Could there be pain in the right hypochondrium and nausea due to the liver?

Often, nausea and pain in the right side serve as signals of various problems in the human body. On this side of the abdominal region there are vital organs: liver, pancreas, gall bladder, right kidney, genitourinary system. The appearance of ailments of this nature indicates health problems, so the patient requires qualified medical care.

The doctor will conduct the necessary research, make a diagnosis and, based on the results, prescribe appropriate therapy. It is dangerous to ignore such ailments, drowning them out with painkillers. Since the disease eventually develops into a chronic stage or ends in death. Let us consider in more detail what diseases accompany these symptoms.

Liver diseases

First, let's look at the signs and treatment of viral hepatitis A. It is characterized by aching and nagging pain in the right hypochondrium, which over time turns into a sharp one. At the initial stage, the virus may not manifest itself in any way. The incubation period in some cases lasts up to a month. The infection affects cells in the liver, contributing to the development of the inflammatory process.

Symptoms of Hepatitis A:

  1. The right side hurts, there is a feeling of heaviness.
  2. Severe intoxication.
  3. Dizziness.
  4. Cloudy urine mixed with foam.
  5. Weakness and lethargy.
  6. Yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes.
  7. Discoloration of stool.

Hepatitis A requires hospital treatment. The length of hospitalization depends on the severity of the disease. Timely medical care and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations leads to the patient’s recovery.

Hepatitis A

Cirrhosis of the liver

Aching pain under the right side with nausea is observed with cirrhosis of the liver. Healthy cells die, and connective tissue cells are formed in their place. For this reason, the liver stops functioning normally. The patient sometimes begins to feel discomfort already at an advanced stage of the disease.

Why does it hurt in my right side and make me feel sick?

Violations of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys lead to various symptoms. Thus, an adult patient experiences discomfort in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, nausea, and sometimes vomiting.

Pathological causes of pain include infections of bacterial and viral origin, stomach ailments (erosion, ulcer, tumor), food allergies, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and neurological disorders.

The reason may lie in a pre-infarction condition, parasitic diseases, cysts in the liver, gastritis, appendicitis, cholelithiasis.

Physiological causes of pain:

  1. Poor nutrition. The side and stomach hurt due to consumption of fatty, fried foods, and alcoholic beverages. Even a healthy person will feel discomfort and stabbing pain if he has eaten a lot of fatty foods.
  2. Backbreaking physical work.
  3. Late pregnancy. In the last trimester, the fetus puts pressure on neighboring organs - the liver, diaphragm, gall bladder, which provokes aching pain in the right side.

The pain syndrome can be constant or appear from time to time. If it grows, another clinic joins, the patient’s well-being rapidly deteriorates, it is recommended to call a medical team.

Ways to restore the liver

Drug treatment includes the prescription of hepatoprotectors - a type of drug that restores liver cells and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organ. In addition, medications may be prescribed to suppress nausea and vomiting. Physiotherapy and dosed physical therapy are used in the treatment of liver diseases.

Traditional methods of treating the liver

Among folk remedies, a decoction of oats is useful, as well as all kinds of herbal infusions.

Norman Walker's method is gaining popularity, in which you need to drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices every day. Preferably at least one liter per day.

Healthy foods for the liver

If you have a diseased liver, you should follow a diet that excludes fatty and fried foods; bread and other baked goods; vegetables and fruits that cause bloating; spicy dishes; sweets; alcoholic drinks.

Eating the following foods is beneficial:

  • Various cereals;
  • Fish;
  • Milk, fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese;
  • Lean meat: rabbit, turkey. Including soups made from them.

If liver function is not restored by the above methods, surgical intervention involving organ transplantation is required.

Gallbladder problems

First, let's look at the symptoms of gallstones. Gallstone disease develops as a result of the formation of stones in the bladder, which are formed from hard pieces of bile. Symptoms of organ dysfunction are sharp pain in the hypochondrium due to the advancement of the stone into the bile duct, as well as nausea and a bitter taste in the mouth.

Cholecystitis – blockage of the bile ducts

The right side of the abdomen also hurts with cholecystitis - blockage of the ducts that remove bile. In this case, inflammation is caused by viruses, parasites or bacteria. The organ contracts frequently and strongly, so a person feels a sharp, short-term pain under the ribs, which in most cases bothers you at night. Causes of blockage of the bile ducts also include injuries, severe stress, and nervous strain.

Cholecystitis can cause:

  • Feeling of nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Bloating;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Chills;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Spasms in the head region.

