Symptoms of a stopped stomach: how to start it, first aid and recommendations

Stomach problems, treatment methods.

The human body is a holistic mechanism that consists of many organs, and the overall health of a person depends on how correctly they function. We often hear that the most important thing in life is good health, because when a person is sick, all other joys of life fade into the background.

But what to do if your stomach suddenly “goes out of order” and, moreover, did it suddenly? Poor nutrition, bad habits, stress and much more can easily disturb your stomach from its usual work, and it is in such cases that we most often begin to talk about such a problem as “stomach arrest”. What to do in such a situation? This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Causes and symptoms of gastric arrest in children and adults

That is why a person must treat his health with due respect and, if possible, prevent his well-being from deteriorating. One of the most important human organs is the stomach, because it is this organ that, to one degree or another, supports the full functioning of a person.

Stomach arrest (in medicine, atony) is a rather serious and unpleasant disease, which in our time, unfortunately, has begun to appear more and more often. It should also be noted that atony occurs in both adults and children. There are many reasons for the manifestation of this disease, let’s consider the main ones:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Stress
  • Fast weight loss
  • Frequent overwork
  • Severe exhaustion of a person
  • Previous anesthesia
  • Diseases of the abdominal organs
  • Increased anxiety
  • Various infections

The main reason for stomach failure is probably poor nutrition. The pace of life of a modern person is truly crazy.

The main reason is poor nutrition

Living in such a rhythm, people simply cannot take proper care of their nutrition:

  • quick snacks
  • eating fatty and spicy foods
  • Frequent overeating is the first step to problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Well, what about without bad habits? Here, of course, we couldn’t do without them. Excessive consumption of alcohol, and drinking it in general, as well as smoking, have a very detrimental effect on the functioning of the stomach and the entire body as a whole. It's no secret that when smoking a cigarette, a person receives a certain dose of nicotine, and nicotine, in turn, reduces the tone of the stomach muscles, as a result of which it can stop.

If we talk about the causes of atony in children , then it is worth highlighting frequent stress and anxiety. As an example, we can cite the period of a child’s life when he is weaned from his mother’s breast and potty trained.

In children it can be caused by stress

Speaking about the causes of atony, few people remember another important point - a violation of the acidity of the stomach, and in general, few people know what hydrochloric acid is and how it relates to all this. And the relationship is, in principle, as direct as it gets.

Atony manifests itself quite clearly and painfully. All patients have the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain (aching, sharp, dull)
  • Lack of appetite
  • Quick satiety with food
  • Heaviness in the stomach
  • Bloating
  • Belching (or lack thereof)
  • Bad breath
  • Increased body temperature
  • Pale skin
  • Nausea

Answers on questions

“Count” in the stomach – the reason?

Most likely, a stake in the stomach indicates the presence of heaviness in the upper abdomen. Common causes of discomfort, discomfort and heaviness in the stomach area:

  • binge eating;
  • food poisoning;
  • gastritis or peptic ulcer;
  • functional stomach disorder.

With banal overeating, the discomfort will disappear over time. In case of food poisoning, you will experience nausea, vomiting, and your body temperature may rise. If the cause of the feeling of “cola” in the stomach is pathology, then such complaints will be repeated. In the latter case, it is necessary to consult a doctor about a comprehensive examination and further treatment.

Hydrochloric acid: functions and role in digestion and stomach

Hydrochloric acid is a substance that is part of the gastric juice and provides it with an acidic environment. Low or high acidity can also cause the stomach to stop, because it is the presence of the required amount of hydrochloric acid that ensures normal digestion. When the acid balance is disturbed, a malfunction occurs in the digestive process, and food “stagnates” in the stomach and does not come out, as a result of which we get gastric arrest.

Hydrochloric acid performs the following functions:

  • restores normal environment in the stomach
  • activates the secretory activity of the gastric glands
  • curdles milk
  • promotes protein breakdown
  • responsible for the motor activity of the stomach

Next, let's move on to the treatment of this disease and consider the most effective medications.

