20 ways to relieve a hangover (how to quickly relieve a hangover)

After uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages, we are talking about the drinker’s illness.
In many situations, it does not take a large amount of alcohol to make a person feel nauseous. Appears after drinking or in the morning. The body's reaction is painful for someone who has had too much to drink. This:

  • intoxication;
  • disruption of the digestive system and vomiting;
  • increase in pressure.

Causes excessive alcohol consumption and headaches. My stomach hurts. Toxic substances “hit” the liver.

Hangover faintness is a toxinemic symptom. Alcohol-containing products are called cell poison.

If you need emergency help, contact Alco-Center

Call the hotline +7 (495) 773-03-43 and our doctors will provide emergency care for intoxication of the body with breakdown products of alcohol and narcotic substances.

from 3,200 rub.

Withdrawal from binge drinking

Emergency body detoxification procedure

from 4,000 rub.


Urgent blocking of cravings for alcoholic beverages

from 68,000 rub.


Comprehensive rehabilitation giving 100% results

Outpatient rehabilitation (Standard)

70,000 pcs.

    For patients over 18 years of age.
  • Clinical and psychological individual diagnostics.
  • Drawing up and adjusting an individual recovery trajectory by psychologists and the program manager.
  • Monitoring progress in the recovery program, adjustments to the patient’s dynamics of change.
  • Individual therapy with a psychologist.
  • Group classes and seminars.
  • Individual support by a personal consultant.
  • Work on 5 workbooks of the “Health Resort” program.
  • Maintaining self-analysis and a diary of observations of changes.
  • Library of specialized literature.
  • Program for codependents “12 basics”.
  • Mutual help group for loved ones of addicts “Healthy Family”.
  • Thematic webinars for loved ones of addicted people “Healthy family”
  • Online course for loved ones of addicts “Healthy Family”. Independent study at a convenient time.
  • Testing a program participant to determine sobriety (at the request of relatives).
  • Family therapy.
  • Analysis of tasks for independent completion.

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Causes of nausea after alcohol

At the end of the feast, a nauseating feeling occurs due to an excess of strong drinks.

In the morning I feel sick because of the breakdown products of alcohol-containing products. The liver converts alcohol into acetaldehyde, a toxic substance. Then the organ breaks it down into simple components. They are removed from the body. When the level of toxin goes off scale, the liver is unable to utilize it. A common precursor to gastric urges is nausea.

There are other reasons for the unpleasant – nauseating – feeling after alcohol abuse:

  • ketoacidosis - detected in those who do not part with intoxicating drinks. Sometimes affects occasional drinkers. The condition is characterized by painful sensations in the abdomen, regular ailments with gastric emissions. Lasts up to three days;
  • gastritis – binge drinking causes the stomach to produce more acid. Excess irritates the mucous membrane, causing gastritis.

Ethanol poisoning occurs if a lot of booze is consumed in a short period. This can be fatal.

Hangover and withdrawal syndrome: is there a difference between the first and second?

A hangover develops in healthy people who do not suffer from alcoholism. Withdrawal syndrome occurs with addiction - this condition can be described as a hangover multiplied by 10 times.

  1. Hangover . It occurs on the second day after a good alcoholic evening, and lasts the whole day, on average up to 24 hours a day. A person cannot think, look at alcohol, the thought of drinking is disgusting. In principle, a person can drink 100 grams of alcohol, but he usually understands that even one glass of wine or other strong alcohol will make him feel worse later.
  2. Withdrawal syndrome . On the second day after an alcoholic evening, a terrible desire to hangover arises. It haunts a person from the moment of awakening. His symptoms do not subside, but rather worsen. It becomes more difficult for him to move, speak, severe weakness, dizziness, diarrhea and intestinal upset appear. An alcoholic understands well that 100 grams of vodka or another strong drink will quickly ease his torment. As a rule, abstinence forms already in the second stage of addiction.

Very often you can observe the situation: after a feast, a person with a hangover is recommended by his comrades to drink 50 grams of vodka. He, due to his inexperience, agrees and drinks. At the same time, he himself cannot understand whether it has become easier for him. In principle, he does not feel any serious changes in his condition. My comrades recommend it based on their experience - they are already alcoholics, and they know that getting drunk in the morning will relieve the pangs of withdrawal.

Actually, withdrawal syndrome is a sign that ethanol is part of the body’s metabolism. That is, not only psychological, but also physical dependence on alcohol . It does not go away in one day, like a hangover - withdrawal will torment a person for at least 5-7 days, and residual effects will remain for another 14 days. It is better to get out of this state with the help of professional narcologists - abstinence leads to alcoholic delirium and other serious pathologies.

