Enema with soda against parasites for children and adults: benefits and how and in what cases to take

Regular baking soda, which many people use to get rid of heartburn, turns out to be effective against helminths (worms).

This was convincingly proven by Prof. Alexander Ogulov, who is a promoter of the treatment of helminthiasis and a number of intestinal diseases with the help of soda, in particular, uses an enema with soda for parasites. Soda enemas do not kill, but they help expel worms and rid the intestines of them.

What to do in such a situation? To get started, we recommend reading this article. This article describes in detail methods of controlling parasites. We also recommend that you consult a specialist. Read the article >>>

Take a test for worms

Enema with soda and salt - benefits for the body

There are a huge number of options for preparing a solution that cleanses the intestines. It is worth considering an option with ingredients such as water, salt and soda.

Add 20-30 grams of salt and 15-20 grams of baking soda to 2 liters of water. This solution will help provide an alkaline environment. If the patient has normal stomach acidity, then the attending physician advises using an enema with soda and salt or an acid solution, using them alternately.

This is the best method of colon cleansing. After all, such an enema not only helps get rid of worms, but also helps to overcome excess weight, improve metabolism and the functioning of the intestinal tract.

You should be very careful with salt-based enemas; salt can irritate the skin of the anus. To avoid unpleasant complications, it is necessary to wash thoroughly with warm water after the procedure.

This is a standard enema option. You can make additional changes if desired. For example, replace regular salt with sea salt, because it has a rich mineral composition that has a positive effect on the human body.



On the second day of treatment, segments of worms began to come out along with the feces, as well as adult individuals (I counted as many as three of them). Further - more: in the feces I found a huge ball of intertwined helminths, while the excrement itself was greenish in color and contained patches of mucus.

From the third to the eighth procedure inclusive, there were no more whole parasites; only mucus came out along with the feces.


The specialist recommended that I undergo an antiparasitic course of treatment with soda. During the first procedure, several worms came out along with the feces. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th enemas “removed” a lot of mucus and a dozen segments of worms from the intestines.

Further (5-8 procedures) the feces did not contain adult helminths; only greenish-yellowish mucus was present in them. After the therapy, the headaches went away and the general condition improved. After 6 months, on the doctor’s recommendation, I plan to repeat this cleaning for preventive purposes.


When I was diagnosed with worms, I listened to the doctor's advice and used a soda-based enema. Of course, cleansing is not a very pleasant procedure, but a few days later I went to the hospital and passed all the necessary tests. My doctor was surprised when the results came back.

He said that there were no helminths in my body. I would also like to note the feeling of some lightness inside after such treatment. From my experience, I can say with confidence that this method of fighting worms is really effective.


The second day I do an enema, it is really difficult to hold it for 30 minutes, this confirms the presence of parasites, and is accompanied by severe pain. While I was holding the soda solution with all my might for 25 minutes, this morning a small amount of what looked like parasites came out, seemingly transparent long creatures.

A strong cough began, my throat was sore until I cried, maybe I have a strong imagination, it feels like parasites are running wherever they look J).

The effect of soda solution on the intestines

Soda water cleanses the walls and lumen of the large intestine from decay products, bacterial and other types of toxins. The solution softens the contents of the lower gastrointestinal tract, stimulates peristalsis, and facilitates the passage of feces, gases and fecal stones. After procedures with sodium bicarbonate, medications from rectal suppositories and microenemas are better absorbed.

Attention! A large amount of soda in water can cause irritation and erosion of the intestinal mucosa.

To prevent sodium bicarbonate from corroding the mucous membrane, there is no need to prepare highly concentrated solutions.

Advantages and disadvantages

When starting treatment with soda solution, patients, as a rule, are not able to retain the solution in the intestines. The maximum retention time is about three minutes; after this period, bowel movement occurs. But don’t despair; you need to enter the entire volume. With each subsequent procedure, the patient will increase the retention time, eventually reaching the required twenty minutes.

The advantages of this solution include diluting the acidic mucus of the intestine, thereby preventing the possibility of parasites entering the intestinal wall. The environment that is created with the help of a soda solution is destructive for helminths; they want to get away from it, thereby leaving the body. Many doctors claim that soda is a kind of neutralizer of the toxic waste products released by worms. Due to the presence of parasites on the intestinal mucosa, microtrauma occurs, and soda promotes speedy healing. It is worth remembering that even if you feel some discomfort during the treatment process, you should not stop the procedure, only a completed course will help you completely get rid of parasites.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting that like all manipulations, this one also has a number of contraindications, which include:

  • Gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • Necrotizing ulcerative colitis;
  • Autoimmune intestinal diseases;
  • Acute intestinal obstruction;
  • Intestinal tumors.