First aid for atony: medications that help the stomach start up

Based on the fact that when the stomach stops, the pain is quite strong, you should act immediately. It depends on how quickly and correctly the actions are taken whether the result will be achieved and whether more professional help will be required.

You can relieve abdominal pain and improve your general condition accordingly with specific medications. So, when your stomach stops, you need to look for the following in your first aid kit:

  • Activated carbon
  • Mezim
  • Pancreatin
  • Drotaverine
  • Creon
  • Festal
  • Somilazu

Medicines for the stomach

Now let's take a closer look at each medication:

  • Pancreatin is one of the best drugs prescribed to improve digestion. When the stomach stops, an adult needs to take 2-3 tablets; for children, 1 piece will be enough. It is recommended to take the tablets with meals, without chewing them and drinking plenty of water.
  • Mezim, Creon, Festal are analogues of pancreatin: therefore, if you don’t find it in your medicine cabinet, you can safely replace it with these drugs. The method of administration and dosage are also similar to the drug Pancreatin.
  • Activated carbon should be taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.
  • Somilase 1-2 tablets during meals with plenty of water.
  • The well-known nosh-pa or its analogue - drotaverine , is perfect for relieving spasms. To do this, an adult needs to take 1-2 tablets, while a child will need one.

To improve the effect when the stomach stops, you can drink activated charcoal, drotaverine and mezim together in the indicated dosages - this will be the first aid for atony.

IMPORTANT: It must be remembered that the use of medications requires increased attention. Despite the availability of most medicines in the public domain, you need to understand that any drug, even one that contains only herbs, can be harmful to your health. Only a specialist should prescribe the drug, based on the characteristics of your body, because any medicine has contraindications.

Pancreatin, mezim, festal are strictly prohibited for people who have:

  • Jaundice
  • Pancreatitis
  • Diabetes
  • Hepatitis
  • Acute forms of gastritis

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that if you have made a choice in favor of solving the problem at home and have taken the above-mentioned medications, but the desired result has not been achieved, you should urgently consult a doctor. Extra precautions should also be taken when it comes to children.

Taking medications

We have successfully dealt with the medicinal part of providing assistance, but we should not forget about the opportunity to help ourselves in other ways.

What can be done to ease the stomach of an adult and a child?

So, to get the stomach started, both an adult and a child, in addition to medications, are recommended to take the following actions:

  • It is advisable to place the patient on his side, with his legs bent.
  • If desired, give a small amount of water to drink.
  • Massage your stomach in a clockwise direction with light, smooth movements.
  • if there is nausea, it is recommended to induce vomiting. This can be done, for example, by giving a large amount of water to drink.
  • If after a short period of time the patient feels better, you can give very weak tea to drink.
  • If after the procedures done a person develops an appetite, you can give some light food.

Also, do not forget that sometimes gastric failure occurs during pregnancy. The period of bearing a child is a very important and crucial moment in the life of every woman, but, unfortunately, problems with the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy are by no means uncommon.

Measures to eliminate symptoms of the disease

In this matter, perhaps, we need to pay attention not only to the woman’s actions when this problem has already appeared, but also to the prevention of atony. Pregnant women should never go hungry, nor, in principle, should they eat excessively; it is appropriate to stick to a diet menu during pregnancy, do not forget about the daily routine and, of course, protect yourself in every possible way from stress and anxiety.

How to help a patient suffering from a clogged stomach

To eliminate a blockage in the stomach, it is necessary to clean it.

To get rid of blockages, conservative and surgical methods are used. Conservative therapy involves the use of an enema and gastric lavage.

Doctors recommend using a drip using a special solution. This method helps restore normal electrolyte balance.

Thus, a person gets rid of the symptoms of dehydration. During surgery, doctors use a flexible tube. With its help, food is removed from the stomach. If necessary, tissues that have undergone necrosis are removed.

After surgery, measures must be taken to restore water and electrolyte balance. Conservative therapy is used in cases where there are no serious injuries.

