How to prepare healthy baked apples for pancreatitis?

Baked apples are a dish allowed for both acute and chronic pancreatitis (including the acute stage). They are tasty and healthy, and you can prepare them in several ways, adding significant variety to your diet.


  • Apples – 3 pcs. It is better to take yellow or yellow-red varieties, non-acidic, ripe.
  • Raisins – 3 tbsp.
  • Honey – 3 tsp.
  • Powdered sugar, ground cinnamon - for sprinkling (optional).


Option 1. Baked apple puree

In this form, apples are as safe as possible and can be introduced into the menu of patients with acute forms of pancreatitis by the end of the first week from the onset of the attack (on the 6th–7th day of exacerbation).

Wash the apple. Prick the peel in several places with a fork.

Place the apple in a heatproof bowl, cover and bake. You can bake apples in the oven, microwave or slow cooker:

  • in the oven – 30–40 minutes at 180°C;
  • in a microwave oven – 7–10 minutes at a power of 800 W (time depends on the density of the apple and its size);
  • in a multicooker – 20–25 minutes in the “Baking” mode (you must first pour a small amount of water into the bottom of the multicooker bowl – 1–2 tbsp).

Readiness is determined by the softening of the apple.

After cooking, cool the apple. Remove the skin from it, cut into several parts, remove partitions and seeds.

Puree with an immersion blender.

Approximate nutritional value of a dish per 100 g

  • Proteins 0.43 g
  • Fat 0.48 g
  • Carbohydrates 11.12 g
  • Calorie content 49.07 kcal

Option 2. Apples baked with raisins and honey

Prepare the necessary products.

Wash the raisins and pour boiling water over them.

Wash the apples. Carefully remove the core with seeds and membranes with a knife.

Put 1 tsp in each apple. honey

Stuff the apples with raisins, place in a heat-resistant bowl, cover with a lid and bake in the oven or microwave until cooked (in the oven - about 30 minutes, in the microwave - about 10 minutes, you can also cook them in a slow cooker - 25 minutes).

Cool the finished apples to room temperature. Serve, garnishing with powdered sugar and ground cinnamon if desired.

The benefits of baked apples

Baked apples are an extremely healthy product. Thanks to minor heat treatment and cooking in the peel, they retain most of the vitamins, minerals and other valuable substances.

For patients with pancreatitis, the following beneficial properties are of greatest importance:

  • when apples are baked, their acidity decreases, and they, unlike fresh fruits, do not irritate the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and do not provoke the secretory activity of the pancreas;
  • apples are easily digested, and even with a lack of pancreatic enzymes, they are well absorbed, providing the body with vitamins and carbohydrates;
  • baked apples are rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that has the ability to normalize the balance of intestinal microflora and fight dysbiosis; pectin also absorbs and removes toxins and cholesterol, gently stimulates intestinal motility and fights constipation without causing bloating, flatulence and abdominal pain (which is typical of coarse insoluble fiber).

Possible harm to the dish

Baked apples without sugar and other fillers are practically safe for pancreatitis. They can only cause harm if you overeat and eat inappropriate fruits (very sour, hard, unripe, spoiled). They are contraindicated only in the very first days of an exacerbation and in the presence of an allergy to apples.

For acute pancreatitis

During acute periods, baked apples are allowed by the end of the first week from the onset of the disease, in the form of applesauce or pureed, without sugar and honey.

For chronic pancreatitis

During an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, baked apples should also be eaten without skin, in crushed form. And during remission, the dish can be supplemented by stuffing apples with raisins or other dried fruits, a mixture of crushed nuts, honey, cottage cheese, sugar, sprinkling with powdered sugar and ground cinnamon, serving them with yogurt - it all depends on your imagination and tolerance of the individual components.

Diet compliance score for chronic pancreatitis in remission: 10.0

Dietary Compliance Score for Acute Pancreatitis: 8.0

About the author of the material Gumyarova Svetlana Alekseevna The material collected 4 thanks Other works of the author

Pediatrician and pediatric endocrinologist. Education: Faculty of Pediatrics, SSMU. I have been working since 2000, and since 2011 as a local pediatrician in a children's clinic. In 2016, I completed my specialization and received a certificate in pediatric endocrinology, and since the beginning of 2022 I have been additionally providing appointments as…

What apples are you allowed to eat?

When diagnosing pancreatitis, when the pathology is in remission, gastroenterologists recommend eating fresh fruits and vegetables, in particular apples, fresh.
Moreover, this applies exclusively to their green varieties. When asked by patients - is it possible to eat baked apples with pancreatitis, nutritionists give a positive answer, emphasizing that only sweet varieties should be chosen for this.

The thing is that the pancreas, which works with disturbances, is not able to physically cope with a large amount of fresh fruit. But a baked apple introduced into the diet for pancreatitis will not put an excessive load on this gland and will dilute the daily menu.

