How to treat dehydration: 5 rehydration solutions

Oral rehydration is the easiest way to restore fluid loss that occurs due to physiological or pathological reasons. Along with the loss of moisture from overheating, in diseases with fever, vomiting, diarrhea, the body leaves a large number of necessary water-soluble elements.

This situation is especially dangerous for children, because life-threatening conditions are observed already at 6% dehydration. In this case, regular drinking is not enough, and rehydration therapy with special solutions is required.

The best medicines for dehydration.

September 15, 2022



  • Causes of dehydration
  • Does a person need 2 liters of water per day?
  • Symptoms of dehydration
  • Complications from dehydration
  • How to treat dehydration
  • Anti-dehydration medications: top 5 best
  • Regidron
  • Oralit
  • Adiarine Regidro
  • Gastrolit
  • Humana Electrolyte

In infectious diseases (especially intestinal infections), dehydration (exicosis) often develops. Those at risk are primarily children and the elderly. Middle-aged people have more developed compensatory mechanisms that allow them to retain fluid in the body.

You might think that the best remedy for dehydration is water. But, unfortunately, not everything is so simple. When moisture leaves the body, important electrolytes and mineral salts are lost along with it. If you simply drink a lot of water, the ionic composition will still not be replenished, so plain water is not a panacea at all. When dehydrated, the concentration of magnesium, potassium, sodium and bicarbonate is disrupted - the electrolyte balance of the body suffers greatly.

Read also: Top 5 best sorbents for poisoning Rating of the most effective and safe sorbents that help with poisoning and hangover syndrome.

For your information

Give your child rehydration solutions with caution, pouring a teaspoon into the mouth every 10 minutes. In some cases, you can give your little patient sweet tea or compote as a substitute. If there is excessive vomiting, the child should be given a drink using the drip method. However, if even a teaspoon of oral rehydration product does not stay in the stomach for a long time, the solution can be frozen. Give small ice cubes very carefully. Typically, such exposure to cold suppresses the urge to vomit.

Taking rehydration medications is just an addition to the main treatment with drugs that eliminate the causes of dehydration in the child’s body.

Causes of dehydration

Fluid intake rates are calculated for healthy adults under standard living conditions. They usually write that this is 35 ml per 1 kg of weight. That is, if a person weighs 70 kg, then he should drink 2.4 liters of water per day to prevent dehydration. Below we will look at how justified this recommendation is. But it happens that at one time or another more liquid is needed. First of all, for those who sweat a lot. And it doesn’t matter what caused it: physical activity, hot weather or hormonal imbalance. Who needs more water than the standard recommendation:

  • athletes;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • in case of poisoning or intestinal infection (when there is vomiting and diarrhea);
  • after sun or heatstroke;
  • if for some reason a person has frequent urination.

When you are on a diet, then you also need to drink more. In addition to the fact that a person does not receive all the necessary nutrients, due to a lack of fluid, his metabolism may be disrupted.

Some diseases also often cause dehydration. First of all, acute intestinal infections, usually accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. In this case, not only fluid is lost, but also important alkaline ions - acidification of the body develops (acidosis). This process develops especially quickly in children and causes malfunction of internal organs. Dehydration is also caused by forms of gastroenteritis such as salmonellosis and cholera.

When vomiting, the body loses acids and the blood becomes more alkaline, which is dangerous to health.

Another cause of severe dehydration is body burns. This is especially dangerous for young children: even with a first-degree burn (hyperemia of a body area), the body loses a lot of moisture. If it is a more severe burn (with blisters), significant loss of blood plasma occurs. Without treatment, such dehydration can be fatal (especially in older people).

If a person takes diuretics uncontrollably, he is also at risk of dehydration. Drugs with a diuretic effect are usually prescribed to patients with hypertension, but it happens that women, in pursuit of slimness, drink various diuretic teas and tablets. If you do this constantly, electrolytes leave the body along with the fluid, which can lead to heart problems.

Read also: The most effective antipyretics for adults 8 most effective drugs for high temperatures.

Top 11 drugs from the pharmacy

The list of quality rehydration drugs is quite wide. The simplicity of the composition ensures low cost and good efficiency of most of them. Some have added food flavorings to improve taste. Such mixtures are more easily accepted by children, but require attention when choosing for allergy sufferers.

Formulations corresponding to the modified WHO prescription are most often prescribed for dehydration associated with intestinal disorders accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting.

