Inflammation of the gastric mucosa: causes, symptoms, treatment

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa, popularly known as gastritis, is a fairly common disease in our time. Up to 9/10 of the world's population will experience this disease at least once during their lives. The majority of older people suffer from gastritis in various forms. Also, a chronic disease can, over time, provoke the appearance of other stomach diseases: ulcers, cancer.

Causes of gastritis

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is gastritis

Gastritis is one of the most common stomach diseases. It is an inflammatory process localized in the outer layers of the gastric mucosa. As a result of gastritis, the organ begins to function worse, which leads to deterioration of digestion in the patient and a general deterioration in his health. As in the case of many other diseases, gastritis is distinguished between acute and chronic forms.

The main cause of this disease is considered to be the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Almost 85% of all registered cases of the disease occurred as a result of infection of the patient’s body with this type of bacteria.

A more rare cause of gastritis is its autoimmune form. As a result of disruption of the normal functions of the patient's immune system, his body produces substances that cause damage to the stomach. Autoimmune gastritis is often accompanied by low levels of hemoglobin in the blood.

Hereditary factors play a major role in the development of this form of disease. Exposure to various toxic substances on the gastric mucosa for a long time can trigger the development of the chemical form of the disease. It can occur after surgery on the stomach if bile gets into it.

Bile acids, as well as other “aggressive” components, negatively affect the mucous membrane of the organ, gradually damaging it and causing disease. The disease can also occur due to regular consumption of strong alcohol, long-term use of certain medications, or after removal of part of the stomach.

Gastritis is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases. This disease occurs in various forms, depending on the reasons that provoke its development. The main cause of the disease is considered to be infection of a person by a certain type of bacteria.

How to deal with ascites?

At the first stage, they try to reduce ascites by reducing fluid intake, eating salt, and taking diuretics. The results of such therapy are more than modest, since the tumor nodes continue to produce pathological fluid. The second number in all national recommendations for the treatment of ascites is the removal of fluid through a small puncture of the anterior abdominal wall - laparocentesis.

To date, it has not been possible to offer a more effective way to combat ascites than laparocentesis, although the provision of the manipulation itself has improved significantly. Technically, without much difficulty, you can remove all the accumulated liquid, no matter how much there is. In one dose, the body can tolerate the elimination of about 5-6 liters of fluid.

The loss of greater volume will change the pressure in the abdominal and thoracic cavities, which will not go away without a trace, because in a few minutes the organs will radically change their position, and the blood flow into the vessels will increase. The patient will experience the sensation of falling into an “air hole” from which it is impossible to get out without resuscitation measures.

Classical medicine suggests removing large ascites in several stages, for example, over several days, each time performing a new puncture of the abdominal wall. Today it is possible to gently gradually remove a large amount of fluid - through the installation of a special peritoneal port system, which is physiological - the fluid is eliminated at a slow pace, as it accumulated, and the displaced organs gradually return to the place determined by nature.

Leave a request for ascites removal

Symptoms of gastritis development

Inflammation of the external tissues of the stomach manifests itself in various signs, which in some cases are not very pronounced. The main symptom can be considered pain in the solar plexus area, which is aggravated by eating certain foods, taking certain liquids or medications that are aggressive to the mucous membrane of the organ.

Sometimes the pain may, on the contrary, appear between meals, and become dull after eating it. Spicy foods, alcohol, and carbonated drinks lead to an exacerbation of the disease and therefore their use during gastritis is contraindicated. In addition to the sensation of pain, the patient is plagued by symptoms such as belching, vomiting and heartburn.

Why does ascites appear?

The spread of tumor screenings throughout the peritoneum can lead to the production of large amounts of fluid. There is no pattern between the size or number of tumor nodes and the rate of accumulation, as well as the amount of fluid produced. The source of exudate formation is the blood capillary network of the peritoneal layers; absorption is carried out by lymphatic vessels.

There are two main mechanisms of ascites:

  1. Metastases in the peritoneum increase the permeability of the blood vessels and cause obstruction of the lymphatic vessels, which are normally capable of removing fluid 20 times more than produced.
  2. Impaired lymph outflow due to tumor damage to the lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity, when the altered lymph nodes cannot “pump” lymph through the vessels.

Making an appointment with an oncologist

Treatment of gastritis

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa will not make you forget about yourself

If any signs of illness occur, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Since gastritis does not have specific symptoms, an accurate diagnosis and rational treatment of the disease can only be carried out by a doctor specializing in this. To clarify the diagnosis, as well as determine the form of the disease, the following examinations can be carried out:

  1. ultrasonography
  2. gastroscopy
  3. biopsy of the gastric mucosa
  4. gastric secretion analysis

Special blood tests are also prescribed to detect anemia or the presence of bacteria that cause gastritis. X-rays of various parts of the abdominal cavity and other tests may be prescribed.

Therapy for chronic gastritis is based on the following four parts:

  • special diet
  • medications that restore stomach acidity
  • drugs that affect the regeneration of damaged organ tissues
  • medicines aimed at combating bacteria (if antibodies to Helicobacter pylori are detected)

In turn, the patient also takes an important role in treating the disease. He needs to carefully follow the specialist’s instructions: adhere to a diet and take medications responsibly. A special diet is prescribed depending on the acidity of the stomach. The most common form of the disease is characterized by high acidity.

