Liver cleansing with Allochol according to the scheme for 14 days

Stress, polluted environment, fast food snacks during the day, eating fatty foods after work, a sedentary lifestyle and alcohol make it difficult for the liver to function. This organ maintains metabolism in the body, is responsible for eliminating toxins, filters blood 400 times a day, cleanses and neutralizes toxic elements.

The liver is the main filter of the body; it needs periodic cleaning of toxins in anyone, even a healthy-looking person. Liver destruction can be hidden and asymptomatic. Liver cells, accumulating fat, cannot cope with the enormous load. Fatty hepatosis occurs.

Symptoms of liver dysfunction:

  • Bitter taste;
  • Yellow coating on the tongue;
  • Allergy, itching, skin rash;
  • Yellowness of the eyes;
  • Nagging pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • Swelling;
  • Sweating;
  • Headache;
  • Severe weakness.

In recent years, the mortality rate due to liver pathologies in Russia has increased by almost 80%. Loading with waste leads to unpleasant diseases:

  • Diabetes;
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;

  • Malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Cholelithiasis.

The liver has no nerve endings. It is possible to diagnose its destruction only in the later stages of the disease. More than 80% of such cases end in death. A person cannot live without an organ.

The liver has the unique ability to recover and regenerate, even if only about 10% of healthy cells remain. The most effective way to provide assistance is considered to be taking choleretic drugs.

Composition and properties of Allochol

The tablets are coated with a yellow and white coating and consist of natural herbal ingredients. The drug does not directly affect the improvement of the condition of the liver, relieves the load on its cells, and cleanses the bile ducts.

One tablet contains four natural components, each performing a specific function:

  • Activated carbon – 25 mg. Absorbs toxic substances before they enter the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Dry bovine bile – 80 mg. Increases contractility of intestinal muscles. Bile stimulates the pancreas and improves the metabolic process.
  • Dry garlic extract – 40 mg. Has an anthelmintic effect. Kills pathogenic microflora, dilutes bile, accelerates its excretion.
  • Ground nettle – 5 mg. The extract contains vitamins K, C, B, A, carotene, a complex of macro- and microelements. Has a hemostatic effect. Reduces flatulence.

The described drug exhibits a broad direction of action.

In order for your health to improve effectively, you need to adhere to the correct dosage and treatment regimen. Cleaning with Allochol can be carried out at home only after prior consultation with a doctor and an ultrasound of the internal organs!

There are several ways to cleanse the liver with this drug.

What is a liver cleanse?

The procedure for stimulating the gallbladder with Allochol and removing secretions must be preceded by preliminary preparation. It includes a mandatory fasting diet for three days, cleansing the intestines and warming up.

Choleretic effect

At the tubing stage, several options are used: magnesia sulfate, sorbitol, vegetable oil, medications or mineral water. Cleansing the liver with Allochol is the most gentle method with a pronounced therapeutic effect:

  • improves the secretory ability of liver cells, pancreas, stomach;
  • accelerates the flow of bile along the excretory tract;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • eliminates bloating, fermentation, putrefaction in the intestines;
  • partially replaces secretion when it is deficient in the body;
  • relieves the inflammatory process;
  • prevents the spread of infection;
  • prevents the possibility of cholesterol precipitation and serves as a prevention of stone formation.


The drug is included in the mandatory therapeutic program for patients with diseases of the hepatobiliary system in a course of 1–2 months daily, 1 or 2 tablets after each meal. The first signs of improvement: reduction of pain in the hypochondrium, disappearance of nausea, heartburn with bitterness in the mouth are observed by the end of the first week of treatment.


  • main forms of chronic cholecystitis (remission stage);
  • hypomotor dyskinesia;
  • constipation of atonic origin;
  • beginning cirrhosis, hepatitis.

Due to the fact that after a course of treatment with the drug, the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract is improved, toxins are eliminated and food digestion is improved, the body's metabolism is normalized, and this results in a decrease in body weight.

Due to the fact that taking Allochol does not cause cross-reactions with other drugs, it can be combined with general tonics, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as vitamins. In combination with antibiotics, it promotes the healing process.


Despite the fact that Allochol does not contain powerful active components, its use can worsen the condition of patients.


  • all forms of hepatic dystrophy, hepatitis;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder and intestines, peptic ulcer and gastritis in the acute period.

The drug is not prescribed in case of individual intolerance to the components.

It is taken with caution in case of cholelithiasis and only when the size of the stones does not exceed 10mm.

The use of Allochol is prohibited in case of acute inflammation of the gallbladder and ducts: it can provoke active secretory secretion and pain.

Cleaning scheme

Any method of tubing with the drug is carried out in stages, and the effectiveness depends on rationally selected dosages and the period of use.

Is it possible to cleanse the liver with Allohol at home? Yes, but with the approval of a gastroenterologist and after an ultrasound examination. The procedures are strictly contraindicated for patients with calculous cholecystitis.

How to cleanse the liver with Allohol:

  1. For those who are performing the procedure for the first time, it is better to use the classic method, which lasts 4 weeks with a fixed dosage of the drug.
  2. The express method, according to a strictly prescribed tubing scheme, lasts fourteen days.

