About the medicinal water of Essentuki 17: signs of authenticity, indications for use, methods of treatment

Therapeutic mineral water of Essentuki - its use in correctly selected volumes helps with diseases of the digestive tract, thyroid gland and serious hormonal disorders. Despite all the benefits of mineral water, excessive consumption of water can harm the body.

Pump room-2 spring "ESSENTUKI No. 4"

History of the spring pump room

Pump room No. 2 of source No. 4 was built by decision of 1912 of the KMS administration to combine water from several wells of the fourth source in a single pump room. In this regard, slightly below the first pump room along Vorontsovskaya Alley, designed by architect N.N. Semenov, by the summer of 1914, pump room No. 2 was erected. It was a pavilion with columns, built in the neoclassical style, and a year later two columned galleries were added to it.

Pump room No. 2, source 4 until 1936

The next reconstruction awaited the second pump room in 1936, when a barracks-type structure was erected on the site of the demolished pavilion, and only thirty years after that, in 1967, the modern building of the gallery of source No. 4 was built according to the design of the architect V.N. Fukleva.

Made in the style of Soviet minimalism, the reinforced concrete building of the drinking gallery with mosaic panels representing treatment with mineral waters is located on the spacious area of ​​the central alley of the lower park. To the right of the gallery is the symbol of the Caucasian Mineral Waters - the Eagle that defeated the snake, opposite - one of the weeping grottoes.

In a spacious, bright room with mosaic walls and sculptural compositions, you can taste the mineral water of the fourth spring in cold, warm and hot form. On the area in front of the gallery there are comfortable benches for relaxation; there, as in the gallery hall, there are souvenir kiosks.

All operating sources of “ESSENTUKI No. 4”

History of use and characteristics of mineral water

Here is a brief description of the mineral water of each Essentuki pump room No. 4.

Essentuki No. 4. Source Pump-room I.

Discovered in 1823 by Professor L.P. Nelyubin. Until 1913, the flow rate of the source was 400 liters per day. Since 1929, in connection with the discovery of its analogs and use for the same medicinal purposes, the flow rate of the Essentuki spring No. 4 Pump-room I has decreased to 150 liters per day. The water of the source is similar to Essentuki No. 17, but differs from the latter in lower mineralization. The dry residue of this water ranges from 6.3 to 6.5 g/l. Temperature from 15 to 18°C. It was used to treat patients suffering from peptic ulcers, chronic stomach diseases with high acidity, and metabolic diseases. Used only during the summer holiday season.

Essentuki No. 4. Spring Pump II.

The name of the source Pump Room No. II was given to the middle well, discovered in 1912, and the new one, discovered in 1929. Pump room No. II with mineral water of the Essentuki type No. 4 is a mixture of three boreholes of mineral water.

In terms of its chemical composition, it is no different from the source of Pump Room No. I. Dry residue is 6.3-6.4 g/l. The temperature ranges from 14.5 to 16°C. Located 150 meters west of Pump Room No. I in the Medical Park in the valley of the Kislushi River. The source was discovered in 1912 by engineer J.V. Langvagen. This is one of the resort’s most powerful springs in terms of flow rate with water like Essentuki No. 4, at that time it produced over 10 thousand liters per day. In 1929, when the need for this drinking mineral water increased significantly, drilling No. 418 was laid, which produced up to 100 thousand liters per day of mineral water of the Essentuki type No. 4. However, as observations in subsequent years showed, such a large self-filling affected the flow of other sources Essentuki resort. Its use was limited to 3-5 thousand liters per day.

Only this pump room is currently operating in the Medical Park.

Essentuki No. 4. Source Pump room III.

It is also located in the Medical Park, in the valley of the Kislushi River, 230 meters from the source of Buvette II, to the west of it. Discovered in 1908 during the drilling of well No. 18. The chemical composition of this mineral water is identical to Essentuki spring No. 4, the initial flow rate is 2.5 thousand liters per day. Over time, the flow rate of the source fell. In 1915 it was 850-1200 liters per day. The temperature of the source fluctuates within the same limits and depends on the air temperature. It was used exclusively for drinking purposes at the height of the summer season.

