How to drink water with iodine for diarrhea?

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Often, failure to comply with basic hygiene rules can lead to digestive disorders. Then a person is looking for any means to relieve these unpleasant sensations that interfere with normal life. Many who have encountered this problem advise trying blue iodine for diarrhea. This is explained by its rapid action, eliminating microorganisms of various types and preventing the proliferation of harmful microflora. In addition, this remedy is classified as a budget drug. You can buy it ready-made or make it yourself.

Treating the disorder at home

The use of traditional medicine recipes should be carried out quite carefully. The use of iodine for diarrhea in adults and children is recommended only in the early stages. If the situation is a little advanced, then you need to select a complex with medications. There can be many reasons for diarrhea. It is important to undergo diagnostics and select adequate therapy.

The benefit of using iodine for diarrhea for children and adults is that it is not a concentrated drug, but a variety of it. It is popularly called blue iodine. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. If you use a pure alcohol-containing drug, you can cause irreparable harm to the entire body. Iodinol is used for stomach upsets resulting from poisoning or neurological problems.

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Blue iodine recipe

The ingredients are quite simple and preparation does not require any special skills. You will need to dissolve a teaspoon of starch and sugar in 50 ml of water. Add also 1 g of citric acid. After complete dissolution, pour in 150 ml of boiling water. After cooling, add a teaspoon of alcohol solution. Mix everything well. Pour into a dark glass container and store in a cool place. An indicator of unsuitability may be a change in color.

The main properties of this substance are:

  • disinfectant,
  • softening,
  • enveloping.

You can easily carry it with you and use it whenever necessary.

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Iodine poisoning

The treatment plan depends on the type of intoxication, the presence of certain clinical signs, as well as the conditions for providing medical care. In case of pronounced changes, all initial measures are carried out by the emergency medical service team. Trying to influence the patient’s condition on your own is not recommended. Mild lesions allow for a number of measures to be taken before the arrival of doctors. The final plan for drug correction is developed and implemented in the hospital.

First aid

Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to calm the victim, provide a flow of fresh air, and give him a glass of milk or water with added starch to drink. You should not give solid food (raw potatoes) or try to rinse the stomach without a tube. If there is a chemical burn in the esophagus or stomach, such actions will aggravate the situation and cause bleeding. In case of psychomotor agitation, soft fixation of the patient to the bed is allowed. If there is no consciousness, the patient is placed on his side and his condition is monitored.

Prehospital medical care

Oral iodine poisoning at the prehospital stage requires gastric lavage with a solution of sodium thiosulfate 5% to clean water. It is better if the procedure is carried out through a thin nasogastric tube. After its completion, the patient is given a solution of starch in milk to drink. Hospitalization to a toxicology hospital is indicated. During transportation of a patient with severe damage, monitoring of vital functions and infusion therapy through a peripheral venous catheter are carried out. If necessary, tracheal intubation and administration of sedative medications are performed.

Planned therapy

The actions of hospital doctors are aimed at removing the toxicant from the body. Until this moment, the patient’s condition is maintained at an acceptable level with medications. Bed rest and gentle nutrition are indicated. In case of severe dyspepsia, fasting is prescribed in the first days. Convalescence takes about two weeks. The most severe cases require a long stay in a health care facility. The following types of therapy are recommended:

  • Symptomatic.
    Maintenance of hemodynamics, correction of acidosis using sodium bicarbonate solutions, respiratory assistance. For pulmonary edema, loop diuretics and glucocorticosteroids are used, and antifoam agents are administered through breathing equipment. Infusions of antiarrhythmics, antihypertensive medications, analgesics and antipsychotics may be required.
  • Antitoxic.
    Removal of excess iodine is carried out using sodium thiosulfate. The drug is prescribed 10 ml every 4 hours. Nonspecific detoxification methods are moderately effective. These include the introduction of large amounts of saline solutions with subsequent stimulation of diuresis, the administration of activated carbon and other non-absorbable enterosorbents.

Chronic poisoning does not require emergency hospitalization. The patient is treated on an outpatient basis or is placed in a hospital as planned. The basis of therapy is the correction of existing hormonal disorders with the help of thyreostatic medications, refusal to use iodine-containing substances, and symptomatic measures. Thyroid crisis is an indication for referral to the intensive care unit, where active antitoxic measures are carried out aimed at reducing the concentration of hormones.

