Vomiting mucus in an adult

Vomiting in cancer is a fairly common symptom; there are enough reasons for its development in a cancer patient. Most often, the pathological condition accompanies chemotherapy and is potentially preventable in three quarters of courses; 25% is due to a psychogenic vomiting reaction from the anticipation of vomiting itself. A vomiting reaction is often initiated by taking medications.

  • Causes of vomiting in different types of cancer
  • Types of vomiting as the disease progresses
  • Vomiting after radiation and chemotherapy
  • Treatment methods for different types of vomiting in cancer, first aid
  • Complication of cancer - bleeding with vomiting
  • What type of cancer can cause bleeding?
  • Clinical signs of blood loss
  • Treatment of hematemesis

Chronic nausea is characteristic of extensive metastatic liver disease. Episodes of severe nausea accompany metastases and brain tumors. Sudden coffee-ground vomiting is a cause for serious concern because it indicates gastrointestinal bleeding.

Causes of vomiting in different types of cancer

The vomiting reaction is always formed “in the head,” specifically in two zones of the medulla oblongata. One of the zones is called the vomiting center; a response is formed there to the transmitted impulses in the form of a command to contract muscles in some organs or relax in others. The second area, the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CHZ), also collects “nauseous” impulses from the underlying sections and sends them to the vomiting center for response.

When impulses to the medulla oblongata come from special sensitive cells of the intestinal mucosa, this mechanism is designated as peripheral. Signals coming from the cerebral cortex or from biologically active or toxic substances circulating in the blood directly to the chemoreceptor zone form the central mechanism of nausea and vomiting. In a cancer patient, both mechanisms are activated separately or together.

The central mechanism is believed to occur in the following clinical situations:

  • increased intracranial pressure due to tumor or metastatic lesions of the brain is complicated by visual and neurological disturbances, as well as a gag reaction when turning the head, and in severe cases even with synchronous opening of the eyes;
  • high concentration of calcium in the blood - hypercalcemia when bone tissue is destroyed by multiple metastases or when the parathyroid glands are involved in a conglomerate of thyroid cancer;
  • tumor intoxication , when toxic waste products of a cancer tumor and decay products of a tumor node are constantly released into the blood and poorly eliminated;
  • psychogenic vomiting reaction due to fluctuations in psycho-emotional state or from fear of imminent nausea and uncontrollable vomiting during chemotherapy.

The peripheral mechanism is involved in the following cases:

  • complications of the use of chemotherapy drugs that are toxic to nerve tissue, causing a significant decrease in intestinal motor activity until contractions stop—intestinal paresis;
  • intestinal obstruction or stenosis - narrowing of the outlet of the stomach by a malignant neoplasm;
  • tumor damage to the liver with a significant decrease in functionality.

The interaction of both signaling pathways to the vomiting center provides radiation and chemotherapy, in which toxic metabolites circulate in the blood and irritate the sensitive cells of the intestinal mucosa. When using high doses of narcotic analgesics, the effect of metabolites is complemented by a decrease in gastrointestinal motility, but gagging is less of a concern than almost constant nausea.

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Causes of vomiting mucus

Nausea rids the stomach of substances unnecessary to the body that harm organs and the gastrointestinal tract. The contents of the fluid determine the disease suffered by the patient.

  1. The first and main cause of vomiting with mucus is poisoning. Alcohol, spoiled, specific foods cause rejection in the digestive system (digestive tract), stimulating the diaphragm to remove the “strange substance” without harm to the body, the patient feels sick.

  2. Gastritis. A bowel movement with mucus may be due to a low level of acidity in the stomach, provoked by a chronic disease. Often, due to overeating, the patient feels bouts of “disgust.” Lightheadedness begins with a sharp, unpleasant heartburn, causing the patient additional discomfort and diarrhea.
  3. Colds, ARVI, infectious diseases. Vomiting is stimulated by a strong cough, which forces you to bend over, tears appear in your eyes, and it is difficult to speak. The symptom may occur due to dry airways. It also happens the other way around. Multiple accumulations of mucus (phlegm) coming from the throat/bronchial tubes, nose/nasopharynx excite the receptors, causing lightheadedness. High fever also causes nausea.
  4. Stomach ulcer and cholecystitis. The reason arises from rejection, the impossibility of optimal functioning of the organs that break down food and process it. There is nowhere to put the food except to throw it out.
  5. Burns of the gastric mucosa (consequence of chemical burns, violation of the integrity of the organ).
  6. Psychogenic problem (nervous). Reminiscent of the initial stages of bulimia or anorexia according to the principle of influence. The patient (most often the carriers of the disease are representatives of the fair sex) puts extra pounds on her head. The brain unconsciously (without thinking about common sense) gives a signal to the diaphragm and digestive organs, stimulating the gag reflex, freeing the housewife from sad thoughts about an ideal figure.
  7. Diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). Occur after traumatic brain injury (concussion), in the initial stages of meningitis.

