate-calcium natural mineral water produced in the Novgorod region near Valdai and Seliger. These areas have long been known for their sources of healing water.

    The optimal ratio of minerals and low mineralization allows you to drink this water often. The taste is ordinary and practically no different from the usual boiled water, since the concentration of minerals is low. It has a general health effect without causing adverse reactions. Used for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.

    Main characteristics

    Useful materialQuantity
    Low level of mineralization0.2-0.8 g/l
    Hydrocarbonates300-400 mg/l
    Sulfates23-70 mg/l
    Chlorides15-31 mg/l
    Calcium14-32 mg/l
    Magnesium6.4-9.9 mg/l
    Sodium94.7-128.1 mg/l

    Advantages and disadvantages

    non-carbonated, suitable for frequent consumption, mild taste

    less mineralization

    show more

    Pump room of the spring "ESSENTUKI No. 17"

    History of the spring pump room

    Pump room of spring No. 17 - one of the attractions of Essentuki

    The pump room of spring No. 17 is historically connected with the gallery of this spring, which was the first solid building of the Essentuki resort. Laid out by the architect S. Upton in 1847, it took nine long years to build. The architect’s plans were interfered with by the devastating earthquake of 1852, which seriously damaged the already finished gallery, but in 1856 it welcomed its first visitors.

    In the summer of 1872, grateful visitors to the Essentuki resort organized a fundraiser for the construction of a new pump room, and in the spring of the following year, parts of the unique cast-iron gazebo, cast at the Moscow plant, arrived at the installation site. The octagonal gazebo of the pump room was installed over a well that supplied water to gallery visitors.

    The new pump room was used as a summer pump room and hosted the “water society” exclusively in the warm season. The openwork, almost weightless-looking gazebo attracted visitors with its extraordinary appearance. Thanks to its originality, the building very quickly turned into a place of pilgrimage for vacationers, into a kind of symbol of the resort.

    At the end of the thirties of the last century, the pump room was closed, but the gazebo remained in its original place and today continues to delight the eyes of Essentu residents and guests of the city.

    Sights of the Essentuki resort - full catalog

    • Alekseevskaya mud baths

      Alekseevskaya mud baths are the largest mud baths in Russia and Europe.

    • Eagle sculpture

      The eagle sculpture is a famous sculptural composition, a symbol of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

    • Zander Institute

      The Zander Institute is an institute of mechanotherapy built in 1902, equipped with Gustav Zander equipment, and is still functioning.

    • Gazebo “Chance meeting”

      Openwork wooden gazebo in oriental style.

    • Pump room No. 1, source No. 4

      Pump room No. 1 of source No. 4 is an architectural monument of the Resort Park.

    • Pump room No. 2, source No. 4

      Pump room No. 2 of source No. 4 is a modern building of the historical active and life-giving spring “Essentuki-4”.

    • Pump room of spring No. 17

      Pump room of source No. 17 is an elegant cast-iron gazebo above the 17th source.

    • Pump room of spring No. 18

      Pump room of source No. 18 - Issya in 1903. Landmark of the city of Essentuki.

    • Pump room of spring No. 19

      Pump room of spring No. 19 is a dried-up spring in an arched grotto. Landmark of Essentuki.

    • Fountain on Central Square

      The fountain on Teatralnaya Square is a favorite vacation spot for Essentu residents and resort guests, the largest fountain in the south of Russia.

    • Train Station

      The railway station is a historical building that still performs its functions to this day.

    • Oreanda's gazebo in our time

      One of the attractions of the city of Essentuki is the Oreanda gazebo, built at the beginning of the 20th century.

    • Resort library building - Essentuki

      One of the most striking buildings can be considered the building of the former dacha of the Cossack captain I.G. Zimina.

    • Park Theater of Essentuki at the beginning of the 20th century

      In the fall of 1901, an extension to spring No. 17, “Theater Park,” was erected in the Essentuki Resort Park.

    • Root stream - the city of Essentuki

      One of the striking attractions of the Essentuki Resort Park is the Rotunda Rotunda.

    • Upper baths in our time in Essentuki

      The baths of Nicholas II are a historical monument of Essentuki, made in the style of late Russian classicism.

    • Victory Park in Essentuki

      Victory Park is a park in the upper resort area reconstructed in 2022.


    Essentuki in the remission phase of pancreatitis

    Sustained development of the disease is the optimal period to carry out drinking therapy. Therefore, during the period of illness, you can enjoy the water of Essentuki 4, 17 rooms.

    By taking Essentuka, the following symptoms of chronic progression of the disease are eliminated:

    • stimulation of pancreatic juice, which is significant in case of long-term pathologies with formed inferiority of enzyme performance when consuming Essentuki 17. This is especially necessary for those who have a recorded lack of enzyme performance;
    • Essentuki 4 keeps a secret;
    • relieving convulsions in organ channels;
    • the inflammatory phenomenon is slowed down;
    • Insulin in the blood decreases at a minor stage of pancreatogenic diabetes.

    If a decrease in the synthesis of enzymes is detected, Essentuki 17 is recommended.

    How to drink Essentuki correctly? Consumption is required 30 minutes an hour before consuming products. The course lasts 3-6 weeks. The achieved result is recorded for 2-3 months. Therefore, the next course takes place no earlier than in 3 months.

    In the diet for chronic pancreatitis, Essentuki 4 is drunk daily 1-1.5 before eating meals, 150 ml 3 times a day, if no disturbances in secretion production have been identified during the course of the disease.

    Essentuki No. 4 is a unique drink, because this mineral water can be drunk by those who do not have obvious changes in the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Water is considered a good prevention of gastroenterological pathologies.

    Cost of excursions from Essentuki

    The price of excursion services, depending on the route and the time the trip takes, varies widely:

    • the longest one-day excursion to Grozny costs 2,200 rubles;
    • A 2-day trip to the Uzunkol gorge will cost 3,200 rubles per person.

    Group excursions from Essentuki

    They are carried out on comfortable buses with professional guides both in Essentuki and throughout the North Caucasus.

    Individual excursions, jeep tours

    They are carried out in luxury cars with a driver-guide, or additionally with a personal professional guide.
    One/two-day jeep tours throughout the North Caucasus are also available. We provide individual excursions from the cities of Caucasian Mineralnye Vody:

    • Kislovodsk;
    • Essentukov;
    • Pyatigorsk;
    • Zheleznovodsk.

    Please call for the cost of an individual excursion or jeep tour. The car is picked up and returned from the excursion at your residence address.

    Information on all excursions:

    8 whatsapp from 8:00 to 20:00 Pick-up and drop-off location by agreement

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