When the first symptoms of blockage appear, doctors recommend flushing the stomach in any way. Registration medications are used to eliminate symptoms of dehydration. They should be taken in small sips to avoid vomiting.

What to do during pregnancy to make your stomach work?

As everyone knows, during pregnancy, taking medications is strictly limited, so choosing to take this or that drug without consulting and prescribing a doctor is a very unjustified risk. That is why, if a pregnant woman has a stomach problem, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  • drink mineral water, it relieves stomach pain quite well (it is much better to buy it at the pharmacy).
  • You can also drink kefir.
  • take activated carbon, as it is absolutely harmless for expectant mothers.
  • drink infusions of soothing herbs, such as chamomile or mint.

Pain in the stomach in a pregnant woman
Do not forget about the fact that pregnant women, both during treatment of the stomach and at all other times, need peace and a sufficient amount of rest.

Continuing the topic of other ways to help stop the stomach, it is worth mentioning folk remedies against this disease.

Folk remedies for starting the stomach: recipes

Many of us believe that treatment with folk remedies is in no way inferior to drug treatment. That is why there are quite a large number of folk methods of helping with atony.

As a rule, all folk remedies for restoring the functioning of the stomach converge on one thing - herbal treatment. But it is also not denied and, on the contrary, treatment with positive emotions is welcomed.

What do we mean by positive emotions? First of all, it is an intense and active outdoor recreation. The ideal option would be to relax by the sea or in the mountains, as well as visit mineral water baths and massage sessions.

Don’t forget about your psycho-emotional state - it’s not for nothing that they say that all problems and illnesses are caused by nerves. You need to learn to at least temporarily let go of all worries, as well as worries, and simply enjoy what is happening.

Folk remedies for treating stomach

So, let's move on to healing decoctions. To prepare medicinal tinctures and decoctions we will need the following ingredients:

  • fennel fruits and oregano
  • marshmallow root
  • alder buckthorn bark
  • milk thistle powder
  • yarrow and chamomile flowers
  • big plantain
  • dandelion root
  • coltsfoot
  • ginseng root
  • mint and lemon balm

To prepare the first decoction you need:

  • Take 1.5 tbsp each of fennel fruit, marshmallow root and alder buckthorn bark
  • then mix all the ingredients and take 1 tbsp of the finished mixture
  • pour 350-400 ml of boiling water over it and place in a water bath for 20 minutes
  • let the resulting broth brew for 30-40 minutes

It is recommended to take this product after meals, in an amount of 200 ml.

Treatment of the stomach at home

The following recipes are quite simple, but no less effective.

  • Before meals, you need to eat 1 teaspoon of dry milk thistle, drinking plenty of water.
  • Chamomile flowers, mint and lemon balm should be brewed like regular tea; this remedy will help relieve tension and relax the body.
  • Ginseng root, coltsfoot, oregano, plantain and other ingredients from the list.

It is necessary to prepare as follows:

  • take 1 tbsp dry and chopped herb or root
  • then pour the ingredient with 200 ml of boiling water and cook for several minutes
  • Next, let the broth cool and strain it
  • the product is ready for use in an amount of 200 ml

As mentioned earlier, before taking any medication, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Despite the fact that folk remedies based on herbs are considered safe, you need to remember that they also have contraindications, and there is also such a thing as “individual intolerance”.

Every person may be allergic to one or another component, which is why if you want to treat yourself with traditional methods, it is also recommended to consult a doctor, and together with him choose the optimal, and most importantly safe, herbal treatment option that will bring exceptional benefits to your body . Having dealt with the causes, symptoms of atony, as well as all possible methods of treating this disease, it is necessary, of course, to talk about a person’s nutrition during a stomach stop and after the disease has begun to recede.

Surgical methods

Mezim will help improve the functioning of the digestive system.

