Suppositories for hemorrhoids with adrenaline, what are the names of the drugs

External remedies for hemorrhoids help to quickly and effectively get rid of discomfort and other manifestations of the disease. The most popular of them are suppositories. Reviews from patients and doctors for the most part do not coincide about which suppositories for hemorrhoids are best. You can verify this if you go to any proctologist forum. When choosing drugs, doctors rely on their ability to eliminate the cause of the pathology, while patients tend to choose drugs that quickly reduce symptoms.

Contraindications for use

Adrenaline appears to be extremely effective in the fight against hemorrhoids, but can cause some harm under various circumstances:

  1. people suffering from arterial hypertension should use adrenaline suppositories with extreme caution, because they increase the pressure in the veins and arteries.
  2. Suppositories are contraindicated for patients with cardiovascular diseases, because adrenaline provokes increased contraction of the myocardium.
  3. Adrenaline increases blood sugar levels, so these suppositories are contraindicated for patients with diabetes.
  4. Suppositories are not recommended for use in diseases of the endocrine system.
  5. Pregnancy is also a strict contraindication to the use of suppositories with adrenaline. Otherwise, there is a risk of miscarriage or premature birth.
  6. During breastfeeding, you should also stop using them. Although their effect on mother's milk has not been proven, there is also no research on their safety.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids - expensive and cheap drugs

Among consumers, there is a special system for evaluating drugs, in which their cost plays a major role in the choice. Reviews often call the best suppositories for hemorrhoids those that combine high efficiency and relatively low cost.

Experts note that inexpensive remedies may be more effective than expensive ones due to their influence on the cause of the pathology - deterioration of tone and blood circulation in the rectum.

Price category/efficiency level Cheap Average in cost Expensive
High efficiency Gepatrombin G (100-110 rubles) Relief (280 RUR)

Proctosan (200-215 rubles)

Aurobin (220-260 rubles)

Proctosedyl (320-360 rubles)

Ginkor Procto (340-360 rubles)

Average efficiency Anuzol (up to 60 rubles)

Methyluracil (49-55 rubles)

Anestezol (70-80 rubles)

Betiol (60-67 rubles)

Ichthyol (30-50 rubles)

Natalsid (190-220 rubles)

Nigepan (140-160 rubles)

Proctoglivenol (400-420 rubles)

Ultraproct (410-470 rubles)

Efficiency below average Sea buckthorn candles (up to 50 rubles)

The most effective drugs are those that can not only eliminate symptoms, but also restore normal blood circulation in the rectum.

Proper Use

Before administering rectal suppositories with adrenaline, certain preparatory measures should be taken. It is necessary to treat the area around the anus with warm water, then wipe the skin dry. Hands should also be washed to prevent infection.

The average dosage is 4 suppositories:

  • one candle in the morning.
  • One candle in the evening.
  • And one candle after each trip to the toilet.

The rectum must also be clean, so doctors recommend using an enema or any laxative. This is justified if the natural act of defecation is difficult.

Before inserting the candle inside, a person should lie on his side, then bend his knees, tucking them towards his stomach. Next, you need to take the candle in your hand and then insert it into the anus. Try to do everything quickly, because the candle tends to melt under the influence of the warmth of your hands.

It must be inserted carefully, without sudden movements or jolts , otherwise you may damage the rectal mucosa.

The candle dissolves inside quite quickly, so it is necessary to spend a small amount of time in a lying position to avoid the contents of the candle leaking out.

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When is it better to abandon them and choose another medicine?

We have already said that pregnancy and lactation are a direct contraindication to the use of suppositories with adrenaline . However, everyone knows that hemorrhoids worsen in women during these periods of their lives, so what to do in such a situation?

First, you should contact your doctor so that he can prescribe another medicine for hemorrhoids, which would have a more gentle effect than suppositories with adrenaline.

In addition, patients with diabetes should also take care of purchasing another remedy to treat their hemorrhoids. Adrenaline increases blood sugar levels, so there is no choice but to look for another treatment option.

How to use adrenaline suppositories for hemorrhoids?

For hemorrhoidal bleeding, suppositories with adrenaline (or epinephrine) are often prescribed. This substance stops bleeding and has a beneficial effect on body functions. The drug quickly relieves unpleasant symptoms and prevents anemia.

For hemorrhoidal bleeding, suppositories with adrenaline or epinephrine are often prescribed.

