3 recipes for steamed dishes recommended for stomach problems

Delicious dishes evoke appetite, lift your spirits, and fill you up. However, with gastritis you have to give up many of your favorite foods. Food should be balanced, gentle; smoked, spicy, salty, fried foods should be excluded from the menu. But what if you want to enjoy your favorite dish? Is it possible to eat cutlets with gastritis, because they are cooked fried. And if so, in what quantity, how to prepare it correctly so as not to harm it?

Let's figure out whether deli meat can cause harm in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You will also learn a recipe for making the “correct” cutlets.

Is it possible to have cutlets for gastritis?

Among other permitted dietary dishes, cutlets for gastritis are also permitted. True, they are permissible only during remission of gastritis, but not during its exacerbation.

It is important to remember that with gastritis, due to the characteristics of the disease, cutlets are prepared in compliance with a number of rules. Only by following them can you be sure that additional harm will not be caused to the inflamed stomach.

Among other permitted dietary dishes, cutlets for gastritis are also allowed

When eating cutlets for gastritis, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Not all meat is suitable for their preparation, but only lean varieties, that is, chicken, beef, rabbit or veal, as well as tender poultry;
  • you will have to steam cutlets for gastritis, since due to the nature of the disease, everything fried is definitely excluded from the menu;
  • to prepare minced meat, a minimum of salt is taken; moreover, all other spices, including pepper, remain strictly prohibited, since they can have a rather negative effect on the inflamed gastric mucosa, aggravating the patient’s condition.

The diet for gastritis is chosen in such a way that the main part of the dishes on the patient’s menu is steamed. At the same time, the taste of familiar dishes will remain the same, but such food will be much more useful. If you cook cutlets for gastritis without frying, they will be a very healthy dish.

Experts pay special attention to the fact that cutlets for gastritis can be prepared not only from lean meat, but also from fish, both sea and river. Of course, only everything fatty is prohibited. For fish to prepare cutlets for gastritis, you should choose pollock, cod or pike perch. Moreover, during remission of this disease, it is quite possible to prepare cutlets by baking them in the oven. In this case, they will be very useful.

Steam cutlets for gastritis

For a disease such as gastritis, cutlets are also among the permitted dietary dishes. The only thing is that eating this dish is allowed only when the disease is not in the acute phase. There are certain rules for preparing cutlets, using which you do not have to worry about the fact that additional injuries will be caused to the mucous membrane damaged by inflammation.

Their essence is as follows:

  • meat intended for cooking must be of lean varieties (veal, beef, chicken or rabbit);
  • A very small amount of salt is used for minced meat, and pepper and other spices are strictly prohibited;
  • The dish is prepared by steaming, since it is not recommended to eat fried food with this disease.

Cutlets for gastritis are steamed, since with this disease it is not recommended to eat fried food.
Most food recipes for gastritis are based on steaming the food, but their taste practically does not change because of this, and often only gets better. And dishes prepared in this way cannot cause harm to the mucous membrane. So cutlets cooked without frying are one of the many dishes recommended for this disease.

You can cook steamed cutlets for gastritis not only from meat, but also from lean sea or river fish, since everything fatty is strictly prohibited. The most suitable varieties for this dish are cod, pollock, and pike perch.

Cooking steam cutlets for gastritis

The minced meat base for them should be lean varieties of meat. Most often, chicken is used for this dish. It is scrolled 2 times in a meat grinder to make the minced meat more tender. Next, add an egg and a slice of white bread soaked in milk. It’s good to add grated carrots and finely chopped dill or parsley.

All these additives to minced cutlets make the product more easily digestible for a stomach affected by gastritis. Very little salt is added, and spices are completely excluded.

Small balls are formed from the resulting mass with raw hands and placed in a double boiler where they are cooked until ready.

From the resulting mass, small balls are formed with raw hands and placed in a double boiler, where they are brought to readiness.

After the dish is ready, it is allowed to cool so as not to cause thermal injury to the weakened mucous membrane. You can serve it with thin mashed potatoes. In addition to minced meat and fish, you can prepare cutlets for patients with gastritis from vegetables, or combinations of ingredients, for example, fish - beets or meat - potatoes.

Steamed fish cutlets for gastritis recipe

First you need to prepare the fish: remove the skin and remove the bones. Pass the pike perch fillet through a meat grinder. Soak the bun in milk, put it in minced fish, mix everything well, add milk, butter, a little salt. Form cutlets from the prepared minced meat and place them on the steamer rack. In about a quarter of an hour, a tasty and healthy dish will be ready.

Ingredients for cooking: pike perch – 200 grams; milk – 25 grams; bun – 20 grams; butter – 15 grams.

What meat should I use?

For diseases of the stomach, including gastritis, it is permissible to consume types of meat with a low percentage of fat content, that is, chicken breast, turkey, rabbit, beef . Eating pork for gastritis is not prohibited by specialists, however, it cannot be found in specialized medical institutions.

