The cup is no good. How can tea be dangerous to health?

China is considered the birthplace of green tea, but, nevertheless, it is consumed all over the world. This drink is truly miraculous. It contains a whole storehouse of valuable vitamins (carotene, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, rutin and many others), so necessary for the body. And yet there are people who feel sick if they drink even one cup of this drink.

What is a hangover and how is it classified?

The hangover of a healthy person and an alcoholic are two completely different conditions. Without understanding the fundamental difference between them, it is impossible to prescribe adequate treatment for a hangover.

The basis of a hangover in a healthy person, the so-called veisalgia, is poisoning by the products of the breakdown of ethanol by liver cells. Acetaldehyde plays a major role in the formation of hangover symptoms. At the same time, the influence of alcohol itself and fusel oils contained in alcohol should not be excluded. A hangover manifests itself as a severe headache, nausea, vomiting, thirst (in common parlance, dried fruit) and other unpleasant sensations.

In a patient with chronic alcoholism, a hangover is a withdrawal syndrome and is called a hangover or withdrawal syndrome. It occurs due to the cessation of ethanol intake, which has already been integrated into the metabolic processes of the body and has become a physiological need. In fact, alcohol, as a more accessible and easily digestible energy material, replaces glucose and becomes vital. Alcohol withdrawal can provoke such severe conditions as delirium tremens and other alcoholic psychoses. A hangover, the treatment of which in this case requires the mandatory assistance of an experienced narcologist, has to be relieved with the help of a dropper. Its composition is determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the patient’s condition and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Treating alcoholism with acupuncture is an effective way to deal with addiction in the early stages.

More details about the symptoms of a hangover - how do they manifest themselves and what causes them?

Everything that a person experiences with a hangover is a subjective unpleasant sensation. The most common symptoms of a hangover include:

  • Throbbing, pounding, severe headache.
  • Tachycardia and arrhythmias.
  • Tremors of the hands and whole body. Patients often complain that they are shaking after drinking.
  • Heartburn, dry mouth and severe thirst, the so-called dry mouth.
  • A sharp reaction to extraneous stimuli - increased sensitivity to any loud sound, noise and light, causing a surge in severe headaches
  • Redness of the sclera of the eyes.
  • “Adrenaline melancholy” is a complex of depressive phenomena associated with a feeling of guilt for past drinking and one’s behavior.

All these manifestations, as I said earlier, are associated with acetaldehyde poisoning. The kinetics of its effect on the body is quite complex and not fully understood. It is believed that acetaldehyde, when interacting with the hormones dopamine and norepinephrine, forms tetrahydroisocholines, and carbonyls with the amino acid tryptophan. All these metabolic products of acetaldehyde have a psychotropic effect with an effect on motor activity and convulsive readiness of the body. This is why convulsions after alcohol and even epileptic seizures are possible.

The development of hangover symptoms is not influenced by the type of alcohol, although some experts believe that strong alcohol is less likely to lead to a hangover than low-alcohol drinks, cocktails, and sweet alcohol. Basically, the occurrence of a hangover in a healthy person is observed when the risk dose is exceeded - 1 g of pure ethanol per 1 kg of body weight.

In addition, the diuretic effect of ethanol leads to increased urination and disturbances in the electrolyte composition of the blood. It also causes and increases inflammation of the intestines, pancreas, stomach, liver and kidneys. Nausea and vomiting during a hangover are associated with the inflammatory reaction in the gastrointestinal tract.

"Alarm bells" of diabetes. What should you pay attention to?

More than 420 million men and women around the world today suffer from diabetes mellitus - that's 7 out of every 100 people. This dangerous disease in the 21st century has finally ceased to be a “disease of the elderly” and is rapidly, uncontrollably becoming younger, affecting people not only at the age of 50+, but even at the age of 25 to 30 years. According to World Health Organization (WHO) forecasts, the number of people affected by diabetes will increase year after year, and by 2030 this disease will become the seventh leading cause of death.