Soda solution is contraindicated for rectal prolapse, pregnant women, inguinal hernia, after surgery, appendicitis, high fever, chronic infections.

Due to frequent and large amounts of water, overstretching of the walls of the large intestine occurs, which leads to constipation; this must be remembered when prescribing soda enemas.

Also, water removes conditionally pathogenic flora, which constitutes the normal intestinal microflora, and in its place another, pathogenic one can colonize, this leads to dyspepsia, diarrhea, and dysbacteriosis. Along with enemas, bifidumbacteria should be prescribed.


Contraindications and side effects:

  • Bleeding from the rectum;
  • Colitis;
  • Acute stage of hemorrhoids;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Inflammatory process in the rectum;
  • Intestinal obstruction of unknown etiology;
  • Bowel prolapse;
  • Colon oncology;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Cardiovascular failure;
  • Surgery;
  • Feverish state;
  • Any infectious diseases;
  • Dehydration of the body;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Before doing soda enemas, you need to make sure there are no contraindications and consult with your doctor. If there is even the slightest contraindication, soda treatments should be canceled.

Particular care must be taken when deciding whether to rinse children. Only a pediatrician can answer this question, since the intestinal walls of children, especially small ones, have a very delicate structure, and the main negative consequence of soda enemas in children can be a violation of the water-salt balance.

In the literature one can find different opinions on this issue: some authors claim that soda enemas with the correct dosage are acceptable almost from infancy, others - that not earlier than 3 or 6 years.

Under no circumstances should you make a decision on your own; in this matter, you cannot do without the qualified advice of a pediatrician.

Medical practice shows that antiparasitic cleaning with soda does not lead to side effects (unlike synthetic drugs).

The only negative: an alkaline environment can kill not only helminths, but also beneficial bacteria in the intestines and stomach, thereby destroying the microflora. Therefore, protect yourself and take probiotics and lactobacilli at the same time.

Enema with soda and salt to cleanse the body

Salt-soda mixtures dissolve feces well and are destructive to helminths, helping against parasites living in the large intestine. To cleanse the body you will need to prepare a mixture according to the following recipe:

  • Boil 2 liters. water, let it cool to a temperature of 22-24 degrees.
  • Pour 20 grams into water. regular salt and 20 gr. sodium bicarbonate, stir. The mixture is ready.

An enema with soda and salt is used when the acidity of the stomach is normal. Experts recommend alternating solutions: in one case, use a soda-salt mixture, in another, a solution with salt and lemon juice.

When planning to do such an enema, be sure to follow precautions to prevent the appearance of ulcers and cracks around the anus:

  • After the procedure, be sure to wash with warm water.
  • Dry yourself, then apply moisturizer. You can also use regular baby cream.

Doctors also recommend using phosphosoda to cleanse the intestines.

Preparation of the solution

Recipe proportions:

  • clean warm water 2 liters;
  • 2030 g salt and 1520 g baking soda.

The components are poured into the liquid and stirred until completely dissolved. A solution with soda and salt creates an alkaline pH in the highly acidic environment of the intestines. If the stomach has normal acidity, it is recommended to alternate an alkaline enema with sodium chloride and an enema based on water, table salt and lemon juice.

When using clysters in combination, be careful: salt contributes to irritation of the skin and mucous membranes of the perineum. Side effects: burning, pain, redness, formation of ulcerative inclusions. To prevent abnormal conditions after the procedure, wash with clean water and apply moisturizer.

Enema pear

A syringe (bulb) is not suitable for cleansing enemas for the purpose of losing weight.

It has insufficient volume and cannot provide complete cleansing of the intestines.

In addition, it is impossible to completely squeeze the contents out of the pear, and when you unclench your fist, the liquid is rapidly sucked back into the reservoir, but with an admixture of feces.

Esmarch's irrigator

Esmarch's mug is a special device for cleansing enemas. It is usually made in the form of a large rubber flat bulb with a tube.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. Attach a tube with a tap to the bulb (if there is none, then the tube is simply pinched during the process).
  2. Firmly insert the tip intended for insertion into the rectum into the tube.
  3. Tightly tighten the tap/pinch the tube and fill the bowl with the required amount of liquid.
  4. Release all the air from the tube so that it does not enter the body.
  5. Hang Esmarch's mug at a height of at least 1.5 m.
  6. Before insertion, generously lubricate the tip with Vaseline to reduce discomfort.
  7. After administering the enema, disinfect all parts of the mug.

How to take a soda enema for parasites

When preparing a soda enema, it is very important to follow the dosage to avoid unpleasant consequences. First you need to prepare a cleaning solution according to this recipe:

  • Take 800 ml. boiled water. It is very important that the liquid is warm; cold water will not dissolve feces and will not give the desired anti-parasitic effect.
  • Pour 30 grams into warm water. baking soda, mix thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved.