Essentuki No. 4. Spring Pump Room IV

Also located in the Healing Park, along the base of Alkali Mountain, west of the Pump Room III spring, 100 meters from it. Used for medicinal purposes since 1911. It is fed by three boreholes (Nos. 9, 39, 58). In terms of its chemical composition, the mineral water of the Buvette IV spring is identical to Essentuki type No. 4, but differs from it in its higher mineralization of 6.4-6.7 g/l. The temperature of this mineral water depends on the air temperature and varies widely from 4 to 19°C. The medical indications are the same as for other sources such as Essentuki No. 4.

Composition and types of water

The medicinal mineral water of Essentuki is extracted from different wells, so it differs in numbers and composition. The most famous waters are numbers 17 and 4 - they can be found in every pharmacy. The depth of the wells is about 1.5 km, so they produce environmentally friendly, absolutely transparent water with varying degrees of mineralization. Not everyone likes the taste of mineral water (soda-salty), but the benefits far exceed it.

The water is bottled right next to the well - this is necessary to preserve all the medicinal qualities of the drink.

You can take water without a doctor’s advice only once - course use is possible only as prescribed by a specialist, because in some cases the drink can be harmful.

The correct selection of the type of water is also important - it differs in composition and has its own indications:

Composition, mg/lEssentuki 17Essentuki 4
Mg cations150100
Ca cations60-200150
Cations K, Na2700-40002000-3000
Sulfates (anions)2525
Hydrocarbonates (anions)4800-65002400-4800
Cl anions1700-18001300-1900
CO2 impurities500-2300500-1800
Boric acid impurities40-9030-60

If we consider the composition of microelements, small amounts of iron, bromine, boron and a number of other substances are found in water. The total mineralization of water reaches 13.5 g/l, and its composition is considered unique.


Digestive diseases

  1. functional diseases of the stomach with impaired secretory-evacuation function;
  2. chronic reflux esophagitis;
  3. chronic gastritis, incl. reflux gastritis outside the acute phase;
  4. gastroduodenitis;
  5. peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the absence of significant disturbances in the motor-evacuation function of the stomach and a tendency to bleeding in the phase of remission or fading exacerbation;
  6. diseases of the operated stomach due to stomach ulcers (postoperative gastritis);
  7. functional diseases of the intestine with a violation of its motor-evacuation function;
  8. chronic inflammatory diseases of the large and small intestines, irritable bowel syndrome without exacerbation, chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis without exacerbation in the absence of jaundice and liver dysfunction, dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract;
  9. chronic pancreatitis in the absence of frequent exacerbations;
  10. follow-up treatment after removal of the gallbladder and pancreatic necrosis;
  11. uncomplicated cholelithiasis;
  12. occupational intoxication;

Endocrine system diseases, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders

  1. diabetes;
  2. food, nutritional obesity;
  3. disorders of lipid metabolism, salt metabolism;
  4. gout;
  5. uric acid diathesis;
  6. thyrotoxicosis;
  7. anemia, except hemolytic;
  8. osteoporosis;
  9. Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract (except tuberculosis etiology)

  10. chronic cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis with minimal activity of the inflammatory process;
  11. uric acid diathesis, urolithiasis, excluding patients subject to surgical treatment;
  12. the only functioning kidney;
  13. condition after renal transplantation;
  14. Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, lungs, ENT organs;
  15. tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  16. Dental diseases

  17. stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis;

Nervous system diseases

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, except for circulatory failure of 2-3 degrees;
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Skin diseases;
  4. Immune system diseases;
  5. Allergic diseases (chronic seasonal runny nose, bronchial asthma, polynoses);
  6. Gynecological diseases

As well as a number of other diseases. In particular, the benefits of using Essentuki 4 water for gastrointestinal diseases - stomach and duodenal ulcers - are noted.

