About the medicinal water of Essentuki 17: signs of authenticity, indications for use, methods of treatment

Treatment with mineral waters is one of the methods of official medicine, used for several centuries. It is used by a large number of doctors who receive excellent results from using mineral water to treat patients.

Russia has several balneological hospitals. One of them is the Essentuki resort, located in the Stavropol Territory. On its territory there are several wells with medicinal water of natural origin, one of which is Essentuki 17. Knowing how to drink Essentuki 17 mineral water correctly, you can ensure adequate treatment of a number of diseases and rehabilitation after them.

Mineral composition

Mineral water Essentuki 17 has unique abilities

Each well has a personal number. Water from different wells differs in composition and beneficial properties. Therapeutic water “Essentuki 17” is extracted from a well 1.5 km deep from an alkaline salt spring with the same number.

It has unique properties that are preserved not only during direct consumption, but also after bottling the water. It is strictly not recommended to haphazardly take this medicinal water, saturated with salts of various elements and minerals.

Essentuki 17 water is taken on the recommendation of a doctor in strictly limited courses. This is explained by its increased biological activity and unique composition. The composition of the medicinal water “Essentuki 17” includes:

  1. iron
  2. bromine
  3. boron
  4. arsenic
  5. hydrogen sulfide
  6. natural carbon dioxide
  7. sodium
  8. magnesium
  9. calcium

The cations of these microelements contribute to water-salt metabolism and the transport of nutrients into the cells of various systems of the human body. Water mineralization is up to 13.6 g/l; this composition is so unique that it is not repeated in any other brand of mineral water. Mineral water of the Naftusya and Undorskaya brands has similar properties.

How to distinguish Essentuki 17 from a fake

In order to benefit, unscrupulous manufacturers most often counterfeit Essentuki 17 due to the beneficial properties of water and its demand on the market. When choosing a drink, you should pay attention to the contents of the label. It should indicate:

  1. Place of water extraction.
  2. Name with the specified license plate (No. 17).
  3. GOST R 54316-2011 is registered.
  4. Well No. 46 is designated.
  5. The composition and indications for use are indicated.
  6. The expiration date has been stamped.

Important! Medicinal mineral water is poured into containers that are only green in color.

It is impossible to distinguish real mineral water from fake by taste. Fake liquid will not harm the body, but it also lacks beneficial composition and properties. Therefore, it is preferable to buy mineral water in pharmacies. To ensure authenticity, you can require an appropriate certificate.

How to determine the authenticity of mineral water

Essentuki 17 is often counterfeited...

The bottling of medicinal water “Essentuki 17” is carried out directly on the territory of the well, because it cannot be transported openly - upon contact with oxygen ions in the open air in the tanks, the cations of the mineral components of the water are reduced. Bottled water fully retains its unique properties.

The popularity of Essentuki 17 water has led to the fact that this brand is often counterfeited. In order to be confident in the quality of the purchased product, you need to know the signs by which you can determine the authenticity of water:

How to choose the right alkaline mineral water

“When you choose mineral water in a store, it is better to pay attention to the chemical composition, since the classification of mineralization of such water is very wide (fresh, low-mineralized, low-mineralized, medium-mineralized, highly mineralized, and so on), advises nutritionist Alexander Andreev. Drinking alkaline water must have a pH greater than 8. The well and area where the water was extracted and bottled must also be indicated on the packaging; and detailed mineral composition. Bicarbonates are contained in every alkaline mineral water - they affect its pH. Usually there is more of a mineral in water than others, this determines its name: for example, “sodium”, “magnesium-calcium”, etc.

Waters with a low degree of mineralization are suitable for frequent use and prevention. Highly mineralized waters are usually used as medicinal waters, and they are also drunk in courses prescribed by a doctor. Alkaline mineral waters are recommended for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas and urinary tract, as well as metabolic disorders. Alkaline mineral waters stimulate gastric secretion, so such waters are well suited for low acidity of gastric juice.

Indications for use

Essentuki 17 mineral water should be drunk correctly

Since this brand of water belongs to the category of medicinal mineral waters, it should be treated according to indications. List of diseases in the treatment of which Essentuki 17 is used:

  • Gastritis with low acidity;
  • Acute and chronic colitis, enterocolitis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract;
  • Diabetes;
  • Metabolic disorders, salt and fat metabolism, obesity;
  • Alcohol intoxication;
  • Diathesis.

Depending on the diagnosis, the amount of water taken at one time, the method of use, and the temperature of the liquid change.

Prohibitions and negative influences

Among the contraindications to taking the drink, doctors indicate acute diseases of the stomach and intestines - in the first days of an exacerbation you cannot be treated with mineral water! Admissions are also prohibited:

Uncontrolled intake of water in large doses can cause diarrhea, stomach pain, flatulence, and pain in the gallbladder area. If you are prone to urolithiasis, drinking mineral water in long courses can cause the deposition of sand and stones.

Children under 6 years of age can only take water if strictly prescribed by a doctor!

It is important to buy a real product - counterfeits are not only useless, but can even be dangerous. Water is produced in glass and plastic containers, its price is never low. The bottle is always made of dark material; the label shows the corresponding GOST, but not TU. The well number is indicated on the label; the production date is stamped or embossed rather than painted on.

Who is contraindicated for treatment with Essentuki 17 mineral water?

Like every medicine, this mineral water has side effects. Essentuki 17 has an irritating effect on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, the gallbladder, and pancreas, and can cause diarrhea if taken uncontrolled.