Russia is in 4th place in the world in the number of people suffering from diabetes with an incidence rate of 6%. This disease has become a truly social problem, and that is why it is so important today to learn to “intercept” the disease at distant approaches, preventing it from developing and ruining life. To do this, you need to know what symptoms you need to pay attention to - the so-called “alarm bells” of diabetes, i.e. for its possible early manifestations. Often they can be:


Thirst, increased urination and dry skin

A person, as a rule, does not immediately realize that constant thirst is a symptom of ill health, and not just a situational manifestation. “It was very hot, and I drank a lot,” “I ate too much salty food, so I wanted to drink and then run to the toilet,” he thinks. However, frequent, severe (sometimes called “unquenchable”) thirst, in which a person drinks up to 3 or even up to 5 liters of liquid per day, especially if it is accompanied by dry skin and a metallic taste in the mouth, may indicate - in addition to a number of other ailments - incipient diabetes mellitus. In this case, urination also becomes more frequent (especially at night - this manifestation is called nocturia), gradual dehydration of the body is observed with dry mouth, viscous saliva, dry and pale skin.


Pathological craving for sweets

Another alarm bell that the body can use to signal about approaching diabetes is a constant desire for sweets. Obsessiveness differs from the normal desire to “eat something tasty” that periodically appears in any person. I crave sweets every day - in the morning, at lunch, in the evening and at night. As a rule, pathological cravings for sweets are accompanied by a noticeable increase in appetite. This may be due to “starvation” of cells that lack glucose as a natural energy source. In this case, the body tries as best it can to compensate for this dangerous deficiency, literally forcing the person to eat sweets.


Itchy skin and skin lesions

Medical research shows that itching of the skin (mainly in the groin area and in the area of ​​​​natural skin folds), if associated with increased blood sugar levels, can occur long before the development of diabetes mellitus itself. It can take up to 5-7 years from the onset of itching to the development of the disease. In addition to itchy skin, oncoming diabetes can manifest itself as dozens of different types of dermatoses (non-inflammatory skin defects). All of them are divided into primary (arising due to metabolic disorders in the body), and secondary, the direct cause of which is a bacterial or fungal infection, often accompanying the development of diabetes mellitus.

How to react?

If the signs described above appear, do not delay visiting your doctor - in each specific case, he will figure out whether they are associated with increased blood sugar. If such a connection is confirmed, then it is important to immediately take measures to normalize blood sugar, without waiting for the transition of prediabetes (high glucose levels) to diabetes. As a rule, to normalize glucose levels in diabetes, even in its early stages, metabolic drugs that have an overall positive effect on the body are included in the drug therapy regimen. Among such drugs used in medical practice is the domestic drug Dibikor. This is an affordable over-the-counter product based on taurine, a sulfoamino acid present in every cell of the human body and regulating many metabolic processes in it. Dibikor helps improve carbohydrate and fat metabolism, which suffer from the development of diabetes; When you take it, after about 2 weeks the concentration of sugar (glucose) in the blood decreases - it becomes easier for the body to maintain normal sugar levels both on an empty stomach and after eating. This drug also helps reduce triglycerides (fatty acids) and “bad” cholesterol, which helps keep your heart, blood vessels, and liver healthy. It is no coincidence that taurine is included in the National Recommendations of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology as a means to reduce cholesterol levels in diabetes mellitus.


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How severe can alcohol poisoning be?