For gastritis, beef meat is chosen to be young and fresh. The percentage of fat and protein in such meat is usually the same. Beef is enriched with various elements, including iron, zinc, chromium, and B vitamins. Beef tongue, which is considered a delicacy, is considered very useful.

Steamed beef cutlets for gastritis

Steamed beef cutlets are a very healthy food; they are often classified as dietary and medicinal dishes due to their low fat content and the peculiarities of heat treatment. This dish is also recommended for people suffering from gastritis and small children, in contrast to cutlets prepared by frying.

Also, you should not be afraid that to prepare this dish you will definitely need a double boiler, no, everything is much simpler, all you need is an ordinary saucepan and a metal colander or sieve.

Recipe for steamed beef cutlets for gastritis

Peel the onion, separate the garlic cloves from the head and remove the peel as well. Grind the ingredients using a fine or medium grater. You can also use a blender if you have such a kitchen appliance at your disposal.

Steamed beef cutlets are a very healthy dish, this dish is also recommended for people suffering from gastritis

Thaw ground beef. To do this, transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator in the evening or place it on the table a couple of hours before cooking and keep it at room temperature. Once thawed, soft and crumbly, place the minced meat in a deep bowl, add chopped onion, garlic and spices to taste. Using a spoon or wet hands, stir the mixture until it is smooth.

With clean, damp hands, pinch off pieces of the meat mixture and shape them into balls in your palms. You can also slightly flatten them so that the pieces take the classic, familiar shape of cutlets.

Fill the pan with water, approximately halfway. Place it on the fire and wait until the liquid boils. Then place a metal colander on top and grease it with a small amount of butter, and place the cutlets on top of it in one row so that they do not cover each other. Cover this entire simple structure with a lid and cook the cutlets for 30-35 minutes, that is, until fully cooked. The bottom of the colander should not come into contact with water.

Steamed beef cutlets are usually served for lunch or dinner along with a side dish of buckwheat, boiled potatoes or other vegetables, boiled or steamed. Also use various gravies that are combined with meat to give the dish a richer taste and beautiful appearance.

Ingredients for making steamed beef cutlets:

  • minced beef one kilogram; two chicken eggs;
  • one or two onions (to taste);
  • two to four cloves of garlic (to taste); salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper to taste; ground red pepper to taste;
  • Butter as needed.

Beef in the acute stage

Regardless of the patient’s well-being, in the first days of an exacerbation, eating almost any food is contraindicated. The patient will not want to eat them, since most often he experiences severe pain in the epigastric region. Nausea and vomiting are sometimes observed. What kind of meat is there - the best medicine is hunger.

When the patient’s health has returned to normal, he is allowed to eat lean porridge and vegetable puree. And only after 1-2 weeks does beef appear on the table for gastritis of the stomach.

Chicken cutlets for gastritis

Chicken is a versatile type of meat. It is suitable for people with high and normal acidity, but can also be used by patients with low gastric secretion. Chicken cutlets are a popular and nutritious dish that is prepared in many families. A dilemma arises: is it possible to have chicken cutlets for gastritis in remission? In general, chicken cutlets for gastritis are quite acceptable. However, before you go to the store to buy ingredients, we recommend that you read the advice of experts.

If you have gastritis or other diseases of the digestive system, only fillet will do. Neither chicken skin nor fat are used to prepare minced meat. No spices, especially if they are hot, should be added to the minced meat. The only thing you can do with diet cutlets is to salt them a little, add dill or parsley.

There are different ways to cook chicken cutlets for gastritis, but doctors recommend steamed chicken cutlets

The dish can be prepared in different ways, but doctors recommend steamed chicken cutlets . As a last resort, the cutlets are baked in the oven. This will not affect the taste at all, but your stomach will definitely thank you. It is worth remembering that any fried food is strictly prohibited for gastritis. The crispy and golden brown crust, although it looks appetizing, will definitely not bring significant benefits to an inflamed stomach.

Is it possible to eat cutlets when the disease is at an acute stage? Even if they are steamed, it is better to refrain from eating them for the first 2-3 days. Then the dish is gradually introduced into the diet. It is better to make minced meat yourself rather than buy it in a store. The finer its consistency, the better. Try to eat small portions to avoid feeling heavy in your stomach.

Recipe for chicken cutlets for gastritis

List of ingredients for cooking - minced meat - 400 grams, one egg, 80 grams of butter, 100 ml of milk, gray bread, from vegetables and herbs we take carrots, parsley, dill. You can also cook the cutlets in breadcrumbs if you wish.

The meat is passed through a meat grinder 2-3 times. This will make the minced meat as fine as possible. Gray bread, which has been soaked in milk, as well as grated carrots and herbs are added to the chopped meat. 1 egg is beaten. Cutlets are formed and sent to the oven or steamer. Do you want to cook a dish with breadcrumbs? The breading is pre-mixed with milk, and only then with minced meat.

Vegetable cutlets for gastritis

Vegetable cutlets are recommended for gastritis with insufficient secretion and low acidity of gastric juice, chronic intestinal diseases, diseases of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, cardiovascular system, and inflammatory processes in the body. Excellent for baby food too. In all these cases, vegetable cutlets need to be steamed.

