How to relieve pain from hemorrhoids at home: a review of drugs and folk remedies

Hemorrhoids are a fairly common proctological disease, which manifests itself as varicose veins of the rectal canal. As a rule, the pathology has pronounced clinical symptoms that cause a lot of discomfort. Thus, the most common symptom of the disease is pain, which accompanies the patient throughout the development of the pathological process. The intensity of pain depends on various factors, but the patient needs to take measures to eliminate it as soon as the first signs of pain appear. Therefore, the patient needs to know how to relieve pain from hemorrhoids in order to alleviate their condition.

Causes of pain during illness

The mechanism of development of hemorrhoids is the appearance of a hemorrhoidal node, which is formed as a result of a pathological enlargement of the cavernous node in the walls of the rectum. As the disease progresses, the formations begin to grow greatly, affecting more and more tissues, blood vessels and nerve receptors located in the rectal canal, which causes pain. The nature of the pain syndrome is influenced by the location of the cavernous node, since the mechanism of pain with internal and external hemorrhoids has some differences.

The advanced form of the disease leads to constant, excruciating pain that appears even at rest

The main reasons why hemorrhoids hurt:

  • Development of the inflammatory process (damage to the rectal mucosa).
  • Anal canal fissures (cause irritation of soft tissues during bowel movements).
  • Hard feces (damage the mucous and soft tissue of the rectal canal and anus).

As a rule, all of the listed reasons that contribute to hemorrhoid pain are combined, leading to thinning of the connective tissue of the anal canal.

In the absence of therapeutic measures to eliminate the disease, a chronic pathological process develops, when the intensity of pain increases significantly.

In the last stages of the disease, the connective tissue of the anus may thicken, which leads to severe swelling, compressing the nerve endings of the hemorrhoids, involving increasingly large areas of healthy tissue in the inflammatory process.

What are the consequences of hemorrhoids if they are not treated in time?

When hemorrhoids worsen, they can cause bleeding.

If the disease starts, all the symptoms that are present during the acute stage of the disease may constantly bother you; in addition, the formation of:

  • Bleeding
  • Intestinal prolapse
  • Development of paraproctitis
  • Anal fissure
  • Stool disorders
  • Thrombosis of hemorrhoids
  • If the tissue lesion is large, it may degenerate into necrosis (death)

The formation of thrombosis of hemorrhoids is the first sign of a complication of the disease; the patient requires immediate assistance. When visiting a proctologist in the first days after the occurrence of this complication, the doctor observes a blue discoloration of the tissues. The patient can determine the onset of these complications due to constant pain in the anal ring.

If the affected area is too large, necrosis may develop on it, which leads to tissue rejection and bleeding. When these symptoms appear, when prescribing treatment, it is important to exclude the appearance of neoplasms in the intestines. Before choosing a treatment method, it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, the patient’s condition and the stage of the disease.

Pain relief at different stages of pathology

The intensity and nature of the pain syndrome depends on the stage of the pathological process. Consequently, situations where hemorrhoids hurt a lot occur at the last stage of the disease, and pain is less severe at the initial stage. However, there are cases in which the pain syndrome has an atypical clinical picture. Therefore, the patient needs to know how to relieve pain at home with the help of medications.

Proctologists identify four main stages of the disease

Stage one

At the initial stage of the disease, there is practically no pain. Soreness can be observed after bowel movement, but it is minor and short-lived in nature.

With the progression of inflammatory phenomena, pain intensifies. There are cases when the pain syndrome at the initial stage of the disease becomes acute. This phenomenon occurs due to the formation of foci of inflammation and the formation of cavernous nodes, which, when injured, cause bleeding.

The pain syndrome responds well to complex drug treatment; for this purpose, local suppositories are used, which are used during the period of exacerbation of the disease. As a rule, pain-relieving suppositories contain anastatic substances.