How to drink Essentuki No. 4 mineral water correctly?

In order to achieve the maximum positive effect of drinking mineral water treatment, we urge you to follow the following recommendations.

Mineral water Essentuki No4, entering the stomach on an empty stomach, improves the secretion of gastric juice, enzymes, and dissolves mucus in the stomach.

Essentuki No4, drunk directly at the source, improves osmosis processes and increases the electrical charge of cells, since it has the electrical potential of positively charged ions

The technology for internal intake of mineral water is determined by the attending physician differentially for each patient (dose, frequency, time associated with food intake).

Drinking mineral water and effective treatment excludes the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

When filling a mug with mineral water, for infection safety reasons, do not touch the glassware to the taps.

Combine physical activity with mineral water intake

A prerequisite for achieving the maximum positive effect of drinking treatment is a walk.

Leaving the gallery, you move to the health path area - and the further effect of mineral water is enhanced by therapeutic walking.

The action of health path has a pronounced medical effect. Admiring the landscape design of the estate, the panorama of the mountains on the horizon, inhaling clean, fresh air filled with oxygen and phytoncides, and leisurely walking help optimize the effect of mineral water, triggering self-healing mechanisms in your body.

An important role in this process is played by your inner mood: mentally you imagine how health and vitality are gently and gradually, but steadily, returning to you.


The total volume of a single dose is 3 ml per 1 kg of body weight, usually starting with smaller doses (70-100-150 ml) per dose, followed by an increase over 3-4 days to 150-200 ml.

Course of taking mineral water Essentuki-4

The frequency of water intake is 3 times a day.

The optimal duration of the drinking regime is 3-4 weeks. Lengthening or shortening treatment courses of drinking water reduces the effectiveness of therapy.

A course of treatment with mineral water goes well with a sanatorium-resort regime, rational dietary nutrition, various types of physiotherapy, physical therapy, exposure to climatic factors, and a health path.

How to eat properly when taking mineral water

Only a doctor can prescribe the correct period of time between taking mineral water and food.

Usually this is a period of 15-30-40 minutes.

Afterwards you eat in the dietary canteen.

Cold, warm and hot mineral water?

Taking mineral water “Essentuki No. 4” into the spring’s pump room from a special mug with a spout

Taking water at the right temperature will depend on the purpose of use. The water temperature is indicated on the dispensing stands (warm, hot, cold).

Traditionally, to increase absorption and preserve the components and gas composition of mineral water, it is drunk slowly, in small sips, for 5-8 minutes from a special mug with a spout.

Important things to consider:

  • For gastritis, drink water slightly above room temperature;
  • For peptic ulcers, increased stomach acidity and liver disease, you need to drink hot mineral water.

Drink water only from the source

It is advisable to drink mineral water at the source, as if from the “living hands” of nature. This ensures complete preservation of its physical and chemical properties, because during storage many of its healing effects are lost (hygienist Hufeland, 1816)

At the same time, your body is affected by aero-phyto-music therapy: listening to relaxing and inspiring music, contemplating the aesthetics of the interior of the gallery, winter garden, fountains.

The aquifers of Essentuki 4 mineral water are located at a depth of 1400 meters or more under enormous pressure. Because of this, all minerals are in a dissolved state of rest.

When minerals reach the surface under normal atmospheric pressure, they leave the dissolved state and precipitate, the water becomes cloudy and loses its properties, in particular, the microelement composition changes significantly:

  • Fe2+, Mn2+ are destroyed almost immediately after bottling;
  • Calcium (Ca2+) quickly binds to bicarbonates and precipitates;
  • The catalytic ability of water is quickly lost due to a decrease in the number of free ions.
  • Therefore, mineral water retains its natural healing and informational properties for a short time, and it should be taken directly in the gallery, immediately after entering from the “underground pantry”.

Is it possible to drink Essentuki during pregnancy?

Women carrying a child are recommended to drink this drink if they have:

  • problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • frequent constipation, heartburn.

