Does aloe help with hemorrhoids? Recipes with step-by-step instructions

Traditional medicine offers many methods and remedies to combat hemorrhoids. Most of them are effective and can relieve a person from unpleasant symptoms: burning, pain, itching, bleeding. But sometimes a situation arises when the patient cannot use medications. For example, if you are intolerant to them or have contraindications to taking them. Sometimes the patient simply does not want to use synthetic chemicals, fearing their potential harm or despair from the ineffectiveness of treatment with them.

Finally, the main argument for refusing pharmaceuticals may be their high cost. In all these cases, a person finds an alternative in traditional medicine methods, which offer a lot of remedies against this disease. Among them, it is worth paying attention to the use of aloe for hemorrhoids.

Useful and healing properties

In addition, the plant has the following medicinal properties:

  • helps improve blood circulation;
  • improves intestinal motility, eliminating constipation;
  • has bactericidal properties and analgesic effects;
  • prevents bleeding;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • increases immunity;
  • stabilizes blood flow.

You can learn about the medicinal properties, harms and contraindications of aloe juice here.

Why aloe

Even children have heard about the healing properties of aloe, since agave is grown in many homes for the sole purpose of always having a universal medicine on hand. The juice of the plant is used as an antifungal, antitussive, antiviral, and mild analgesic. It is included in the list of drugs prescribed for tuberculosis, asthma, allergies and many other diseases, hemorrhoids are no exception.

Hemorrhoids are enlarged, tortuosity of hemorrhoidal veins that form nodes around the rectum.

The use of aloe for hemorrhoids helps reduce the inflammatory process, has an analgesic effect, stops bleeding, increases muscle tone, and improves blood circulation.

Chemical composition

Aloe primarily consists of water, but the plant contains succinic, malic and citric acids, essential oils and another 75 nutrients and more than 200 active components, including:

  • copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • selenium;
  • vitamins A, C, E and group B.

The dense leaves of the plant also contain alkaloids, glucose and fructose.

Only the lower leaves of aloe, which are older than 3 years, are considered useful. It is easy to identify such leaves; their tips are dry or slightly dried.

Medicines for local use and oral administration are made from aloe. In the case of hemorrhoids, treatment success is only possible with an integrated approach, which must be agreed upon with a doctor. Agave is used for hemorrhoids in the form of a decoction, lotions, suppositories and compresses. These techniques effectively eliminate pain, inflammation, swelling and bleeding.

Aloe against hemorrhoids, decoctions and tinctures

Treatment of pathological processes of dilation of the veins of the rectum with the help of millennium involves home conditions. The advantage is that the treatment takes place at home, there is no need to visit a medical facility every day. Infusions and decoctions are used when using compresses, lotions, and baths.

Aloe against hemorrhoids is used in the initial and middle stages

  • Recipe No. 1. Prepare the composition. Take three leaves of the plant. We correctly approach the identification of leaves that contain the maximum number of useful substances. The main task is not to destroy biologically active components under the influence of high temperature. Boil water. Let it cool down. Place the leaves in a saucepan. Place the container on the fire in a bowl of water. Fill the contents with warm water. The broth will heat up gradually, the beneficial microelements will remain unharmed. Pour the broth into a basin, sit down with the anus under water, and stay for 25 minutes. The bath relieves unpleasant symptoms of pathology. It is recommended to take three times a day. The resulting composition is used for internal use. It is necessary to make the mixture concentrated. An hour before meals, it is useful for patients to drink half a glass of the decoction.
  • Recipe No. 2. Tincture. Chop the leaves and place in a dark container. Fill with vodka or alcohol in the proportion of 300 g per 0.5 lira. Close the lid tightly, place in a dark place, and leave for 14 days. The first 7 days you need to shake the composition. After the time has passed, drink 20 drops of the tincture daily an hour before meals. The course of therapy lasts a month. After a two-week break you can repeat. Helps increase the elasticity of blood vessels, restores blood circulation in hemorrhoids.

Aloe can cure hemorrhoids at an early stage by strengthening blood vessels and making them more elastic

Application and contraindications: when is it better to see a doctor?