Almost all suppositories used for hemorrhoids eliminate pain

List of suppositories that help relieve pain from hemorrhoids at the initial stage of the disease:

  • Anastezol (contains benzocaine, which effectively relieves pain).
  • Relief (promotes healing of damaged tissues, thereby reducing pain).
  • Neo-anuzole (the drug exhibits antispasmodic and anesthetic effects).
  • Procto-glivenol (contains lidocaine, therefore has a pronounced analgesic effect).
  • Posterizan (prescribed for low intensity pain).
  • Sea buckthorn suppositories (by reducing the inflammatory process, eliminates pain).

Stage two

This stage is manifested by an increase in cavernous formations, which, when straining, emerge from the lumen of the anus. The pain syndrome becomes intense, intensifying in attempts to empty the intestines.

If the symptoms are ignored at the second stage of the disease, the stage of the pathological process progresses and the patient’s well-being significantly deteriorates.

The disease is complicated by the appearance of bloody discharge and anal fissures, which increase pain.

To relieve pain, local therapy in the form of ointments, gels and suppositories is used. In case of severe pain, it is recommended to use combined non-narcotic analgesics.

Medicines for pain in second stage hemorrhoids:

  • Local therapy (Aurobin, Ulraproct, Nefluan, Proctoglivenol).
  • Combined agents (Hepatrombin G, Proctosedyl).
  • Ointments (Heparin, Troxivazin, Levomekol, Levosin).

Stage three

There is a significant increase in the size of the nodes; they fall out of the lumen of the anus and are difficult to reduce. The inflammatory process affects a large area of ​​healthy tissue, which is accompanied by severe swelling of the tissue and irritation around the anus. The patient often experiences bleeding, which causes intense pain. Thrombosis of the cavernous sinuses is possible.

Patients with severe pain are prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory suppositories

Conservative therapy is ineffective; painkillers are prescribed as additional treatment before surgery and in the postoperative period.

The following medications will help relieve pain from hemorrhoids at home:

  • Anuzol;
  • suppositories with ichtheol;
  • Proctosedyl M;
  • Olestesin.

For pain caused by damage to the tissues of the rectal canal, antispasmodic analgesics are used, as well as patches, sprays, and medications with nitroglycerin.

Stage four

The advanced stage of hemorrhoids is characterized by the formation of blood clots with further necrosis of the connective tissue. The patient experiences acute pain that radiates to the urethra. Painful sensations occur both when walking and in a calm state. Drug pain relief does not bring significant results, so the patient is advised to undergo radical surgery.

You can quickly relieve pain from hemorrhoids at home using the following medications:

  • Nonsteroidal drugs (Diclofenac, Citramon, Ketorol).
  • Local anesthetics in suppositories (Benzocaine, Ledocaine).
  • Lotions (use bromanyldiethylaminopropanoic acid).

Treatment methods

Hemorrhoidal suppositories are used to treat hemorrhoids.

Conservative treatment is used in cases where the situation is not advanced and the patient does not experience constant pain. This therapy includes:

  1. Using external medications for hemorrhoids
  2. Taking tablets that affect blood circulation and relieve inflammation
  3. Taking medications to stimulate proper bowel function
  4. Traditional methods of treatment
  5. Physiotherapy and massage

Suppositories and ointments have a local effect, while tablets treat the problem from the inside. Modern drugs for hemorrhoids of general action are used to relieve pain, relieve inflammation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is effective when treatment is complex, prescribed taking into account other diseases and takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Features of the treatment of pain due to hemorrhoids in women

In women, hemorrhoids are observed more often than in men, due to anatomical differences in the structure of the body. Thus, among representatives of the fair sex, pathology develops after pregnancy and childbirth. Pain from hemorrhoids in women is intense and localized in the anus, radiating to the perineum.

Pain in the abdominal area with hemorrhoids intensifies after defecation, which requires immediate use of analgesics

Many patients are interested in the question, does the stomach hurt with hemorrhoids? This phenomenon is a typical symptom of the early stage of the disease. Pain in the abdomen is due to a disruption in the functioning of the intestines, which causes constipation. As a rule, the pain is localized in the lower abdomen, accompanied by sudden attacks and flatulence.

