First symptoms of fertilization: when and how to recognize pregnancy?

You are planning a pregnancy and are looking forward to two stripes, but the delay is still far away. This article is about how to indirectly determine the condition by the first signs of pregnancy before the delay.

You need to know that there are a number of first signs of pregnancy before menstruation , by which you can determine an “interesting situation.” The medical portal will tell you the main 30 signs of pregnancy after conception, which can be seen from the first week.

The medical portal has collected 29 of the most important and very first signs of pregnancy in the early stages before delay.

How then to recognize pregnancy?

In fact, the first symptoms of pregnancy appear only a few weeks after conception.

Firstly, a woman may simply experience drowsiness, a feeling of exhaustion, a change in food preferences, or even nausea (which may not only be morning sickness). Although these symptoms are not always pronounced in expectant mothers, the most characteristic signs of pregnancy can be identified.


  • Implantation staining
    (which can occur during implantation of the embryo into the uterus) This usually appears approximately seven days after conception. Sometimes this process is confused with menstruation;
  • Amenorrhea
    is the symptom most associated with the possibility of becoming pregnant, but it should be remembered that stopping or delaying menstruation does not always mean conception;
  • Nausea and vomiting.
    Usually appear in the first trimester of pregnancy. They are known as morning ones, but can occur at other times of the day or night;
  • Changes in appetite and dietary preferences
    . The symptom means that, on the one hand, you will want to eat a certain type of food in excess, but at the same time you will experience an aversion to other foods. The condition may change constantly throughout pregnancy;
  • Sensitivity to certain odors
    . One of the first symptoms of conception. It may worsen over time and disappear suddenly. This is not expressed in everyone, individually;
  • Tender, enlarged and firm breasts
    due to the accumulation of estrogen and water. The network of blood vessels on the breasts may become more noticeable, the nipple areolas may become slightly darker, and the breasts themselves may become more sensitive to touch;
  • Drowsiness, fatigue and apathy.
    They arise at this time due to the fact that the expectant mother shares a large amount of energy and nutrients with the baby. In addition, blood pressure drops in a pregnant woman’s body and it is recommended to sleep and rest as often as possible;
  • Frequent urination.
    The symptom develops as a result of an enlarged uterus, which begins to put pressure on the bladder and increases the feeling of pressure;
  • Dizziness and fainting.
    They can occur as a result of changes in blood circulation, as well as as a result of poor nutrition. You should definitely pay attention to proper nutrition;
  • Mood swings, irritability, tantrums or crying, anxiety
    . Signs of pregnancy that may result from neurohormonal changes;
  • Abdominal pain
    that sometimes resembles menstrual pain;
  • Increased body temperature
    due to the action of progesterone and increased blood flow and metabolism;
  • Heartburn,
    which in the case of pregnancy occurs primarily as a result of hormonal changes in the mother’s body;
  • Increased amount of vaginal discharge.
    It results from increased estrogen production and increased blood flow around a woman's reproductive organs.

Changes in appetite and dietary preferences
These, of course, are not all the symptoms of pregnancy. If you want to make sure that fertilization has occurred, you can do a pregnancy test or contact a gynecologist, who will determine it during an examination. However, remember that it is not possible to determine pregnancy using a test or medical examination immediately after conception. It is pointless to make an appointment with a gynecologist and undergo an examination a few hours or the next day after sexual intercourse. A pregnancy test can give you an answer no earlier than 8 days after intercourse (when the ovulation period occurred). But even in this case, you cannot be 100% sure of the correctness of the result.

Causes of pathology in adults

In many cases, pathology develops as a symptom of a number of diseases, including:

  • Portal hypertension;
  • Cirrhosis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Thrombosis of the liver veins.

It is possible that the cause of the pathology is blood oncology, as well as pathologies whose nature has nothing in common with the tumor.
Heart failure can also cause pathology. Problems associated with lymph circulation and the activity of organs such as the thyroid gland and kidneys can also cause pathology.

Protein deficiency

What is fertilization and does it immediately mean pregnancy?

You already know how to recognize pregnancy, but it’s worth returning to conception for a moment. You may remember from biology class that fertilization is nothing more than the fusion of two reproductive cells called gametes. As a result of this connection, a completely new cell is formed, called a zygote. In humans, this is called the female and male gamete, that is, the egg and sperm.