The reduced concentration of salt (sodium chloride) and the presence of sodium citrate allows you to reduce the gag reflex, as well as quickly carry out the necessary rehydration in case of intractable diarrhea. The basic recipe is universal and can be used for any indication.


The most popular preparation for the preparation of rehydrating solutions, produced in powder form. The dry composition is packaged in 18.9 g bags, each of which is designed for dilution in 1 liter of water.

The composition of Regidron corresponds to a modified recipe, and instead of glucose it contains dextrose. This composition maximally corresponds to the acid-base balance of the body, is quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and effectively replenishes the loss of essential electrolytes.

At the same time, Regidron contains more potassium than sodium, and the solution has a slightly alkaline reaction. Doctors consider this composition to be the most gentle and effective. Regidron is recommended for use by the elderly, adults, children, including infants from the first day of life.

To use Regidron, it is enough to dissolve the contents of one package in a liter of clean drinking water.

After the powder has completely dissolved, take the product in small portions, according to age:

  • for babies - ½ tsp. every 15 minutes, or less often, based on the severity of the condition;
  • for children from 1 year to 5 years – 1 tbsp. l. means every half hour until the condition improves;
  • for adolescents, adults and elderly patients - drink the entire daily requirement in small sips throughout the day;

The total amount of Regidron solution that needs to be taken per day is calculated based on the double volume of lost fluid. So, if the estimated deficiency is 500 g, it is advisable to drink about 1 liter of rehydration solution per day.

For children, the amount of Regidron is calculated based on body weight: per 1 kg of weight you will need from 30 to 60 ml of the finished solution, depending on the degree of dehydration. It is advisable to take this amount of rehydration fluid in the first 10 hours after the first symptoms are detected.

One package of rehydration powder costs about 20 rubles. A package of Regidron with 20 packets will cost from 370 to 420 rubles.

Regidron Bio

There are several varieties of the drug Regidron, so one of the pharmaceutical forms - Regidron Bio - has a pleasant taste, which makes the process of feeding children easier. The drug is produced in paired sachets, which must be diluted with 200 ml of water.

The composition is enriched with silicon dioxide (colloidal), prebiotics, lactobacilli and has a strawberry flavor thanks to the flavoring. Maltodextrin in the composition ensures the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestines.

This form of rehydration product can only be taken after 3 years of age and is calculated according to the following rules:

  • for children weighing about 12 kg, it is possible to take 550 ml of Regidron Bio per day;
  • as the child’s weight increases for each kilogram, an additional 25 ml of solution is prepared;
  • with a body weight close to 20 kg, 700 ml is required, after 30 kg - 800 ml or more;
  • adolescents or adults weighing 50 kg are prescribed 1 liter of ready-made solution per day;
  • if body weight is more than 70 kg, the daily dose of Regidron Bio is 1200 ml.

The prepared solution should be used 24 hours after preparation. Regidron Bio in the form of 5 paired packages (A+B) of 6.4 g each, costs from 420 to 550 rubles.


The drug is intended to provide emergency assistance not only for fluid loss, but also for intoxications of various origins. A feature of the composition is the presence of silicon dioxide, the colloidal solution of which is a powerful sorbent. By replenishing the water and electrolyte balance, the Hydrovit solution simultaneously reduces acidosis and corrects metabolism.

Oral rehydration product for children can be used from birth and has no other age restrictions. The drug is prescribed to both infants and elderly patients.

It is especially indicated for toxic infections, intestinal disorders, and allergic reactions. Hydrovit is also effective in relieving acute hangover syndrome associated with alcohol intoxication.

Hydrovit is produced in the form of a powder, which is packaged in 4.8 g bags in sealed bags. The pack contains 10 portioned packages, each of which is designed for dilution with 200 ml of liquid: drinking water, unsweetened tea. There is also a form of the drug with the aroma and taste of strawberry, which additionally contains flavoring, dry beet extract and malic acid.

Features of the dosage of Hydrovit at different ages:

  1. From birth to 3 years – 3 packets per day, at the rate of 150 ml of the prepared solution per 1 kg of body weight (for infants).
  2. For middle-aged children - 1 packet after each attack of vomiting or bowel movement, at the rate of 20 ml of solution per 1 kg of weight in 24 hours.
  3. Adolescents, adults or elderly patients are prescribed 1-2 packets after each significant loss of fluid or 40 ml of solution per kilogram of body weight per day.

