Which suppositories are best for hemorrhoids? We get rid of delicate problems!

Review of suppositories for hemorrhoids: top 10 most effective

Treatment of hemorrhoids must be carried out immediately after the first signs of the disease appear. The most effective remedy for hemorrhoids in the early stages is suppositories. They quickly soothe pain, relieve itching and burning. The inserted suppository melts, resulting in an active effect of its components on inflammation.

But before you begin treatment for hemorrhoids, you need to come for an examination by a proctologist and get a recommendation on the use of certain suppositories. Let's look at the most inexpensive and effective suppositories for hemorrhoids in detail: with prices, reviews, recommendations for use.

How to choose the best product?

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor taking into account the severity of the disease. The choice of suppositories and ointments for hemorrhoids depends on the predominant symptom - bleeding, pain, itching, inflammation of the skin around the anus:

  1. Preparations for oral administration. Excellent results in the treatment of hemorrhoids are achieved by combination therapy, combining symptomatic drugs to relieve local discomfort and drugs for oral use. These are medicines in the price category of up to 200 rubles, such as Troxevasin (an analogue of Troxerutin), from 400 to 500 rubles - Venarus, Venadiol, Ginkor Forte in capsules or gel form. Drugs in the price category from 650 to 850 rubles have similar properties - Diosmin (analogous to Vazoket), Phlebodia, Hesperidin + Diosmin (analogous to Detralex).
  2. For severe pain syndrome, suppositories and ointments for hemorrhoids with anesthetics are indicated - lidocaine, neomycin, anesthesin, benzocaine, Cinchocaine, Lauromacrogol - these are pain-relieving suppositories Relief Advance, Emla (Lidocaine + Prilocaine cream), Proctosedyl M, Olestesin, Nigepan.
  3. When there is an inflammatory process around the anus on the skin, Ichthyol (ichthyols), Levomikol, as well as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, see ointments for pain) are indicated, the most popular among them are Diclofenac and Ibuprofen suppositories. If inflammation is accompanied by itching and there are no contraindications to the use of corticosteroids, then you can use suppositories with hormonal agents - Proctosedyl, Gepotrombin G, Ultroproct, Aurobin ointment.
  4. Bleeding - drugs that stop bleeding are used, venotonics to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, vasoconstrictor drugs to relieve swelling (adrenaline, tribenosyl, phenylephrine hydrochloride) - Relief, Procto-glivenol.
  5. For uncomplicated hemorrhoids, anticoagulants are indicated that dissolve formed blood clots and stop thrombus formation - suppositories with heparin (Hepatrombin G, Nigepan), heparin ointment.

How to use suppositories correctly?

Much in the treatment of hemorrhoids depends on how correctly suppositories are used. Before using candles, carefully read the instructions supplied with them. Among the general recommendations are:

  1. Bowel movement. You can do this with an enema. It is necessary to have a bowel movement so that the intestinal walls are cleared of feces and the effect of all active substances is complete.
  2. Necessary water procedures. After washing, you need to dry yourself well with a towel. Do not rub the inflamed area of ​​skin, but make several blotting movements.
  3. Correct administration of the suppository. Insert the candle into the anus, lying on your side and tucking your knees towards you. Inject shallowly. After administration, turn over on your back and lie for thirty minutes.

You also need:

  • try to avoid constipation. To do this, you can use laxatives;
  • It should be applied in the morning and evening once or twice a day. Period of use – one or two weeks;
  • If the condition worsens or symptoms appear that are not associated with hemorrhoids, you need to clarify the diagnosis again.

You should also know that it is best to do the procedure immediately before bed.

