How many days to take Trimedat, duration of treatment

Pain in the abdominal cavity is often associated with disorders of intestinal motility. Spasms of the muscles of both the small and large intestines lead to difficulty passing stool and abdominal pain. Trimedat successfully relieves unpleasant symptoms by normalizing intestinal muscle tone.

How to take Trimedat

For chronic abdominal pain, Trimedat is taken orally, 1 tablet.

The frequency of administration for adults and children over 12 years of age is three times a day.

Children from three to five years old can take the drug in a dose equal to a quarter of a tablet containing 100 mg of trimebutine, that is, 1 dose = 25 mg.

Children from 5 to 12 years old are given half a tablet containing 100 mg of trimebutine.

For both age groups, it is recommended to take it three times a day.

Therapy for gastritis and ulcers

Trimedat affects the entire digestive tract, relaxes the duodenogastric sphincter, promoting rapid gastric emptying by increasing peristalsis. Thus, it acts on the clinical manifestations that accompany exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers, and also eliminates functional disorders that arise from errors in diet and overeating. Therefore, it is prescribed as a symptomatic remedy to eliminate discomfort and dyspeptic symptoms or as part of complex therapy for gastric pathology. This is possible thanks to the mechanism of action indicated above - the drug normalizes peristalsis:

  • accelerates with insufficient contraction,
  • reduces it when there is excess.

In addition, the medicine acts as an antispasmodic: it reduces the increased tone of smooth muscles. This leads to relief of spastic pain.

The maximum course of treatment for gastroduodenitis and ulcers is 60-90 days (for adults and children). If necessary, after control studies, therapy is repeated for 30 days. The medication continues until all clinical symptoms disappear completely.

How long to take Trimedat

The course of therapy depends on the symptoms and diagnosis. For episodic, sudden and short-term pain, it is enough to take the drug for 24 hours to get rid of the symptoms. This situation is typical for non-toxic food poisoning, when the unpleasant symptoms cease with the cleansing of the intestines. In this case, Trimedat will relieve spasms and normalize sudden contractions of the intestines, leading to pain.

If irritable bowel syndrome is diagnosed, two-week therapy is prescribed. After the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms, therapy is not stopped. To maintain the positive effect, in order to exclude relapse, Trimedat continues to be taken for another 3 months.


Trimedat (active ingredient trimebutine) is a domestic pharmaceutical drug whose main pharmacological function is the regulation of gastrointestinal motility (GIT). It is used for various functional diseases of the digestive system, dyspeptic disorders, as well as for the recently widespread irritable bowel syndrome (its universal markers are abdominal pain and colic, intestinal spasms, increased gas formation, diarrhea or constipation). Trimedat acts throughout the digestive tract, including the bile ducts along with the gallbladder. In clinical practice, there are often cases of patients having diverse motor disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, with a predominance of various pathogenetic components. To identify a specific type of disorder, complex and not always accessible instrumental studies are required for a wide range of patients, such as: endoscopic manometry of the sphincter of Oddi, study of the motor function of the digestive tract with radioactive gold, etc. The lion's share of motor dysfunctions have a complex pathogenesis, so a gastroenterologist simply must have drugs in his arsenal that can have a beneficial effect on motor skills, regardless of what type of disorder occurs in this particular case. Trimedat is one such medicine. It eliminates both hypomotor and spastic dyskinesia of the intestines and biliary tract. Such universalism of trimedat makes it possible to influence the pathological process at its very initial stage and reduce the volume of necessary diagnostic interventions (as well as, of course, their cost).

The substance trimebutine was synthesized in France in 1969 and for many years was known under the trade name debridate.