Types of vomiting as the disease progresses

In the medical literature, there is no classification of emetic reactions by type, since the clinical manifestation is always the same: a sharp contraction of the diaphragm and stomach with the release of gastric contents.

The appearance of the vomit itself can suggest the root cause of the pathological symptom, but not in all situations, including because as cancer progresses, the appetite suffers, the patient does not experience hunger, on the contrary, an aversion to food is characteristic, therefore the scarcity of vomit makes it difficult to analyze.

Depending on the time of occurrence of vomiting after eating, the following types are possible:

  • When the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract is blocked, vomiting mainly occurs some time after eating, when the food masses have already undergone partial digestion; brown inclusions can be detected in them - altered blood.
  • During a meal or immediately after eating, the release of stomach contents is caused by an increase in pressure in the brain, psychomotor agitation, and tumor damage to the esophagus.
  • In case of intoxication, metastases in the liver, complications of drug and radiation therapy, the release of vomit is possible at any time.

With some degree of probability, the appearance of the vomit can suggest the leading cause of the complication:

  • almost unchanged food - cancer of the esophagogastric junction or esophagus;
  • partially digested contents smelling sour - swelling of the lower third of the stomach;
  • an admixture of bile is characteristic of damage to the initial parts of the small intestine;
  • brown - “coffee grounds” occurs when bleeding in the stomach;
  • bitter yellow contents are possible when liver function is impaired as a result of tumor damage.

Vomiting after radiation and chemotherapy

Severe nausea and frequent vomiting discredit an effective method of treating malignant neoplasms, so prevention and prevention of extremely unpleasant complications are no less important than selecting the optimal combination of anticancer drugs.

During chemotherapy, an acute vomiting reaction occurs during the first 24 hours, and a delayed vomiting reaction occurs in the following days after the administration of the cytostatic. There are indomitable or breakthrough vomiting and refractory vomiting, that is, not preventable by special antiemetics - antiemetics.

For all chemotherapy drugs, the emetic - emetogenic potential and methods for its prevention and treatment have been determined, and prevention must begin from the first day and be completed 2-3 days after the end of the course.

Every fourth woman after the first course may develop a reflex - psychogenic vomiting reaction; this type of vomiting is not typical for men. To stop a possible reflex reaction on the eve of the course, tranquilizers are used, acupuncture and psychotherapeutic techniques help.

During irradiation, an emetogenic - vomiting reaction does not have typical symptoms; it often depends on the irradiation zone and the patient’s internal mood. The frequency of complications is influenced by being female, youth, nervousness and life experience in the occurrence of vomiting and nausea from other causes.

Treatment methods for different types of vomiting in cancer, first aid

Oncology has achieved considerable success in the treatment of chemotherapy vomiting, despite an incomplete understanding of the mechanism of action of antiemetics. Not only standard prevention and treatment regimens have been developed, but also basic principles for taking antiemetic drugs:

  • early prediction of the intensity of complications and individual selection of a combination of antiemetics;
  • start taking it not when a complication develops, but ahead of time and strictly on an hourly basis;
  • the advantage of intravenous and rectal forms over those taken orally - orally;
  • adding tranquilizers for nervousness;
  • introduction of PPI drugs into the regimen that protect the mucous membrane;
  • adequate levels of microelements in the blood and a sufficient volume of circulating plasma are maintained by intravenous drips.

When vomiting, the likelihood of gastric contents refluxing into the respiratory tract in a conscious patient is minimal. If the patient is unconscious, which is possible in the terminal stage of cancer, especially with metastases to the brain or liver, the head is turned to the side, trying to tilt it lower.