Hemorrhoids and lower back pain are another typical sign of the development of a pathological process, but this symptom is more typical for people suffering from spinal diseases. Thus, prolonged sitting in a sitting position provokes an exacerbation of the pathology. The rectum contains a large number of nerve receptors, which is why during an exacerbation, pain can spread to the lower back when hemorrhoidal cones are pinched. With such a symptom, it is necessary to start taking painkillers.

You can get rid of pain of minor intensity using the following traditional methods:

  • Ice compress. Helps eliminate swelling and inflammation of tissues. To do this, you need to place pieces of ice in a bag, wrap it in a cloth and apply it to the sore spot for 15 minutes.
  • Lotions based on medicinal plants. A sterile piece of gauze should be soaked in a cool medicinal decoction of chamomile, calendula or nettle. Then apply it to the painful area for 15–20 minutes.
  • Cool sitz baths. They help eliminate mild pain by reducing swelling of damaged tissues.
  • Potato compress. Grate the washed potatoes on a fine grater, place the resulting mixture in a sterile piece of gauze. Apply to the affected area for 10 minutes; after the procedure, it is recommended to wash with cold water.
  • Lotions based on agave juice. Grind the inside of the plant and filter the resulting juice. Soak a sterile gauze pad in the solution and apply to the hemorrhoidal area.

Traditional medicine recipes help reduce pain at the initial stage of the pathological process, when it is of low intensity.

Severe pain can be relieved with the help of general medications (capsules, tablets), or topical medications (suppositories, gels, ointments). The advantage of topical medications is that painkillers immediately affect the damaged areas.

Hemorrhoids in men, accompanied by severe pain, are subject to similar therapeutic measures as in women. However, taking analgesics in men has some peculiarities, which include prolonged use of medications, which depends on the age category of the patient. So, the older the patient, the longer the pain relief therapy.

Non-steroidal drugs with anti-inflammatory action

They restore vascular damage, increase blood flow by reducing blood clotting, and relieve swelling. However, taking these pills for hemorrhoids is fraught with increased bleeding, so you should not take them without the recommendation of a proctologist and therapist.

Nitrate containing

The products are intended to relieve sphincter spasms. They act quickly and penetrate immediately into the blood. It is recommended to take orally under the tongue.

Phlebotonics (Bioflavonoids)

Detralex - has angioprotective and phlebotonic effects.

These drugs are created exclusively from plants, but they are no less effective than drugs from other groups. Among the indications for the use of bioflavonoids is the treatment of hemorrhoids. The drugs act on the walls of the affected vessels to relieve inflammation and stimulate regeneration, to strengthen the walls of the veins, and regulate blood outflow.

How to relieve pain from internal hemorrhoids?

For internal hemorrhoids, when the patient suffers from severe pain, experts prescribe medications in the form of tablets and suppositories containing analgesics.

For most patients, tablets are the most convenient method of use when it is necessary to urgently relieve pain


The therapeutic effect after using the tablets is revealed not only in the elimination of pain, but also in the restoration of blood circulation in damaged areas, as well as the elimination of blood clots in hemorrhoids.

Popular tablets that help relieve hemorrhoids at home:

  • Detralex (has a pronounced effect 30 minutes after administration).
  • Phlebodia (strong anesthetic, helps eliminate inflammatory phenomena).
  • Chemoroidin (contains herbal components that relieve pain and burning).
  • Pilex (combined drug that effectively relieves pain).
  • Ibuklin (has a very pronounced anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect).

Acute pain from hemorrhoids is also eliminated with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, which include:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nise;
  • Ibuklin.

The use of tablets independently at home should be agreed with a specialist, since they have a whole range of contraindications and side effects.

Pain relieving suppositories

Proctologists prescribe anesthetic rectal suppositories, which provide immediate assistance for severe pain. Such medicines include:

  • Ginkor Procto. Contains butamben, helps eliminate soreness and itching in the anus.
  • Neo-Anuzol. Prescribed for the chronic form of pathology, it contains substances that inhibit the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Posterized. Promotes healing of anal fissures, reduces pain.
  • Suppositories containing adrenaline. Allows you to quickly relieve pain and eliminate bleeding.