What helps with nausea after alcohol?

Nausea with alcohol poisoning is a clear sign of pathology. The body is freed from heavy toxins: it is important to cope with unsafe, unnecessary “cargo”. Need help.

A person who has had too much to drink must get rid of the consequences of taking intoxicating products - toxic substances - as quickly as possible. When the signs of intoxication are not severe, home remedies for a hangover are used.

After an alcohol-containing product, you should drink activated carbon (the drug quickly removes poison) or another absorbent, a lot of water, then induce vomiting. Do a gastric lavage.

Also: if you vomit a coffee-colored mixture and there is blood in it, call an ambulance. This is also done when gag reflexes last for the second day: due to the risk of dehydration.

What medications help?

It is difficult to meet a person who has not experienced a hangover. When a stormy feast ends, your head burns, your mouth suffers from dryness, your gastrointestinal tract does not function - this is poisoning. What to do? How to be treated at home, get rid of symptoms, and restore health?

Many people are looking for answers to questions. Especially when it is not possible to stay at home for a long time for treatment.

The next morning, if you have strong vomiting, take antiemetic medications. Disadvantage: liquids are prohibited; do not drink for 2 hours. Otherwise, the medication will come out when the sufferer vomits. The feeling of dryness in the mouth is removed by rinsing. After two hours, mineral water will help make a therapeutic contribution: drink the desired amount.

If you have a headache, askofen or aspirin will relieve it. Alkozeltzer relieves hangover symptoms. It contains citric acid plus aspirin, which relieve pain.

Antipohmelin is considered the second remedy for post-toxication syndrome. Feature: tablets are taken while drinking an alcoholic product. The effect is observed in the early intoxication stages. Headaches go away, and the drinker is no longer tormented by lightheadedness. The disadvantage of the medicine is that after taking it, the drunk remains under the ethyl “vapor” for a long time.

Enterosgel is known for its ability to resist the negative effects of toxic substances. The efficiency is higher than that of activated carbon, the impact is similar. Costs more. Doctors recommend drinking a “smart sponge” in the morning: two or three tablespoons with water.

If symptoms do not disappear after taking medications, toxemia is severe. Self-medication is prohibited; contact a narcologist.

Traditional methods

The best thing to do if you have ethanol intoxication is to stop drinking. There are many folk methods of getting rid of depression and weakness after a daring party.

The primary rule if poisoning occurs is water. How you feel depends on the amount of liquid you drink during the party and in the morning. Ideally, drink mineral water with lemon.

At home, after the feast is over, it is important to get some sleep. Then you need to replenish your body with vitamins. Potassium is lost with alcohol. The element is found in bananas and oranges. Grapefruit and orange juice help overcome painful sensations. Take a freshly squeezed drink.

Oatmeal is rich in microelements and vitamins. Porridge is combined with a boiled egg. The product contains a lot of cysteine. Amino acid is an assistant in the fight against ethanol.

A good method is tomato or cucumber brine, cabbage juice (pickled vegetables are suitable).

Thyme-based tea is suitable for therapy. It’s easy to prepare: pour boiling water over 2-3 branches. Infuse the drink for five minutes and drink several sips.

You can cope with a hangover by using ginger tea. It is prepared like this: a couple of centimeters of rhizome need to be filled with 0.5 liters of water. Boil for 10 minutes, add orange juice (squeeze one fruit), half a lemon. Honey - to taste.

If the nausea continues, drink meat broth. You need to drink a glass of chicken broth. The condition will improve.

Other methods

If you feel unbearably sick after a party, do an enema. At first glance, the technique is strange. But logical. When a lot of alcohol-containing products enter the intestines at once, breakdown products accumulate. Their derivation is possible in the proposed way.

This is a popular way to combat nausea: take a raw egg. Shake the container with a fork and drink. The main thing to understand is that a poultry product is used for this.

The following actions are believed to help: you can overcome the unpleasant consequences of too much alcohol by rubbing your ears with your palms. This is done energetically. The organ being rubbed should turn slightly red.

Hospital at home

22,000 months

    Home visit
  • Anonymous consultation with a narcologist
  • Examination by a narcologist
  • Dropper capacity 1900 ml
  • Therapy in tablet form
  • Vasodilators
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Metabolic solutions, vitamins
  • Antiarrhythmic
  • Sedatives and pain relievers
  • Duration - 24 hours
  • The doctor is with the patient
  • Relevant for binge drinking from 5 days

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The main active ingredient of the drug is succinic acid; it also contains sodium bicarbonate. It is advisable to take the tablets in the morning after drinking. They effectively cleanse the liver of toxins, restore oxidative processes, and quickly relieve symptoms of alcohol intoxication.