Fever, unbearable pain radiating to the right rib, shoulder or shoulder blade are characteristic of acute cholecystitis. This condition is very dangerous as it leads to peritonitis. You should immediately consult a doctor.

Diseases of the pancreas and bile

The gallbladder is located in the lower part of the gland on the right.

Bile accumulates in it, it breaks down lipids and amino acids.

The pancreas produces enzymes that promote complete digestion.

Organ diseases often lead to nausea, vomiting and pain in the right side.


It is characterized by hepatic colic, heaviness or pain on the right side, which can radiate to the back or shoulder. Attacks are often observed after consuming food, alcohol, or after physical work. The body temperature may increase, the person constantly feels sick.


The process of inflammation in the gallbladder is most often diagnosed at 40-60 years of age. During an exacerbation, signs are observed - pain in the right abdomen, hyperhidrosis, flatulence, nausea and vomiting of bile. Patients complain of bitterness in the mouth, severe belching, fever, and a slight increase in temperature.

How to treat the gallbladder

Most often, the only treatment method is surgery. The operation is reduced to either removing stones or the gallbladder, depending on the stage of the disease. In mild cases of cholecystitis, you can get by by taking antispasmodics to relieve pain. Antibiotics are also prescribed to combat the microbial environment. It is also useful to do therapeutic exercises aimed at restoring this organ.

Therapeutic diet

The patient must adhere to a strict diet without foods that provoke the release of bile. Useful for gallbladder disease:

  1. Fermented milk products with low fat content;
  2. Vegetables and fruits containing coarse fiber;
  3. Boiled lean fish, meat, poultry;
  4. Compotes and jelly;
  5. Vegetable soups;
  6. Cereals.

Traditional methods of cleansing the gallbladder

Traditional methods are also used in the treatment of the gallbladder. But only after consultation with your doctor. To cleanse the gallbladder, methods based on the use of olive oil, black radish, egg yolks, and lemon juice are used. Rosehip infusion is useful.

Pancreatic dysfunction

Pancreatitis is a disease associated with impaired functioning of the pancreas due to the inflammatory process. When the pain is localized in the front, in the right upper half of the abdomen, accompanied by nausea, this indicates a problem with the head of the organ. The appearance of frequent loose stools with inclusions of undigested food is an additional symptom of pancreatitis.

Spasms during pancreatitis are pulsating in nature and seem to surround the entire abdominal cavity. If you do not consult a doctor for a long time, the disease progresses to the chronic stage. Therefore, self-medication will only do harm.

What will help cope with pancreatitis

Before the ambulance arrives, the patient should place a heating pad with cold water on the right side of the stomach. Treatment is individual. Be sure to follow a strict diet that excludes fatty and fried foods. It is also common practice to take anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

Herbal medicine as a method of treating pancreatitis

Herbal medicine made from the following herbs is useful:

  • Immortelle;
  • Chamomile flowers;
  • Plantain;
  • Peppermint;
  • Dog-rose fruit;
  • Calendula marigolds.

What diseases does pain in the right side of the abdomen indicate?


Abdominal pain is a common symptom, but on its own it is usually not a reliable sign of an underlying cause. In this regard, it is called a nonspecific symptom. It is therefore important to determine the location of the pain and take into account other symptoms present to arrive at a possible diagnosis. This is also supported by the results of diagnostic studies such as abdominal ultrasound

Right abdominal refers to any discomfort, burning sensation, or obvious pain that occurs in the right side of the abdomen .

Organs on the right side of the abdomen

Understanding which organs lie in this area and which symptoms may be associated with specific organs will help in determining the cause of abdominal .

Sometimes pain may originate from a problem in one place, but be felt in another. It is known as referred pain. In other cases, pain that occurs in one place may spread to a wider area beyond which the diseased organ lies. This is radiation pain.

On the right side are the following organs:

  • liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • cecum with appendix (if present), ascending colon and half of the transverse colon;
  • kidney and ureter ;
  • part of the pancreas ;
  • part of the small intestine;
  • part of the stomach .

Organs such as the ovary, fallopian tube, and uterus are technically located in the pelvic cavity. In addition, the surface of the abdominal wall (muscles and fascia), major blood vessels (aorta and inferior vena cava ), nerves , lymph nodes, fatty tissue, deep muscles and tissues are also part of the abdominal cavity.

