Temperature with hemorrhoids: can it happen in women and men?

Hemorrhoids are a vascular disease in which dilation of the hemorrhoidal veins of the rectum is observed, causing the formation of characteristic hemorrhoids that cause pain and bleeding in patients.

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids is not difficult: more than 90% of cases are determined during a digital examination of the anus and do not require the use of instrumental research methods.

Causes of hyperthermia

Early diagnosis is important because many of the causes of fever and chills pose serious risks to health and even life. So, an increase in body temperature occurs in the following situations:

  • Exacerbation of the disease
  • Thrombosis and subsequent necrosis
  • Sepsis and paraproctitis (pararectal abscess due to hemorrhoids).

During an exacerbation, a temperature of 37-37.5 °C is possible. The blood vessels of the terminal part of the intestine swell and increase in size, resembling the shape of a lump. A patient with hemorrhoids shudders, feels weak, and feels weak.

If nothing is done during an exacerbation of the pathology, inflammation develops. Bacteria and pathogens can penetrate from feces into the mucous membrane of the lower intestine. This leads to thrombosis and temperature up to 38 °C or more. After this, the process moves into the next stage - necrosis of thrombosed nodes. They are rejected from the mucous membrane and bleeding ulcers form. The temperature remains in the range of 37-39 °C.

Through cracks in the mucosa and ulcers resulting from necrosis, bacteria can enter the blood, which leads to sepsis. The skin in the perineum and genital area becomes deeply red in color, swelling and pain are felt. Temperatures can reach 40°C. This is a serious condition requiring immediate hospitalization and surgery. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

When infection penetrates into the tissue, paraproctitis develops. This proctological disease occurs more often in men than in women. Characteristic symptoms are fever, fever (temperature rises to 40° C), general malaise. After assessing the degree of threat, the issue of hospitalization is decided to prevent pus from entering the free abdominal cavity and the development of acute peritonitis against the background of hemorrhoids.

temperature with hemorrhoids

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids

If hemorrhoids come out, then it is imperative to visit a doctor, seek treatment for hemorrhoids at the hospital and conduct a diagnosis for the presence of diseases.
In fact, the diagnosis of this disease is quite simple, but it is important to take the treatment itself very seriously. If the hospital does not carry out all the necessary tests, then it is likely that the doctor will make an incorrect diagnosis. Insufficient testing of the patient and omission of analysis leads to the fact that significant complications or pathologies that may follow the development of hemorrhoids are not detected. During the diagnosis of hemorrhoids, the doctor examines the patient in a special gynecological chair, which allows you to identify hemorrhoids of the anus and select an effective treatment regimen for hemorrhoids. The doctor must look at what is happening in the patient’s intestines and what the anus looks like, if hemorrhoids appear, and prescribe treatment. When all the initial tests have been passed by the patient, the doctor must quickly examine the stool, analysis, color and condition of the skin, and the presence of a gap in the anus. He must also monitor the presence of scar changes, hemorrhoids, and make a diagnosis.

An analysis of the frequency of prolapse of nodes and diseases is required; the doctor draws conclusions on the diagnosis, whether it is necessary to undergo surgery, removal of hemorrhoids, or use a treatment method. It is possible to fight this disease if you find the right approach during diagnosis, but this requires a highly accurate diagnosis. The medical institution uses only the most modern and innovative equipment, thanks to which effective research is carried out, accurate diagnoses are made quickly, and cures are attempted.

Most often, it is very difficult to diagnose the correct location and size of the nodes if the entire examination is carried out using the finger method, all this due to the fact that during palpation the nodes become much smaller. That is why during the study the patient must constantly interact with doctors and get tested. This is the only way they will diagnose the exact type of hemorrhoids, because an accurate overview of the area where the nodes are located will be given and a treatment method will be chosen.

If a doctor diagnoses a suspicion of hemorrhoids, he will necessarily perform a sigmoidoscopy. In case of illness, this analysis effectively allows you to determine hemorrhoids or exclude various additional diseases, especially those related to the intestines. For hemorrhoids, during diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe a gastroscopy to exclude bleeding from a part of the digestive system and cure it.

As practice shows, with a correct diagnostic review, doctors detect the appearance of anal canal diseases that contribute to hemorrhoids. The large intestine may also be affected. Many of them cause frequent bleeding in the anus.

In some cases, doctors say that patients suffer from rectal cancer. Therefore, if there are any strange sensations in the intestines or the intestinal problem has been diagnosed for a long time, you need to become a frequent visitor to medical clinics. You need to visit a doctor and find a treatment method, effective techniques, and perform an operation. A clinic that will offer innovative treatment methods will help residents of Moscow cure hemorrhoids.

Postoperative period

Sometimes conservative treatment of hemorrhoids is ineffective, especially in the last stages of the disease. In this case, surgery is required to remove the inflamed areas of the veins. The recovery period after surgery can be long and painful. Often a subfebrile temperature is established (37-37.5 ° C). Hyperthermia can also be observed after each act of defecation.

If there is a periodic increase in temperature, especially accompanied by pain, proctologists recommend undergoing a re-examination. Manual examination and endoscopy of the rectum will help identify possible complications in the area of ​​the operation. To perform the examination, anesthesia is sometimes given, since sometimes the pain is very strong and unbearable.

