Coffee strengthens or weakens the intestines in adults and children

About a third of people who drink coffee note that it acts on the body as a mild laxative. Initially, such properties were attributed to caffeine, but American scientists decided to look into the issue in more detail, since caffeine is found in cola, chocolate, and, ultimately, even tea, but why other products do not have such an effect. It turned out that the effect is caused by completely different components, and does not manifest itself in everyone, and to varying degrees.

What is the relationship between coffee and constipation?

Can coffee cause constipation? – lovers of this drink who suffer from digestive problems are often interested. Experts do not rule out this possibility; moreover, under certain conditions, the connection between coffee and constipation will be quite close.

To understand the mechanism of action of coffee on the body and understand how it can be consumed as safely as possible, you should carefully study the information below.

Could there be constipation?

Sometimes people experience constipation from drinking coffee. Such changes are due to the diuretic properties of the drink. At the same time, fluid is removed from the body and the stool in the colon begins to harden. Therefore, coffee lovers are advised to drink sufficiently large amounts of liquid throughout the day.

Stool consolidation is most often observed in those who abuse coffee drinks and exceed the permissible dosage.

In this case, the intestines are greatly depleted and are unable to digest food. This leads to constipation.

Physiological effect on the body

It will be much easier to answer the question of whether it is possible to drink coffee for constipation if we understand how this drink acts on the body.

Natural coffee is characterized by:

  1. Toning effect. Caffeine acts as a stimulant, promoting more active functioning of most body systems.
  2. Stimulation of peristalsis. Under the influence of caffeine and other substances contained in coffee, intestinal motility is activated, which ensures more active movement of contents (including towards the rectum).
  3. Stimulating the functioning of the glands. When drinking high-quality natural coffee, the body actively produces gastric juice, improving the digestion process. At the same time, the secretion of bile is stimulated and the bile ducts relax - thanks to this, the emulsification of fats during digestion is also more effective.

If we talk about natural coffee, it rarely causes constipation.

Thus, drinking small doses of coffee has an overall positive effect on the body and the digestive system. Now it’s worth analyzing whether coffee causes constipation, and if not, where did this statement come from?

Use for constipation

The laxative effect of coffee is associated with the individual characteristics of its body. Often natural coffee beans have strengthening properties, which are determined by its biochemical composition.

Among the main constituent substances are caffeine, tannin, tannins. They slow down the rate of intestinal peristalsis, which has a binding effect. This is why people who drink more than 5-6 cups of natural drink per day suffer from prolonged constipation.

Coffee weakens an adult or a child - it depends on how much of the product was drunk. For an adult suffering from frequent diseases of the digestive organs, the maximum permissible norm is no more than 2 cups of aromatic drink throughout the day.

In order for coffee to work, which strengthens or weakens, you need to follow the necessary rules for drinking coffee for an adult:

  • Drinking is of great importance for the intestines - throughout the day it is recommended to drink still water, fresh juices, natural juices, herbal decoctions, compotes;
  • Only natural, high-quality grains have a positive property;
  • to reduce the negative effect, it is recommended to add cream or drink a drink with milk;
  • Proper nutrition, which includes foods that normalize stool and have a laxative effect, has a huge impact on the digestive system.

After eating and before drinking coffee, you should wait a certain time. Due to this, hydrochloric acid is slowly produced, which has an aggressive effect on the gastric mucosa. Normally, it should be produced only during the digestion of food. The intestinal walls “do not have time” to digest the incoming food, as a result, its remains lead to disturbances in the normal digestion process, flatulence, and stool disorder, which can be expressed in the form of both constipation and diarrhea.

The waiting period will speed up the breakdown of food and normalize the process of natural excretion of feces. It is especially important to follow these rules for people who have upset stools and have problems with the digestive tract.

Effect on digestion

As part of the enormous demand, special importance is attached to research on the quality of coffee beans and its effect on the human body from the point of view of a specialty drink. The chemical composition depends on the type of coffee bean and its ripening period. The most common varieties include:

  • Arabica (it has been proven that this variety produces a higher quality drink and has a soft, slightly sour taste);
  • robusta (contains approximately twice as many alkaloids, has a strong, slightly astringent taste).

The main functional properties are due to the content of chlorogenic acids, which have antioxidant activity. Their concentration directly depends on the time of heat treatment to which the grains were subjected before the actual preparation of the drink. The degree of roasting is taken into account (preferably light or medium). And also the time of exposure of ground grains in hot water at a constant temperature.

