Troxevasin: will help cure vascular disorders

Hemorrhoids are a delicate problem for which not everyone is ready to go to the doctor. Against the background of varicose veins of the rectum, itching, burning, and discomfort appear in the anus. Poor circulation in this area leads to the formation of hemorrhoids. At an early stage of the disease, conservative treatment with drugs is successfully used. Ointments for hemorrhoids can be prescribed as local therapy.

Of the currently existing preparations, ointments and gels are considered by proctologists to be the most effective for eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of stage I and II hemorrhoids. Ointments available in pharmacies can be divided into three groups according to the principle of action:

  • healing, painkillers - help tissues regenerate, fight the symptoms of hemorrhoids;
  • antibacterial - disinfect, prevent the development of infection;
  • anticoagulants and venoprotectors - prevent the formation of blood clots in the nodes, have venotonic properties, protect capillaries and improve blood supply.

What is Troxevasin

A medicine based on the angioprotective active substance troxerutin. Regulates the tone of capillary vessels and veins. It is used to eliminate pain, swelling and trophic disorders caused by their dysfunction.

Troxevasin is produced:

  • in the form of an ointment for topical use: a viscous yellowish gel-like mass containing 2% troxerutin, packaged in 40 g tubes;
  • in the form of capsules for oral administration: in a dosage of 300 mg of the active substance, gelatin, in blisters.

The product has a pronounced venoprotective effect. It helps reduce the permeability of vascular walls, improves blood outflow, prevents its stagnation in the lower extremities, prevents thrombus formation and the development of inflammatory processes. Troxevasin alleviates the underlying symptoms of varicose veins and slows down its progress.

Troxevasin ointment for hemorrhoids

The drug in gel form is intended for external use. The concentration of the active substance here is less than 2%. It is much lower than in capsules. In appearance, this gel is a yellowish mass that has a specific aroma. The drug is produced in aluminum tubes of 20, 40 and 100 grams.

When receiving, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. Before using the drug, it is necessary to have a bowel movement naturally.
  2. The anal area should be washed with warm water and gently blotted with a napkin.
  3. The gel must be applied to the inflamed site and the skin surface around it.

After application, rub the gel in with light and gentle movements. It must be remembered that the gel should not get into the rectal canal. During the treatment process, it is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a day.

What is Troxevasin used for?

Medicinal ointment and capsules are prescribed:

  • for chronic venous insufficiency;
  • lack of nutrition of soft tissues caused by varicose veins;
  • with postphlebitic syndrome;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • for symptoms of hemorrhoids;
  • with retinopathy against the background of hypertension and diabetes.

The drug is used to prevent complications after surgical treatment of varicose veins, to prevent further vascular damage in the initial stages of pathology. Troxevasin is also indicated to improve well-being after mechanical injuries: bruises or sprains.

The active substance from the capsules is absorbed in the intestines. Its maximum concentration in the blood is observed 1.5–2 hours after administration. Metabolized by the liver and completely leaves the body within 0.5–1 day. Troxerutin from the ointment penetrates all layers of the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue within 3–5 hours.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with Troxevasin capsules

Capsules are used to take the medicine orally. One gram of the drug contains 300 mg of troxerutin, the active ingredient. The capsules contain a yellowish powder. Cardboard boxes are available that may contain 50 or 100 capsules.

The daily dose of the drug includes 800 mg. To do this, take one or two tablets throughout the day. In situations where an exacerbation occurs, it is allowed to increase the intake to 3 tablets during the day. The capsules are taken with meals. The course of treatment usually lasts for 1-1.5 months.

When is Troxevasin contraindicated?

It is prohibited to take the drug orally:

  • with exacerbations of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • some forms of gastritis;
  • severe renal failure;
  • increased sensitivity to the active or excipients of the drug.

The use of ointment should be avoided:

  • if an allergic reaction to the drug develops: increased swelling, rash, severe burning or itching;
  • with severe irritation, furunculosis, open skin lesions at the site of application of the product.


Troxevasin capsules and gel have contraindications:

  • Oral administration is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to rutin, exacerbation of chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, and during pregnancy (first trimester).
  • The local remedy should not be used if you are hypersensitive or allergic to the components of the gel.

Troxevasin capsules and ointment are prescribed with caution for hemorrhoids:

  • Children under 15 years old.
  • For liver diseases.
  • In case of renal failure.

If there is increased permeability of the vein walls, it is recommended to take Troxevasin against hemorrhoids along with vitamin C.

How to use Troxevasin capsules

The medicine should be swallowed with water, without chewing or crushing. Meal times don't matter. At the beginning of therapy, take 1 capsule. three times a day. Diabetic retinopathy and other severe conditions require up to 1800 mg (6 capsules) per day.

The course is continued for up to 15 days. After assessing the effectiveness of the dose, the dose is adjusted. It may increase or decrease. If the symptoms of the pathology subside, at the discretion of the doctor, therapy can be completed without a maintenance period. Otherwise, Troxevasin is taken for another 3-4 weeks.

What are hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a very common disease, which is varicose veins of the rectum in the anus. Patients with this diagnosis make up approximately a quarter of all proctological patients, with men suffering three to four times more often than women. The exact cause of the disease has not been established. It is assumed that hemorrhoids develop due to a congenital deficiency of connective tissue.