Remember, failure to comply with the proportions and an overdose can lead to severe intestinal irritation.

When the solution is ready, you will need to perform a cleansing enema consisting of 2 liters. boiled warm water without additives. It is necessary to empty the intestines of feces, facilitating the absorption of the solution. Also, the absence of feces will allow you to treat the eggs of pinworms and other parasites with a soda solution, destroying not only the helminths themselves, but also their offspring. Try to hold the water for 10-15 minutes, after which you can go to the toilet.

After the cleansing enema, begin administering the cleansing solution. The technique is quite simple; the solution can be administered in two positions:

  • Pose lying on your side. Lie on your left side, bend your legs and pull them as close to your stomach as possible. First raise Esmarch's mug with the cleaning solution to a height of 1-1.5 m. The pre-lubricated tip is inserted to a depth of 3-4 cm; regular Vaseline or oil can be used as a lubricant. After inserting the tip, open the tap on the mug. When inserting, make sure that there is some liquid left in Esmarch's mug before the end of the procedure, so you will prevent air from entering the intestines.
  • Standing on all fours. The patient takes a knee-elbow position, trying to take deep and rare breaths. The enema is performed in the same way as in the side position.

After completing the cleansing enema with soda, rinse the intestines with two liters of boiled warm water. This is necessary to remove dead parasites, pest eggs and solution residues.

After performing a soda enema, you do not need to take various medications against helminths.

To completely get rid of worms, the procedure must be carried out for 7-10 days, taking a daily break after each. Additionally, you can take a soda solution orally.

Production plan

First, prepare a soda solution in a volume of 3-4 liters. Then they do a cleansing enema, retain the liquid inside, and empty the intestines. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

After this, 800 ml of soda water is poured in or a micro-enema with a volume of 25-100 ml is given. They lie on their back for half an hour, stroking their stomach, then defecate. To avoid irritation of the intestines, at the end they wash it with water without soda and take a shower.

Preparation of the solution

Boil 5 liters of water, settle and drain part of the liquid without sediment. Add 25–35 g of soda to each liter, stir until dissolved, filter to remove remaining particles. Before the procedure, it is heated to the required temperature.

On a note! A teaspoon of soda contains 8 g, and a tablespoon - 20 g. If you add a heaping amount, in 1 tsp. there will be 12 g in 1 tbsp. l. - 28

Staging techniques

An enema with soda is given to a child using a syringe with a soft anorectal tip. Use a rubber bulb with a volume according to age: from 25 ml to 430 ml. After 10 years, it is allowed to carry out the procedure with an Esmarch mug.

The first staging technique is simple.

  1. Draw a soda solution into a disinfected syringe.
  2. Lubricate the anorectal tip with Vaseline.
  3. Place the child on his back, raise both legs up, and lubricate the anus with Vaseline.
  4. Raise the syringe with the tip up and release the air.
  5. Insert the tip into the rectum towards the baby's navel 1 cm, then turn it and move it along the coccygeal bone another 2 cm (for older children, first by 2 cm, after passing the sphincter - by 3 cm).
  6. Squeeze out the soda solution without releasing the bottom of the pear, pull out the tip, and squeeze the buttocks with your fingers.
  7. They stroke the baby's stomach for about 10 minutes, then unclench the buttocks and allow them to empty their bowels.
  8. They wash the child.

Using the 2nd technique, enemas can be given to children over one year of age. When performing it, the child is placed on his left side and his legs are tucked towards his stomach. There are no more differences.

The third technique of setting is also not difficult.

  1. Fill Esmarch's mug, hang the heating pad on a tripod up to 1.5 m high.
  2. Air is released through the anorectal tip and the tube is clamped.
  3. Lubricate the anorectal tip and anus with Vaseline.
  4. Lie on your left side, pressing your right knee to your chest.
  5. The anorectal tip is inserted into the anus (as in 1 procedure technique) for children over 10 years old by 5–8 cm, for adults — 10–12 cm.
  6. Release the clamp, introduce the solution so that up to 100 ml of liquid remains in the mug.
  7. After introducing the liquid, bend the tube and pull out the tip.
  8. Empty in 10-30 minutes.

Soda enemas recipes

Purification with sodium bicarbonate and salt solutions has been practiced for a long time. Effective proprietary methods have been developed that allow the correct use of procedures for each specific case.

Enema with salt and soda according to the method of Marva Ohanyan

Marva Ohanyan is a well-known naturopathic therapist who practices treatment with folk remedies. Ohanyan's soda-salt method includes not only an enema, but also the preliminary use of a laxative for easier bowel movements.