Treatment of bleeding from hemorrhoids

Bleeding is just a symptom. Therefore, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying cause causing the bleeding.

Only on the basis of competent diagnostic data can a specialist prescribe the correct treatment for hemorrhoids. If we are talking about the initial stages, then usually the therapeutic complex includes a special intestinal-friendly diet, vitamin supplements, and recommendations for preventive measures. The main treatment for bleeding from hemorrhoids and other symptoms is associated with the use of medications.

Modern antihemorrhoidal drugs are usually available in the form of suppositories and creams for topical use. A targeted impact on the source of pathology gives positive results.

Effect of candles

Suppositories with adrenaline for hemorrhoids primarily increase platelet activity and improve spasm of small capillaries, stimulating blood clotting. In addition, epinephrine leads to vasoconstriction in the abdominal cavity, relaxation of intestinal smooth muscles and dilation of cerebral vessels, thereby relieving pain. Starts to work quickly. At the same time, the amount of glucose increases, metabolic processes in tissues accelerate, which promotes the healing of cracks.

This drug does not affect driving.

The healing properties of propolis

Propolis is a sticky substance that bees produce to strengthen and repair their hives. The product contains flavonoids, natural balms, resins, essential oils, vitamins and tannins. Thanks to this, “bee glue” provides a complex therapeutic effect:

  • neutralizes pathogenic microflora
  • relieves inflammation
  • has a regenerative effect
  • prevents pathological tissue growth
  • has an anesthetic effect

This range of properties allows them to be successfully used both in gynecology (inflammatory processes, thrush, cervical erosion, endometriosis, colpitis, uterine fibroids) and in urology (prostatitis or prostate adenoma in men, anal fissures, hemorrhoids).

Natural propolis can be viewed from the manufacturer at the link:


It is recommended to use suppositories with adrenaline during exacerbation, when hemorrhoids are complicated by bleeding. For example, if there is a stream of blood, the venous cavities of the large intestine are inflamed. Even with scanty bleeding, it is worth using suppositories with epinephrine to prevent complications.

In the chronic form of the disease, the drug is prescribed to activate the body’s immune properties, prevent infection with infectious diseases and the development of pathogenic microflora.

In the chronic form of the disease, the drug is prescribed to activate the body’s immune properties, prevent infection with infectious diseases and the development of pathogenic microflora.

It should be remembered that suppository therapy is symptomatic. The effect that adrenaline has wears off over time, but the problem remains. Suppositories with epinephrine are suitable as an ambulance to relieve symptoms of inflammation, stop bleeding, and relieve pain. They can promote rapid healing of wounds, but only in complex therapy. It is mandatory to take medications prescribed by a doctor, which fight not the symptoms, but the causes of the disease.

In some cases, surgery may be required. Then suppositories will be prescribed during the preparatory period to reduce the inflammatory process and relieve pain.

What suppositories are the most effective for hemorrhoids?

There are many drugs in the form of suppositories designed to treat hemorrhoids. Reviews from doctors cannot clearly name the best suppositories for hemorrhoids, since there are many indicators of their effectiveness. For some, rapid pain relief is important, and for others, a long-lasting therapeutic effect is important.

Suppositories that doctors recommend most often:

Name of the drug Action provided Doctors' opinions on effectiveness
Relief Anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, regenerating, antimicrobial and analgesic. Highly effective, especially when used in the early stages of internal hemorrhoids.
Gepatrombin G Decongestant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anticoagulant. A very good remedy, especially if there is a risk of blood clots in hemorrhoids. Indicated for use before surgery at any stage of the disease.
Proctosan Anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, healing and decongestant. Very good suppositories for the treatment of 2nd and 3rd degree internal hemorrhoids.
Anuzol Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, astringent. These suppositories are good for exacerbation of chronic internal hemorrhoids, especially if there is an inflammatory process.
Aurobin Antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antiseptic. The drug copes well with the manifestations of internal hemorrhoids, but has many side effects. Can only be used under the supervision of a specialist.
Natalsid Regenerating, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory. Effective, virtually harmless candles. Can be used to eliminate hemorrhoids in pregnant women.
Proctoglivenol Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, venotonic. Efficiency is high and tolerability is good in most patients. Particularly useful for chronic hemorrhoids, as well as during exacerbations.
Proctosedyl Anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, anesthetic. The drug is highly effective, but has a number of side effects and contraindications. Can only be used with a doctor's prescription.
Anestezol Antiseptic, analgesic. The drug is effective only for exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
Ultraproct Anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antipruritic, analgesic. Good suppositories to eliminate the main symptoms of hemorrhoids.
Ichthyol Venotonic, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, analgesic. A classic drug that is effective only in the initial stages of the disease.
Ginkor Procto Venotonic, venoprotective, anti-inflammatory. A very effective remedy that helps eliminate the cause of hemorrhoids, but does not cope with the symptoms quickly enough.
Methyluracil Antibacterial, hemostatic. An effective remedy that is used mainly after surgery for internal hemorrhoids.