Vegetable cutlets are prepared from potatoes and carrots, zucchini, zucchini and pumpkin, beets and beet tops. If you are preparing vegetable juice at home, the question is, where should you put the pulp? It would be a shame to throw it away; a good housewife would never do that. Here God himself ordered to use it as a filling for pies or to make vegetable cutlets from it.

To prepare minced vegetables, vegetables should be thoroughly washed, peeled and boiled. And in order for the vegetable cutlets to be juicy, it is better to undercook the vegetables a little rather than overcook them. You can grind vegetables for cutlets using a blender, a meat grinder, or you can simply crush them with a mortar.

Vegetable cutlets are prepared from potatoes and carrots, zucchini and pumpkin, beets and beet tops for steaming.

To make the vegetable cutlets aromatic and appetizing, you can add fried onions, herbs, salt, pepper or another combination of spices to your taste to the prepared chopped vegetable mass. The main ingredient when preparing minced cutlets is an egg. Add it to the minced vegetables, and your cutlets will certainly retain their shape when fried.

To prevent the cutlets from falling apart, you can also add a little raw grated potatoes to the minced meat. When cooked, the starch in raw potatoes will hold the cutlet together. By the way, you can add potatoes instead of eggs to the minced meat if you are preparing vegetable cutlets on fasting days. Make cutlets from minced vegetables, as well as from minced meat, with wet hands.

Formed vegetable cutlets should be rolled in flour or breadcrumbs. Vegetable cutlets should be fried in a well-heated frying pan in vegetable or butter. If you are preparing cutlets for patients with gastritis, then the cutlets should be steamed.

Vegetable cutlets for gastritis recipe

You will need: 1-2 raw potatoes, 1 zucchini, 1 carrot, 1-2 eggs, 3-4 sprigs of green onions or dill, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of semolina. Grate all vegetables on a coarse grater. Chop the greens. Mix vegetables and herbs, sprinkle with semolina. You can add a couple of cloves of crushed garlic. Beat the eggs with a fork and add to the vegetables, stir. Spoon the prepared mixture into pancakes or cutlets and steam.

Diet for stomach ulcers

Gastric ulcer is a chronic disease that occurs with periods of exacerbations and remissions and is accompanied by the formation of a defect (ulcer) in the wall of the stomach. The cause of the development of this disease is an imbalance between the aggressive effects of gastric juice and the protective functions of the mucous membrane.

It has now been established that up to 70% of these disorders are caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, so its destruction is an important condition for the treatment of gastric ulcers. In addition, the influence of hereditary predisposition to the development of peptic ulcers, the influence of psycho-emotional factors, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and gross nutritional disorders are highlighted.

For more information about gross eating disorders, watch the video

As with gastritis, a therapeutic diet for peptic ulcer disease is recommended as an adjuvant at the beginning of treatment during exacerbation. During the period of remission, a healthy (rational) diet is recommended, ensuring the supply of all necessary nutrients, and especially protein. This is important for the restoration of the gastric mucosa. Regular meals are also important, avoiding long breaks and large meals after them, especially at night.

In addition, a therapeutic diet for gastric ulcers can be used as a prophylactic against exacerbations in spring and autumn, during stressful situations and during other diseases, for example, ARVI and Covid.

During an exacerbation of a peptic ulcer, a strict diet (SD) No. 1 is used in the first few days, using crushed and pureed foods and excluding foods that strongly stimulate gastric secretion. And when you feel better or when used as a prophylaxis, its less strict option without mechanical sparing.

Dietary chicken cutlets in the oven for gastritis

This recipe will be useful not only for those who are trying to lose weight or not to gain it, it will also be a godsend for those who suffer from gastritis or ulcers (especially during the spring exacerbation), who have children, and who want to treat themselves to some delicious food .

They are prepared absolutely without bread, flour and eggs, with a minimum amount of vegetable oil - which significantly reduces their calorie content. Diet cutlets turn out surprisingly very juicy, tender and fluffy.

Benefits of steamed meat

Traditionally, when cooking meat by frying, a certain amount of vegetable oil is required. As a result of its use, dangerous compounds are formed - carcinogens. And when processing meat with steam, no oil or broth is used, and all water-soluble minerals and vitamins are retained in the product. Thanks to this cooking method, the total calorie content of the dish and the time required to prepare meat products are reduced.

Steamed meat retains all its beneficial properties and does not contain carcinogens.

Gastroenterologists recommend including steamed food in your diet every day. This is due to the fact that eating steamed dishes significantly reduces the feeling of hunger, allowing you not to overfill your stomach and reducing the continuous craving for tasting a variety of dishes. After all, meat dishes from chicken and beef turn out to be extremely healthy and juicy, since the steam itself eliminates the presence of impurities of various metals.

Steamed poultry or veal does not come into contact with air and is not heated to temperatures above 100° C and is not saturated with fat molecules, allowing the properties of animal fibers to remain unchanged.

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