With prolonged use, there is a risk of hypermineralization of the body, changing the composition of the blood towards alkalization. The appearance of edema is one of the signs of this condition. This water is contraindicated for persons with increased secretion of gastric juice, renal colic, complicated by infections, and those who are planning or have recently undergone surgery.

Which of Essentuki is saltier 17 or 4

Patients often ask whether there is a difference. Of course, it is not correct, however, people are interested in this question. If we compare the composition of these mineral waters, the salt content in Essentuki 17 is from ten to fourteen grams per liter, and in Essentuki 4 from seven to ten grams per liter. Based on this, Essentuki 17 can rightfully be considered more salty water.

Currently, a large number of companies are engaged in the production and spill of Essentuki 17, using different wells, including the following:

  1. wells 46, 17 and 36-Bis;
  2. a field called Nagutsky, located thirty kilometers from Essentuki, as well as well 47.

How to use Essentuki 17 correctly

Mineral water Essentuki 17 - an assistant in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

For a pronounced therapeutic effect, the course of treatment with mineral water cannot be less than a month so that its components can supplement the body’s water-salt metabolism. Essentuki 17 is consumed before meals at a time determined by the doctor, in an amount of 50 to 200 ml per day.

It should have a certain temperature, be cool or heated, depending on the patient’s diagnosis. Rules for using Essentuka 17 depending on the diagnosis:

  • For type A gastritis with low acidity, drink water at room temperature, drink it in small sips, drink it slowly, 15-30 minutes before meals. The goal of treatment is to activate the secretory function of the intestine.
  • In case of intestinal atony (reduced motor activity), cool water at a temperature of 18-20? C is drunk an hour and a half before meals, quickly and in large sips. The goal of treatment is to improve intestinal motility, restore smooth muscle tone, and cleanse the mucous membrane.
  • For spastic constipation, the water should be heated. The goal of treatment is to eliminate spasms, pain, and improve bowel movements.
  • For chronic diseases of the biliary tract, mineral water is taken outside of periods of exacerbation. Hypotension of the gallbladder is compensated by drinking 150-200 ml of cool water with a temperature of 20-22? C an hour and a half before meals. Drink water in large sips.
  • In case of stagnation of bile, spasms of the gallbladder and bile duct system, a blind (probeless) tube is used to cleanse the bile ducts. The patient, lying on his right side, is given 200-300 ml of warm water (42-45? C) to drink on an empty stomach. A heating pad is applied to the area of ​​the right hypochondrium for half an hour to an hour. Additionally, you can dissolve half a teaspoon of magnesium sulfate in water to stimulate the flow of bile.
  • The duration of tubage is 10-12 days, it is advisable to carry it out during the waning moon phase. This type of tubage cannot be performed in case of cholelithiasis, liver cirrhosis, coronary artery disease, stage 3 hypertension, or exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

The use of medicinal water Essentuki 17 in accordance with the doctor’s prescription will gently and effectively help with a large number of gastrointestinal pathologies. You need to purchase only original products from the manufacturer, do not self-medicate, and carefully follow the method of drinking water prescribed by a medical specialist.

How to drink Essentuki correctly

Only your attending physician can tell you how to drink Essentuki 17 mineral water without causing harm to your health. How much to drink per day? When treating diseases, the dose of water per dose ranges from 30 to 250 ml. How to drink Essentuki? Depending on the diagnosis, it can be consumed hot, warm or cold. Temperature conditions do not affect the preservation of medicinal properties. A very important factor is the size of sips - water is indicated for use in large sips or small sips.

Healthy people can take the drink for prevention; the course of administration is 10-14 days. In this case, cool water is consumed three times a day, 170–260 g, an hour before meals, in large sips. Taking it in the morning on an empty stomach is considered very important. The water should have medium carbonation or no gas at all. You need to first open the bottle and let it come out.

Taking mineral water is very useful for athletes and people who have increased physical activity in everyday life. Only the attending physician can tell you how to drink Essentuki during pregnancy and allow it for small children or elderly people. All residents of large cities and regional centers are recommended to undergo treatment and preventive courses 2 times a year.

During pregnancy

Essentuki 17 pregnant women are prescribed by their attending physician. The benefits of water in this situation are undeniable. During such an important period of life, a woman’s body should receive more vitamins and minerals. The abundance of microelements that are present in Essentuki mineral water, according to reviews, have a beneficial effect on the body of the mother and fetus:

  • calcium – improves the structure of bone tissue;
  • magnesium – prevents the occurrence of seizures in the mother, and affects the proper formation of the nervous system in the fetus;
  • bicarbonate – eliminates heartburn, normalizes the secretion of parietal cells of the stomach.
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Inhalation for cough

The use of Essentuki 17 water for inhalation with a nebulizer is indicated for children with progressive or chronic diseases of the respiratory tract. Mineral water inhalations are useful not only for children, but also for adults. This is a good remedy for coughs and runny nose. To carry out inhalation using a nebulizer, you must:

  1. Release all gas from the salt water.
  2. Take 5 ml of water using a spoon or syringe and fill the nebulizer.
  3. Inhale for adults for 10 minutes, for children for 3-5 minutes.

If you don’t have an inhaler, don’t be upset. To carry out the procedure without an inhaler you must:

  1. Take a small saucepan.
  2. Pour 200-250 ml of water.
  3. Heat the water to 45 -70 degrees.
  4. Cover your head and breathe mineral water vapor over the pan.
  5. Children 2-3 minutes, adults 7-10 minutes.

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