Other Treatments for Hemorrhoids

Popular drug Relief

Along with rectal suppositories, doctors often prescribe folk remedies for hemorrhoids. These include baths with chamomile, calendula, potassium permanganate, and applying ice cubes to hemorrhoidal cones. You can also apply a cotton swab with sea buckthorn oil. In the presence of hemorrhoids and anal fissure, microenemas with chamomile decoction are also prescribed to provide anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. In cases of an advanced stage of the disease, when suppositories and baths do not help, more radical treatment methods can be used:

  • Laser coagulation. This is an effective and painless method for removing hemorrhoids; it does not require long rehabilitation. However, after it it is necessary to be observed by a proctologist.
  • Sclerotherapy. A sclerosant is injected into the nodules, which promotes the resorption of hemorrhoidal cones. This method is effective in the initial stages of hemorrhoids. If the lump is too large, sclerotherapy will not work. There is no need for hospitalization; this procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis.
  • Cryodestruction. This procedure is performed using low temperatures (below 190 degrees Celsius). The main advantage of this method is that it is bloodless. The patient does not lose blood and feels well after the procedure. You can do without anesthesia and hospitalization.
  • Ligation. If the lump is already quite large, you can use the ligation method. A latex ring is placed on the nodule, which disrupts the blood flow to it, after which the lumps decrease in size and fall off. In extreme cases, the nodules are removed by conventional surgery. In this case, hospitalization is necessary, postoperative complications are possible, such as bleeding, fistulas, rectal prolapse, suppuration of the suture.

It is difficult to say which method is most effective. This depends on the individual characteristics of the disease, age and general condition of the patient. Nutrition and exercise are also an important part of treatment. If you leave your usual lifestyle and rely only on other methods of treatment, there is a high probability that hemorrhoids will recur. It is necessary to monitor your stool, avoid constipation, avoid fatty and spicy foods, exclude chocolate and carbonated drinks from your diet, and reduce alcohol consumption.

What are they?

Classification of candles:

Painkillers:based on components with a pronounced analgesic and calming effect. Includes anesthesin, benzocaine, lidocaine, belladonna extract, propolis and other active substances. These remedies are used to relieve pain in the anus.
Hemostatic:designed to relieve bleeding, a common symptom of hemorrhoids. There are candles that contain adrenaline or ice.
Disinfectants:used in case of infection of wounds due to hemorrhoids. These medications include antibiotics that eliminate most pathogens.
Anti-inflammatory:They relieve the inflammatory process of the disease well and have a partial analgesic effect.
Venotonic:restore blood vessels and capillaries, strengthen their walls, and prevent fragility. Thanks to this, hemorrhoids decrease in size, reducing the likelihood of developing new lumps.
Healing:used for the appearance of anal fissures, they have a regenerating, restorative effect.
Combined:have several effects at once, combining antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects.

For each patient, suppositories are selected depending on which symptom of the disease predominates. This may be itching, bleeding, swelling, pain, inflammation and other manifestations.

What forms of medication are most effective for back pain?

To get rid of back pain, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of the disease. However, before proceeding with diagnosis, it is necessary to alleviate the patient’s condition, relieving him of pain and inflammation. In pharmacies you can find a lot of drugs for back pain.

The most effective forms of medication are:

  1. Pills . Tablet forms of drugs are selected depending on the location of the pain, its duration and intensity. These can be NSAIDs (pain reliever, relieve inflammation and fever), analgesics (pain relief), corticosteroids, chondroprotectors (restore articular cartilage), muscle relaxants (reduce skeletal muscle tone). The tablets act for a limited time and are used to alleviate the patient's condition. In addition, they can cause gastrointestinal side effects. That is why the course of taking tablets should be minimal.
  2. Blockades . If the use of tablets turns out to be ineffective, indications arise for the introduction of anesthetic drugs into the paravertebral space. For this, solutions of local anesthetics (lidocaine, marcaine, novocaine, longocaine) are used. The essence of the procedure is to insert a needle perpendicularly into the skin near the spine. If everything is done correctly, the end of the needle ends up in the muscles and the anesthetic is injected there.
  3. Preparations for topical use (balms, creams, ointments, gels, patches) . They are an excellent addition to standard therapy. They have a warming, analgesic, and local irritating effect. Particularly popular are medicinal patches that are glued to the affected area of ​​the back. They can be impregnated with dimexide (pain reliever), solutions of chondroprotectors (nourish joints with necessary substances), etc. Therapeutic patches are easy to use: they are small in size and do not take up much space in your bag. This “medicine” is invisible under clothing and can even be carried in a miniature handbag. In addition, the patches have a relatively low cost.