It all depends on the severity of the poisoning. Depending on the ethyl alcohol content, the following degrees of alcohol poisoning are differentiated:

  • A mild degree that occurs when the concentration of ethanol in the blood is no more than 1 ‰ (ppm is 1 thousandth of something or 1 tenth of a percent (‰ = 1⁄1000 = 0.1% = 0.001). This degree of intoxication is accompanied by moderate disturbances of autonomic function in in the form of facial flushing, increased breathing, tachycardia, as well as fine motor disorders.These manifestations do not require special medical intervention and go away on their own after a few hours of sleep.
  • The average degree is observed at an alcohol concentration of 1 to 2.5 ‰. With a hangover, nausea, vomiting, pallor or cyanosis of the skin, severe shortness of breath and tachycardia, and possible arrhythmia often develop. In this condition, urgent detoxification is required by a drug treatment team called to the home. Hospitalization for moderate alcohol poisoning is not provided.
  • Severe degree - ethanol content exceeds 2.5‰, sometimes reaching very high levels requiring resuscitation measures. Accompanied by depression of consciousness, misunderstanding of speech, change in skin color, vomiting, salivation (hypersalivation) and even coma. Convulsions, epileptic seizures, respiratory and cardiovascular disorders that are life-threatening may occur.

The state of severe intoxication can only be relieved in a hospital setting.

Useful qualities

  • The leaves of the plant contain about five thousand useful microelements, compounds and a wide range of vitamins.
  • The drink perfectly helps in the fight against excess weight, provokes rapid digestion of food and removal of toxins from the body.
  • People with low immunity need minerals, a huge amount of which is found in tea leaves.
  • The drink has a tonic, antibactericidal and decongestant effect.
  • The substances included in the composition improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.
  • Caffeine gives vigor and strength, increases concentration.
  • For people who work a lot in front of a monitor, a green drink will reduce the negative effects of computer radiation.
  • Tea reduces the appearance and development of cancer.
  • Green tea affects the skin and blood, slowing down the aging process and saturating the body with necessary moisture.

You can enjoy all the beneficial properties of tea if you select the variety correctly and brew it correctly.

By the way, it is generally accepted that coffee is the most invigorating drink, but green tea contains more caffeine than coffee beans. If green tea is prepared correctly, its invigorating effect will be stronger and longer than coffee.

How to relieve a hangover in a mildly intoxicated person?

Typically, a hangover in a healthy person lasts about 24 hours. You need to hold out for 24 hours. How to do it? Regardless of the severity of the symptoms, the most important way to relieve hangover symptoms is to quickly remove acetaldehyde from the body, and for this you need to drink as much as possible - water, weak sweet tea, tomato juice, cabbage or cucumber pickle.

When choosing an anti-hangover drink, listen to your body - drink what you want. The exception is strong tea or coffee. They will not help you, but will only increase the load on the heart, which is already damaged. It is advisable not to drink carbonated drinks.

And one more recommendation for mild intoxication is sleep, during which the liver enzyme systems will independently cope with the incoming dose of alcohol poison. What you should never do is get hungover. A new portion of alcohol will return the state of euphoria for an hour, but the ethanol processing systems already running in enhanced mode will quickly utilize ethanol to acetaldehyde and increase its concentration in the blood. This will ultimately only increase intoxication and initiate the onset of alcohol dependence. To summarize, we can say that if hangover intoxication is not severe, the best ways to cure a hangover are to drink plenty of fluids and sleep.

For severe headaches, you can take medications based on acetylsalicylic acid. To remove unabsorbed alcohol and reduce nausea, you can take enterosorbents. But do not experiment, use only drugs that you have already tested and tolerate well.

How to brew green tea correctly

Poor health is caused by illiterate cooking. When prepared professionally, the green leaves become a real healthy elixir. Preparing the drink is simple and does not require skills.

  • For brewing, choose the right teapot: ceramic or glass container.
  • To get a tasty and healthy drink, use spring water.
  • Fill the teapot with prepared tea and pour boiling water over it. After a couple of seconds, drain the water.
  • Then fill it with water again;
  • Let the drink brew for about 10-15 minutes.

The used leaves are brewed more than once.

Experts say that to maintain tone, you can drink 1-2 cups of the healing drink per day.

What to do if the hangover is very severe?