If the effect of the drug is not effective enough, it is allowed to include a small amount of undiluted apple juice.

It should be drunk half a glass before meals.

Liver cleansing with Allochol in 14 days:

Content of nutrients in 100g of kernelsQuantity% of daily value
Calorie content320 kcal13.5
Proteins12.8 mg16,75
Carbohydrates65 mg17,4
Fats3.4 mg3.8
Vitamin B10.01 mg20,5
Vitamin B20.449 mg14,4
Vitamin PP6.4 mg5,7
Vitamin B51.4 mg6,3
Vitamin B930 mg8,2
Potassium400 mg46,2
Calcium18 mg28,4
Magnesium200 mg15,2
Iron2.2 mg16,9
Copper1.2 mg67,2
Water35 g0,03

Liver cleansing with Allochol according to the classical method:

  1. Take 1 or 2 tablets of the drug daily, but do not exceed the daily dose of 8 pieces.
  2. For effective cleansing, the course should last four weeks.
  3. The tubage course is repeated every 4 months.

Even the most ordinary gymnastics expands the hepatic ducts, stimulating the release of bile. 15 minutes of exercise every day is enough to help the body remove secretions and toxins.

Cleansing methods

The most common is traditional cleaning, two weeks and with the addition of special components. With the same effectiveness, slow cleansing is more painless. Each scheme is marked with advantages.

Classic method

Simple use of the drug for cleansing according to the instructions. Recommended for people who decide to start cleaning for the first time. 1-2 tablets, 3-4 doses per day. No more than two months in case of severe liver dysfunction. During the year, the course can be repeated 2-4 times at three-month intervals.

Cleaning with added components

If using a single cleaning product does not bring the desired result, you can add special ingredients - olive oil, apple juice, magnesium.

  • Cleansing with Allochol and apple juice. A prerequisite is daily consumption of apple juice. 3 times a day, 0.5 cups. Regular consumption will improve intestinal activity and remove waste products. Take Allochol according to the instructions. The mentioned method is the most gentle on the body.
  • Cleansing with Allohol, magnesia and olive oil. Preliminary unloading of the gastrointestinal tract is necessary. Cleaning steps: drink 3 teaspoons of magnesia with water at night, lie down under a blanket. After 2 hours, cleanse the intestines with an enema.

    In the morning from 8 to 14 o'clock drink 1/2 glass of apple juice, after 14 o'clock one water. At 18 o'clock - 2 tablets of Allochol, at 19 o'clock - 25 ml of lemon juice and 50 ml of olive oil. Lying on your right side, place a warm heating pad on your liver and press your knees. At 6 o'clock in the morning - cleansing enema. This method expands the bile channels and intensively removes bile. It is considered a strong shock to the body. Must be carried out under medical supervision.

Cleaning with Allochol according to the scheme for 14 days

Suitable for patients with experience of cleansing with tablets. 2 weeks before the start, you need to exclude allergenic foods from your diet - chocolate, citrus fruits, carbonated sweet water. Also excluded are foods that load the liver - smoked fish, fatty meat, hot spices, pickles, marinades. Overloading the digestive system is not allowed. To clean this way, it is better to wait until autumn. During this period, allergic reactions are excluded, the body is not weakened due to the lack of vitamins, unlike spring and summer.

The dosage regimen is extremely simple and consists of increasing the single dose daily. On the first day, take 1 tablet 3 times a day. On the second - 2 tablets three times a day, on the third - 3 tablets and so on, until the seventh day inclusive. Then the amount of the drug is reduced daily in the reverse order. On the eighth day according to the regimen, take 7 tablets 3 times a day, on the 9th, 6, etc. On the 14th day – 1 tablet. On the fifth day of the procedure, in the morning, cleanse the intestines with an enema.

Advantages of allochol production technology

began producing allochol 50 years ago, and during this time more than 33.5 billion yellow tablets of this drug, known to many people, were produced.

The manufacturing company has made a number of technological changes to ensure the quality of the drug, and today Allochol is produced in accordance with the requirements of GMP standards.

The production technology of the drug consists of mixing dry ingredients, which eliminates the effect of moisture and heat on all ingredients of the drug. In turn, this technology ensures the safety of the active substances of garlic, bile, nettle and the sorption activity of activated carbon.

Since 2009, the company began producing allochol, which differs from the previously produced one in the composition of excipients and shell. The updated Allochol has retained all the quality characteristics and therapeutic effects in relation to the previously produced drug.

Replacing the sugar shell of the drug with a film one made it possible not only to ensure the integrity of the tablet core and protect it from exposure to moisture and light, but also contributes to a faster release of the active components. It is also important that the film shell does not contain sucrose, which allows long-term use of Allochol by patients with diabetes mellitus.

In order to get rid of microbiological contamination, sterilization of plant raw materials included in allochol is carried out using a special method without exposure to temperature and chemicals, which allows preserving the active components.

It is worth noting that for the convenience of customers in 2014, Allochol will be produced in new, more convenient packaging.