Aloe can be an ideal remedy as part of a complex treatment of hemorrhoids at the initial stage, when the disease does not yet require surgical intervention. However, if the pain has become permanent, negatively affecting your general well-being, or bleeding has occurred during bowel movements and even after it, you should immediately consult a doctor.

There is no longer any talk of treating hemorrhoids with aloe juice at home; as soon as such symptoms begin, due to the increase in blood flow, it is unacceptable to treat the disease by consuming agave internally! And the external influence of drugs will only relieve the pain, but will not cure the disease.

The plant should not be taken internally in some other cases:

  1. Individual intolerance to substances contained in the plant.
  2. The presence of diseases accompanied by bleeding, including hemorrhoids.
  3. Severe stages of cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Exacerbation of gastrointestinal disorders and inflammation of the urinary tract.
  5. Oncological diseases (read about the composition of aloe, benefits and contraindications for oncological diseases here).
  6. For diseases in the acute stage of development.

Use the plant with caution during pregnancy, after consulting with your doctor.

Almost anyone can use aloe for external use if they do not have an allergic reaction to the plant. It is very important not to start the disease and consult a doctor promptly at the first signs of illness. It is recommended to use aloe if:

  • itching and burning in the anal area;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • drops of blood on linen.

Patient reviews

Valentina, 42 years old After two births, hemorrhoids began to bother me significantly. Sometimes there was slight bleeding, there was constant itching, it was impossible to go to the toilet without pain. The doctor prescribed painkillers for me. I decided to supplement their intake with lotions with aloe juice. I didn’t even expect that I would feel better so quickly: after 2 days, all the symptoms disappeared, and the nodes became much smaller. I'm glad I found a method that works for me.

Anatoly, 35 years old I regularly do weightlifting, and I never thought that this would lead me to the problem of hemorrhoids. A small nodule appeared six months ago, but only recently became a concern. It doesn't hurt, it just itches a lot. I decided to start treatment with traditional methods. I used aloe pulp as a compress. The itching went away completely after 6 days. I'm very pleased with the result.

Ruslan, 33 years old I decided to fight hemorrhoids with the help of aloe, having tried dozens of ointments and suppositories that gave virtually no effect. Since I have internal nodes, I chose to treat with homemade aloe suppositories. Very good result. The nodes no longer fall out after defecation, the pain and itching are gone. Now I will only use aloe to treat my problem.

Of course, it is not possible to completely cure hemorrhoids, especially those that are older, with aloe vera alone. In the fight against this disease, it is important to use complex treatment, each component of which should be agreed upon with a proctologist. Aloe therapy in this case is a good addition to traditional methods.

How to treat: recipes with step-by-step instructions

When used internally, agave produces a laxative effect. It makes the stool soft and does not injure the mucous membrane of the rectum, which is very important for hemorrhoids. Plants from 2 to 4 years old are ideal for medicinal purposes. Only the lower, thick leaves, 15 cm or more long, are used.

10 days before cutting, aloe stops watering, then the concentration of nutrients in the leaves becomes maximum. 2 days before cutting the leaves, place the bush in a dark, cool place. The leaves are cut off at the very base of the stem with a sharp knife, then kept in the refrigerator for a week. Pre-wrap in foil or thick paper.

To obtain juice you need:

  1. cut off the thorns, chop the leaves with a knife or using a blender;
  2. cover with a lid and place in a dark, cool place for 2 hours;
  3. squeeze the greens through cheesecloth and pour the juice into a glass container.

Freshly squeezed juice can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days. It is useless to use the product further, since all the substances in it will be lost. Whole leaves in the refrigerator retain their beneficial properties for a month.

Agave with honey

An effective remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids is a mixture of honey and agave juice. To do this, mix 3 tablespoons of honey and 3 tablespoons of juice. Stir thoroughly and take a tablespoon every morning, 30 minutes before meals.

Read about recipes for aloe with honey and their use here.

Plant juice

Regular consumption of juice strengthens the walls of blood vessels and maintains their elasticity. It is recommended to take one teaspoon of the medicinal drink 20 minutes before meals three times a day. It is important to do this on an empty stomach, about 4 hours after your last meal.

All about aloe juice, its preparation and use can be found here.