Fertilization is possible through sexual intercourse between a woman and a man. At this time, the man's sperm must ejaculate into the woman's reproductive tract so that at least one sperm can reach the egg and enter it.

Under favorable conditions, when the sperm finds the egg, they merge within 24 hours. This is how the fertilization process begins. However, this moment does not immediately mean pregnancy. It is worth mentioning here that if the natural method of fertilization is not available for various reasons, then alternative methods of conception can be used.


  • An in vivo fertilization method that involves direct injection of properly prepared male sperm into a woman's reproductive tract;
  • In vitro method, i.e. fertilization, which involves the union of male and female reproductive cells outside the female body.

The fertilization process itself may seem very simple. However, it is much more complex. For conception, only eggs and sperm are not enough. The right timing and the right conditions are still important for the combination of female and male cells to result in pregnancy.

Diagnostic methods

A certain amount of accumulated liquid mass (more than half a liter) can be determined during a medical examination. To confirm a preliminary diagnosis, an ultrasound is necessary.

The main problem is not to detect the liquid, but to identify the cause of its accumulation. Only then will the treatment be effective. To do this, it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests, namely:

  • Blood clotting test;
  • Biochemistry analysis;
  • Analysis of ascitic fluid obtained during laparocentesis

How does fertilization occur and when can we talk about pregnancy?

For fertilization to occur, certain conditions must be met. First of all, the fruitful meeting of egg and sperm depends on the quality of male sperm, which must be placed in the woman's vagina at the right time and under favorable circumstances. The right time is nothing other than the right moment in a woman's menstrual cycle.

You can have intercourse on any day, but despite your best efforts, not every intercourse results in conception. Fertilization is possible only in a certain phase of the cycle, that is, during ovulation and during fertile days.

When does a woman ovulate and when is she fertile?

The ovulation and fertile days calculator will help you determine the most convenient time to conceive. It is based on certain premises.

Assuming a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days, and fertile days falling in the middle of the cycle, ovulation should occur on day 14, and fertile days would be from days 10 to 18 of the cycle. These dates provide the best chance of getting pregnant.

However, it must be remembered that the duration of the menstrual cycle is an individual matter for each woman. Therefore, the calculation of ovulation and fertile days may vary. It is also important that the egg is ready for fertilization approximately 6-12 hours (sometimes 24 hours) after ovulation.

The second equally important issue is the quality of male sperm, which should contain a sufficiently large number of properly developed sperm. In order for male reproductive cells to easily pass through the mucous membrane and reach the egg, they must be able to move correctly.

One portion of ejaculate can contain up to 500 million sperm, and only one of them has a chance to fertilize the egg. The viability of sperm is limited and depends on many factors. For natural reasons, the best place for sperm to survive outside the male body is in the female genitals. Although here, too, various threats may lurk, and their path to the goal is quite difficult. If sperm reach the aforementioned periovulatory period, they can survive in the vagina for 72 hours, with the strongest specimens surviving for up to five or seven days. Thus, male gametes have the appropriate mucus consistency, which facilitates their movement, protects them from the acidic environment of the vagina and supports them with nutrients.

The ejaculate should move through the woman’s genital tract at a speed of about 5 m/s, i.e. 18 km/h.

For fertilization to occur:

  • Male sperm must be of good quality, enter the female reproductive tract on time and be introduced at the right speed;
  • A woman must be in a state just before ovulation or during her fertile days so that the reproductive tract environment is ready to receive sperm.

In addition, when trying to conceive a child, you should not focus only on calculating reproductive days. If you have trouble counting your fertile days, you can use ovulation tests to determine if your body's hormone levels indicate you are fertile.

When does a woman ovulate and when is she fertile?

Pain in the lower back, lower abdomen and chest

The combination of pain in different parts of the body (breast, abdomen and lower back) is a very real situation in the presence of serious problems with women's health. Multiple symptoms indicate the possible occurrence of the following diseases and conditions:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases during pregnancy (exacerbation of pyelonephritis);
  • threat of miscarriage when the embryo attaches to the back wall of the uterus;
  • menstrual irregularities due to common endocrine diseases or during an acute stressful situation;
  • ovarian cyst with hormonal disorders;
  • uterine fibroids with a subserous location of the node growing from the posterior uterine wall;
  • hyperplastic processes in the endometrium (uterine polyposis);
  • endometrioid disease (all unpleasant pain sensations occur during the premenstrual period);
  • problems with the intestines in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle (constipation);
  • osteochondrosis (chronic pathology of the spine).