The course of treatment is continued until vomiting, diarrhea and symptoms of dehydration disappear: dry skin, pallor, decreased urine output, thirst. The advisability of extending dehydration therapy with the use of Gidrovit beyond 24 hours in infants, 36 hours in children and adults should be determined by a doctor.

The solution remains stable at room temperature for no more than 1 hour; the finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for a day. The price of a package of Hydrovit (10 packets) is about 125 rubles.


An oral rehydration product for children, applicable from the first days of life, is produced in the form of a soluble light cream-colored powder, packaged in 4.15 g dosage packets.

In addition to the standard formula recommended by WHO, the drug contains chamomile extract, which provides a pleasant taste, mild antispasmodic effect and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to quickly replenishing the water-salt balance, the Gastrolit solution has an astringent effect and eliminates intestinal bloating.

The rehydration product in solid form should be diluted with warm water: powder from one package per 200 ml of liquid.

Then the drug is cooled and used for drinking in accordance with age, as well as the degree of dehydration:

  1. For infants, the daily dose of the finished drug is calculated as 50 ml (in severe cases up to 100 ml) per 1 kg of body weight. This amount should be given to the child in small portions during the first 5 hours after the onset of diarrhea, vomiting, fever, or other condition leading to dehydration.
  2. Next, calculate the amount of solution for infants as 10 ml/kg for administration after each attack. Gastrolite, like other rehydrating solutions, is given in fractions: no more than 1 tsp. every 10 minutes, otherwise the effect of treatment will be increased diarrhea.
  3. For children from 2 to 3 years old, the amount of fluid is calculated according to the same scheme. After 3 years of age, 500 ml is measured for the first dose, and subsequently 200 ml for each bowel movement.
  4. Adults and elderly patients are prescribed 500 to 1000 ml of solution in the first 4 hours from the onset of symptoms, then 200 ml of the drug is prepared after attacks. You should drink at least 1 liter of solution per day for 4 days.

Gastrolit does not have a registration certificate in the Russian Federation and has not been supplied to the Russian market for several years. A Polish or Israeli-made drug can be purchased in the Republic of Belarus, where the price for a package with 15 packets will be about 600 rubles.


A special feature of the drug is the release of a separate mixture of salts and glucose in the form of soluble tablets or powder in portioned sachets. To prepare a medicinal solution, the drugs are mixed and poured with warm drinking water. For one salt tablet you will need 4 with glucose. Packaged powders are mixed 1:1.

Indications for taking Glucosolan are dehydration of the body due to any diseases with hyperemia, vomiting, and profuse diarrhea. The composition is effective during thermal and physical stress with fluid loss due to profuse sweating. It is recommended to use the solution in case of sun and heat stroke, acidosis, and when chloride levels in laboratory tests are below 2 g per liter.

The salt part, “solan”, contains: sodium chloride, potassium chloride, as well as sodium bicarbonate and sodium citrate in ratios close to those recommended by WHO. One glucose tablet contains 0.5 g of active ingredient.

How to use Glucosolan:

  1. The salt mixture and glucose (1 powder each) are diluted with 1 liter of water to treat dehydration or with 2 liters to prevent excess fluid loss.
  2. Tablets “solan” (1 pc.) and “glucose” (4 pcs.) are dissolved with 100 ml of boiled water.
  3. At a mild stage of dehydration, the solution is taken at a dose of 50 ml per kilogram of body weight, the average degree of damage requires up to 80 ml/kg. This amount of rehydration solution should be taken within 6 hours.
  4. If convulsions or any other complications occur due to dehydration, an adult will need to drink from 500 to 900 ml of Hydrosolan in the first hour. Subsequently, the same dose is repeated every few hours. I drink the solution in fractions, 100 ml at a time.
  5. For young children, according to the same scheme, the drug is prescribed in an amount of 2–3 tsp. at a time.

To prevent water and electrolyte disorders, drink Glucosolan in small sips instead of regular drinking. Use the solution as needed and stop after the thirst has been quenched. The drug may not be on sale due to re-registration.


Combined drug in powder form for dilution with water and oral administration. The solution restores the disturbed water-salt balance, maintains normal blood viscosity, quickly penetrates the intercellular substance and fills the cells. Normohydron contains sodium citrate and chloride, potassium chloride, glucose. In addition to correcting metabolism, the drug can prevent acidosis.

The composition has increased osmolarity and can be used to stabilize the condition of mild to moderate dehydration; the drug is especially effective for intestinal infections, vomiting, and diarrhea.