The cooking recipe is as follows:

  1. crushed 5 leaves of the plant;
  2. pour the green mass with 500 ml of water in an enamel bowl;
  3. cook in a water bath for 15 minutes, stirring thoroughly;
  4. cool;
  5. drink in one go.


To obtain an infusion, pour a glass of boiling water over two crushed aloe leaves. Let sit for 30 minutes. Drink it all at once. The main disadvantage of this method is the loss of some of the active substances of the plant upon contact with boiling water.

You can find out about recipes for medicines with aloe and their use here.

Healing properties of the plant

Aloe was introduced from South Africa, where the plant can reach several meters in length. Nowadays, it is increasingly used in homes as a decorative houseplant. This species is called tree aloe or agave. In addition to interior decoration, the plant has long been used as a universal remedy.

Reference! Aloe is a biogenic stimulant - a remedy that increases metabolism, the body's adaptive abilities, immune reactivity and tissue regeneration.

The plant has bactericidal, antiviral, anticarcinogenic, radioprotective, and anti-inflammatory effects. The composition of aloe is unique and includes the following components:

  • flavonoids;
  • carotenoids;
  • resins;
  • enzymes
  • catechins;
  • minerals and trace elements;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins of group B, C, A, E.

Aloe vera has been used for hemorrhoids for a very long time. The effectiveness of the plant in treating this disease was noted by people who lived more than 2000 years ago.

The therapeutic effect is as follows:

  • accelerating the regenerative capabilities of the rectal mucosa, which promotes the healing of microcracks and wounds with hemorrhoids;
  • antibacterial effect, which prevents infection of lesions in the anal canal mucosa;
  • hemostatic effect;
  • increasing the general resistance of the body and local immunity;
  • relieving inflammation and swelling of hemorrhoids;
  • improving blood circulation in the hemorrhoidal plexuses of the rectum;
  • relieving pain and itching in the anal area.

Attention! Before using aloe for hemorrhoids, you should consult with a proctologist and determine whether there are any contraindications to its use.

The juice of the plant is used in medicine and cosmetology practice. It can be used fresh, in the form of tincture or in a condensed state - sabur. In the treatment of hemorrhoids, aloe is used internally and topically. It is recommended to choose large, long (at least 15 cm), fleshy leaves of the plant, as they contain the largest amount of medicinal substances. You should also pay attention to the age of the flower: for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, it is best to choose a five-year-old aloe, and for external localization of the process - a three-year-old.

Compresses, lotions and tampons

Local remedies applied directly to the painful area are no less effective. These are compresses, lotions and tampons. You can prepare all this yourself. Unlike a lotion, it is applied for half an hour or more.

For the compress you will need: gauze or bandage and fresh aloe decoction. Fold the gauze several times and soak it well in the broth. Apply to the anus for 30 minutes and cover with cellophane.

Compresses are especially good for exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids, for cracks and the acute phase of the disease. For the lotion, use the same ingredients as for the compress. Just now do not cover the gauze soaked in the broth with cellophane. The duration of this procedure will be only a few minutes; it is used immediately after bowel movement.

To make a tampon, take a bandage rolled into a tube. Thoroughly moisten it in the broth and carefully insert it into the anus. The tampon will be in effect for 15 minutes, then it should be removed.

Reviews about aloe treatment

Maria, 26 years old: Aloe always grew on my grandmother’s windowsill. When hemorrhoids “came out” after childbirth, she advised applying the cut leaf to the lump. I did it the first time so as not to upset my grandmother by refusing to care. The pain has decreased and the itching has gone away. I started doing it regularly and the bumps disappeared. I planted aloe at home. My husband works as a driver and also suffers from illness.

Sergei Ivanovich, 60 years old: In the summer at the dacha I suffered from hemorrhoids. I heard good reviews from a neighbor about treatment with aloe decoction. He gave me a couple of stems and told me how to cook them. At night I made compresses with the resulting decoction. After a couple of days I forgot about the illness.

Pavel, 35 years old: Previously, hemorrhoids were treated exclusively with medications. The effect was not noticed for long. I forgot about the candle for a couple of days - start over. The doctor advised me to drink aloe juice. I don’t know how well hemorrhoids are treated, but the constipation has gone away. The disease stopped bothering me. Apparently the aloe helped.