Efficiency of application

If the correct dosage is observed, pain in the liver and gall bladder disappears after 7 days. The herbal components of the drug improve the flow of bile, eliminate stagnation and remove deposits of toxins and waste. The effectiveness of liver cleansing with Allochol has been proven in practice. The product accelerates the secretion of bile in 14 days, removes secretions from the body and improves the general condition of the body. It can even be prescribed to pregnant women.

As a preventative measure, liver cleansing with Allochol for 14 days is repeated every six months. 1-3 weeks before the start of the course, it is recommended to follow a diet and drink a lot of water. It is recommended to consume drinks high in vitamins. You are supposed to do exercises every day. Physical exercise intensively removes bile.

Result of the course:

  • Normalization of all liver functions, weakness, insomnia, and lethargy disappear.
  • Improved hair condition.
  • Cleansing of the skin, disappearance of the rash.
  • Stimulates the digestive system, weight loss.
  • Disappearance of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn.


It is permissible to use Allochol only if there are no contraindications on the list:

  • Peptic ulcer, gastritis;
  • Stones in the kidneys or gall bladder;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Enterocolitis – inflammation of the small and large intestines;
  • Exacerbation of erosion of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Childhood.

The drug should not be taken on an empty stomach, while drinking alcohol, coffee, or while being treated with alcohol-containing drugs.

Allochol cleaning is not prescribed for people who have an allergic reaction to plants of the Nettle or Amaryllis family. When carrying out a cleaning course over 14 days, the highest dosage of the product falls on the border between the first and second weeks. Testimonies from people indicate the possibility of pain in the abdomen, intestinal colic, and diarrhea at this time. Harmful substances are washed out of the body along with beneficial microelements. You cannot take painkillers. Cleaning will need to be stopped if the temperature rises or if unpleasant symptoms continue for several days.

Liver cleansing is contraindicated in case of cholecystitis - inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder. First, it is recommended to completely abstain from food, include only broths in the menu for the next three days, then gradually return to a normal diet. The course of cleansing with Allochol tablets should begin no earlier than 7 days after the pain symptoms disappear.

Possible side effects

Cleansing with Allochol is usually well tolerated. However, it gives a positive result only if it is carried out after consultation and approval of a gastroenterologist.

Side effects are rare. If, during a course of procedures, severe spastic pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, rashes, attacks of nausea and heartburn occur, an allergic reaction and individual intolerance have developed, cleansing with Allochol is canceled.

To avoid unwanted complications, during and after the procedures you should adhere to a diet excluding fried, fatty and spicy foods. Only natural, light boiled and baked dishes, salads and fermented milk products are allowed.

Compatibility with other drugs

Reviews from doctors confirm the possibility of using Allochol simultaneously with other medications. Cleansing the liver and the entire body will be more effective when taken in combination with vitamin and antimicrobial drugs. When used with antiseptics it acts neutral. In combination with antibacterial therapy, patients recover faster. Simultaneous use with medications containing aluminum hydroxide, cholestyramine, colestipol is prohibited. The drug is less absorbed and its effectiveness decreases.

Allochol is often associated with other similar drugs - Karsil and Cholenzym. The principle of action of each product is different. Allochol performs a choleretic function and indirectly helps cleanse the liver, removing stagnant processes. Cholenzym is recommended for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Karsil is prescribed to restore damaged liver cells and protect healthy ones.

Allohol is a folk remedy recognized by medicine. It has been used for more than 50 years for effective treatment and restoration of the liver, even in severe advanced cases.

Analogues of the drug

The group of choleretic drugs is made from animal, plant, and synthetic raw materials. The modern pharmaceutical market offers universal, complex over-the-counter drugs that perform three main tasks:

  • prevent stagnation;
  • stimulate secretion production;
  • accelerate the excretion of bile.

The list of popular ones includes:

  1. Cholenzym (tablets). Active ingredients: pancreatic enzymes (trypsin, amylase, lipase), dry bile.
  2. Lyobil (tablets). Active ingredient: bovine liver cell extract.
  3. Hologon (tablets). Active ingredients: choleretics of synthetic origin oxafenamil and cyclone.
  4. Tanacechol (tablets). With the main component of plant origin, tansy flower extract.
  5. Flamin (tablets). A preparation based on immortelle inflorescence extract. Active ingredients: flavonoid glycosides.
  6. Febichol (capsules). A drug of synthetic origin based on phenypentol.
  7. Kholosas (syrup). Base: flavonoids, acids, vitamins, essential oils from rosehip extract.
  8. Olimethine (capsules). Base: peppermint and calamus oils, turpentine extract, sulfur.
  9. Polyphytohol (in powder for preparing a solution). Base: extracts of immortelle, nettle, tansy, rosehip.
  10. Flacumin (tablets) Base: flavonol aglycones from mackerel leaves.
  11. Holaflux (phytocollection). Components of the combined product: spinach leaves, thistle fruits, turmeric, licorice and rhubarb rhizomes, dandelion, aloe extract, celandine.

Despite the fact that Allohol and other choleretic drugs are included in the over-the-counter list and are safe, it should be remembered that taking them is not a panacea. They can help some, but on the contrary, they will harm others. To prevent this from happening, liver cleansing using Allochol is best done only after permission from a specialist.

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