Causes of pain in the right side of the abdomen

There are many reasons that cause diffuse abdominal , that is, spreading over a large area of ​​the abdomen or even throughout the entire abdomen . This is mainly due to structures extending across many quadrants of the abdomen . This article focuses on pain in the right side of the abdomen , arising from organs located in the right quadrants.

Liver and gallbladder

The liver has many different functions in the body and is one of the most versatile organs. It processes nutrients, toxins and wastes in the body. Waste products, toxins, metabolic byproducts, and excess substances that the body does not need are processed the liver , and some are excreted in the bile produced by this organ.

This bile is filtered from the liver and ends up in the gallbladder . Over time, it is secreted into the small intestine and eventually excreted in the stool. The liver is a large organ lying under the diaphragm. Most of it is in the right upper quadrant, which begins under the right nipple, and part of it extends to the left side of the upper abdomen . The gallbladder lies in a small depression, but closer to the center of the abdomen .

Diseases of the liver, gall bladder and bile duct that can cause pain in the right side of the abdomen:

  • hepatitis (inflammation of the liver ) - usually occurs due to a viral infection;
  • liver cancer ;
  • gallstones and bile duct stones;
  • cholangitis (infection of the bile duct);
  • gallbladder cancer .

Enlarged liver , fatty liver , and cirrhosis are also accompanied by abdominal , but these conditions are often asymptomatic for long periods of time. Associated symptoms: jaundice, nausea , vomiting, pale stools, diarrhea and loss of appetite. The pain is usually in the right upper quadrant.


The pancreas extends from the right side of the abdomen to the left. This gland performs several functions in the body. It produces and secretes important hormones into the bloodstream, such as insulin and glucagon, needed to control blood . This organ also produces and secretes strong digestive enzymes through ducts into the small intestine along with bile from the gallbladder .

What could be causing the pain:

  • pancreatitis;
  • pancreatic cancer ( malignant tumor of the head of the pancreas );
  • pancreatic pseudocyst.

Associated symptoms include diarrhea , nausea , vomiting, bloating , loss of appetite, and greasy bowel movements. The pain usually occurs around the upper middle abdomen and may radiate slightly to the left or right.


Most of the stomach lies in the left upper quadrant. However, the terminal part of the stomach is on the right side. Therefore, conditions associated with this last region of the stomach can cause pain in the right side of the abdomen , especially in the right upper quadrant.

What causes pain:

  • gastritis (inflamed stomach );
  • peptic ulcer (spreads to the duodenum);
  • gastric perforation (rupture of the stomach );
  • obstruction of the stomach at its exit.

Associated symptoms include nausea , vomiting, stomach , changes in appetite, and bloating . The pain usually occurs on the left side of the abdomen , but can spread to the right side, closer to the midline.

Kidneys and ureter

The kidneys filter waste, excess water, metabolic byproducts, and unnecessary substances from the bloodstream to be excreted as urine . This urine passes through the ureter and accumulates in the bladder until it is excreted into the environment. The right kidney lies behind the liver , slightly under the diaphragm. Problems with the kidneys and ureters usually occur with pain in the side and back .

What causes pain:

  • pyelonephritis ( kidney );
  • urethritis (inflammation of the ureter );
  • renal cyst;
  • hemorrhage in the adrenal glands;
  • cancer of the adrenal gland or right kidney ;
  • renal abscess or perirenal abscess;
  • renal artery stenosis (narrowing) or occlusion (blockage).

Associated symptoms: changes in urination (volume and/or frequency), changes in urine , nausea , vomiting, and changes in blood pressure. The pain is directed to the sides and is often reported as mid-back pain on the right side.

Intestines and appendix

The large intestine begins in the cecum, which communicates with the last part of the small intestine, the ileum. The appendix is ​​a protrusion from the cecum. Both the cecum and appendix are located in the lower right quadrant.

What diseases does pain indicate?

  • appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix);
  • colitis (inflammation of the colon);
  • diverticulitis;
  • inflammatory bowel (IBD) - Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis;
  • volvulus of the colon.

Associated symptoms: changes in bowel , especially diarrhea , blood or mucus in the stool, nausea , flatulence, loss of appetite, and bloating . The pain may involve both the upper and lower quadrants of the right side of the abdomen .

Published in Gastroentorology Premium Clinic

Renal dysfunction

Often, pain in the right side and nausea indicate problems with the kidney. Such violations include:

  • Kidney infection.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • The presence of an abscess, pus in the kidney.

In addition to the above symptoms, general weakness, fever, and vomiting will occur.