Gastroenterologists advise choosing green, sweet varieties of apples, limiting consumption to 1-2 fruits per day.

At the same time, you should not even eat a baked apple with pancreatitis on an empty stomach, not during an exacerbation of the disease.

When it comes to the question of which fruits to choose, we can conclude that if you have inflammation of the pancreas, you should choose peeled apples, sweet and green varieties, and ripe ones.

What fruits are allowed for pancreatic pathology?

If a patient's chronic pancreatitis is in remission, eating fresh fruit is allowed. Opt for sweet, ripe green apples. If the fruit is colored red, it is better to eat it baked to avoid complications. The dyes contained in the skin are considered strong allergens and can worsen the patient’s health.

During the remission stage, it is permissible to eat the product in moderate quantities. If you allow overeating, the pancreas simply cannot cope with the load, which will negatively affect the patient’s health. Excessive fiber in fresh fruit will cause bloating. If the disease worsens, it will lead to significant deterioration.

It is unacceptable to eat unripe fruits with a sour taste if you have pancreatitis. Before eating, the apple must first be peeled. You are allowed to eat 2 fruits per day. Not recommended on an empty stomach. You can eat an apple fresh or baked after a light breakfast, dinner, or as a dessert.

If the disease is in the acute stage, eating fresh apples is not recommended. It is better to limit yourself to baked fruits.

Nutritionists do not advise patients with pancreatitis to purchase Antonovka apples with an increased amount of organic acids, which negatively affect the condition of the pancreas and stomach. It is recommended to eat Saffron, Golden, White filling for pancreatitis. The varieties have a suitable taste and do not contain coloring pigments in the skin.

Acute pancreatitis and apples

Apples for pancreatitis are recommended to be consumed exclusively in the remission stage. In the acute stage, fresh fruits are strictly prohibited during the first 24 hours. If your condition improves after 2 days, start drinking juice from sweet fresh apples diluted with clean water in small doses. Drinking store-bought apple juice is unacceptable. Factory-produced juices contain an increased amount of concentrates and flavor enhancers, as well as excess sugar content. Store-bought drinks will negatively affect the patient’s stomach and pancreas. It is much healthier to prepare fresh apple juice at home.

After a week, the patient is allowed to eat a whole apple, baked or pureed. If the disease has entered the stage of stable remission, eating a whole apple daily is allowed.

Chronic pancreatitis

In the chronic form of the disease, it is allowed to eat apples in limited quantities. It is better to process fruits before eating. Cook compotes from sweet fruits, prepare mousses or jelly. A light dish would be apple puree.

Baked apples have an enveloping effect for pancreatitis and prevent the development of constipation. It is not recommended to consume jams and marmalade due to their high sugar content, which is harmful to the pancreas.

It is not recommended to eat varieties with a high amount of acid for gastritis and pancreatitis. Such fruits are acceptable baked or boiled. When the disease is in stable remission and the patient has no complaints, consuming fresh apples is useful to replenish the supply of trace elements and minerals in the patient’s body. The fruits contain potassium and magnesium ions, which are vital for normal metabolism.

Fresh apples contain plant fiber. The polysaccharide is slowly absorbed in the body, eliminating the feeling of hunger for a long time.

A distinctive feature of apples is their low allergenicity. Thanks to this property, most people can consume the fruit.

Beneficial properties of baked apples

The benefits of baked apples for pancreatitis are great. Due to slight heat treatment, plus due to the fact that they are baked in the peel, they retain almost all the vitamins, a huge amount of useful macro and microelements.

Speaking about whether it is possible to eat baked apples for pancreatitis, doctors strongly recommend introducing them into your diet. And the point in this case is that the following beneficial properties of baked fruits are of great importance for patients:

  1. During the baking process, the acidity level in the fruits decreases, and unlike fresh apples, they will not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing increased pancreatic activity and secretion production.
  2. In this form, apples are easier to digest and even with a reduced level of enzymes produced by the pancreas, filling the body with necessary carbohydrates and vitamins.
  3. Baked fruits are rich in pectin - soluble fiber, which normalizes the balance of intestinal microflora, helping to remove toxins and bad cholesterol, gently activating peristalsis, and fighting constipation.

What are the benefits of apples?

The benefits of fruits have long been proven by nutritionists.

  1. With regular consumption, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases.
  2. Due to the pectin content in fruits, apples normalize stool character and prevent the development of constipation.
  3. The vitamin G contained in the fruit improves appetite in patients.
  4. Eating the product is an excellent prevention of vitamin deficiency.
  5. The high content of iron ions in fruits prevents and treats iron deficiency anemia.
  6. People whose activities require increased mental stress are recommended to include fresh apple juice in their diet.
  7. It is useful to eat the fruits for those suffering from insomnia and increased nervous excitability. Eating apples improves mental and physical performance.
  8. According to scientific materials, fresh apple juice exhibits a rejuvenating effect.
  9. The antimicrobial properties of the fruit prevent the development of caries.
  10. Baked fruit cleanses the intestines and removes toxins from the body.
  11. Apples are low in fat, low in calories, combined with a high content of microelements and vitamins.