Relief of the condition after the use of pain-relieving suppositories occurs in a short time

During an exacerbation of the disease, suppositories containing lidocaine can be used:

  • Procto-Glyvenol;
  • Proctosan;
  • Gepasolone.

Suppositories may contain not only lidocaine, but also benzocaine or anesthesin, which are widely used in cases where hemorrhoids hurt:

  • Olestesin;
  • Nigepan;
  • Anestezol;
  • Relief Advance.

Rating of the top 10 inexpensive and effective tablets for hemorrhoids according to KP


Detralex. Photo: Serdix

The tablets are available in two dosages, and sachet forms are also available for single use. Available without a doctor's prescription, the active ingredient is purified micronized fractions of flavonoids, the key of which are diosmin with hesperidin. Due to the complex action of several components at once, it has a pronounced venotonic effect. Among the key effects for hemorrhoids, it is worth highlighting an increase in venous tone in the area of ​​hemorrhoidal veins, elimination of congestion in the pelvis and large veins, elimination of increased permeability of vascular walls, and normalization of microcirculation.


  • for acute external and internal hemorrhoids;
  • in a chronic process in the acute stage;
  • with weakness of the venous wall, varicose veins in the legs.

It has no contraindications except for individual allergies to components, but due to lack of data it is not recommended for pregnant women. When taken, digestive problems may rarely occur.

It is important to take a course of the drug, starting with high doses in the acute stage and moving to maintenance doses as it improves. Compatible with other medications for hemorrhoids.

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Venarus. Photo: Obolensk pharmaceutical enterprise

The drug is in tablets with two types of dosage, available without a doctor's prescription. It is based on two active ingredients - hesperidin and diosmin in individually selected doses. It has a venotonic effect and angioprotective properties due to its flavonoid components. Helps normalize blood flow in the rectum and anus, maintains the tone of the walls of the affected veins, improves the permeability of the vascular wall, and eliminates blood stagnation inside the venous vessels.


  • for varicose veins of any form;
  • for any stages and types of hemorrhoids;
  • for the prevention of varicose veins.

It has practically no contraindications, with the exception of allergies to components. Suitable for use during pregnancy and lactation. Compatible with drugs for local and systemic treatment. Side effects may include headaches, general malaise, itchy skin and rash.

The drug is effective when taken as a course, starting with high doses for acute hemorrhoids and switching to a maintenance dose when it becomes chronic.

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Pain relief for external hemorrhoids

Ointments and gels are among the most effective medications for treating pain from external hemorrhoids, since the anesthetic substances penetrate directly into the damaged hemorrhoidal veins. The drugs have a rapid analgesic effect and a long-lasting effect, which will help the patient live for some time without pain.

Ointment products have a high therapeutic effect for anesthesia of external cavernous nodes

List of the best anesthetic ointments and gels:

  • Levomekol. It is used after childbirth, as well as in the postoperative period.
  • Relief. It has a broad mechanism of action, has wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Ichthyol. Relieves pain during bowel movements.
  • Heparin. Eliminates itching and pain in the anus.

The use of ichthyol ointment should be carried out strictly according to the instructions, since with prolonged use, allergic reactions to the components of the product may develop.

Natural remedies

For herbal preparations, extracts are used: mint, horse chestnut.

This group of drugs includes herbal products. Extracts used to create them:

  1. Mint
  2. Iglitsy
  3. Burnet
  4. horse chestnut

These medications may also contain ascorbic acid and bran. They are produced mainly in capsules and contain many vitamin and mineral elements. In addition to affecting blood flow and the walls of blood vessels, these drugs have a general strengthening effect on the body and stimulate the immune system. Such drugs include:

  • Cyclo 3 fort
  • Ginkor fort
  • Chemoroidin
  • Pylex
  • Litovit B

Hemorrhoids are a disease that brings many problems to a person, including not only pain and other unpleasant symptoms. A person suffering from this disease has a reduced ability to live a full life and reduced activity. Therefore, you should not neglect the disease, waiting until it becomes complicated to the point where it can only be treated surgically. Today there is an excellent way to treat this disease - drugs in the form of tablets.

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