Each of the listed dosage forms has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of medications for back pain should be made by an experienced neurologist. The specialist will prescribe the necessary examinations, make a diagnosis, evaluate possible side effects and contraindications, and draw up an optimal treatment program.

Despite the fact that most drugs for back pain are available without a prescription, their independent and unsupervised use is strictly prohibited.

Benefits of candles

Most patients suffering from damage to the veins of the rectum prefer suppositories against hemorrhoids for the treatment of pathology. This dosage form has many advantages:

  • achieving a therapeutic effect immediately after administration of the suppository;
  • availability of drugs. Many suppositories are relatively inexpensive, but at the same time have good effectiveness;
  • ease of use. Inserting a suppository does not require special knowledge or skills;
  • possibility of use among all patient groups, including children and pregnant women;
  • no negative effect on the gastric mucosa and liver;
  • a small number of undesirable effects.

Rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids are used more often for the internal form of the disease, but even for the external form of the disease, suppositories have a good therapeutic effect.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy and breastfeeding

In the group of drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids in the form of suppositories, practically nothing is recommended for use during lactation and pregnancy, especially during its 1st trimester, when the formation of organs and systems of the fetus occurs.

However, there is a group of suppositories for which these conditions are not an absolute contraindication - Natalsid, suppositories with belladonna extract. Posterizan, glycerin suppositories for hemorrhoids, Olestezin, Nigepan, suppositories with sea buckthorn oil, Betiol, Neo-Anuzol.

Used to a limited extent (in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, as well as during breastfeeding) are suppositories Relief and Relief Advance, Ultraproct, Gepatrombin G. When using them, you need to analyze the effect of their use and the possible risk to the child’s health.

Top 10: short list

A short list of drugs and prices for the most effective suppositories for hemorrhoids:

  • Relief - price of the drug - from 280 rubles.
  • Gepatrombin G - price of suppositories - from 105 rubles.
  • Proctosan - average price - from 230 rubles.
  • Anuzol - price - from 45 rubles.
  • Natalsid - cost - from 240 rubles.
  • Aurobin - price - from 220 rubles.
  • Proctosedyl - average cost - from 320 rubles.
  • Proctoglivenol - price - from 400 rubles.
  • Ultraproct - the price of the drug is from 450 rubles.
  • Candles with sea buckthorn - price from 50 rubles.

Trying to determine which suppositories are best for hemorrhoids, many patients act by trial and error. However, only a doctor can determine and prescribe the best drugs on an individual basis.

Indeed, sometimes, when taking cheap suppositories for hemorrhoids, the patient does not notice any improvement. In order for suppositories for internal hemorrhoids to be effective, it is important to take into account all manifestations of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient’s health.

Features of the treatment of childhood hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are rarely diagnosed in children, so, unfortunately, there are no special treatments. Known drugs for adults are used. Only a pediatrician or pediatric surgeon can prescribe the correct therapy, taking into account the age and condition of the child.

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"Indomethacin" suppositories for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids in children can be treated with special sitz baths, enemas or medications in the form of rectal suppositories.

Selection is carried out on an individual basis based on the main principles:

  • medicine for hemorrhoids for children should be as safe as possible;
  • the composition of the preparations is predominantly natural;
  • minimum contraindications, adverse reactions;
  • the dosage is reduced compared to adults;
  • the shape should be comfortable and not cause discomfort to the baby;
  • treatment is carried out in short courses;
  • Constant medical supervision is required.

The features of antihemorrhoidal therapy largely depend on the age of the child. For newborns and children under 1 year old, it is easy to insert a suppository or lubricate the anus with ointment. You just need to distract the baby with a toy and quickly, but very carefully, perform the manipulations. But with older patients who are already walking, things are more complicated.

