What we are treated with: Dekaris. Expel parasites without SMS or prescription

Currently, in parasitology, there are quite a few medications prescribed for various types of helminthiases. Many of them have a wide spectrum of action and are used in the treatment of invasions caused by different types of helminths. It is Decaris that is used against pinworms and other parasites that are fixed in the human intestines with the help of muscles.

The drug is also used to combat the following parasites:

  • roundworms;
  • hookworms;
  • whipworms;
  • nematodes.

When infected with other types of parasites, as a rule, the attending physician prescribes broad-spectrum drugs or specific medications for this type of helminthiasis.

Important. In some countries (for example, the USA, Canada) it is believed that although the drug helps in the treatment of enterobiasis, it was decided to abandon the use of Decaris for pinworms; its active ingredient levamisole is considered too toxic for the body.


Pinworms are causative agents of enterobiasis, which can cause dangerous symptoms leading to serious consequences: anemia, dysbiosis, vitamin deficiency. Very often, it is children who do not follow the rules of hygiene that suffer from this helminthic infestation.

The younger the child is, the more dangerous the consequences of the disease can be. For this reason, the disease requires timely treatment. The most popular drug prescribed for pinworms is Decaris.

Decaris is prescribed quite often for the treatment of enterobiasis. The drug has a low degree of toxicity to the body. For this reason, experts choose this medication. However, doctors note patient reviews that Dekaris did not help with enterobiasis. This is due to resistance developed by some parasites to the main active component of the drug.

Since this drug is most safe for health, experts prescribe it. If the medicine does not have an effective effect against pinworms, stronger and more toxic drugs are prescribed. Having a wide spectrum of action, the risk of developing resistance to them in worms is less.

Overdose symptoms and interaction features

Consumption of large amounts of Decaris, in a volume of more than 600 mg, causes the development of acute poisoning. Intoxication manifests itself:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • cephalalgia with dizziness;
  • constant drowsiness;
  • diarrhea;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • impaired clarity of consciousness.

The patient needs symptomatic therapy to suppress signs of poisoning.

The instructions focus on the following nuances:

  • the drug is incompatible with agents that reduce the number of leukocytes, alcohol and lipophilic compounds;
  • the medicine may increase the effects of phenytoin and medications related to indirect coagulants.

Decaris is not intended to normalize the immune system in childhood.

Effect of decaris on helminths in the treatment of enterobiasis

Decaris has a depressing effect on pinworms. Levamisole provokes muscle paralysis of parasites and causes disruption of bioenergetic processes in their bodies. Weakened helminths cannot adhere to the intestinal walls and are excreted from the body along with feces.

Typically, the effect of Decaris in the treatment of pinworms is noticeable after 2432 hours. In individual cases, parasites can be eliminated from the body after 72 hours, as a rule, this is due to the fact that the passage of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract during the invasion is somewhat slowed down.

Component composition of Dekaris

The instructions describe in detail the components contained in the tablets. The composition of Dekaris is presented:

  • levamisole hydrochloride;
  • corn starch;
  • sodium saccharinate;
  • talc;
  • povidone;
  • apricot flavoring;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • yellow dye.

The medicine is made in pale orange tablets, packaged in blisters and cardboard packaging.

Description of the drug

The medicine is available in tablets for oral use in two dosages: 150 mg for adults, 50 mg for children.

Children's tablets have a pleasant apricot aroma and a light orange color due to added food coloring and flavoring. Adult white tablets have no odor. The active ingredient of this anthelmintic is levamisole. Manufacturer of the medicine: Hungary.

Manufacturer, release form

Decaris against pinworms is produced by Gedeon Richter (Hungary). In the pharmacy chain, the medicine is sold in tablet form in two dosages: 50 mg/tab and 150 mg/tab. The cost is from 80 rubles. and higher depending on packaging and region of sale.

pharmachologic effect

Levamisole in Dekaris is active against round helminths with developed muscles. The drug is highly effective against roundworms, necator, and hookworms. Decaris helps against pinworms, strongyloides, trichostrongyloides. The mechanism of action on helminths is as follows:

  • disrupts energy metabolism in the body cells of worms;
  • inhibits the biochemical processes of glucose absorption;
  • initiates a change in the polarization of cell membranes in muscles;
  • causes energy starvation and muscle paralysis of parasites.

On a note!

Immobilized worms are removed from the human digestive tract as a result of natural peristaltic movements of the intestinal walls. Helminths are removed in feces within 24 hours after ingestion.

be careful

According to statistics, more than 1 billion people are infected with parasites. You may not even realize that you have become a victim of parasites.

It is easy to determine the presence of parasites in the body by one symptom - bad breath. Ask your loved ones if your breath smells in the morning (before you brush your teeth). If yes, then with a 99% probability you are infected with parasites.

Infection with parasites leads to neuroses, fatigue, sudden mood swings, and later more serious diseases begin.

In men

parasites cause: prostatitis, impotence, adenoma, cystitis, sand, kidney and bladder stones.