Coffeestol and kahweol are present in the chemical composition of the drink. These substances fight carcinogens and have hepatoprotective properties. A special role today is given to the study of soluble dietary fibers (galactomannan and type II arabinogalactan) contained in coffee beans. They are not digested during digestion, but once they enter the large intestine, they act as a substrate for the proliferation of beneficial intestinal microflora. This affects metabolic processes, reduces cholesterol levels, and has a beneficial effect on glucose and insulin response. The microbiota that inhabits the intestines of a person who drinks good natural coffee ferments ingested polysaccharides, improves pH levels, stimulates the growth of beneficial lactic acid bacteria and prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

With all the described beneficial properties, the question remains open: is it possible to drink coffee for constipation?

Coffee as a laxative

Due to the content of chlorogenic acid in the drink, the drink, when it enters the stomach, enhances the production of gastric juice and activates digestive processes. Under the influence of acid, the hormones gastrin and cholecystokinin are produced, stimulating intestinal motility.

Sometimes, in people who have the habit of drinking a cup of coffee every day after waking up, the body independently builds its biorhythms so that even after stopping drinking the drink at the set time, the urge to defecate may occur for several days in the morning.

Decaffeinated coffee is most suitable for use as a laxative drink. The fact is that caffeine partially dehydrates the body. Without caffeine, food that passes from the stomach to the intestines retains moisture, and the laxative effect becomes more pronounced.

Coffee as a fixative

Despite all the beneficial properties, some people make a connection between coffee and constipation. Can coffee cause constipation? Drinking a high-caffeine drink in large doses can dehydrate the body and cause hardening of the stool. Their progress through the intestines will slow down. This is due to its diuretic effect. However, as the results of studying the influence of coffee show, constipation is more likely to be caused by other foods consumed and a sedentary lifestyle.

For lovers of the product who are faced with digestive upset in the form of diarrhea, but are not ready to give up their favorite taste, drinks that are similar in taste to traditional coffee can help:

They are able to reduce the load on the pancreas, reduce pain, combat increased gas formation, and restore the balance of microelements. It should be noted that this is true for minor digestive disorders.

If there is fever, vomiting or other serious health problems, you should consult a doctor.

Why is constipation possible?

Constipation after coffee drinks occurs in cases where the body is dehydrated and there are fecal stones in the large intestine. This is a serious problem, since the mucous membrane, consisting of hairs that absorb water, does not work. Consequently, the body does not receive all the necessary nutrients.

In women over 50, congestion in the gastrointestinal tract is possible. This depends on a decrease in estrogen levels and atony of the colon walls. If you start abusing coffee, trying to improve the functioning of internal organs, you can provoke a large consumption of calcium and an increase in bone fragility.

Constipation occurs more often when drinking instant drinks, since they contain more different chemicals, especially in cheap varieties. It is recommended to completely remove soluble mixtures from the diet.

Coffee made from acorns is invigorating, as it contains starchy and tannin substances, natural antibiotics that heal microcracks in the intestinal walls and eliminate irritation and spasms. For frequent diarrhea, a drink made from acorns is recommended.

Arabica and Robusta have different amounts of caffeine. There is twice as much of it in Robusta. There are people who prefer a very bitter drink, considering it an indicator of quality. You can dehydrate the body with Robusta very quickly, while the gastrointestinal tract will react first, then it will be the turn of the kidneys and nervous system. If you drink Robusta, you need to double the amount of water so as not to upset the balance of electrolytes.

What type of coffee has a fixing effect?

Due to the presence of a high concentration of caffeine in the composition, stool consolidation is possible when drinking a drink based on robusta beans. Also, hardening of stool is observed from sweet espresso, which provokes intestinal spasms and difficulty in emptying.

Acorn coffee also strengthens. This effect is noted due to the presence of the following substances in its composition:

  • starch . Easily digested and has a strengthening effect;
  • tannins . Prevents the development of diarrhea and other disorders in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Quercetin. Helps relieve spasms and eliminate pain.

In addition, acorn drink is rich in carbohydrates and proteins necessary for the body. This is a natural antibiotic that can effectively fight diarrhea and eliminate lesions localized on the intestinal mucosa. However, the use of this remedy in the presence of the following symptoms will not give the desired result:

  • hyperthermia;
  • gagging;
  • dizziness;
  • the presence of blood and mucus in the stool;
  • dyspnea.

In this case, medical attention is needed.