Margarita Sergeevna, 55 years old: Aloe vera has been growing on the windowsill for as long as I can remember. In winter I use it to relieve coughs. The son started moving, and as a result the heavy lifting ended in hemorrhoids. I persuaded my daughter-in-law to make lotions from aloe juice. The bumps went away quickly. The children did not stop treatment, and over time the internal hemorrhoids went away.

Alexandra, 30 years old: Pregnancy was accompanied by severe constipation. Led to the occurrence of hemorrhoids. I asked the doctor if aloe could be used for treatment. The doctor responded with a categorical refusal - aloe can cause a miscarriage! She reprimanded me for self-medicating.

Lyudmila Petrovna, 50 years old: I don’t trust doctors. Medicines are prescribed so that pharmacies can sell them. I am treated with herbs, at home. The hemorrhoids caused severe itching. She took an aloe leaf, squeezed out the juice, moistened the bandage, and inserted it into the anus. I did this regularly at night. I took the juice orally instead of a laxative. The hemorrhoids subsided and no doctor’s consultation was needed.

Candles with agave

Another practical and well-proven remedy in the fight against hemorrhoids is suppositories. It's easy to prepare them:

  1. Take a piece of aloe leaf, about 7 cm, and rinse with water.
  2. Remove all thorns.
  3. Cut lengthwise and turn the flesh out.
  4. Insert the resulting “suppository” into the rectum for 15 minutes.

On the pages of our portal there are articles about the treatment of tuberculosis, psoriasis, bronchitis, diseases of the throat, ear, joints, eyes, gynecological ailments, nose, stomach and intestines with the help of healing aloe.

Indoor use

It is known that normalizing stool consistency is the first step to overcoming hemorrhoids. In addition to dietary nutrition, aloe can be a good helper in the fight against constipation.

Aloe acts on the intestines as a laxative

It is necessary to take 1 teaspoon of fresh plant juice half an hour before meals 3 times a day. After taking the juice, the stool becomes softer, the act of defecation occurs easily and painlessly. This promotes the healing of cracks and wounds. A person does not need to strain very hard to have a bowel movement, and the nodes do not enlarge.

Side effects

Side effects occur only when agave is used internally. Intestinal motility increases, which can cause diarrhea or simply diarrhea.

When using aloe for the first time, take a hypoallergenic test. Allergic reactions to the plant are not common, but they can be very severe, even fatal.

Aloe has amazing healing properties, but is not a panacea for all ills. With its help, you can relieve pain and eliminate swelling, but the disease can only be cured in combination with therapy prescribed by a specialist. Do not delay your visit to the proctologist, do not make the disease worse. And use all of the above recipes only with the consent of your doctor.


Aloe for hemorrhoids reviews from patients are positive. Like any remedy, it has a number of contraindications when used to treat enlarged rectal veins. In general, the effect of the plant is well tolerated; side effects occur in rare cases, in chronic diseases. Before use, it is recommended to consult with your doctor, especially regarding dosage.

Advantage - it can be used during pregnancy and lactation, as it has a natural composition. Does not harm the developing fetus.

The main contraindications to the use of millennium in the treatment of pathology:

  • individual intolerance to the components that make up the plant;
  • allergic reactions;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • pathological processes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • poisoning;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • bleeding;
  • oncological diseases.

In case of an overdose, potassium is removed from the body, manifested in the presence of seizures. During the period of treatment of hemorrhoidal disease using millennium, if your health worsens, it is recommended to consult a doctor and donate blood for a general analysis.

The healing effect of using aloe

By its nature, aloe is usually classified as a biogenic stimulant.

They in turn perform the following functions:

  • improve metabolic processes in the body;
  • allow you to increase the ability to adapt to new living conditions;
  • are considered excellent antitumor agents;
  • act as radioprotectors;
  • help quickly heal damaged tissues;
  • significantly strengthen the human immune system;
  • biogenic stimulants prevent the development of microbes and viruses;
  • have antibacterial properties.

Regardless of the purpose for which aloe is used (prevention or treatment), the healing of hemorrhoidal cones occurs several times faster. At the same time, the patient also feels a decrease in pain and discomfort.

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