Frequent farting - what to do, how to get rid of the problem

Home Ι Flatulence

One of the most unpleasant things that can happen to people in public is that they can't stop farting, or, more formally speaking, passing gas. When this happens, it is not only indecent, it is also an indicator that there is some kind of problem in the body at the moment. Farting once or, in vulgar terms, “farting” is still normal, but when the problem begins to arise too often, it is necessary to figure out in as much detail as possible what to do about it.

Mechanisms underlying the problem

Although people usually call this problem nothing more than “farting” or “farting,” all of this has scientific names. “Blowing the winds” is based on two mechanisms:

  1. Flatulence. When it occurs, excess gases accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract. They may form too often, or, on the contrary, not stand out enough. If such a problem occurs, then a number of corresponding symptoms appear, for example, rumbling, bloating, discomfort and pain if the situation has worsened significantly. There are effective tablets and other medications for flatulence.
  2. Flatulence. This is the release of gases from the gastrointestinal tract. In general, this is a natural phenomenon if it is done in moderation, but if it happens too often, or even almost constantly, then we can say that a real problem has arisen.

What causes frequent farting? The main causes of flatulence

Flatulence does not always have pathological causes and is often just a temporary reaction of the body to foods (especially those rich in carbohydrates), any external influences, or overeating. Even almost completely healthy people may periodically fart frequently for the following reasons:

  • eating foods that cause gas formation are: legumes, cabbage, apples, soda;
  • food products that cause fermentation processes are: beer, kvass, dried fruits, black bread, mushrooms;
  • dairy and protein-rich products: meat, milk, kefir.


Scientifically, farting, that is, the process of releasing digestive gases from the body through the ass, is called flatus.

If the cause of flatulence lies in food, then you should fart during the day. But if you have been farting frequently for a longer period of time, then it is quite possible that the answer lies among the following ailments:

  • intestinal dysbiosis. It can develop against a background of stress and is often accompanied by frequent farting, constipation, or, conversely, diarrhea;
  • a group of gastrointestinal diseases, for example, gastritis, pancreatitis, enteritis, colitis, cirrhosis of the liver;
  • acute intestinal infections. In this case, frequent farts are most likely the last thing you will notice and what will bother you;
  • worms in the rectum or helminthiasis;
  • neurosis;
  • aerophagia – increased swallowing of air.

Of course, this is not a complete list of diseases that cause flatulence. These are just the most common ones.

How are gases formed?

A healthy body constantly contains a certain amount of gas, and quite a lot, something like a liter. Some enters the body from the outside when a person swallows air, which he does, for example, while eating or talking. But this, if considered as a percentage, is only a small part of the total accumulation of gases in the body. The largest volume is formed already inside, in the large intestine during digestive processes. It can be up to 75% of the total volume. For example, bacteria in the large intestine produce methane, fatty acids, when broken down, release carbon dioxide, legumes can release hydrogen, and so on.

Diet-related reasons

To understand how to stop farting frequently or even constantly, you must first understand what causes excessive flatulence. And most often it’s about the food a person eats.

The main reason that a person begins to fart too often is the consumption of foods that provoke increased gas formation. These may include:

  • Dairy products. They contain lactose, which most people cannot digest normally.
  • Carbonated drinks. Kvass, beer, champagne, and also lemonades increase flatulence. It's all about the gases contained there, as well as the yeast. Lots of such drinks - and the situation gets worse.
  • Legumes. Peas and similar products increase the amount of hydrogen produced during digestion, which makes the problem worse.
  • Products with a lot of coarse fiber. Apples, brown bread, potatoes, cabbage, radishes, radishes and similar products, when consumed in excessively large quantities, can lead to increased gas formation.
  • Products in incorrect combination. Sometimes individual foods, even if you eat a lot of them, may not cause any problems for a person, but in combination they can complicate the digestion process, causing the amount of gases released to increase significantly. This, for example, is white bread with soup, potatoes with sausages and a number of other equally negative combinations.

Farts without smell, how to farts without smell

Sometimes you really want to release gas, but you are afraid of the judgment of others, because a strong stench will arise in the room. How to be? How to prevent yourself from dying from shame? It turns out that there has been an answer to this question for a long time, and sometimes you yourself have noticed when there is a smell and when there is not. First you need to understand what the gas mixture consists of. It contains many different gases, where more than 50% is nitrogen. But let’s divide them according to a different principle: ordinary and caustic. The more dairy, legumes and meat products, as well as bread, in your food, the stronger the gas formation and the more vigorous.

So, caustic gases have the ability to be absorbed into the intestinal walls. Therefore, we must try to endure the acute phases of the desire to fart, so that gases could be absorbed. And then all that remains is to release ordinary gases without harming anyone.

But here you need another skill - to do it silently. One effective way is to produce in small batches. Also, the sound is muffled by soft surfaces: sofas and armchairs.

If you have problems with gas formation and weak sphincter muscles, then you can use aromatic underwear and pads that will neutralize the odor. However, you will still need to master the art of whisperers. But first of all, if you are having such uncontrollable problems, then it is better to adjust your diet.