Methods of application

Before you start taking it, you need to clarify how to drink iodine for diarrhea.

Method 1

The classic remedy consists of taking a teaspoon four times a day after meals. The prepared solution should have a uniform blue color and the consistency of thick jelly.

Method 2

There are other ways. Among them, the simplest is water with iodine for diarrhea. To do this, you need to combine 100 ml of boiled liquid and 6 drops of alcohol. Drink in one gulp. It can only be used by those who have iodine deficiency. Otherwise, symptoms of overdose and other side effects may occur.

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Method 3

The use of milk with iodine for diarrhea is also considered a beneficial substance. For a child, dissolve 2 drops per teaspoon. Repeat the dose after 12 hours. For an adult, the proportion should be 10 drops per glass.

But remember that before starting such therapy you should still consult a doctor.

Health to you!

Can infants have iodine?

The MAMAKO® assortment of iodized baby food includes milk formulas, porridges, and soups. With a balanced diet, iodine is not required for newborns and children in the form of preparations for preventive purposes. But what to do if the child receives other nutrition, including only breast milk, how much iodine the body needs at different ages, whether excess and deficiency of iodine are dangerous, we will find out from a neonatologist practicing in Spain, Valeria Maksimovna Shchelkunova.

— Valeria Maksimovna, why is iodine needed in a child’s body?

— The body needs iodine to secrete thyroid hormones, which control metabolism and are necessary for the proper development of bones and brain. It is important that everyone gets enough iodine. Iodine is especially important for children and pregnant women.

Lack of iodine in children can cause an enlargement of the thyroid gland and subsequently physiological changes and problems with breathing, swallowing, and also lead to a delay in the development of the central nervous system, growth and maturation of bone tissue.

— How much iodine does a baby need per day?

— Data vary greatly; the daily iodine requirement depends on age. The average daily requirement is expressed in micrograms (mcg).

According to recent studies, the daily iodine requirement for children is:

  • up to 6 months - at least 110 mcg;
  • from 7 to 12 months - approximately 130 mcg;
  • the upper limit up to 1 year is about 200 mcg.

— Does a nursing mother need to take iodine, and is it necessary to give iodine to a bottle-fed baby in order for the child’s development to proceed properly?

— According to the World Health Organization, a pregnant or nursing mother needs 200 mcg of iodine per day.

Women who are at risk for iodine deficiency:

  • living in areas where iodine deficiency is endemic;
  • do not consume dairy products;
  • smokers;
  • not using iodized salt;
  • those who take hormonal medications and eat many foods that affect the absorption of iodine and the functioning of the thyroid gland (Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, radishes, broccoli).

Iodine when feeding a baby

  • The iodine content in breast milk depends on the amount of iodine that the mother consumes;
  • To ensure the necessary amount of iodine for adequate development of the child, iodine supplements are recommended for breastfeeding women.
Artificial feeding:
  • the composition of the adapted milk formula is optimized and contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, including iodine;
  • With the formula, both the newborn and the baby receive the daily age requirement, so there is no need to give iodine in excess of the dose supplied with food.

— What are the dangers of excess and deficiency of iodine in children? Do these conditions have specific symptoms?

— The thyroid gland, which is responsible for the circulation of iodine in the body, one way or another captures all the iodine received, regardless of whether it is in excess or not; iodine will not circulate freely in the blood. And no one can say exactly how this will affect children’s development in the future. Therefore, it is advisable not to overuse iodine, but you should not provoke iodine deficiency states. Signs of pathologies are nonspecific.

Excess and lack of iodine in the body: symptoms in children

Excess iodine
  • the formation of a goiter, in which the thyroid gland enlarges
  • inflammation in the thyroid gland, hormonal neoplasm
  • burning in the mouth, throat, stomach
  • high fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, weak pulse, refusal to eat
Iodine deficiency
  • lethargy, fatigue, lethargy
  • significant decrease in mental and physical capabilities
  • the nervous system, heart, stomach, thyroid gland are affected

— The consequences of iodine deficiency are more difficult to assess in childhood, however, even mild iodine deficiency can cause minor problems in neurological development. Giving iodine supplements to children with mild iodine deficiency improves their reasoning ability and general cognitive function.