Briefly about the disease

Hemorrhoids are a pathology associated with the expansion of veins in the rectum and anus. This happens under the influence of many reasons. The main provoking factor is the development of congestion in the pelvic organs, an increase in venous pressure due to the overflow of blood vessels. As a result, the veins greatly stretch, swell, and change structure. The network of dilated vessels and capillaries is called hemorrhoids or cones. There is an internal type of disease, when the nodes are located in the area of ​​the walls of the rectum above the dentate line, and external hemorrhoids, when cavernous formations arise in the area of ​​the anus and are visible from the outside.

Therapeutic measures

In case of hyperthermia during hemorrhoids, measures should be taken to reduce the temperature. The list of antipyretic drugs is quite extensive. You can drink and inject the following:

  • Paracetamol
  • Panadol
  • Efferalgan
  • Aspirin
  • Nurofen
  • Ibuprofen
  • Ibufen
  • Analgin
  • Nimesulide

Many of these drugs, in addition to reducing fever, also have an analgesic effect. The second step is to consult a doctor after taking an antipyretic. Doing something on your own or turning to traditional medicine is not recommended.

In case of necrosis, sepsis and paraproctitis, it is necessary to bring down the temperature only in a hospital setting. Doctors prescribe antimicrobial drugs (antibiotics), and local sanitation is performed. If there is a threat to life, it is necessary to perform surgery and excise the affected tissue.

An increase in temperature is a reason to contact a specialist. For any deterioration of the condition, it is important to determine the cause in order to prescribe appropriate medications, which is only possible after examination and a series of tests.

Typology of hemorrhoids

Doctors identify several of the most common types and stages in the treatment of hemorrhoids, which all patients go through. Hemorrhoids are a serious problem that needs to be dealt with so that the situation does not become too advanced, and a professional clinic will help with this. You need to know what it is and about these common stages and types of hemorrhoids. Main classification of hemorrhoids:

  1. Chronic. This is perhaps the most common type. Many professionals and doctors discover the occurrence of chronic hemorrhoids in their patients. Very often, people go to the hospital with discomfort around the anus, slight itching, or even complaints of bleeding. It is important to note that this disease does not appear out of nowhere. It can develop for a couple of months or even a couple of years, and only then make itself felt. During the development of the disease, the patient does not experience absolutely anything, so he does not even think about contacting a specialist to get tested; there are no first signs of hemorrhoids. When the next stage of chronic hemorrhoids arrives, everything begins to hurt, bleeding becomes frequent, there is a predisposition to itching, and everything rapidly worsens.
  2. Spicy. This is a continuation of chronic hemorrhoids, or rather its complication, which can only be accurately identified only by a professional examination in a clinic. Very often at this stage a person begins to suffer from thrombosis, very severe pain and the sensation of some kind of foreign body inside himself. Body temperature also increases, but these are all general first signs and types. Only a specialist can tell you more about everything and offer effective treatment for hemorrhoids. You can cure acute hemorrhoids if you contact the best professionals; the cost of treating hemorrhoids is not too high.
  3. Interior. Hemorrhoids can also be internal. In this case we are talking about varicose veins of the rectum and anus. At first, no problems in the intestines are detected, so there is no thought that hemorrhoids need to be treated. If you do not seek help in time, internal hemorrhoids can cause dangerous complications. So people can develop vein thrombosis - the first sign - due to the fact that the blood stagnated all the time during hemorrhoids. Also, nodules can constantly fall out, but this is only if internal hemorrhoids reach the fourth stage. In addition, due to constant bleeding, the patient may develop anemia, headache, and the anal valve may weaken, causing incontinence. To cure internal hemorrhoids, you need to go to the hospital and apply modern best treatment principles, the price of which is affordable.
  4. Outer. External hemorrhoids are a serious problem that requires special treatment. External hemorrhoids are called and diagnosed as cavity formations, which in turn are completely filled with venous blood. The dilated vessels in the anal area form something very similar to a lump, which develops over three stages. Very often, when the form is advanced, complications also arise: the corpora cavernosa begin to become inflamed, venous thrombosis actively develops, and then surgery is necessary.

What are hemorrhoids

Many examinations show that the main type of disease is a lump. If hemorrhoids come out, then it is accompanied and characterized, firstly, by veins falling out of the anus. If we talk about color, the bumps can be of different colors depending on what stage of the disease the patient is at. If you do not perform surgery, or do not use any modern method of treatment, then the lump will grow more and more over time, and the inflammation will also increase. An advanced form of hemorrhoids can acquire a burgundy or even bluish tint, or give rise to other types, which is why there is no need to hesitate and you should urgently consult a doctor. Most often, in the fight against hemorrhoids, a simple professional operation is performed - this is the best effective solution.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

In general, hemorrhoids are treated by a specialist called a proctologist.
Therefore, if you urgently go to the clinic, you need to look for it. This doctor treats hemorrhoids comprehensively, according to a specially developed individual scheme. It is impossible to say exactly how much treatment for hemorrhoids costs, since each type has its own prices for treatment to remove hemorrhoids. A professional proctologist first identifies the cause of the disease. If the problem is constipation, then he tries to improve the functioning of the stomach using a set of treatment methods. If the reason is a sedentary lifestyle, then the doctor will use physical therapy methods and eradicate this cause and give his testimony. If hemorrhoids started due to stress, then the proctologist will think about how to treat the psyche, whether any of the methods are effective, and will give a list of contraindications. There are different methods of treating hemorrhoids, as they come from the causes, the doctors of the clinic offer modern treatment for any hemorrhoids and innovative methods of treatment. Now they offer to use special equipment, a developed treatment regimen for hemorrhoids, methods for removing hemorrhoids, and drug treatment if surgery is not possible. Each hemorrhoid treatment regimen is developed individually and this is the task of the clinic’s proctologist.

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