In 2008, the Russian pharmaceutical company entered the market with its new brainchild - the drug trimedat, which was created on the basis of trimebutine. Trimedat interacts with peripheral opiate receptors, “scattered” throughout the gastrointestinal tract. They are located mainly in the nerve plexuses of the intestine. Among the opiate receptors, there are 3 subtypes: mu-, delta- and kappa. The first two are responsible for conducting excitation, and the last one is responsible for inhibition. Trimedat does not have an affinity for any one subtype of receptor, interacting with all of them at once. Being normokinetic, it has a dual regulatory effect. By binding to kappa receptors, trimedate suppresses motor activity, and by performing the same action in relation to mu and delta receptors, it stimulates it. Thus, trimedate, depending on the circumstances (read: the initial state of the motor function of the digestive tract), can act both as an antispasmodic and as a prokinetic. Trimedat affects the humoral regulation of the digestive organs, increasing the level of motilin (this hormone is one of the main regulators of gastrointestinal motility), reducing the level of gastrin, insulin, glucagon, pancreatic polypeptide, vasoactive intestinal peptide. As a result, the following clinically significant effects are modulated: gastric evacuation accelerates, motor function of the colon and visceral sensitivity change. The effectiveness of trimedat has been proven in a number of randomized studies. For example, in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, it was about 83%, which allows us to consider this drug as a universal regulator of the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to take Trimedat for constipation

The causes of constipation and its nature determine the duration of medication use. In case of one-time stool retention due to poor nutrition and low mobility, it is enough to take the drug three times a day in a standard dosage until the intestines can empty. Most often this takes a day, less often – up to 5 days. In this case, the absence of relapse can be guaranteed by the patient himself by changing eating habits and adjusting daily physical activity.

In case of constipation that occurs due to intestinal obstruction caused by circulatory disorders in the inferior vena cava, Trimedat is taken over a long course, starting from 4 weeks. To avoid relapse and worsen the situation, the patient is prescribed a diet high in fiber-rich plant products. This approach to nutrition will ensure softness of the stool, which will significantly facilitate its passage through the intestines, and will eliminate cases of injury to the walls by hard lumps of feces.

Release form and composition

The pharmacological industry produces the drug Trimedat in tablet form for patients over 12 years of age and in the form of suspensions for young children. Tablets have a dosage of the active substance of 100 and 200 mg. Each 100 mg tablet is flat, cylindrical, white in color, has intersecting lines on one side and the capital letters TM on the other. Tablets of 200 mg are white, round in shape, convex on both sides, scored on one side and embossed with TM symbols on the other.

Additional substances are lactose, corn starch, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, talc. A convenient form of suspension is available for children. Tablets and suspension have identical composition.

The main and excipients in both dosages are the same, differing only in the proportions and percentage of the dose volume. Tablets are produced in cardboard boxes of 10, 20 and 30 pieces.

How to take Trimedat: before or after meals

The drug begins to work an hour after it enters the gastrointestinal tract. To prevent food intake from causing pain, belching, bloating and other unpleasant symptoms, Trimedat should be taken 20-30 minutes before the intended meal. When the food is processed by gastric juice and enters the duodenum, the drug will already begin to act and will not allow the food to stagnate, which will reduce the risk of developing rotting processes, which cause flatulence, nausea and belching.


What does the medicine “Trimedat” help with? From disorders of motility of the gastrointestinal tract caused by spasms of the smooth muscles of this system. Its active substance (trimebutine) is a myotropic antispasmodic that helps optimize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This means that for the drug Trimedat, analogues must have the same effect, and synonyms must have the same active substance. The synonym for this drug is “Neobutin”, which is based on the functionality of timebutin. This is perhaps the only synonym for “Trimedat”. But there are many more similar medicines. These are “No-Shpa”, “Betamax”, “Galidor”, “Duspatalin”, “Meverin”, which are part of the group of myotropic antispasmodics. Also, drugs such as “Mukofalk” based on plantain oval, which has a laxative effect, normalize intestinal function. So, any drugs that affect the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and are used to normalize the process of moving food, and then feces through the gastrointestinal tract, can be considered analogues of the drug "Trimedat".

In what form is the medicine available?