Pain radiating to the lower back most often occurs against the background of gynecological diseases, therefore it is unacceptable to refuse a visit to the doctor - the sooner the diagnosis is made and treatment begins, the greater the chances of a successful solution to women's problems.

In the absence of gynecological diseases, the doctor will refer specialists (nephrologist or urologist, neurologist, therapist) for consultation to rule out diseases of the internal organs.

Fertilization and what next? Is this already pregnancy?

Assuming that all the conditions described above are met and the sperm reaches the egg, what happens next?

A zygote is formed by a combination of male and female gametes. Initially, it is one cell with 46 chromosomes. 23 come from sperm and the other half from the egg. Several tens of hours after fertilization, cleavage begins, that is, the process of dividing the zygote. First, the zygote is divided into two parts, and over time into an increasing number of cells. At the same time, it does not change its size, and the cells dividing inside it (the so-called blastomeres) become smaller and smaller.

After about 3-4 days of intensive divisions, the inner part of the zygote can already be filled with 12 or even 16 blastomeres. Then the zygote changes shape slightly and begins to resemble a mulberry fruit. At the same time, the zygote, protected by a special shell from the male gamete, begins its journey down the uterus.

About 7 days after fertilization, the zygote reaches the uterus, where the process of implantation begins, that is, implantation into the lining of the uterus. During implantation, which takes several days (4-5), one part of the zygote forms the embryo and the other the placenta. This is how the fertilization process ends and the embryonic process begins. If further processes go smoothly, in 9 months a new person will appear in the world.


The basis for the development of the disease is pathology: during the normal functioning of the peritoneal cavity, no significant amount of liquid mass is discharged. It is only insignificant, just to avoid adhesions from sliding intestinal loops. The liquid released for this purpose constantly flows back.

When the usual operation of this mechanism is disrupted, the function of secretion of the liquid mass is destabilized, as well as the function of its outflow. The consequence of such destabilization is the accumulation of excess liquid mass inside the abdomen.

Why do nausea symptoms occur during pregnancy?

Although nausea and vomiting are not the most pleasant symptoms of conception, they are quite normal and even indicate the correct development of pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones (human chorionic gonadotropin - hCG), or rather their high concentration in the blood, are responsible for nausea during pregnancy.

It's also worth knowing that nausea, although commonly referred to as morning sickness, does not always occur in the morning. Nausea and vomiting as a result of fertilization may also occur in the evening and sometimes during the day or night.


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Abortion and contraception clinic in St. Petersburg - department of the medical gynecological association "Diana"

Make an appointment, tests or ultrasound via the contact form or by calling +8 (812) 62-962-77. We work seven days a week from 09:00 to 21:00.

We are located in the Krasnogvardeisky district, next to the Novocherkasskaya, Ploshchad Alexander Nevsky and Ladozhskaya metro stations.

The cost of a medical abortion in our clinic is 3,300 rubles. The price includes all pills, an examination by a gynecologist and an ultrasound to determine the timing of pregnancy.

Types of disease

In the main classification, to differentiate pathology, the level of protein in the accumulated fluid is taken into account. According to this indicator, the disease is divided into:

  • Exudative (25 g/l or more);
  • Transudative (<25 g/l).

Such a division makes it possible to understand, albeit indirectly, what is the cause of the development of the disease.

Today, another indicator is used in medical practice - SAAG.

If this gradient is > 1.1, then most likely the cause of the disease is cirrhosis, heart failure, etc. All of them increase the pressure in the venous trunk.

If the gradient index is <1.1, then the cause of the disease can be considered pancreatitis or an oncological process.

Taking into account the clinical course of the disease, it is necessary to highlight the following varieties, which will be discussed below.

  1. Severity of the current:
  • First degree. There are no symptoms, diagnosed by examination and ultrasound.
  • Second degree. The abdomen is slightly enlarged.
  • Third degree. The abdomen is significantly enlarged.
  1. An uncomplicated option. There are no signs of infection of the accumulated fluid mass and abnormalities in kidney function.
  2. Refractory ascites:
  • Unaffected by diuretics;
  • Not controlled by diuretics.
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