There are acute and chronic forms of the disease. Nodes can be internal or external. About half of all patients suffer from the combined form

Hemorrhoids develop gradually:

  • Discomfort in the rectum (foreign body sensation).
  • Pain and bleeding during bowel movements.
  • Prolapse of hemorrhoids.
  • Infringement of nodes.

Treatment of the disease is complex:

  • diet (the goal is to prevent constipation);
  • drugs for oral administration;
  • external preparations - ointments for hemorrhoids;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • surgical intervention, including minimally invasive methods.

Troxevasin is also prescribed for hemorrhoids, although not often. The choice of medication form and treatment regimen depends on the type of disease and the prevailing symptoms.

How to use Troxevasin ointment

The drug is used externally: on clean skin over the lesion. A small amount of ointment is distributed over the body area in a thin layer, lightly rubbing it in until completely absorbed. After application, you can leave the skin open or apply fixing bandages, bandages, and put on compression stockings and bandages if necessary.

The procedure for applying the medicine is repeated twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. If this is not enough, do it more often. There is no need to specifically rinse off any remaining drug before applying again. The duration of treatment with ointment is up to 7 days. If there is no result or the physical condition worsens, the medicine is discontinued and another method of therapy is chosen.

During pregnancy

Hemorrhoids often develop during pregnancy. During pregnancy, most medications are contraindicated or limited, including Troxevasin.

It should not be taken in the first trimester and during lactation; in the second and third - if the effect of therapy exceeds the likelihood of complications in the expectant mother and fetus.

Troxevasin can be taken for hemorrhoids during pregnancy only in cases of severe congestion:

  • inflammation of the nodes;
  • pain, itching.
  • difficulty with bowel movements.


Igor: Troxevasin can hardly be called an effective treatment for hemorrhoids, but in the initial stages it helps relieve unpleasant symptoms: itching, discomfort, swelling.

Alice: I treated hemorrhoids with Troxevasin during pregnancy. Indeed, the condition improved the very next day: the external nodes decreased, the pain subsided, and besides, it feels pleasantly cold when applied and thus brings relief.

Daria: I consider the use of Troxevasin for hemorrhoids as part of a complex treatment for non-advanced forms. It has a jelly-like consistency, is odorless, pleasant to use, and thanks to its cooling effect it quickly relieves discomfort.

What diseases does Troxevasin help with?

The drug is used in complex therapy:

  • prevaricose syndrome and varicose veins, which are accompanied by a mesh pattern on the limbs, a feeling of heaviness and cramps in the legs during sleep
  • thrombophlebitis
  • trophic ulcers and hemorrhoids
  • chronic venous insufficiency
  • injuries, dislocations and hematomas - to eliminate pain and swelling
  • prevention of complications that arise after vein surgery.

The medication is also prescribed together with ascorbic acid to reduce capillary permeability in measles, scarlet fever and influenza and reduce inflammation. The drug enhances the effect of vitamin C.

Troxevasin for rosacea is used externally and improves the transport of blood cells and fluid into tissues, reduces redness and spider veins, restores the elasticity of capillaries and the aesthetics of the face.

Troxevasin gel is rubbed with light movements into a clean, dried skin surface - in the morning and evening. The effect occurs after 10 procedures. The course is two months.

Troxevasin for hemorrhoids is prescribed in two forms: orally in combination with local application, which relieves itching, symptoms of inflammation, pain and prevents bleeding. An adult is prescribed one capsule, which is drunk in the morning and evening with meals.

Troxevasin capsules are swallowed and washed down with water. The effect of the medicine begins two hours after administration and lasts 8 hours. The course of therapy is two weeks.

The medication is rubbed onto the affected hemorrhoids according to the standard regimen for three weeks.

Troxevasin gel for varicose veins is used in combination with oral administration to enhance the therapeutic effect.

Adults drink the medicine - one capsule twice a day during meals, and the gel is lubricated on the calves and the area under the knees.

The procedure is repeated in the morning and before bedtime, then the patient should lie down for 10 minutes, placing his feet on a hill. The patient's condition improves on the sixth or seventh day. The duration of therapy is thirty days.

To prevent the development of venous insufficiency, the drug is taken once for three months.

The drug has five pharmacological effects

  1. Venotonic – reduces the stretching of veins, tension in the walls of capillaries, blood vessels and increases the movement of lymph.
  2. Antioxidant - inhibits the oxidation of hyaluronic, ascorbic acids and lipids, which leads to improved blood microcirculation and reduces the risk of blood clots.
  3. Angioprotective - reduces the permeability and fragility of small capillaries, increases the density of vascular walls and increases the transport of nutrients to tissues and organs.
  4. Anti-inflammatory - prevents the removal of fluid and blood cells from the capillaries, resulting in reduced swelling and inflammation.
  5. Antihemorrhagic - helps reduce pain and stop bleeding.

New medicine

In addition to the usual Troxevasin, you can see Troxevasin Neo on pharmacy shelves. The new drug is different in that it contains several active substances: troxerutin, heparin and dexpanthenol. Together they actively fight varicose veins.

Troxevasin Neo is available in gel and capsule form. Prescribed for external and internal hemorrhoids. The course of treatment is from two to three weeks.

Troxevasin Neo, if there is a tendency to form hemorrhoids, is indicated for use as a prophylaxis, which is carried out once every 4 months.

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