Among women

: pain and inflammation of the ovaries. Fibroma, myoma, fibrocystic mastopathy, inflammation of the adrenal glands, bladder and kidneys develop. As well as heart disease and cancer.

We would like to warn you right away that you do not need to run to the pharmacy and buy expensive medications, which, according to pharmacists, will eradicate all parasites. Most medications are extremely ineffective, and they also cause great harm to the body.

How does Decaris work for pinworms?

Levamisole for enterobiasis paralyzes worms in the intestinal tract. When taken orally (orally) at a dosage of Decaris 50 mg, the substance is absorbed within 1.5-2 hours. About 5% of the drug remains unchanged in the intestines and directly affects pinworms. Upon contact with the body of worms, the drug quickly acts on pinworms, causing neuromuscular paralysis within 1-2 hours. Residues of the drug are excreted in the feces.

The absorbed amount of Levamisole with the bloodstream is evenly distributed throughout all organs and tissues, having a detrimental effect on parasite larvae when they are localized extraintestinal. For this reason, Dekaris is prescribed for mixed helminthiases and the pulmonary form of ascariasis. The drug kills adults and their larvae, and has no effect on helminth eggs. To completely eliminate parasites, you will need to take Decaris once again to kill the worms that have hatched from the eggs.

On a note!

Metabolites (decomposition products) of Decaris have destructive properties against worms. The drug is completely eliminated from the body within three days. A single dose of medication is enough to remove pinworms from the intestinal tract.

Mechanism of action and removal of worms

After taking the drug, pinworms leave the human intestines within 24-36 hours. Half-live and dead worms can be found in feces during the act of defecation. In rare cases, after Dekaris there are no pinworms in the stool for three days. This is due to impaired intestinal motility, which slows down the process of removing helminths from the digestive tract. Sometimes dead worms are digested by intestinal enzymes and turn into a colorless, slimy mass.

Contraindications and restrictions

Decaris against pinworms is not recommended for use in cases of agranulocytosis or hypersensitivity to Levamisole. Take the drug with caution in acute forms of leukemia, liver and kidney pathologies.

How to take for adults

Decaris against pinworms helps adults in the treatment of enterobiasis and for prevention. Recommended maximum dose 1 tablet. (150 mg) once. If necessary, re-take after 12-14 days. Tablets at a dosage of 150 mg/tab. It is prohibited to give to persons under 14 years of age.


The drug is not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. 1-2 days before treatment and 1 day after treatment, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

Treatment regimen for children

Decaris is one of the highly effective remedies for pinworms in children. In the age group from 3 to 14 years, it is recommended to take a dosage of 50 mg/tab. This is a children's form of the medicine with a pleasant smell and sweet taste. The treatment regimen depends on the extent of helminthic infestation, weight and age of the child:

Restrictions on use

Although the medicine affects pinworms and not humans, its use is still contraindicated:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • with increased individual sensitivity to components;
  • with neutropenia.

The drug is used very carefully, as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor, for children under 14 years of age. If the patient has hepatic encephalopathy, the use of this drug is permitted subject to careful monitoring of liver enzyme levels.

Side effect

When getting rid of pinworms with the help of Dekaris, a person may experience the following undesirable consequences:

  1. The gastrointestinal tract may respond with diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, and abdominal pain.
  2. Long-term use of the drug may cause stomatitis.
  3. Renal dysfunction is quite rare.
  4. Possible autonomic dysfunction: insomnia, dizziness, drowsiness, disorientation. Convulsions and involuntary trembling of the limbs may occur.
  5. Taking Decaris can cause skin rashes and uterine bleeding.

Reviews from patients indicate that the occurrence of undesirable reactions of the body is very rare. But it is necessary to take into account the risk of their occurrence, and if side effects occur, it is necessary to stop the therapeutic course and carry out palliative therapy.

To avoid the appearance of these symptoms, the anti-helminth drug must be used strictly as prescribed by the doctor and in the prescribed dosage. In case of any violation of the prescribed course, it will not be possible to eliminate helminths, and the risk of developing side effects increases.

special instructions

There are specifics to using the drug.

After taking the pills, you should not drink alcohol for 24 hours. The tablets have been found to have a negative effect on the ability to control various mechanisms, such as a vehicle, which is explained by the likelihood of dizziness. Therefore, extreme caution must be taken when driving a vehicle.

It is also recommended to undergo peripheral blood tests before starting medication. During treatment, it is necessary to check the blood for leukocytes.

How to choose deworming tablets for a person

All drugs against parasites, with rare exceptions, are synthetic. Herbal preparations are less effective and often cannot completely kill all worms in the intestines or tissues. The principle of action of anthelmintic drugs varies; they affect different life processes of worms or their larvae. Based on this, the doctor, when identifying parasites in the body, selects the best anti-worm tablets for a person.