To eliminate gastric obstruction, the specialist adheres to the following algorithm:

  • A tube is inserted through the patient's mouth. With its help, a certain volume of liquid is removed.
  • If dead tissue is identified, the surgeon performs resection. After this, the specialist connects the healthy endings.
  • Intravenous procedures are mandatory after surgery. This is due to the fact that surgery is accompanied by the loss of a large amount of fluid. It is urgent to replenish your electrolyte supply.

Medicines improve the patient's condition and prepare him for surgery. The patient is prescribed antiemetic and antibacterial drugs. In some cases, the patient is prescribed corticosteroids to help him cope with heavy workload.

This video will show you how to cleanse your colon with salt water:

What foods should you eat if you have an upset stomach?

Of course, it’s immediately worth noting the fact that you need to give up fatty, fried and spicy foods. You need to eat in a calm environment, without rushing anywhere, chewing your food thoroughly. Also, during the period of exacerbation of the disease, you should avoid such products as:

  • boiled eggs and meat
  • pears
  • rice and beans
  • sparkling water and sweets

Food portions should be increased gradually so that there is no heavy load on the stomach, and liquid and well-chopped food should predominate in the diet. Ideally, meals should be 5-6 every 1.5-2 hours. And, of course, it will be obvious that you need to give up alcohol and smoking.

Products for the stomach

Having relieved the acute pain from atony, and finally recovered from this illness, you should seriously think about your health, in particular about nutrition and digestion.


The diagnosis is made based on examination and questioning of the patient. If necessary, a number of instrumental studies are carried out. The patient is prescribed fibrogastroduodenoscopy. In the presence of organic changes, the procedure allows you to detect the lesion. A lack of peristalsis is visually detected; sometimes undigested food remains are present.

Intragastric manometry is used as an additional method. A diagnostic sign is a change in the amplitude and speed of contractions of the antrum, the absence of a muscle activity front. In rare cases, an X-ray examination with barium contrast is performed. If the stomach stops, there is stagnation of the contrast agent.

How to improve digestion: methods and tips

Unfortunately, very few of us take proper care of our nutrition. Some do not do this due to lack of time, some due to lack of desire, and some due to a lack of understanding of the importance of this issue.

Nevertheless, this continues, as a rule, until it affects us ourselves. And here the majority remembers proper nutrition, diets and even physical activity. This is all very good, but it’s even better when it’s done correctly and wisely.

Products that are good for the body

Don't forget that everything is good in moderation. Therefore, if after an illness you have an irresistible desire to change your diet and add physical activity to your life, we recommend that you do this gradually and correctly, and also adhere to the following tips:

  • Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits – people who regularly eat fresh vegetables are least likely to suffer from digestive problems.
  • Avoid foods that may increase stomach acid. The first sign of increased acidity is heartburn, so if you are suffering from this disease, you should seriously think about this point.
  • Take care of your intestinal microflora. The human intestine contains a huge number of beneficial bacteria that help digest food. Unfortunately, with our bad habits and lack of proper nutrition, we cause ourselves great harm.
  • You can restore the required amount of “good” bacteria by eating fermented milk products, as well as special preparations.
  • Don't starve, eat small portions.
  • Follow a daily routine and start doing moderate physical activity.
  • Make sure that your menu contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • A gentle therapeutic diet will also help restore the normal digestion process, but it should only be prescribed by a specialist - here you should do without amateur activities, otherwise you can only aggravate the situation.

Useful gymnastics
One of the means of preventing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the whole body as a whole is therapeutic exercises. Let's look at the basic exercises:

  • "Bike". Lie on your back, bend your knees and try to imitate riding a bicycle. To begin with, 3 sets of 10 times will be enough.
  • Starting position and number of approaches too. It is necessary to bring your knees in and out.
  • Another effective exercise is walking in place. During this exercise, try to raise your legs as high as possible. The duration of the walk to start is 1-3 minutes.

In our hectic times, we must never forget about the most important thing - our health. Despite the huge number of ways to treat atony: from folk remedies and gymnastics to taking medications, do not forget about the simple rule: “Prevention is easier than cure.” By following this rule, you will give yourself a long, healthy and happy life.

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