The components of the drink have a positive effect during pregnancy:

  • helps improve the condition of bone tissue;
  • magnesium reduces the risk of seizures in a pregnant woman;
  • Bicarbonate helps relieve heartburn.

The drink effectively eliminates unwanted symptoms of toxicosis and promotes better oxygen saturation of the blood, which is especially important during rare walks in the fresh air.

Regardless of the choice of water, you should definitely consult a doctor before you start taking it, since the fetus may react differently to this drink. Most often, experts recommend drinking water 30 minutes before meals, 150 ml 3 times a day.

Unauthorized use of Essentuki 17 often leads to the formation of stones in the gall bladder and kidneys of the expectant mother. It is not recommended to take healing water if there is a threat of miscarriage, severe vomiting, scarring on the uterus or bleeding.

Harm to the human body from misuse of Essentuki No. 4

Mineral water must be taken as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account indications and contraindications (age, functional state of the diseased organ and concomitant diseases).

It is especially worth paying attention to the process of diffusion of substances from PET (polyethylene terephtholate) into water. Scientists have proven that under the influence of ambient temperature and sunlight, acetone, acetaldehydes and formaldehydes, which are harmful to the human body, are released into bottled water.

Therefore, for medicinal purposes, it is necessary to drink Essentuki-4 not from plastic bottles, but directly at the Essentuki resort directly from mineral water springs.

Also, if there are contraindications, Essentuki 4 will cause harm.

It is unacceptable to drink water in unlimited quantities, as this can cause harm to the body; even healthy people can harm their kidneys from drinking Essentuki-4 mineral water to quench thirst in volumes exceeding the therapeutic dosage.

Taking water inside

Treatment with mineral water is carried out after preparing the drink. You should open the bottle and leave it for several hours - this is necessary for the release of carbon dioxide. Before taking, you need to bring the water to body temperature - heat it in a bowl of hot water. You can also drink water at room temperature if you need increased contractions of the intestines and gall bladder.

Water intake should be carried out according to a special treatment regimen, which depends on the disease.

Overheated water should not be taken - it harms the digestive organs. If the drink overheats, dilute it with water from a bottle. The order of therapy is as follows:

  1. For gastritis
    . Drink 100 ml of water before meals (15 minutes) three times a day in small sips. For children, the dose is calculated - 3-5 ml of water per kilogram of weight.

  2. For intestinal motility disorders
    . Dose: 100 ml of water an hour before meals in large sips. The water temperature in this case is only 18 degrees.

  3. For gallbladder diseases
    . Drink 200 ml of water 1.5 hours before meals three times a day.

  4. For diabetes
    . Take 300 ml of water per day in any order.

The course of therapy is at least a month. After a month of break, you can repeat the treatment course, but it is better to take breaks of 3-4 months.

Essentuki No. 4 contraindications

There is one indispensable condition: exacerbation of the disease limits the possibility of therapy with mineral waters:

  1. If you have urinary tract diseases or kidney diseases, uncontrolled intake of mineral water is prohibited. This may cause sudden passage of stones;
  2. For gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage in the stomach and intestines;
  3. gastrointestinal disorders that interfere with the passage of food (scar narrowing of the esophagus or pylorus, stretching of the stomach or its sudden prolapse);
  4. Alkaline urine reaction;
  5. Hypertensive crisis.


The use of the medicinal drink in question is contraindicated if:

  • aggravated diseases of the digestive tract;
  • disturbances in the motor functionality of the stomach;
  • inflammation in the intestines;
  • liver colic;
  • diseases of the gallbladder, as well as in case of its removal;
  • hypertension;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • complicated infections;
  • strict restrictions on the amount of salt consumed;
  • polyps in the stomach or intestines.

Essentuki should be consumed only in its pure form; it should not be mixed with sugar or other additives.