  • Before going to bed, take 50 grams. Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate). If you have gastritis, peptic ulcers or colitis, replace magnesium sulfate with 3 tbsp. castor oil.
  • Prepare the solution in the morning. For 2 l. take 2 tsp of water. coarse rock salt. Add 1 tsp to salt water. baking soda.
  • Carry out the procedure at 7-8 am, repeat 2-3 times with a break of several hours.

If an enema is given to a child, the volume of the solution is reduced to 0.5 liters, which are administered 2 times a day.

According to Ogulov

This enema with soda for parasites is recommended; it is performed in 3 stages.

  1. During the first, the intestinal gastrointestinal tract is washed with saline solution. The dosage of sodium chloride is 2 tablespoons per 2 liters for an adult and 1 per 500 ml for a child. Performed using an Esmarch mug.
  2. Having emptied the intestines, proceed to the second stage, doing an enema according to the classical scheme.
  3. On the third stage, purification of sodium chloride is repeated.

It is possible to get rid of helminthiasis and remove worms that are accustomed to parasitizing the intestines if you continue treatment for 10 days. But it is better to give enemas every other day.

According to Neumyvakin


  1. Stir 30 g of salt and 20 g of soda in 2 liters of water until completely dissolved.
  2. It is necessary to extinguish the sodium bicarbonate until the hissing stops.
  3. The procedure is performed while lying on your back, breathing deeply and evenly.
  4. Retain liquid for 20-30 minutes.

When performing an enema, make sure that the product does not get on the skin around the anus. Otherwise, burns are likely.

Methodology of Marva Ohanyan

Marva Vagarshakovna Ohanyan is a general practitioner, naturopath, biochemist, candidate of biological sciences. A higher education as a biologist and scientific experience allowed her to develop her own purification method, which collected all the most useful things from previous systems.

The program is called “Becoming healthy in one year”:

  1. Fasting and cleansing are interconnected. Therefore, the technique involves complete abstinence from food during cleansing enemas. The main goal is to remove waste and toxins.
  2. Supporting the body and treating associated diseases is carried out with the help of medicinal herbs. Plant decoctions improve general condition during fasting and eliminate the feeling of hunger.
  3. Freshly squeezed juices are a source of vitamins and other nutrients.
  4. Enemas with soda are carried out for the first 2 years once every 3 months, later - no more than 2 times during the year.

Mechanism of action for weight loss

An enema with soda acts in several directions at once, one way or another related to the process of losing weight:

  1. Increases intestinal alkalinity, neutralizing the acidic environment that parasites love so much.
  2. Gently and painlessly frees the intestines from fecal stones and poisons accumulated on the walls, thereby cleansing the lower gastrointestinal tract and preparing the body for weight loss.
  3. Normalizes the activity of the digestive tract, thereby improving metabolism and reducing the rate of accumulation of fat deposits.
  4. Due to the cleansing effect and removal of excess fluid from the body, it reduces the size of the waist and hips.

Other beneficial effects

Cleansing enemas with sodium bicarbonate are used for the following purposes:

  • to combat parasites;
  • for weight loss;
  • to get rid of chronic constipation;
  • to improve the patient’s well-being and appearance;
  • for healing small wounds and cracks on the intestinal walls.

Reference. Rectal soda solutions are most often used for problems with spontaneous bowel movement. This procedure gets rid of several kilograms at once, which is a pleasant bonus for a person suffering from constipation.

Features of a salt enema for children

Circumstances under which enemas are prescribed to children:

  • constipation, which causes significant discomfort: increased irritability, insomnia, pain, inability to have a bowel movement with obvious urge;
  • intoxication syndrome, symptoms of diseases of the intestines and other organs, which are accompanied by compaction of stool;
  • emergency reduction of high temperature;
  • preparation for diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

At home and without first visiting a doctor, enemas for children are indicated only if necessary to facilitate the process of defecation. In other cases, especially with the development of diseases of the digestive tract and for cleansing the intestines, self-therapy is unacceptable.

A salt water enema is an effective remedy in the fight against constipation and other pathological conditions. It is not recommended to abuse the therapy method. Otherwise, recovery slows down and further harm is caused to health.

Recommendations for performance for children

Parents often wonder whether it is possible to give enemas to children. The procedure is unpleasant, the child may not like it, and may even frighten it. So what should we do?

In cases where there is a real need, it can and should be done, provided that the dosage of the solution for children is observed. Be sure to take into account the age of the child. Existing dosages:

  • Up to six months – 50 ml.
  • Up to a year – 150 ml.
  • From 1 to 2 years – 200 ml.
  • Up to 5 years – 300 ml.
  • Up to 10 years – 0.5 l.
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