Children aged 3 to 5 years are very active. This is a clear advantage for preventing hemorrhoids, so the occurrence of pathology during this period is unlikely. But if it does appear, then treatment is not easy. Parents must have patience and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

Suppositories are most often prescribed, therefore:

  • It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime, so the candle will remain inside until completely dissolved and will have the maximum therapeutic effect;
  • if necessary, for example, for constipation, it is better to administer the suppository during the daytime - in this case, you will have to distract the child so that he lies down for at least 15-20 minutes or carry him in his arms with his tummy down;
  • For small children, the size of the candle is large, it can be divided into several times.

There are suppositories for hemorrhoids consisting of natural ingredients.
Treatment of a school-age child and teenager usually does not cause any problems. Some children carry out the procedure on their own. It is important that at any age it does not cause discomfort. If the child cries a lot with each injection or complains of discomfort, you should stop everything and consult a pediatrician.

Gepatrombin G

Hepatrombin suppositories are a combination drug with prednisolone, which produces an antithrombotic, venosclerosing, anti-inflammatory effect.

Prednisolone relieves inflammation and provides an antiallergic effect. Heparin is an anticoagulant that has antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory, antiexudative effects, ensures regeneration of connective tissue in hemorrhoids, and prevents blood coagulation. Lauromacrogol – produces a local anesthetic, sclerosing effect.

Hepatrombin suppositories are contraindicated for syphilis, tuberculosis, skin tumors, high sensitivity, tendency to bleeding, skin lesions of a viral, bacterial, fungal nature, as well as in the first months of pregnancy. You can use such suppositories for no more than one week, 1-2 supp. in a day,

When using, allergies and redness of the skin may occur. If the drug is used frequently and for a long time, systemic side effects are likely to develop.

Price – from 170 rub.

Relief candles

Relief suppositories are a popular medicinal product that has gained the trust of consumers due to its effectiveness. There are two types of this medicine, which have different effects:

  1. Relief ultra. This product contains hydrocortisone acetate, zinc sulfate, shark liver oil. Ultra Relief constricts blood vessels, gives an antiallergic effect, reduces itching, heals wounds and erosions, and has an immunomodulatory effect. Contraindications: bacterial, viral, fungal infections in the anal area, neoplasms, tuberculosis, severe diabetes, hypernatremia, hypersensitivity. Do not take during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Relief advance. The main active ingredients are shark liver oil and benzocaine. Relief Advance relieves pain, inflammation, itching, irritation, heals wounds, and has an immunomodulatory effect. Contraindications: thromboembolism, granulocytopenia, hypersensitivity to the components. Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

How to treat a child from 12 years of age

Treatment of hemorrhoids in schoolchildren and adolescents can also be carried out using medicinal suppositories. For this age, the following drugs are used:

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How to use glycerin suppositories for hemorrhoids?


A herbal preparation, an analogue of Alginatol. With regular use, it reduces bleeding, dries wounds and cracks, reduces inflammation of the mucous membrane and tissues, and accelerates the healing process. 1 suppository per day is inserted into the rectum for a week. It is recommended for the treatment of children from 14 years of age; at earlier ages it is better to use Alginatol.

Natalsid suppositories are intended for local treatment of symptomatic manifestations of diseases of the anal area


A potent antihemorrhoidal agent based on the vasoconstrictor substance phenylephrine. Prescribed according to strict indications for children over 12 years of age. It has an anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, healing, anti-edematous, hemostatic effect. Natural auxiliary components - shark liver oil, glycerin, vitamin E, cocoa butter and thyme - soften the mucous membrane, eliminate discomfort and itching. It is used for any form of hemorrhoids, as well as for the treatment of anal fissures and irritation. The daily norm is no more than 4 candles. The duration of treatment is determined individually.

The medicine is popular for treating any form of disease


Suppositories from a series of herbal remedies based on bee products. It contains exclusively natural ingredients - propolis, honey, bee bread, royal jelly. Not recommended for the treatment of hemorrhoids in young children due to the high risk of developing allergies. They have good anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Treatment regimen: 1 suppository at night for 2–3 weeks.