There is a group of drugs that:

  • disrupt the functioning of the intestines of parasites and lead to their death;
  • provoke a block in the absorption of nutrients, especially glucose;
  • have a paralytic effect and disrupt the metabolism of parasite cells;
  • block the nervous system of worms, causing their paralysis and removal from the body;
  • combination products that combine several effects simultaneously.

Important! All drugs against parasites are always selected only by a doctor. The drugs are toxic, their dose must be calculated based on body weight, and additional therapy must be carried out to prevent complications. This is especially important when a large number of worms are removed at once.

In addition, certain medications have their own spectrum of action - some are effective against roundworms, others only against flatworms or tapeworms. There is no universal and safe remedy that would be effective against all known worms.

What to do if Dekaris did not help with pinworms

How effective treatment with Dekaris for pinworms is, whether the drug helps or not, is determined only by the doctor based on tests taken from the patient after completing the course of treatment. If there is no therapeutic effect, the specialist may suggest changing the drug. The following have properties similar to Dekaris:

  • Vermox;
  • Nemazol;
  • Biltricide;
  • Helminthox;
  • Medamin;
  • Pirantel.

Note. In some cases, combination treatment may be used. Thus, often after treatment with Dekaris, the patient is recommended to be treated with Vermox, which has a wider spectrum of action.

Despite the high toxicity of the drug Dekaris, it is still one of the most effective means in the fight against pinworms. In the successful treatment of enterobiasis, the determining factor is strict compliance with medical instructions.

Adverse reactions

Treatment with Decaris causes negative symptoms. During the procedures the following may occur:

  • sleep problems;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • dizziness with cephalgia;
  • signs of encephalopathy;
  • dyspepsia;
  • dermatological rash;
  • involuntary muscle tremors;
  • feeling of heartbeat.

An anthelmintic agent can provoke the development of agranulocytosis and a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood.


Dekaris has no analogues for the active ingredient. There are analogues for therapeutic properties: Zentel, Vermox, Medamin.

The drug Dekaris is an effective remedy in the fight against pinworms and other parasitic microorganisms. A distinctive feature of this medicine is its immunomodulatory effect. As a rule, the effect is observed after a single use, which is determined by the type of helminths.

When the drug does not have the desired effect, and test results indicate the presence of worms in the body, it is urgent to tell your doctor about the problem.

It is possible to re-treat with this drug or select the most powerful medicine. Experts note several reasons for this problem:

  • violation of the therapeutic course (dosage of medication that does not correspond to the patient’s weight);
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules.

It is necessary to systematically wash your hands with antibacterial soap, frequently change, boil and iron bedding and underwear, and wet clean your home using a disinfectant.

Who is Dekaris indicated and contraindicated for?

The drug is prescribed for infection with certain types of helminths:

  • with ascariasis;
  • hookworm;
  • necatorosa;
  • trichostongilosis;
  • trichocephalosis;
  • enterobiasis;
  • strongyloidiasis;
  • toxoplasmosis.

Contraindications to therapy are:

  • individual intolerance to individual components;
  • development of agranulocytosis during treatment with other medications.

Decaris is not used to combat parasitic organisms for pregnant and nursing mothers, children under three years of age.

Increased caution and monitoring by a physician is needed when treating patients with kidney failure, liver failure, and suppressed hematopoiesis in the bone marrow.

Simple rules of prevention for the future

In medicine, there is a special program that warns the country’s population about the risks of helminth infection and offers a number of preventive measures:

  • washing hands with soap after walking, visiting the toilet, contact with soil and animals, and before eating;
  • cutting children's nails;
  • washing and processing food products, purchasing them only from reliable points of sale;
  • boiling and filtering drinking water;
  • compliance with the rules of sanitation and personal hygiene;
  • insect control;
  • refusal to swim in bodies of water near which livestock graze.

Today, the pharmacological industry offers many drugs that can be used to prevent worms without a doctor’s prescription.



I gave Decaris to my daughter for pinworms, it helps well and does not give any side effects. The worms came out in the feces in whole balls. One dose was enough to remove all the worms.

I liked Decaris, you only need to take one tablet once. The whole family got rid of pinworms. The only drawback of the drug is that children and adults need to buy different tablets.

Decaris is a highly effective anthelmintic drug with an immunomodulatory effect, the effect of which is usually noticeable after a single use.

Decaris does not help only if there is any deviation from the therapeutic course prescribed by the doctor. The drug has a wide spectrum of action, so it can eliminate not only pinworms, but also other types of helminths. Despite their small size, pinworms pose a great threat to the body, causing enterobiasis.

Side effects of the drug Dekaris

When taken once as an anthelmintic, levamisole is usually well tolerated; headache, insomnia, dizziness, palpitations, convulsions, and dyspeptic symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea may rarely occur. These phenomena are usually mild, short-lived and go away on their own. There are reports of the development of encephalopathy 2–5 weeks after taking the drug. When using the drug in high doses or with long-term therapy, leukopenia and agranulocytosis may occur.

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