If while drinking you have significantly exceeded your individual norm and the hangover is moderate to severe, then there is only one way to get rid of a hangover quickly - call a narcologist to your home. An experienced specialist, after examination and express diagnostics, will correctly assess the patient’s condition and prescribe adequate treatment. The fastest and most effective way to relieve a hangover is a dropper based on a saline solution with a composition that restores the water-salt and acid-base balance.

Additionally, the following devices can be connected to the dropper:

  • Diuretics to force diuresis and rapid elimination of acetaldehyde.
  • B vitamins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
  • According to indications, sedatives, antihypertensive drugs, hepato- and cardioprotectors are prescribed.

We provide 3 types of drips for alcohol poisoning: standard, intensive and triple. The latter provides protection for the heart, liver, nerve cells and kidneys from the toxic effects of alcohol.

Only a doctor can decide what to do in case of a severe hangover with life-threatening symptoms. Typically, in such cases, treatment for a hangover is indicated only in a hospital, in order to ensure the provision of resuscitation measures as quickly and fully as possible.

What not to do if you have a hangover?

Let's rephrase the question: what should never be used to treat a hangover? Because all the actions of a person suffering from a hangover are aimed at alleviating the symptoms. At the same time, the set of methods and means can be very diverse. But if some of them really help, while others play the role of a placebo, then others can only do harm. It is precisely these methods that I want to warn against:

  • As already mentioned, you should not relieve a hangover with coffee or strong tea. The caffeine contained in them increases the myocardial need for oxygen, and the heart already needs it. And besides, caffeine can increase blood pressure, and this is already dangerous and can result in a stroke.
  • You shouldn't fight a hangover in a bathhouse. It seems that all toxic metabolites will be released with sweat. But this is far from true. Excessive sweating will cause even more severe dehydration of the body, which, together with high temperature and high humidity, can be extremely dangerous for the heart and result in a heart attack.
  • And I won’t tire of repeating – you can’t get hungover. This is the greatest harm, leading to increased intoxication, alcoholization of the body, and even binge drinking. The latter is especially relevant for the first stage of alcoholism and symbolizes its transition to the second stage.

By the way, call an ambulance immediately if, during a hangover, you suddenly feel something unusual in the form of:

  • too pronounced tachycardia, when the heart almost jumps out of the chest;
  • interruptions in cardiac activity (arrhythmias);
  • sharp throbbing headache;
  • pressing pain behind the sternum radiating to the left arm, etc.

These may be symptoms of a stroke or heart attack.

What advice can you give to those suffering from a hangover?

The most important prevention of a hangover is not to abuse alcohol, and also to learn to say no to drinking company if you feel that your limit has already been exhausted. Of course, this is difficult to do - you need to have the will and character to resist temptation. But, if you do have too much, be prepared for a hangover and all its negative manifestations.

Read our articles on how to force your husband to stop drinking and start treatment for an alcohol-dependent person.

If you are feeling particularly hard the next morning, call ours - we will arrive as quickly as possible, promptly select an IV, and within an hour or two you will feel relatively normal and will even be able to go to work. Well, if the hangover is particularly severe, we will be able to completely restore your health upon admission to our clinic. The main thing is not to delay - because the sooner therapy begins, the faster and without complications there will be a way out of a hangover.

How to avoid nausea

To avoid such unpleasant symptoms when drinking your favorite drink, it is worth analyzing the state of your body.

  • If you are concerned about chronic diseases of the internal organs, it is better to avoid it for a while or consult a doctor.
  • In general, you should not overuse green tea - three cups a day is enough.
  • Do not treat them with post-alcohol syndrome and do not take medications with them.
  • Do not drink on an empty stomach and especially avoid yesterday’s brew, as purine derivatives accumulate there (in the form of a large amount of uric acid).

By adhering to these simple rules, you can ensure that your favorite green tea will only bring benefits to our health.

And if nausea from tea still does not go away for a long time, mix two types in equal proportions - green and black. Then you will have energy for the whole day!

I advise you to read the article Why black tea makes you sick.

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