The benefits of coffee as a laxative

Scientists say that this reaction of the body is useful, and moreover, desirable.
This means that all organs of the digestive system respond correctly to the stimulus, and the intensity of their work increases, as it should. And although the effect from one cup in the morning is not so noticeable, when drinking a large amount of coffee it simply must manifest itself, at least by stimulating the urinary system. More than 80% of people note that after a large cup of cappuccino or latte (about 500 ml), after about 10-20 minutes they want to go to the toilet. This is a natural reaction of a healthy body, and you need to be aware of it and take this possibility into account. Most likely, you won't drink a lot of coffee before an important meeting or a long trip, but one small cup is still possible. In any case, all people are different, and you need to focus primarily on your own feelings and reactions.

Nine foods to help relieve constipation


More than half of constipation cases are due to dehydration. Therefore, water turns out to be the most powerful tool in the fight against this problem. Often, processed foods in the intestines are in a too dry state, which reduces the efficiency of this organ, which becomes sluggish and inactive.

All you need to do is drink two liters of regular water per day. Thanks to this, the volume of fluid in the body will be restored, and the digestive system will begin to work effectively. Water is the cheapest and most effective laxative.

To get rid of constipation, you need to know how to drink even plain water correctly. When the problem has already appeared, drink a glass of cooled boiled water every morning, and about six more glasses a day. To make the water better absorbed and more pleasant, you can add a little lemon to it.


Abuse of coffee is not recommended in principle. The fact is that it has negative consequences for the heart, blood vessels, and because of it, blood pressure increases. But if you have problems with stool, this drink becomes an effective laxative.

Coffee has the ability to tone different parts of the human body, in particular the gastrointestinal system. It also promotes the release of bile, which leads to the urge to defecate. It is worth noting that only natural, fresh coffee has a positive effect.


The third place in the fight against constipation is occupied by fresh vegetables, because they contain fiber. Vegetable fibers are not digested, which promotes active wave-like compression of the intestinal walls and better passage of processed products. The most effective vegetables are: cabbage, carrots and beets. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the “Broom” vegetable salad, which will be extremely useful for people with constipation.

First, finely chop the vegetables, add salt and mix. For dressing we use any vegetable oil. A few minutes of cooking and an excellent, natural laxative is ready. Regular consumption of this salad instead of heavy foods will relieve constipation.


The shell of grains that is removed before consumption is bran. A long time ago, people came up with the idea of ​​removing the shell from grains and selling them as a separate, usable product. But it turned out that flour products made from such grains can cause problems with stool. Therefore, people with a similar problem should not eat white bread.

Bran, on the contrary, is quite healthy, as it contains fiber, which promotes better functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Where can I get them, and how to use them correctly for medicinal purposes? You can buy bread with bran.

You can also look for packaged bran, which is sold in diet aisles. They are added to soup, salad, and baked goods. In the morning, for breakfast, it is recommended to drink 250 g of kefir with a tablespoon of bran, or drink the drink instead of dinner.


Like vegetables, fruits contain quite a lot of fiber. Therefore, it is advisable for people suffering from constipation to eat fruits every day. Apples are especially useful in this case. They contain a large amount of tissue that is not digested and a sufficient amount of pectin. Pectin is a useful polysaccharide substance that helps remove waste and toxins from the body.

An apple is a storehouse of vitamins and valuable microelements. It is one of the most valuable remedies for constipation. As they say in England: “An apple a day – no need for a doctor!”

Kefir and yogurt

Even in ancient times, people learned about the laxative effect of kefir and yogurt, the use of which helped to get rid of problems with constipation. Fermented milk products contain a sufficient amount of probiotics, which help saturate the gastrointestinal system with valuable bacteria and normalize the microenvironment. Normally functioning microflora helps the intestines remove processed foods in a timely manner. The important fact remains that you need to use only natural kefir and yogurt, preferably home-made.


This group includes: pumpkin, melon, watermelon. Both children and adults love these cultures. They are sweet and nutritious, but most importantly, melons have strong laxative properties and can help with bowel problems.

Like vegetables, they contain a lot of fiber, like fruits they contain pectin, and like coffee they promote better bile secretion. It is recommended not to mix melons with other products for the best effect. It is difficult to disagree with the statement that it is better to treat constipation with watermelon than with medications.

Leafy greens

Leafy greens are essential for proper bowel function. This product is almost one hundred percent fiber. In addition, greens contain many vitamins and minerals, which improve the functionality of the stomach and perfectly prevent constipation. Residents of the Caucasus know the benefits of leafy greens, which is why they are present in many of their dishes.