How does ascites manifest in stomach cancer?

Minimal ascites is detected only during instrumental examination - ultrasound or CT scan of the abdominal cavity. Moderate ascites, starting with a fluid volume of more than a liter and a half, will be determined by the doctor during a routine examination. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity will determine the volume of exudate.

The patient notices trouble only with significant amounts, because the symptoms increase gradually. For quite a long time, the body is able to adapt to the increasing volume of fluid in the abdominal cavity. An increase in waist circumference also remains without due attention - it is attributed to flatulence or weight gain.

If there is excess fluid in the abdominal cavity, the dome of the diaphragm rises, which makes deep breathing difficult, the ventilation of the lower parts of the lungs is disrupted and a respiratory tract infection may become more active.

An increase in intraperitoneal pressure aggravates pulmonary heart failure and leads to nausea and vomiting when taking small amounts of food and water. Varicose hemorrhoidal veins and swelling of the lower extremities progress.

Traditional medicine for gastritis

Inflammation of the stomach lining looks different

When treating gastritis, traditional treatment, including medication and a special diet, can be supplemented with some traditional medicine. They can effectively complement therapy, but before using them, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

  • Green apples. The fruit must be peeled, chopped and eaten. After consuming this apple pulp, you cannot eat for several hours, so it is recommended to take it in the morning. The first month you should take apples daily, and in the second month three times a week will be enough, in the third month once will be enough, but you need to monitor the regularity of their intake.
  • Oat decoction. Five liters of sour milk must be brought to a boil, but not subjected to prolonged boiling. Having separated the cottage cheese from the whey, you should boil the oats in it in a ratio of five to one (5 parts liquid, 1 part oats) for 3 hours. After the broth has cooled, it must be strained and the oats should be discarded. Add 300 g of honey and 125 g of alcohol to it and put the resulting drink in the refrigerator. It should be consumed 30 g 15 minutes before meals three times a day.

Remedies for high stomach acidity.

  • Oil. In the morning, before eating, you need to drink two glasses of cool water, this will help wake up your stomach. On an empty stomach, you need to take a tablespoon of any vegetable oil, only unrefined and one that is not bitter, one to three times a day. Treatment should appear within two weeks, and for prevention it can be continued for a couple of months.
  • Honey with milk. Honey mixed in warm milk is a good remedy for severe stomach pain. Honey is added in the amount of two tablespoons per glass of milk.

There are also many other folk remedies that include treatment with various vegetables, fruits and herbs. Different remedies are effective for different forms of the disease.

Traditional medicine for gastritis can only be used after consultation with your doctor. They can effectively complement conventional therapy, but can also worsen it if used incorrectly.

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa - gastritis - is a disease that can appear for various reasons. The main symptom of the disease is pain in the solar plexus. The main ones include a special type of bacteria, but there are also other reasons. Depending on the form of the disease, the attending physician prescribes a certain set of medications, supplemented with a special diet.

Protein deficiency problem

Ascitic fluid contains a large amount of protein - more than 30 grams per liter, which is more or less absorbed from the abdominal cavity, although it is not able to eliminate the deficiency, but still some grams participate in the life of the body. During laparocentesis, protein is lost irretrievably - 30 grams with every liter. It turns out to be a vicious circle when, due to a significant deterioration of the condition, it is impossible not to remove the fluid, but removal also provides little relief, since instead of signs of compression and displacement of organs, there are symptoms of worsening protein deficiency.

Part of the protein lost with ascitic fluid can be replaced by albumin administered intravenously. The cost of albumin is quite high, but this is an inevitable inevitability. Cheaper non-protein drugs make it possible to compensate for the volume of fluid lost by the vascular bed, but do not affect the deficiency of blood proteins. The sufficiency of intravenous albumin infusion is monitored by blood tests for protein content.

Chemotherapy for ascites

The successes of chemotherapy for stomach cancer are modest, but they exist. Ten years ago, the introduction of cytostatics into the abdominal cavity after removing excess fluid was considered inappropriate. And it’s not because of the lack of striking positive results – toxic reactions to drugs worsened the patient’s already poor health.

The main reason for dissatisfaction with intraperitoneal chemotherapy was not so much the shortcomings of the drugs themselves, but the impossibility of creating conditions for their optimal contact with the tumor: the concentration of the drug was reduced by the constantly present exudate, and the frequency of administration of the cytostatic was limited by the need to re-perform laparocentesis each time.

Today, intraperitoneal - intraperitoneal chemotherapy using laparoports is considered one of the promising areas of modern therapy.

During a minor operation, the implantation port system is installed in the anterior abdominal wall at the level of the VIII-IX intercostal space and is fixed to the costal arch, which subsequently makes it possible to create a higher concentration of chemotherapy drugs in the abdominal cavity.

In clinical studies, it was possible to create 20 times higher concentrations of platinum drugs and 1000 times higher concentrations of taxanes in the abdominal cavity with a longer exposure. Naturally, part of the drug is absorbed, which is associated with toxic reactions, but high-quality symptomatic therapy and qualified treatment support are a “matter of technology” for our doctors.

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