Prostopin can be used in the complex treatment of the disease as a powerful and safe natural medicine to eliminate symptoms and eliminate infection

Sea buckthorn candles

Sea buckthorn suppositories are a hypoallergenic remedy that is suitable for every patient with hemorrhoids.

Even pregnant women are prescribed this drug by doctors. The effect of this medicine is quite mild. You need to place 1 suppository rectally before going to bed every day. Improvement will come after a week or two. Children are not recommended to use more than 1 candle per day. In adults, the dosage can be increased to 2 suppositories. In this case, the course of treatment should last at least 10 days.

Reviews from patients who used sea buckthorn suppositories to treat hemorrhoids confirm the effectiveness of the product. Sea buckthorn suppositories are completely safe. They are prescribed to patients of all ages (even the elderly). They will not affect the development of the fetus during pregnancy at any stage.


A natural medicine whose effect is due to a natural ingredient – ​​sodium alginate. This substance stops bleeding, heals wounds, relieves pain, and relieves inflammation. In addition, intestinal function is further normalized.

Contraindications include the following conditions:

  • intolerance to components;
  • age restrictions (prohibited under 14 years old).

When diagnosed with internal hemorrhoids, treatment is carried out for 1-2 weeks, the frequency of use is 1 suppository 2 times a day. Customer reviews confirm that suppositories are well tolerated, only in some situations allergic reactions may occur.


Proctosan is an effective suppository for hemorrhoids for men and women. The medicine has a positive effect on the rectal mucosa, relieves itching, burning, pain, and inflammation. Bufexamak as part of suppositories reduces swelling and local hyperemia in the disease. Lidocaine is a good pain reliever, its effect is felt immediately after insertion of the suppository. Titanium dioxide prevents bleeding and has an astringent effect. Thanks to bismuth subgalate, a film is formed on the surface of the rectum, protecting inflamed areas from pathogenic bacteria.

Suppositories are used 2 times a day. To achieve optimal effect, it is recommended to give a cleansing enema before the procedure. After this, you need to insert a candle into the anus. Course – 8–10 days.

Price 350 rubles.

The danger of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a pathological disease associated with varicose veins in the anus. Hemorrhoidal, enlarged nodes appear. They gradually become inflamed, bleed, and fall out of the anus. The following reasons are identified:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • gestation, childbirth;
  • dystrophic changes;
  • frequent constipation, diarrhea;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • alcohol abuse, unhealthy diet.

The disease develops gradually. It is easy to control in the early stages. Can be completely cured and eliminated. If timely consultation with a doctor is not observed, complications arise.

Negative consequences are dangerous for humans and lead to a sharp deterioration in the quality of life and well-being.

Large hemorrhoids gradually form. They increase in size and may not go away on their own. To eliminate them, you will need the help of a proctologist. Minor bleeding from the rectum occurs. Gradually they increase. A person begins to develop anemia, he becomes pale, lethargic, and painful.


This medicine contains lidocaine and tribendide. Lidocaine has a local analgesic effect on the anal area, and tribendide reduces capillary permeability, improves microcirculation of the muscular and mucous layer of the rectum, and also has an effective anti-inflammatory effect. An improvement in the condition and a significant reduction in pain occurs 1.5-2 hours after the administration of the Procto-Glivenol suppository into the rectum. Swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane are also significantly reduced.

  1. This drug is used with extreme caution if there is a history of any allergic reactions, especially to local anesthetic drugs or other components included in the Procto-Glivenol suppositories; it is also necessary to notify the attending proctologist about this, since this fact is an absolute contraindication to use of the drug "Procto-Glivenol".
  2. This medicine is not prescribed to children under 12 years of age and to pregnant women in the early stages (in the first trimester of pregnancy). With extreme caution and under the constant dynamic supervision of a physician, this drug is prescribed to patients with liver and kidney diseases.