They use dill, cilantro, lettuce, celery, and many other greens. That is why it is not in vain that they talk about “Caucasian” longevity. Try adding different types of leafy greens to your food, do it regularly, preferably a handful every day. Soon you will notice that problems with stool have disappeared.


Few people use rhubarb in cooking. And many have never even tried the plant. You need to know that the rhubarb stem contains quite a lot of useful substances - many minerals and acids that help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It has a laxative effect. You can prepare a rhubarb salad, or cook compote. Try it, because if you have problems with bowel movements, you will almost immediately feel relief.

General recommendations

If you are concerned about chronic constipation, first of all pay attention to your diet. The food consumed should be rich in fiber and vitamins. It is recommended to eat different cereals daily.

Buckwheat and oatmeal porridge are especially useful. It is better to exclude rice porridge and semolina from the diet or limit its consumption. This is especially true for children and the elderly.

As you can see, this kind of delicate problem can be solved without a doctor or taking medications, but by adding natural products to the diet that help with constipation. Use our tips to maintain and restore your health!

Water and fiber will help prevent constipation!

The first recommendation is very simple: you need to drink water ! At least 1.5 liters per day. It has been proven that not drinking enough water and becoming dehydrated can directly cause constipation. Preference should be given to water (especially rich in magnesium). The second important recommendation: to avoid constipation, you need to eat foods rich in fiber ! Don't know what fiber is? And how can you benefit from it? Fiber is dietary fiber that is not digested in the gastrointestinal tract. They allow you to increase the volume of intestinal contents, thereby normalizing its function and emptying. It is recommended to gradually increase the fiber content of your diet to 25-30 grams of fiber per day. What foods contain fiber? The classic diet contains three main sources of fiber: primarily vegetables, bread (whole grain) and fruit (1).

What determines the effect of coffee on intestinal health?

For each person, the effect of coffee manifests itself individually. But the main symptom can be considered the desire to visit the toilet, because according to research, this desire occurs in the majority of the inhabitants of our planet. In addition, the following may play a significant role:

  • individual intolerance to the components that make up coffee;
  • improper preparation of the drink;
  • adding products such as milk and sugar;
  • adding all kinds of flavorings and flavorings;
  • drink temperature;
  • low-quality raw materials used to create coffee;
  • stressful situations, weakened immunity of the body.

Once you drink it, coffee begins to have an effect on your body within half an hour after consumption. The nature of symptoms and their severity can vary greatly from person to person, so it's important to pay attention to how coffee affects you and your gut. If symptoms appear suddenly and unexpectedly, then this is a good reason to consult a specialist, as this may be a sign of the development of certain diseases. In this article I talked about 10 reasons to stop drinking coffee.

Foods for constipation...

Among the foods that contain the most fiber are crackers made from whole grain bread and, for example, peas . Boiled fruits and vegetables in soups or compotes can help people who regularly suffer from constipation. Apples, prunes, dates, almonds, walnuts, figs or, for example, spinach are considered the most useful foods to combat constipation. In some people, increasing dietary fiber may cause unwanted effects (eg, flatulence). It is best to consult a nutritionist (1,2).

Drinking coffee for chronic constipation and other contraindications

Is it possible to drink coffee for chronic constipation? It is possible, but with some reservations:

  • You need to drink a natural sugar-free drink in small doses (up to 2 cups a day);
  • the strength and temperature of the drink should not be high;
  • if the problem does not resolve within 1–2 days, you should resort to more effective therapeutic agents.

But coffee can only help if constipation is caused by poor diet:

  • If you have gastritis or an exacerbation of a peptic ulcer, you should avoid coffee. Its use (and even more so its abuse) can cause serious digestive disorders, the direct consequence of which will be constipation;
  • the same applies to pathologies of the gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • It is worth considering the effect of coffee on other body systems. If you have arterial hypertension and hypertension, as well as nervous disorders, you should refrain from using strong stimulants, which include caffeine. Otherwise, negative consequences will affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Coffee for diarrhea

Coffee is also effective in strengthening the intestines. This effect depends on many reasons - the strength and naturalness of the drink, the volume of the drink consumed. A large volume of drink affects the intestines - strengthens or weakens them, causes problems with bowel movements, severe abdominal cramps, and increased gas formation.

Natural grains have an active laxative effect, so the use of an aromatic drink during diarrhea should be strictly limited - otherwise the diarrhea may only get worse.

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