In addition to the listed drugs, doctors' reviews rate suppositories with propolis, sea buckthorn oil and heparin quite well.

Contraindications and side effects

Suppositories with adrenaline are an unsafe drug that has side effects. You should consult a doctor before using this medicine to avoid negative effects. Such suppositories should be used carefully by elderly people, in whom the course of the disease may be accompanied by other pathologies in which the use of epinephrine is unacceptable. Such suppositories are used with caution for treating children under 12 years of age.

Exposure to adrenaline can be dangerous for the patient if certain underlying medical conditions are present. People who have problems with blood pressure are contraindicated to use this medicine. Endocrine system disorders are also a contraindication to the use of such suppositories, because the hormone increases blood sugar levels. It also helps to increase the strength of contractions of the heart muscles, which means that the use of suppositories is not recommended for patients suffering from heart disease.

If the drug is used incorrectly, the following side effects may occur:

  • a sharp rise in blood pressure;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • ventricular and atrial fibrillation;
  • pale skin;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • cerebral hemorrhage;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • impairment of all kidney functions;
  • an unreasonable feeling of anxiety.

If the drug is used incorrectly, blood pressure may rise sharply.

If side effects occur, you should immediately stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

Name of candles

Today, the pharmacological industry produces many suppositories with adrenaline, which have proven themselves in the treatment of hemorrhoids.


The drug is prescribed for inflammation of the nodes, damage to the anus and rectum. The product combines bismuth with zinc and belladonna extract, due to which the positive effect appears immediately after administration. The drug has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and drying effects. In case of clearly expressed symptoms, it is permissible to administer 7 pcs. per day, but only as prescribed by a doctor.


The medication protects against the negative effects of pathogenic microorganisms and stops bleeding. With its help, cells are quickly restored. The product also eliminates the risk of developing anemia. There are practically no side effects during the use of this medicine. Another advantage of the drug is a local increase in immune defense.


Suppositories quickly relieve anal itching, burning and pain. The medicine is trusted not only by patients, but also by experienced doctors. These suppositories can also be used for preventive purposes for people at risk and for those who have recently gotten rid of the symptoms of hemorrhoids.


The medication relieves inflammation and has an anesthetic effect, relieving pain. In the process of using it, swelling and the amount of discharge decrease, and itching goes away. The product helps to normalize the process of blood inflow and outflow. The suppositories dry the skin around the anus, thereby providing a barrier between inflamed hemorrhoids and feces. Quickly relieve aching pain in the chronic form of the disease.


Reduces swelling of hemorrhoids, quickly relieves itching, reduces discharge, and relieves spasm of the rectal muscles. The drug helps reduce the inflammatory process. Due to its composition, Proctosedyl can replace several drugs for topical use for hemorrhoids.

Homeopathic suppositories

Such candles have a gentle but effective effect. The drug is able to relieve the main manifestations of pathology, such as pain, itching, burning, swelling, and inflammation. The composition of these candles is dominated by plant components. For this reason, they are indicated, in contrast to epinephrine suppositories, for the elderly and pregnant women.

What are suppositories for hemorrhoids - types and purpose

Rectal suppositories are a special dosage form that is usually used to eliminate inflammation of hemorrhoids. What distinguishes them from other pharmacological forms is:

  • impact directly on the affected areas of the mucous membrane and blood vessels;
  • rapid relief of symptoms;
  • lack of influence on other organs and systems;
  • minimal number of contraindications and side effects.

There are several types of drugs of this type, and sometimes reviews cannot name the most effective suppositories for hemorrhoids, if only because they have fundamentally different effects:

  1. Symptomatic - with analgesics and antispasmodics, decongestants.
  2. Therapeutic - containing anti-inflammatory, decongestant, hemostatic components, as well as anticoagulants, venoprotectors and venotonics.

Most topical medications for hemorrhoids contain a complex of compounds that can improve the condition of altered nodes and reduce symptoms.