Adverse reactions are observed extremely rarely, mainly when doses and contraindications are ignored. But with long-term use of Procto-Glivenol rectal suppositories, discomfort, irritation, minor pain, itching and burning sensation in the rectum, as well as intestinal disorders in the form of constipation or diarrhea may occur. If you have any of the symptoms, you should immediately stop using this type of suppository and consult a doctor.

How to choose an effective drug?

To choose the name of the product, self-treatment is not recommended. An examination is carried out by a proctologist. It includes the following tests:

  • general examination;
  • KBC, TAM, coagulogram, leukocyte formula;
  • checking the anal reflex;
  • digital examination of the rectum;
  • anoscopy, retromanoscopy, irrigoscopy, colonoscopy;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

The data obtained is referred to the doctor. It determines the degree of development of the pathology. After that, he recommends the best suppositories for hemorrhoids for women or men, with the best price.

A drugActive substanceprice, rub.
ProctosedylHydrocortisone, framycetin, heparin, benzocaine150-300
ProctosanBufexamac, bismuth, titanium dioxide, lidocaine220-280
PosterisanInactivated microbial cells550-600
Sea buckthorn candlesSea buckthorn oil100-150
Methyluracil suppositoriesMethyluracil130-150
Ichthyol candlesIchthyol70-100
DiclofenacDiclofenac sodium50-70
HepatrombinHeparin component, prednisolone, lauromacrogol250-280
OlestesinSea buckthorn oil, sulphaethidol, benzocaine150-170

The greatest effectiveness is observed in the early stages of the disease. During the treatment process, the doctor is visited again and tests are performed. If additional cracks appear, the condition worsens, surgery is prescribed.


Anestezol is available in the form of suppositories containing benzocaine, bismuth subgallate, zinc oxide, levomenthol. Since it is combined, it has different effects. Among them are:

  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • destruction of bacteria, viruses, fungi;
  • astringent effect;
  • drying.

Many patients buy the medicine due to the low number of side effects. Among them are local allergic reactions and laxative effects. A burning sensation in the rectum may occur. The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, children under 12 years of age.

Anestezol can be used during pregnancy and for nursing women, but with caution, in a strict dosage obtained from a doctor.


Olestesin is an inexpensive drug based on sea buckthorn oil, sulphaethidol, and benzocaine. It is also a combination. Has the following actions:

  • pain relief;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • destruction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration.

You can use one of these remedies to choose from. But if a person has a strong inflammatory reaction, it is better to choose Olestesin. The anti-inflammatory effect is provided by sea buckthorn oil in the composition. Both drugs were included in the rating of the best suppositories for hemorrhoids.


Proctosan is a drug based on bufexamac, bismuth, titanium, and lidocaine. The combined product provides long-lasting action. It is formed due to the following effects:

  • relieving inflammation;
  • listening to inflamed areas due to the release of exudate;
  • enhanced regeneration;
  • anesthesia with local anesthetic.

The drug is indicated for use up to stage 2 of hemorrhoids, fissures, eczema, and inflammatory processes in the rectum. The only contraindication is an allergic reaction at the local level. Contraindicated for use in cases of inflammation from severe infectious diseases, in childhood, during pregnancy and lactation.


Anuzol is a medicine based on xeroform, an extract of belladonna. It is cheap, but has a combined effect, eliminating the manifestations of hemorrhoids. The following effects are observed:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • analgesic, astringent, drying.

The product is intended for hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Side effects expanded. Among them are allergies, dry mouth, impaired stool formation, changes in heart rate, blurred vision, neuralgia, and urinary retention. Due to the large number of negative effects, Proctosan is often prescribed. If a person experiences spasms, Anuzol is used.


Troxevasin is a drug based on troxerutin. This is an angioprotective drug, the effect of which extends to veins and capillaries. The following effects are produced when using candles:

  • suppression of aggregation, prevention of thrombosis;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • reduction of pain, itching, bleeding.

Has a small number of side effects. Among them are indigestion and local allergic reactions. Contraindicated in case of gastrointestinal ulcers, pregnancy, individual intolerance.