A drug that helps solve numerous problems in the gastrointestinal tract - Trimedat. He receives very different reviews. Many patients like that it has only one dosage form - tablets for adult patients and tablets for children, which allows them not to think about the dosage of the drug, divide the tablet or decide how to take the medicine.

For adults, Trimedat tablets contain 200 mg of the active substance. Each unit of the drug has a biconvex round shape, on one side there is a mark for dividing the tablet in half, and on the other side two mirror-like elements are extruded in the form of curved drops.

For children, the dosage is two times less - 100 mg of the active ingredient per unit of the drug. The tablets on one side have an extruded pattern in the form of TM symbols and three triangles; on the other side, two marks are extruded, allowing, if necessary, to divide the tablet into 4 parts.

For both adults and children, tablets are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces, enclosed in cardboard packs.

Pharmacological group

Trimedat can be classified as a group of antispasmodics that are aimed at restoring the normal functioning of the digestive system. If the muscles are weak, the stomach cannot properly digest food, absorb nutrients, and promptly remove waste products from the body. The active ingredient Trimedat stimulates the smooth muscles of the stomach, which in turn removes hardened feces from the rectum. Ultimately, it is possible to restore an uninterrupted digestive process and stool.

So, if there is weakness in the muscles of the digestive organs, then to stimulate them it is recommended to take the drug Trimedat, but only after consulting a doctor.

Help with poisoning

For poisoning not associated with infection, Trimedat is used to eliminate nausea, discomfort or pain in the stomach and intestines, to normalize loose stools if the pathological process involves the small or large intestine. The medicine must be started at the first signs of poisoning in order to prevent serious consequences associated with diarrhea or stomach disorders. Trimedat prevents dehydration, eliminates nausea and cramping pain, cleanses the intestinal walls of toxins, and helps interrupt intoxication. If the drug is taken in a timely manner, the signs of poisoning disappear within one day. The dosage regimen is standard: for adults - take 200 mg × 3 times a day until symptoms disappear. To prevent recurrent disorders, it is recommended to continue this therapy for another 10 days.

Alcohol poisoning

Trimedat is used in a complex treatment regimen for alcohol poisoning and hangover syndrome. Ethyl alcohol can irritate and cause chemical burns to the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. In the elderly and people who abuse alcohol, the mucous membrane is thinned and eroded. Drinking alcohol stimulates additional secretion of bile, gastric and pancreatic juices, which negatively affects the mucous membrane. With atrophic gastritis, this can cause bleeding of the mucous membrane; with hyperacid gastritis with low acidity and duodenitis, an acute ulcer can occur. Ethanol destroys pancreatic cells. As a result, a large number of aggressive enzymes are additionally released into the blood, which lead to severe pain. The breakdown product of ethyl alcohol, acetaldehyde, can act as a toxin on the liver.

Additional intake of large amounts of fatty and spicy foods aggravates the pathological changes associated with alcohol, so the clinical picture can be pronounced and accompanied by all the symptoms of poisoning: severe pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Trimedat in such cases is indicated for use due to the development of signs of irritation of the stomach (nausea, vomiting, pain) and intestines (diarrhea, cramping pain). Clinical manifestations are associated not only with the toxic effects of ethyl alcohol, but also with exacerbation of chronic pathology. To relieve a hangover, the drug can effectively help if taken at a dose of 200 mg three times a day. Improvement occurs within one day. After achieving remission, further treatment of chronic diseases of the pancreas, stomach, and liver is prescribed by a gastroenterologist and carried out under his supervision.

Trimedat for food poisoning

In case of food poisoning, early use of Trimedat will help improve the condition in a short time: stop diarrhea, nausea, pain in the stomach and intestines. This occurs due to the rapid relief of spasms in the stomach and intestines, the natural elimination of undigested food residues, and the prevention of dehydration by normalizing stool. Well-being also improves by interrupting the development of intoxication. The medication is prescribed in standard dosages; it must be taken as early as possible, before the development of a full-blown clinical picture.

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