Other reasons

  • Aerophagia. This is another name for swallowing air bubbles when eating. This usually happens if a person’s eating behavior is incorrect. For example, this happens if a person constantly swallows food in large pieces, talks while eating, and so on. Sometimes it’s not about how a person behaves, but about malocclusion, the presence of braces and other deviations of the oral cavity from the norm.
  • Dysbacteriosis. When the structure of the colon microflora changes, farting intensifies. Treatment is needed here.
  • Digestive enzyme deficiency. If the gastrointestinal tract lacks the necessary enzymes, the food is not processed entirely, and therefore gases begin to be released more intensely.
  • Problem with food passage. If intestinal motility is impaired, it does not do its job thoroughly, and therefore food through the gastrointestinal tract can move very slowly. This leads to the fact that all processes involving microorganisms are greatly enhanced, and this leads to the fact that gas formation constantly occurs on an increased scale - and the person begins to “fart”.

How to recognize flatulence? When is frequent farting a symptom?

Frequent farts are not the only unpleasant symptoms of flatulence; there are many others, which are also sometimes painful. So, along with the fact that you fart a lot, belching often appears, which is very annoying, especially if, due to your profession, you often communicate with people. I have to constantly hold back my farts and burps. And if you can hold back a fart unnoticed, then anyone can see a burp. And if you eat sausages or cutlets, it will also stink.


To prevent the burp from smelling too much, do not exhale it, but rather inhale it into yourself and gradually bring your breathing back to normal.

If you hold back a fart for a long time, your butt will soon begin to rumble, and sharp, cramping, cutting pains in the lower abdomen will appear, which will disappear only after you release your genie. An unpleasant sensation adds heaviness and bloating. Unstable stools due to flatulence are also not uncommon; sometimes diarrhea occurs, sometimes constipation occurs for a couple of days.

Self-remediation methods

When you know why farting may occur, you need to take measures to eliminate the problem and understand how to get rid of it. The easiest way to solve the problem is with aerophagia. Here is the treatment - you just need to change your eating behavior, stop talking while eating, eat food in smaller pieces and chew it better.

If the problem is that you eat one of the foods that makes you fart/fart due to the fact that it is not quite adequately accepted by your body, just reconsider your diet. Limit the consumption of those products that were indicated in the points above. Also try to reduce (but not completely eliminate) the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, such as baked goods, sugar, and protein foods, such as lamb, goose, pork and mushrooms. Then the problem should gradually recede, you will stop farting so often.

Also try to get enough sleep, devote time to physical activity, and so on. Better your health means less chance of the problem getting worse and less need for treatment.

Other methods of elimination

However, sometimes it happens that you cannot stop farting on your own and get rid of it - sometimes the reason is a fairly serious gastrointestinal disease. This can usually be determined by the presence of side symptoms:

  • blood in stool;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • constipation and diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain and other abnormalities.

In this case, it is necessary not to take any medications on your own, not to resort to treatment at home, but to go to a therapist or a gastroenterologist, who will prescribe an examination for you, and then treatment - you will take tablets for flatulence, other medications, or do therapeutic procedures to get rid of this problem.

But the main thing is not to panic if you start farting excessively. In a healthy adult, flatulence can occur up to 10-18 times a day, and therefore there is a chance that everything is fine with you and nothing needs to be done.

Prevention and treatment of increased gas formation in the intestines

Treatment, as well as prevention of the causes of severe gas formation in the intestines, may include general recommendations, therapeutic measures and the use of effective medications.

The main preventive measures that can reduce the amount of gas in the abdomen are based on excluding certain types of foods from the menu. Such products stimulate the production of gases and aggravate the problem4:

  • fatty, spicy and salty foods;
  • legumes;
  • fiber (dietary fiber) in large quantities;
  • carbohydrates (especially bakery products);
  • carbonated drinks;
  • some specific products are cocoa, nuts, apples, eggs, cabbage and radishes.

In addition to reviewing your diet and diet, it is important to follow simple recommendations: when chewing food, your mouth should be closed - this reduces the penetration of air through the external environment and prevents the development of belching. After eating, the gastrointestinal tract should be given time to process the received energy4.

If we are talking about the use of medications, then it is important to understand that it is important to work with the cause, then gas formation will decrease as a consequence. You can buy quick-acting tablets or other medications at your local pharmacy. An example is defoamers, which interact with gas particles and destroy them. Such drugs do provide relief, but they do not cope with the cause of the unpleasant condition. In more than half of cases, the cause of increased gas formation in the intestines is digestive problems and a lack of digestive enzymes2,5.

Medicines that help cope with this cause are pancreatin enzyme preparations. Their active ingredient is pancreatin, which contains three important enzymes - amylase, lipase and protease. Each of these enzymes helps digest a specific food component: amylase - carbohydrates, lipase - fats, protease - proteins. Thanks to this, enzymes improve the digestion of food, which helps eliminate the cause of increased gas formation5. It is especially important to help break down fats, since if there is a lack of enzymes, their digestion suffers the most.

Creon® is a reliable remedy for improving digestion, but with unique features.

The main feature of Creon® is its release form - capsules, which contain small particles of pancreatin - minimicrospheres. Today, minimicrospheres are the latest word in the evolution of enzyme preparations and are produced using a patented technology that is improved compared to other known production methods6. Thanks to the unique release form, Creon® begins to work within 15 minutes after entering the intestines, helping to eliminate heaviness after eating, abdominal discomfort, bloating, and flatulence7.

The soluble capsule gives Creon® minimicrospheres additional protection from the destructive environment of the stomach8. In the stomach, the capsule quickly dissolves, and the minimicrospheres are evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of food, subsequently easily reaching the intestines with it.

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