Supplementation with iodine or iodized salt improves both physical and psychomotor development of children from areas with iodine deficiency. However, new research is needed on the effect of iodine deficiency on cognitive function, which, unfortunately, is very difficult to achieve under the age of one year.

— Are many areas endemic for iodine deficiency?

— Iodine deficiency in soils and waters is widespread in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the former CIS. There are open data and maps on the status of a particular region in relation to iodine deficiency. It is useful to familiarize yourself with them in order to understand the need for additional intake of iodine-containing foods and medications.

— You can often hear that when treating wounds, iodine is absorbed through the skin. Is it harmful?

— All iodine-containing drugs are produced with the note: “Not recommended for use in children under one year of age.” However, there are no adequate clinical trials in children under one year of age that would confirm or refute the harm of iodine. There is scientific evidence that substances with iodine applied to the skin increase its amount in the plasma. This is due to the fact that children's skin is thinner and more permeable. But how the process affects the child’s health is not known for certain, especially if the treatment is not systematic.

— What changes in the child’s condition would be a reason to see a doctor?

— There are two clinical conditions that should concern parents and in which they need to urgently consult a doctor:

  • Hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis
    are an increased function of thyroid hormones, when active agitation, increased body temperature, thinness, tremor, and poor sleep are observed.
  • Hypothyroidism
    is a decreased activity of the thyroid gland, which is accompanied by lethargy, drowsiness, a tendency to edema, fullness, and enlargement of the thyroid gland.

— We can also talk about autoimmune hypothyroidism, the predisposition to which is inherited. But whether the disease develops or not depends on lifestyle and other related factors.

— So, there is a way to prevent iodine-related diseases?

“The mother’s awareness and caution are important here. If it is known that the family lives in an iodine-deficient region, then special attention should be paid to the issue of iodine intake. However, you can administer any medications and/or adjust your diet only after a medical examination, as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor.

Prevention of iodine deficiency conditions

Pregnancy, lactation
  • start taking iodine preparations or iodized salt at the stage of pregnancy planning, continue during pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding
  • iodine in multivitamin complexes for pregnant and nursing mothers has different forms and dosages, which requires a doctor’s assessment
  • The baby receives iodine through breast milk or formula
  • a balanced diet will provide the child with iodine in the required quantities and without additional administration of dosage forms
Products containing iodine for children
  • iodized baby cereals and purees
  • apples, persimmons
  • cod, salmon, haddock, perch
  • seafood, spinach (introduced closer to the year)

— How to take iodine for children and what iodine supplements are suitable for babies?

— The basis for the administration of iodine-containing drugs is the determination of the activity of thyroid hormones. It is not recommended to give supplements to children on their own; the doctor makes the decision. Children under one year of age are more often prescribed synthetic additives in the form of drops; after one year of age, iodized salt is more often used.


Iodine in the form of additives, iodine in adapted milk formulas and baby cereals is heat-resistant, easily dissolved, and dosed. At high temperatures, the mineral evaporates from iodized salt, and the mother never knows how much iodine the child received.

— How often can iodine-containing foods be given to young children?

— We have already talked about daily iodine requirements. Up to six months they are satisfied with breast milk or formula, after which they are satisfied with complementary feeding products, including such rare but healthy vegetable soups made with goat’s milk with iodine and other vitamins and minerals. Typically, on baby food packages, the nutritional value table indicates the percentage of satisfaction of the baby’s daily needs for iodine and other components.

Babies need iodine. The main source of it for the baby will be the mother. After six months, optimal food products are selected, including ready-made cereals and purees fortified with iodine. There is no need to worry about a bottle-fed baby: in infant formula, the concentration of all necessary minerals and vitamins meets age-related needs, so the daily requirement of iodine will be provided to him.

Pediatrician Valeria Maksimovna Shchelkunova

*The ideal food for an infant is mother's milk. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months. MAMAKO® supports this recommendation. Before introducing new foods into your baby’s diet, consult a specialist.

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