Rules of application

Before inserting the suppository, the skin around the anus should be moistened with warm water and wiped dry. Hands should also be washed with soap to avoid infection. The product is used up to 4 times a day as prescribed by a doctor:

  • the first time - in the morning after getting up;
  • during the day – after bowel movements (defecation, enema);
  • the last time is before bed.

Before inserting the suppository, the skin around the anus should be moistened with warm water and wiped dry, hands should be washed with soap to avoid infection.

It is necessary to remove the candle from the container immediately before use. It must be injected slowly and not too deeply so as not to injure the damaged mucosa. After insertion, you should lie on your stomach for several minutes.

Compatibility with alcohol is unacceptable.

During pregnancy and lactation

Adrenaline has a tonic effect on the muscles of the body, including the uterus. The hormone increases peristalsis, which has a bad effect on the fetus. In the first trimester of pregnancy, epinephrine can cause miscarriage, and in the third trimester, premature birth. From which it follows that the use of such suppositories during pregnancy is prohibited.

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of such suppositories is prohibited.

The use of this drug during lactation is not recommended. The components of the medicine can pass through breast milk to the baby.


Olga, Moscow: “I encountered this delicate problem due to sedentary work. I felt unpleasant symptoms for some time, but endured it; there was no time to go to the hospital. When the pain intensified, I began to notice blood, and consulted a doctor. The doctor prescribed a comprehensive treatment, which included Relief suppositories. Already after the introduction of the first suppository, the pain decreased. After a few days the bleeding stopped. After the course of treatment, the signs of the disease completely disappeared.”

Anton, Krasnoyarsk: “I have been suffering from hemorrhoids for a long time. I tried ointments, different tablets, but the effect of such drugs does not come quickly. During the last exacerbation, I used Proctosedyl suppositories. The pain and itching disappeared on the second day. I used the drug morning and evening. Completed the entire course of treatment. During this time, the bleeding stopped and the cracks healed. Today, for me, Proctosedyl is the most effective remedy for hemorrhoids.”

Marina, Rostov: “Hemorrhoids are a problem that I have been struggling with periodically for a long time. I bought expensive Relief suppositories, they relieved severe pain and other symptoms. Recently, a doctor recommended Anuzol suppositories, their price is much lower, and they give the same effect. My body responded well to the composition of the drug, so there were no side effects. I used the medicine in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.”

Inna, Sochi: “I went to the hospital with signs of hemorrhoids only when I could no longer endure the pain and itching in the anus. The doctor immediately made a diagnosis and prescribed therapy, which included Methyluracil. Within a minute after the injection, relief came, the first night I slept peacefully. For the first few days I administered suppositories 3 times a day, then I switched to twice a day. At the end of the course, the symptoms went away.”

Oleg, Novosibirsk: “Hemorrhoids appeared after the army. There is no way to cure the disease yet, I can only temporarily relieve the symptoms. I used various means, including candles. I have used Relief suppositories more than once, but they are expensive to be treated with constantly. I have already relieved unpleasant symptoms more than once with the help of Anestezol suppositories. The pain and burning goes away quickly.”


When do doctors recommend suppositories for hemorrhoids?

In what situation is which suppository for hemorrhoids is better, the reviews of experts actually do not differ. Doctors claim that this dosage form copes well with the task assigned to them in the initial stages of internal hemorrhoids. In this case, you do not need to use oral dosage forms and injections at all.

As for the 2nd and later stages of the disease, even good suppositories can only be used in combination with tablets, injections and other means and methods for eliminating internal hemorrhoids. Their use relieves the symptoms of hemorrhoids, exacerbation of the disease - acute thrombosis of hemorrhoids, bleeding, inflammation of the nodes.

At the 4th stage of internal hemorrhoids, when the nodes are constantly in a prolapsed state, suppositories are useless. But they can be used to relieve hemorrhoid symptoms and exacerbation.

Suppositories are used in preparation for surgical treatment of internal hemorrhoids, as well as during recovery after it. The choice of medicines is the prerogative of the doctor, since only he knows the characteristics of the course of the disease and can review the accompanying problems in the patient.

It is necessary to understand that completely solving the problem of hemorrhoids, i.e. It is impossible to radically eliminate the disease using suppositories. This remark is relevant in that often advertised remedies guarantee complete relief from the problem, while miracle cures are often quite expensive. Therefore, when choosing them, first of all, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

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