Despite the long list of beneficial properties, it is necessary to use apples with pancreatitis with caution, preferably under the supervision of a physician.

Possible harm and contraindications of baked apples

Is it possible to eat baked apples with pancreatitis? You can - the main thing is to know what harm even baked apples can cause to patients with pancreatitis.

At the very beginning, it is worth baking the fruits without sugar, spices and other additives. Honey in this case does not count, since on the contrary, it has the most positive effect on the entire work of not only the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas, but also filling the body with vitamins and essential macro and microelements.

Choose sweet and ripe fruits, whole and unspoiled, and baked apples are contraindicated only for the first few days of exacerbation of pancreatitis, or you are allergic to them.

The patient should not overeat. A special dietary diet provides for no more than 2 apples per day, which is taken as the norm.

  1. In case of acute pancreatitis, baked apples should be introduced into the diet several days after the onset of the attack. Apple juice or puree - no earlier than a week after the attack worsens.
  2. When diagnosing a chronic form of pancreatitis, you should not eat more than 2 apples per day, adding them to the diet, grated or baked.

Pancreatitis, as a disease of the pancreas, means that sweet varieties of apples can be added to compote or juiced from them, prepared in the form of mousse or served as jelly.

Cooking and eating

All dishes are boiled in water or steamed. Some dishes can be eaten baked without forming a crust. Food is recommended in pureed form in small portions 5-6 times a day.


Bread and flour products: day-old or dried wheat bread made from premium and first-grade flour, half-baked cookies

Soups: vegetarian borscht, soups with the addition of pureed vegetables, puree soups, milk soups with the addition of water, soups with boiled semolina, rice, rolled oats, with finely chopped potatoes, pumpkin, carrots. You can season soups with oil, dried flour, sour cream

Meat and Poultry: Lean and lean meats (beef, rabbit, turkey and chicken). First, remove the tendons from the meat and the skin from the chicken. Can be consumed as part of soufflés, quenelles, purees, etc., but occasionally poultry in pieces is allowed to be eaten

Fish: low-fat types, boiled and steamed fish in pieces or in the form of cutlets

Dairy products: milk only as part of other dishes, fermented milk drinks, non-acidic freshly prepared semi-fat or low-fat cottage cheese and curd dishes such as soufflé, puddings, etc. Cottage cheese should be pureed; it is steamed

Eggs: Egg white omelettes, steamed and baked. You can add 0.5-1 yolk per day to dishes

Cereals: porridge with milk and water in a 1:1 ratio, semolina, rice, pureed buckwheat, oatmeal, rolled oatmeal, buckwheat and rice flour. You can eat semolina or rice soufflé, boiled vermicelli

Vegetables: potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower in the form of boiled and steamed puree or soufflé

Fruits, berries, sweets: ripe, soft and non-acidic fruits and berries. They can be raw and mashed, baked, boiled, as part of jelly, jellies, and mousses. Dried fruits should be wiped. Milk jelly, honey, sugar, marshmallows, marmalade, jam are allowed

Drinks: tea with lemon, with milk, weak coffee with milk, juices from sweet fruits, berries, rosehip infusions

Fats: butter (30 g), refined vegetable oils in dishes

Must be excluded

Fresh and rye bread, products made from butter and puff pastry, soups with meat, fish and mushroom broths, legume soups, fatty meats, as well as fried, stewed, liver, sausages, smoked meats, canned food. Also excluded are fatty, salted, stewed fish, canned food, caviar, cream, fatty cottage cheese and with high acidity, salty, sharp cheese, legume dishes, millet, crumbly porridges, pickled vegetables, cabbage, turnips, radishes, radish, sorrel, garlic , onions, sour and fiber-rich fruits, chocolate, ice cream, cream products, cocoa, black coffee, carbonated and cold drinks.

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Options for preparing baked apples

Baked apples in the oven for pancreatitis are a delicious and aromatic dessert that will make any diet, even a strict one, not so bland.

There are several recipes at your discretion on how to cook a baked apple for pancreatitis.

Homemade baked fruit puree

Baked apples for pancreatitis in this case do not pose a danger to the patient, no stress on the stomach and pancreas, and therefore can be easily introduced into the patient’s diet even in the acute form of the pathology already 5-6 days after the “attack” of the exacerbation.

In this case, the apples should be washed, pierced with a fork in several places, and then baked in the oven or microwave:

  • Place the apples in the oven for 30-40 minutes, preheating the temperature to 180 °C,
  • put it in the microwave for 8-10 minutes. at a power of 800 W.

We determine readiness by how much the apple has softened - remove the peel from the cooled fruit, remove the core and serve, beating the mass in a blender.

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