The drug is considered one of the most effective hangover pills. It works by cleansing the blood of poisons and toxins. Zorex is able to accelerate the restoration of damaged tissues in the body and normalize biochemical processes. A strong drug in rare cases can cause side effects such as itching, vomiting or fever.


Available in the form of soluble tablets. The main active ingredients of the drug are succinic and citric acids. The product helps improve the functioning of the brain, tissues and muscles, and normalize metabolism in the body. When taken before drinking, it helps reduce the severity of intoxication caused by drinking alcohol.


The drug is a domestic development. The drug contains aspirin and glycine. Acetylsalicylic acid has a powerful analgesic effect, and glycine is a neurotransmitter. Glycine can have a calming effect on the body, improves cognitive functions of the brain, and relieves anxiety.

Types of nausea

After drinking alcohol, you may vomit blood.

Bleeding does not accompany vomiting. However, it is preceded by nausea, and a person may vomit blood. When the pathology is severe, the esophagus is often damaged. This is why bleeding occurs. Among other things, it can bleed due to gastric ulcers and erosions. The condition is on the verge of life, so the patient is urgently called to the emergency room.

Often a drunk person vomits bile. In this case, we are talking about gastric emptying, which occurs after an unpleasant sensation in the epigastric region. When drinking alcohol, the gastrointestinal tract malfunctions, and intestinal motility suffers. Reverse reflux is not uncommon: then the contents of the duodenum enter the stomach. That is why bile admixture appears in the vomit. This condition also requires urgent assistance from medical professionals.

Vomiting alcohol bile is a bad option. The sufferer turns inside out, and the stomach contents that come out contain greenish-yellow mucus. When the internal organ is cleansed in this way, a bitter taste is felt in the mouth. Vomiting attacks also occur when the stomach is already empty. Which is a sign of a malfunction of the digestive system, since normally there should not be bile there.

Biliary vomiting attacks are one of the main troubles associated with the biliary tract, gallbladder, and liver. If problems continue and violations are not detected in time, the outcome may be disastrous.

Reflexive evacuation from the stomach, which occurs after nausea, is unsafe. A drunk can choke on the erupted masses.

If a drunk gets sick, it is better to call an ambulance or a drug treatment clinic. The team will come to the house. They will do a gastric lavage. Calling a narcologist at our medical institution “Alcocenter” (Moscow) guarantees the patient comprehensive treatment and elimination of the negative consequences of binge drinking. The patient will be helped to get rid of nausea. If necessary, a dropper is placed. The drinker faces rehabilitation.

A preliminary consultation is possible. Center contacts are on the website. Services are provided under license. Health workers inform that there will be no leakage of the client’s personal data, the treatment is anonymous.

A personal therapeutic program is selected.

If the patient feels more or less normal, chamomile or mint infusion is taken at home. Infusions will calm the gall bladder.

When a drunk gets sick at the mention of alcohol-containing products, this is a good sign: there is no dependence or addiction. Those suffering from alcoholism get a “hangover” in the morning.

Outpatient Rehabilitation (Basic)

60,000 pcs.
For patients over 18 years of age.

  • Clinical and psychological individual diagnostics.
  • Drawing up and adjusting an individual recovery trajectory by psychologists and the program manager.
  • Monitoring progress in the recovery program, adjustments to the patient’s dynamics of change.
  • Individual therapy with a psychologist.
  • Group classes and seminars.
  • Individual support by a personal consultant.
  • Work on 5 workbooks of the “Health Resort” program.
  • Maintaining self-analysis and a diary of observations of changes.
  • Library of specialized literature.
  • Program for codependents “12 basics”.
  • Mutual help group for loved ones of addicts “Healthy Family”.
  • Thematic webinars for loved ones of addicted people “Healthy family”
  • Online course for loved ones of addicts “Healthy Family”. Independent study at a convenient time.
  • Testing a program participant to determine sobriety (at the request of relatives).
  • Family therapy.
  • Order service

    Doctors' recommendations

    What not to do?

    There are prohibitions. They are respected. It is dangerous to aggravate the hangover syndrome. Forbidden:

    • inhibit the release of gastric contents;
    • drive a car;
    • smoking;
    • swim in bodies of water because sudden temperature changes are harmful.

    Due to the stress on the circulatory system, sports activities are excluded.

    You cannot drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Otherwise, you will quickly begin to feel sick, and intoxication will not be long in coming.