It is impossible to interrupt the urge to vomit; interference with the process will worsen its course and irritate the patient. After vomiting, it is advisable to rinse your mouth and replenish lost fluid throughout the day by drinking cool water with electrolytes - rehydron - and only in small sips.

In all cases of the development of an emetic reaction, it is necessary to prescribe antiemetic drugs; an initially effective combination does not guarantee a constant result; constant monitoring of the condition and regular adjustment of the regimen are important.

Combating nausea and preventing vomiting is a dynamic process with individual characteristics that requires regular and even constant assistance from a specialist. In our Clinic, patients are helped to survive a difficult period without significant losses.

First aid for nausea before doctors arrive

  1. Restrict movement for the next few hours. Bed rest, if necessary, a basin nearby. Try to relax, and not run from the toilet, much less sit in a “place of privacy” on a cold tiled floor, hunched over. Relaxation will bring the diaphragm (the muscle that causes vomiting) to a neutral state, weakening and slowing the rate of gagging.
  2. Ventilate the room. The fresh air did not have time to harm anyone. Problems can occur with strong, unpleasant odors, causing the receptors to continue to terrorize the nervous system, stimulating lightheadedness over and over again, creating a “perpetual motion machine.” Compressed air and stuffy rooms increase the feeling of nausea.
  3. Even breathing. Calm down. Measured, deep breathing will allow the diaphragm to relax, as well as the body, neutralizing the pathogen.
  4. Introduce plain water and ice cubes into your diet in the morning. By quenching thirst before eating, the body's food intake will be reduced due to the stomach being full of life-giving fluid. Mineral water is able to restore the lost balance of minerals, neutralizing the aggressor environment.
  5. Maintain hygiene. After each “emptying”, wipe your face, wash, and rinse your mouth. Wet wipes, sterile cotton pads moistened with water are your friends for the next few hours.
  6. If possible and non-chronic (!) vomiting, independent gastric lavage is recommended.

Complication of cancer - bleeding with vomiting

The first symptom of bleeding in cancer is most often sudden vomiting of characteristic contents. Bleeding is possible with a large or very small tumor located next to a large vessel. In almost 70% of patients with a complicated course of the disease, the size of the malignant lesion corresponds to stages 3 and 4 of cancer.

Initially, gastric bleeding in carcinoma is rarely pronounced; as a rule, the vessel corroded by the cancerous tumor periodically secretly sneaks in for some time, leading to anemia or aggravating existing anemia. With cancerous infiltration, the tissues become “hard” and the likelihood of vascular walls sticking together due to thrombosis is minimal, so seven out of ten asymptomatic bleeding patients eventually develop serious bleeding, and one in nine – up to shock due to rapid and severe blood loss. In every fifth patient, bleeding is combined with wall perforation or cancer growth into adjacent anatomical structures.

Treatment of nausea and vomiting with mucus

The list below will help people understand the cause of vomiting that is not chronic. If you experience persistent nausea, consult your doctor immediately!

  1. Activated carbon. Quickly removes toxic substances from the body that cause discomfort.
  2. Gastric lavage: drinking excessive amounts of liquid, mineral water.
  3. If an attack of lightheadedness occurs on an empty stomach, then eating light broths or a sandwich with vegetables will eliminate nausea.
  4. Polysorb is a normal substitute for old-fashioned activated carbon. Works faster and more efficiently, absorbing toxins and harmful bacteria.

What type of cancer can cause bleeding?

The most common type of gastric carcinoma is infiltration with ulceration or ulcerative-infiltrative type; the size of the lesion and ulcerative defect can be any size, up to total damage to the organ. A cancer ulcer has rough, protruding and uneven boundaries; its walls and bottom form a kind of folded funnel. Saucer-shaped carcinoma is distinguished when the ulcer has very clear and uniform boundaries.

In addition, cancerous infiltration can pass through the gastric wall and penetrate into the pancreas and pull the abdominal omental bursa into the conglomerate. Even with tiny early cancer with a minimal ulcerative defect, organ-preserving surgery - mucosal resection - is excluded, because the true boundaries of the tumor are in the deep layers of the gastric wall.

The ulcerative form of cancer in appearance is almost no different from a banal chronic gastric ulcer, and that is why during each gastroscopy, a biopsy is taken from the edges of the mucosal defect from all absolutely ulcer patients.