Renal colic

These are stabbing spasms that involve the area of ​​the kidney or ureter. Even changing body position does not help to drown out the pain. The causes of renal colic are stones and sand, which obstruct the normal outflow of urine and cause painful discomfort.

Treatment of kidney diseases

When the kidneys become infected, the body is cleansed of toxins formed as a result of impaired urine flow. They resort to hemodialysis, use saline solutions, diuretics and antibacterial agents. An important factor in successful treatment is nutrition and diet.

Large stones are removed surgically. Sand and small stones can be removed by taking pills, physiotherapy, and drinking plenty of fluids under the supervision of medical personnel. Sometimes a stone is removed from the ureter using a special loop. Infusions of medicinal herbs and kidney teas are also used, but with the permission of a doctor.

Appendicitis is inflamed

Possible associated symptoms

When the right side hurts under the ribs and there is nausea, there are often other symptoms that also cause a lot of anxiety to the patient.

The complex of symptoms does not develop just like that; in most cases it has pathological causes.

Possible causes and clinic are presented in the table:

Complex of symptomsProbable causes of development
Nausea, accompanied by painful sensations in the stomach, right side and diarrhea, flatulenceThis complex develops against the background of intoxication, poisoning with low-quality products, and viral diseases. Diarrhea indicates a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
Nausea, stomach pain and heartburnThe cause may be impaired functionality of the pancreas, liver, or blockage of the bile ducts.
Nausea, pain in the liver, lethargy and weakness, feverThis complex manifests itself in various diseases, ranging from liver problems to cancer.
Attacks of nausea, pain in the liver area, chillsSymptoms of intestinal infection, liver pathologies, effects of stress, neurological disorders
Increased gas formation, abdominal pain, nausea, severe vomitingIntestinal obstruction, unhealthy diet, etc.
Belching, nausea, pain in the stomachUlcerative/erosive lesions of the stomach, inflammation of the pancreas.

Against the background of renal failure, pain occurs along with yellowness of the skin, dryness and bitterness in the mouth, and yellowing of the whites of the eyes. Similar symptoms appear against the background of blockage of the bile ducts or inflammation.

Features of pain syndrome

Pain syndrome can be of different types. As a rule, with chronic illnesses the pain is nagging, aching, and appears constantly over a long period of time. Dull and intense pain develops with problems with the liver, stomach, kidneys, and gall bladder. It happens with osteochondrosis, tumor neoplasms.

Severe pain in the side and vomiting are detected against the background of gastritis, myocardial infarction, pyelonephritis, and inflammation in the lungs. Severe pain in the right side indicates swelling of the liver (often develops with hepatitis), heart failure, and disruption of the gallbladder.

To understand the reason for the heaviness or pain in the side, you need to look at all the symptoms together, taking into account the results of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

Precursors of appendicitis

When the disease occurs, a person often feels nauseous and also has discomfort in the right side of the lower abdomen. Before the ambulance arrives, you need to put a cold pack on your stomach and take a painkiller so that your right side temporarily stops hurting.

Treatment methods for acute and chronic appendicitis

There are chronic and acute forms of the disease. Treatment of the acute form is reduced to surgical intervention to prevent rupture of the walls of the appendix and to exclude the possibility of developing peritonitis.

If appendectomy is contraindicated for any reason, it should be said that the disease is chronic. To relieve discomfort, the patient needs to follow a therapeutic diet, and in case of exacerbation, take medications prescribed by the doctor.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed important issues related to pain in the right side with general practitioner Tatyana Pomerantseva.

When can pain in the right side be dangerous?

Pain is an indicator that something is wrong in the body. Many organs are not so well supplied with nerve endings, so the pathological process or inflammation will not manifest itself as severe pain (subphrenic abscess, cirrhosis). Diagnosis is definitely important.

When to see a doctor for pain in the right side?

The appearance of pain indicates a pathological process, so it is important to consult a doctor immediately. Initially, you should consult a therapist. After passing the tests, he will refer you to a specialized specialist. If you have any pain in the right side, you should consult a doctor. Even if no serious illness is diagnosed, checking the body is a good preventative measure.

How can I relieve pain in my right side?

Self-administration of medications can be dangerous. For example, for stomach and duodenal ulcers, taking NSAIDs is prohibited, as it can aggravate the course of the disease. Taking painkillers for any other conditions is also not advisable, since the clinical picture becomes erased and it takes time for the drug to leave the body. It is advisable to call an ambulance, take a comfortable position and calm down until the doctor arrives.

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