    To overcome a hangover, do not take other alcoholic drinks. For example, if you drank wine before, you should not drink beer. Improvement will come, but not for long. The body will receive a greater blow.

    Is it necessary to artificially induce vomiting when you feel sick after drinking alcohol? The idea deserves attention. It is undesirable to deliberately provoke the vomiting process. It must begin on its own: a drunk person has no control over what he does. The esophagus is often damaged - punctured or scratched. This applies to the situation when the drinker puts a sharp object in his mouth, rather than his fingers.

    Continuous vomiting also provokes other problems:

    • throat injuries;
    • dehydration;
    • esophageal and gastric ulcers;
    • electrolyte imbalance - a violation of salt concentration in tissues and blood.

    Doctors advise getting rid of unpleasant symptoms by following the rules:

    • When the acute nausea has gone away, it’s worth having breakfast. Suitable options include boiled eggs, vegetable salad, chicken broth;
    • drink mineral water, then the water-salt balance returns to normal;
    • Water procedures will restore strength, a contrast shower will help;
    • go for a walk, walk in the fresh air in the park, by the river, and so on. Activity will speed up metabolic processes, speed up recovery, and restore good health.

    Easy-to-follow recommendations help you get rid of a hangover, gain new strength, and perk up. When you have free time, it is better to go to bed and rest.

    Author of the article: Yakovlev Evgeniy Anatolyevich

    Narcologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

    Social rehabilitation

    10,000 pcs.

      6-8 bed rooms.
    • 3 meals a day.
    • Common room for group work.
    • Dining room.
    • Laundry.
    • Bathhouse.
    • Group classes with social media employee.
    • Information sessions.
    • Sports events.
    • Occupational therapy 3-4 times a week.
    • Mutual help groups for loved ones.
    • For patients 18-55 years old.

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    Treatment of hangover with droppers

    Often, a person suffering from a hangover refuses to go to the clinic, so they have to invite a specialist to their home. The most optimal and fastest way to get rid of a hangover is to put in a cleansing and restorative drip. Several solutions are simultaneously administered to the patient, and the condition gradually improves. The droppers consist of cleansing, painkillers, vitamins and other medications. The dosage is calculated individually for each person.

    Why is beer worse than vodka?

    A hangover after beer can be very pronounced, which often causes genuine surprise to the person experiencing it for the first time. After all, it contains little ethyl alcohol, but many useful bioactive substances, including the entire group of B vitamins. Beer is constantly advertised on TV and on billboards; it is presented only from the positive side.

    It is the refreshing, pleasant taste of an intoxicating drink that usually causes a hangover. Control over what you drink is reduced - where there is one bottle, there are five. A liter of beer contains about 100 g of pure ethanol. It would seem that this is not much, but the situation is aggravated by its other components. Hops, malt, and yeast are considered universal conductors of ethanol and stimulate its complete absorption by internal organs. And the acetaldehyde obtained as a result of its metabolism immediately causes a powerful blow to the liver, heart, kidneys, and brain.

    What fruits and vegetables to eat

    Various acids found in many foods can be harmful to the body, so it's important to understand which foods are best for hangover relief.

    If you have a hangover, it is recommended to eat foods with various vegetables and fruits, such as cabbage, tomato, melon, watermelon, etc.

    Many beneficial substances contained in the above products significantly improve the condition.

    Enhanced poisoning therapy

    7,500 pcs.

      Dropper volume 1500 ml
    • Visit of a narcologist
    • Patient examination
    • Consultation with a narcologist
    • Detoxification
    • Doctor's orders
    • Medicines for 3 days
    • Monitoring the patient's condition

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    Relieving hangover with medications

    A hangover cure is the best and fastest way to get rid of intoxication. Detoxification of the body will allow you to quickly remove toxins from the blood and internal organs, and supply the organs with the necessary vitamins and microelements. Due to this, a person begins to feel good. To prevent a severe hangover in the future, it is better not to abuse alcohol. Excessive drinking will sooner or later lead to the development of alcoholism.


    1. Ambulance and emergency medical care. Workshop: textbook / V. S. Tkachenok. – 2nd ed., revised and supplemented. – Minsk: Higher School, 2013. – 303 p.
    2. Guide to emergency medical care: for doctors and paramedics providing primary health care / ch. editors: S. F. Bagnenko [etc.]. – Moscow: ASMOK: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. – 783 p.
    3. Biochemistry of toxins [Text]: textbook / A. A. Shaposhnikov, M. Yu. Palchikov; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Belgorod State National Research University”. – Belgorod: National Research University “BelGU”, 2022. – 74 p.
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