Detralex is a drug made from diosmin. It also has angioprotective effects. It is complemented by venotonic properties. Produces the following effects:

  • restoring the strength of the endothelium, preventing excessive extensibility and stagnation;
  • decreased capillary permeability.

The drug is indicated for use in venous and lymphatic insufficiency, for the treatment of acute and chronic hemorrhoids. It has more side effects than Troxevasin:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • indigestion, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;

  • local and systemic allergic reactions up to angioedema.

Detralex is more effective. It has a strong effect on the venous system, restoring the strength of blood vessels and blood circulation. But if there is a risk of aggregation and thrombosis, Troxevasin is recommended.


Indomethacin is a suppository based on the active ingredient of the same name. They belong to a number of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They have the following mechanisms of action:

  • elimination of inflammation;
  • pain reduction;
  • decrease in temperature.

If you use a local drug, swelling and redness decrease. The medicine is effective for hemorrhoids and fissures. But it has many side effects:

  • anorexia, impaired stool formation, erosions and ulcers on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • neurological disorders, muscle weakness, sleep and mental disorders, but with prolonged use;
  • cardiac arrhythmia, hypotension, heart failure, hematuria;
  • local and systemic allergic reactions;
  • inhibition of blood sprout formation;
  • kidney inflammation.

Since the drug is used topically, the risk of adverse reactions is significantly reduced. This is due to the penetration of a small amount of the active substance into the systemic circulation. But it is contraindicated for use in inflammatory pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, heart failure, arterial hypertension, pancreatitis, 3rd trimester of pregnancy, and children under 14 years of age.


Proctosedyl is a medicine based on hydrocortisone, heparin, and other additional components. The combined substance has a beneficial effect on patients with hemorrhoids. Has the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory effect due to the presence of glucocorticosteroid;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • preventing the formation of blood clots;
  • analgesic effect.

Proctosedyl has a stronger effect on the body compared to ichthyol. Therefore, it is used in severe cases when anal nodes have formed, causing acute pain and inflammation. It is indicated for use in hemorrhoids, prostatitis, and anal fissures.

There are few side effects, including discomfort in the rectum, secondary infections, and allergic reactions.

The drug is contraindicated in tuberculosis, pregnancy, lactation, and in childhood. It can be used with caution in cardiovascular pathologies. The influence occurs only at the local level, the risk of negative effects is significantly reduced.


Posterisan - suppositories containing inactivated microbial cells of Escherichia coli. The drug is used only in the perianal area and rectum. The active substance is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, therefore the risk of negative reactions of the body is significantly reduced. The drug is indicated for use in the following conditions:

  • anal itching, fissures;
  • hemorrhoidal diseases accompanied by burning.

The mechanism of action is the effect of the inactivated microorganism on the rectal mucosa. This increases the local effect of immunity, increasing resistance. That is, the pathogenic microflora located inside ceases to cause negative symptoms. The drug stimulates the activity of lymphocytes, enhancing the phagocytic effect. The release of exudate, inflammation, and vascular permeability are reduced.

With constant use, it enhances the regeneration of damaged mucosal surfaces.

The medicine is not recommended for individual intolerance. There are no other contraindications. Side effects include possible allergic reactions only at the local level. If they occur, stop using the product. There were no cases of overdose. The drug is effective for hemorrhoids and its complications, but it does not treat the pathology, but only suppresses painful symptoms.

Shark oil

Shark oil is used in the form of suppositories and ointments for the anus and rectum. Since it is a biologically active component, it causes side effects in rare cases. Local allergic reactions may begin. Its effect is observed over time, the following effects appear:

  • anti-inflammatory;

  • wound healing;
  • angioprotective;
  • decongestant.

The effect on the body is ensured by a large number of microelements, vitamins, fatty acids, natural antibiotics, and unsaturated hydrocarbons. A more pronounced effect is observed at stages 1 or 2 of hemorrhoid development. During this period, abundant nodes and bumps are not observed.

But combination therapy with stronger drugs is also possible in the severe phase.