Chemical composition of Essentuki No. 4

Water from spring number 4 in the Essentuki resort park


  • LITHIUM 2.4692 g/l
  • SODIUM 0.0150 g/l
  • POTASSIUM 0.0602 g/l
  • MAGNESIUM 0.1372 g/l
  • CALCIUM 0.0050 g/l
  • IRON -
  • COPPER -
  • Amount 2.6876 g/l


  • CHLORINE 1.7050 g/l
  • BROMINE 0.0055 g/l
  • IODINE 0.0014 g/l
  • SULFATE 0.0058 g/l
  • HYDROCARBONATE 4.3871 g/l
  • FLUORINE 0.0005 g/l
  • Amount 6.1054 g/l

Undissociated molecules

  • SILICIC ACID 0.028 0.018 g/l
  • CARBONIC ACID 1.7381 g/l
  • MINERALIZATION 8.7806 g/l
  • DRY RESIDUE 6.597 g/l


Essentuki 4 for gastritis with high acidity

This product helps reduce excessive secretory function of the stomach. Therefore, doctors advise drinking the liquid warm. Also, this technique will help relax the intestinal muscles, which causes stool retention, and this indicates relief from diarrhea. For gastritis, you need to drink water three times a day before meals, you need to drink quickly, and take large sips.

It is important to note that there is no analogue in the world that has the same taste and healing properties. The liquid contains sulfates, calcium, bicarbonates, chlorides, sodium, magnesium. The main feature of water is its calorie content - 0 Kcal.

Important! Medicinal water should be used only after prescription by the attending physician. The liquid can be used as a drink, but this is for healthy people.

Sights of the Essentuki resort - full catalog

  • Alekseevskaya mud baths

    Alekseevskaya mud baths are the largest mud baths in Russia and Europe.

  • Eagle sculpture

    The eagle sculpture is a famous sculptural composition, a symbol of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

  • Zander Institute

    The Zander Institute is an institute of mechanotherapy built in 1902, equipped with Gustav Zander equipment, and is still functioning.

  • Gazebo “Chance meeting”

    Openwork wooden gazebo in oriental style.

  • Pump room No. 1, source No. 4

    Pump room No. 1 of source No. 4 is an architectural monument of the Resort Park.

  • Pump room No. 2, source No. 4

    Pump room No. 2 of source No. 4 is a modern building of the historical active and life-giving spring “Essentuki-4”.

  • Pump room of spring No. 17

    Pump room of source No. 17 is an elegant cast-iron gazebo above the 17th source.

  • Pump room of spring No. 18

    Pump room of source No. 18 - Issya in 1903. Landmark of the city of Essentuki.

  • Pump room of spring No. 19

    Pump room of spring No. 19 is a dried-up spring in an arched grotto. Landmark of Essentuki.

  • Fountain on Central Square

    The fountain on Teatralnaya Square is a favorite vacation spot for Essentu residents and resort guests, the largest fountain in the south of Russia.

  • Train Station

    The railway station is a historical building that still performs its functions to this day.

  • Oreanda's gazebo in our time

    One of the attractions of the city of Essentuki is the Oreanda gazebo, built at the beginning of the 20th century.

  • Resort library building - Essentuki

    One of the most striking buildings can be considered the building of the former dacha of the Cossack captain I.G. Zimina.

  • Park Theater of Essentuki at the beginning of the 20th century

    In the fall of 1901, an extension to spring No. 17, “Theater Park,” was erected in the Essentuki Resort Park.

  • Root stream - the city of Essentuki

    One of the striking attractions of the Essentuki Resort Park is the Rotunda Rotunda.

  • Upper baths in our time in Essentuki

    The baths of Nicholas II are a historical monument of Essentuki, made in the style of late Russian classicism.

  • Victory Park in Essentuki

    Victory Park is a park in the upper resort area reconstructed in 2022.