It is almost impossible for carcinoma growing outside the stomach to bypass the vessel, because in the thickness of the wall the arterial vessels form four interconnected vascular networks: inside and under the mucous layer, between the muscular and under the serous layers. That is why bleeding is the most common complication of the disease.

Clinical signs of blood loss

Severe blood loss is manifested by a rapid decrease in blood pressure and associated progressive weakness. Exsanguination is manifested by pronounced waxy pallor with blue lips against the background of an increasing heartbeat, which the cancer patient feels like hammer blows inside the chest. The patient becomes covered in sticky cold sweat and may lose consciousness.

The most common sign of gastric bleeding is bloody vomit, commonly referred to as “coffee grounds.” Bloody vomit is typical for damage to the vessels of the respiratory tract; a sign of acute gastrointestinal pathology is dirty-brown food masses with an unpleasant odor, which may also contain dark clots of coagulated blood. Blood entering the lumen of the stomach undergoes fermentation with the release of iron from red blood cells, which changes the natural scarlet color of the blood to dark brown.

As blood passes through the intestinal tube, iron released from dead red blood cells will color the stool and the color of the stool will also change to black, again due to fermentation by intestinal secretions. Often, in a cancer patient, the stool liquefies and comes out in the form of a tarry paste with an extremely unpleasant odor. Increased frequency of stools with changes in consistency and color is called “melena.”

The combination of dark vomiting food masses and black feces are the leading signs of gastric bleeding of any etiology, including carcinoma. Foul-smelling vomit is typical of gastric or colonic outlet obstruction, but its color is not dark brown, although it differs from the food eaten the day before. The clinical situation requires immediate seeking emergency medical help, especially in combination with black stools, even against the background of good health.

Treatment of hematemesis

All patients with hematemesis are referred for urgent gastroscopy, during which they try to detect the source in the form of a gaping vessel and carry out conservative measures to stop the bleeding.

Many methods have been developed for local control of bleeding during endoscopy; often several methods are used in one patient. They resort to hypothermia with an ice solution, hemostatic agents and various methods of coagulation and vascular embolization. It is especially difficult with profuse leakage, when the blood seems to be oozing from the wall and not a single damaged vessel is visible.

The frequency of relapses after endoscopic control of blood loss is also significant, so the possibility of performing surgery on a cancer patient is mandatory. A radical measure is removal of the stomach, but emergency intervention immediately after the bleeding has stopped results in high postoperative mortality, therefore, if possible, the patient is actively prepared for a planned surgical intervention within several days.

Treatment of a bleeding stomach is a very difficult task, requiring only an individual therapeutic approach with the clinic being well equipped with modern operating and diagnostic equipment. To this, our clinic adds vast experience in endoscopic interventions in complex cancer patients.

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Traditional methods of treating nausea with mucus

Nausea is a constant phenomenon, but solvable. Ancestors have long come up with methods to combat unpleasant symptoms “without any chemicals or medications,” using natural ingredients that humans use.

  1. Ginger. Adding ginger to food reduces the risk of attacks by up to 20%, improving the functioning of the intestines and liver yellow, brown suspension.
  2. A tablespoon of soda mixed with water will quickly cleanse the stomach and esophagus, eliminating “problems.” Carefully! Prohibited for pregnant women and patients with suspected cholelithiasis, gastritis, serious intestinal or stomach infections! Before use, it is better to find out the condition of the body from a doctor.

  3. Before eating, drink potato juice in a glass. Fresh potato juice will calm the stomach, activate metabolism, improving digestion and bile secretion.
  4. Make a decoction of dill seeds - it will relax the muscles when vomiting. Used by patients with stomach infections after meals.
  5. Half a glass of lemon balm decoction 4 times a day will quickly remove discomfort, giving a cozy aroma in the room, calming the nervous system, and relaxing the diaphragm. A warm drink will calm the agitated body, engaging the olfactory receptors.
  6. Three-leaf watch stimulates intestinal function in infants, eliminating weakness, nausea, dizziness and lightheadedness.

Nausea and vomiting are symptoms, not a disease. The reasons are varied. The problem happens to a child, an adult, an elderly person, without avoiding anyone. This article showed methods of struggle and causes of lightheadedness, “dancing with the toilet.” By eliminating the causes of vomiting (drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, overeating, using hot, bitter spices, exotic foods), digestive problems themselves are destroyed, because lightheadedness is the first reason to think about your health, which has problems interacting with the environment.

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