Shark oil contains the following drugs: Katranol, Relief, Vitol. It is possible to apply the ointment to external tissue areas. It is applied at least 4 times a day, repeating after each act of defecation and performing hygiene procedures.


The composition includes zinc sulfate, bismuth tribromophenolate, bismuth oxide complex, belladonna leaf extract. When used, suppositories with belladonna anesthetize, dry, and have an antispasmodic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic effect.

It should be taken into account that this drug is contraindicated in breastfeeding and pregnancy, high sensitivity, heart failure, intestinal atony, prostate adenoma, angle-closure glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, tachyarrhythmia.

Antihemorrhoidal suppositories with belladonna should be administered 1-2 times a day, 1 pc. To relieve pain, you should not take more than 7 supp. per day. against hemorrhoids. These medications for hemorrhoids can cause allergic reactions, dry mouth, burning in the anal area, diarrhea, constipation, palpitations, visual disturbances, drowsiness, insomnia, dizziness, and headaches.

If an overdose occurs, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, urinary retention, agitation, and decreased sweating may develop.

Rectal suppositories are cheap - from 60 rubles.


Rectal suppositories

Instituto De Angeli S.r.L. 50066 Regello (Florence), Loc. Prulli, 103/C, Italy.

Owner of the registration certificate: JSC Bayer. Russia.

Ointment for rectal and external use

Sagmel, Inc., Chicago, USA.

1580 South Milwaukee Ave., 415 Libertyville, IL 60048.

Additional information can be obtained at: 107113, Moscow, 3rd Rybinskaya st., 18, building 2.

Tel.; Fax.


This drug contains several active ingredients - hydrocortisone, the antibiotic framycetin, heparin, etc. It has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect, helps prevent blood clots, relieves itching and irritation. Well tolerated by patients.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to components, fungal, viral, tuberculous lesions of the anus, arterial hypertension, heart failure. It is forbidden to prescribe to women during pregnancy, as well as during lactation, and children under 12 years of age.


The composition includes Ultraprocta cinchocaine and fluocortolone.

Fluocortolone is a hormonal component that acts quickly and for a long time. Cinchocaine - acts as a local anesthetic.

Cannot be used for tuberculosis and syphilis in the anorectal area and for hypersensitivity. The drug is not prescribed to children, adolescents, and early pregnant women.

Use once a day, after bowel movement. It must be administered rectally, deeply. If the disease is severe, up to 3 suppositories can be used on the first day.

Price – from 640 rub.

Candles with natural ingredients

Propolis dn - suppositories containing a beekeeping product. This is a homeopathic medicine, so it has not undergone all clinical trials. Despite this, doctors recommend it for hemorrhoids and anal fissures due to its anti-inflammatory effect.

Propolis is recommended for patients with reduced immune system function. It stimulates the immune system, thereby reducing the risk of developing a secondary infection due to frequent cracks in the rectum. It is used immediately after hygiene procedures, injected into the anus up to 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Due to natural ingredients, the risk of adverse reactions is significantly reduced. Possible allergies due to individual intolerance. Since there have been no sufficient clinical trials, the product is not recommended for minors and patients with individual intolerance.

The drug can be used in combination therapy, since it does not cross-react with other dosage forms. It is allowed even during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but it is better to consult your doctor first.

Propolis based suppositories

To make propolis suppositories at home, you need to purchase propolis, cocoa butter and lanolin, as well as 2 ml syringes at the pharmacy.

  1. Take 2 ml syringes without needles and cut off the lower narrow part. Leave several syringes intact.
  2. Pull the pistons 3 cm and place all syringes horizontally in the jar. The cut part should face up.
  3. Place propolis in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, then chop.
  4. Combine lanolin and cocoa in a mug and put on low heat.
  5. Add crushed propolis and mix everything.
  6. Do not allow the mixture to boil by turning the stove on and off.
  7. Keep on fire for half an hour.
  8. Fill the cut forms with a whole syringe and place in the refrigerator to harden.

Be sure to store candles in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

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