About mineral water "Essentuki"

The traditional quality and taste of real, those same “Essentuki” are unchanged and are familiar to us since childhood. This water is rightfully considered the pearl of Caucasian mineral waters and is famous for its healing and general health properties, which have been proven for centuries. The unique composition of the water was formed over 800 years and contains more than 30 minerals. Essentuki water has a beneficial effect on human well-being, helps maintain health and protect the body from the negative effects of the environment, and is effective as part of the complex therapy of respiratory diseases, in the treatment of gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders.

“Essentuki No. 4” is a medicinal table water with a soft, salty taste of medium mineralization. Water "Essentuki No. 17" has a rich salty taste and a high degree of mineralization, it has a powerful preventive and therapeutic effect.

The appearance of “Essentuki” is recognizable and familiar. The new modern packaging format has retained its recognizable features: the traditional combination of green, white and bronze colors, as well as its unique symbol - mountains with a soaring eagle. The real “Essentuki No. 4” and “Essentuki No. 17” can be easily recognized by their unique logo symbol depicting mountains and a soaring eagle, the name “Essentuki” in conjunction with numbers and the inscription “Essentuki Field”.

Real mineral water “Essentuki No. 4” and “Essentuki No. 17” are bottled only as a group and are extracted only at the Essentuki deposit from wells specified in GOST and in the certificates of the Name of Place of Origin of the goods (NOPO). This deposit is located near the city of the same name in the ecological resort region of Caucasian Mineral Waters at an altitude of 640 m above sea level.

In 2022, the brand celebrates its anniversary - 150 years since the start of bottling the legendary Essentuki water.

About the enterprise "Holding Aqua"

"Holding Aqua" is a leading full-cycle enterprise for the extraction, bottling and distribution of mineral water in the Caucasian Mineral Waters and the only one of "Essentuki No. 17", which is a national treasure and historical heritage of Russia.

The holding's package also includes mineral waters of the Slavyanovskaya and Rodnye Ozera brands.

The mission of the Aqua Holding enterprise is to popularize the legendary mineral water from the depths of the ecological resort region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters in Russia and abroad. The company has three modern production sites equipped with the latest equipment, which ensures safe production and high quality products. “Holding Aqua” strives to preserve and protect healing springs for future generations, therefore the main principles of the company’s work are responsible subsoil use and support of environmental initiatives and projects in the North Caucasus. In addition, the company plays an important role in increasing the investment attractiveness of the region and is interested in implementing new investment projects.

Cost of excursions from Essentuki

The price of excursion services, depending on the route and the time the trip takes, varies widely:

  • the longest one-day excursion to Grozny costs 2,200 rubles;
  • A 2-day trip to the Uzunkol gorge will cost 3,200 rubles per person.

Group excursions from Essentuki

They are carried out on comfortable buses with professional guides both in Essentuki and throughout the North Caucasus.

Individual excursions, jeep tours

They are carried out in luxury cars with a driver-guide, or additionally with a personal professional guide.
One/two-day jeep tours throughout the North Caucasus are also available. We provide individual excursions from the cities of Caucasian Mineralnye Vody:

  • Kislovodsk;
  • Essentukov;
  • Pyatigorsk;
  • Zheleznovodsk.

Please call for the cost of an individual excursion or jeep tour. The car is picked up and returned from the excursion at your residence address.

Information on all excursions:

8 whatsapp from 8:00 to 20:00 Pick-up and drop-off location by agreement

How to check authenticity

To determine whether you bought real water, you need to know its main signs that indicate that this is an original product:

  • after opening the container, the smell of hydrogen sulfide is felt, reminiscent of the smell of rotten eggs;
  • the liquid is absolutely transparent in appearance;
  • characterized by a salty taste with a soda aftertaste;
  • no sediment;
  • the label indicates the place where the water was spilled - Stavropol Territory;
  • sold only in glass;
  • has a high-quality label: when swiped with a finger, the letters are not erased and are not imprinted on the hand;

Drinking mineral water is considered a valuable natural drink, which is widely used to treat various diseases, including gastritis of various forms. For medicinal purposes, it is necessary to purchase only a genuine drink, follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and only then will recovery become real. Take care of your health!

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