In severe cases of dehydration, intravenous rehydration is indicated, and after stabilization of the condition, oral Normohydron is prescribed. It is prohibited to add sugar to the solution due to an increase in the osmolarity of the solution, which leads to increased diarrhea.

The method of using Normohydron completely repeats the instructions for Regidron, since the drug is its complete structural analogue. If the recommended doses are followed, no side effects or overdoses of the drug were noted.

The drug can be used to prevent dehydration in any disease with fever in adults and children, during sports or physical work, or in the heat. It should be borne in mind that with reduced kidney function, potassium excretion may be difficult, which contributes to an increase in its concentration in the blood.

Biogaya Ors

An oral rehydration product for children in powder form, containing, in addition to the basic salts recommended by WHO, also lactobacilli and zinc sulfate. The drug is an effective option for eliminating dehydration while supporting bowel function.

Zinc in rehydration salt (ORS) ensures increased absorption of water and essential salts in the intestine, regenerates the epithelium, and increases local immunity.

Lactobacilli reuteri Protectis are a source of beneficial bacteria and inhibit the growth of pathogenic flora. Thanks to such additives, the rehydration agent is especially indicated for vomiting, diarrhea, intoxication, acidosis, and dysbacteriosis.

Rules for using Biogai Ors:

  1. One sachet of the product is dissolved in 250 ml of boiled water at room temperature. The solution has no taste; for children it is allowed to add a few tablespoons of juice to a glass of the finished product.
  2. At the first stage of administration, the drug is taken for at least 4 hours: from birth to 2 years in an amount of 250 to 750 ml, starting from 2 years and for adults - at least 1 liter of solution.
  3. The maximum dose of the finished drug Biogaya Ors is 4000 ml per 24 hours. The exact calculation of the individual amount per day is made based on the ratio of 50 ml/kg and is doubled if intensive rehydration is necessary.
  4. In case of severe vomiting, use the drug in small portions, 10 ml every 5 minutes.
  5. If you have diarrhea but no vomiting, drink 50-100 ml after each bowel movement, but not less than the calculated dose per day, continuing therapy until the symptoms completely stop.

The price of the drug Biogaya Ors in dosed powders (5.5 g) with 7 sachets per package is about 630 rubles.


Rehydration agent in powder for preparation and oral administration. Indicated for diarrhea in adults and children. The composition of the powder corresponds to the modified WHO recipe and can be used from the first days of life for any conditions requiring rehydration measures.

The contents of the sachet (18.9 g) are intended for dilution with 1 liter of drinking water. The solution is taken according to the instructions common to Regidron and other basic glucose-salt solutions. The minimum dose in the first 10 hours is calculated using the formula 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

The average daily dose is 60 mg/kg. The product has a significant therapeutic effect in the first 4–6 hours. If necessary, therapy is continued for up to 4 days. One package of Orasan (18.9 g), produced in Switzerland, costs no more than 8 rubles in a pharmacy.

Adiarine Regidro

The budget drug, produced in Croatia, is a powder for preparing a solution. The composition of the combined product includes zinc chelate and silicon dioxide, which provide a therapeutic effect for the intestinal mucosa, as well as a detox effect for acidosis or toxic poisoning.

The drug fully complies with international standards and is approved by pediatricians and the World Health Organization. The prescription of Adiarin Rehydro is appropriate both for intestinal disorders, gastrointestinal infections with persistent diarrhea syndrome, and for dehydration for any other reason.

One package of Adiarin Regidro with 10 sachets of 4.3 g each costs about 350 rubles.

Humana Electrolyte (from 12 months)

A product in the form of a dry mixture for oral rehydration, recommended for children over 1 year of age (in the European Union) and from 3 years of age (in the Russian Federation). The product produced in Germany has a pleasant taste and contains banana pectin, which additionally binds toxins.

The rehydration product is a feeding formula that does not contain gluten, milk protein, starch, preservatives or palm oil.

The mixture is used to rehydrate children with diarrhea due to rotavirus infections, eating disorders or elevated body temperature. Humana Electrolyte contains a standard set of electrolytes, maltodextrin, glucose and banana pectin. The product package is diluted with a glass of warm water or unsweetened tea. The drug is dosed according to the child’s weight - from 50 to 100 ml/kg.

One package contains 75 g of the mixture, packaged in 12 bags of 6.25 g each. The price of the box starts at 490 rubles.

Humana Electrolyte (from birth)

Fennel-flavored oral rehydration product contains, in addition to standard electrolytes and glucose, fennel extract and natural caraway extract. The therapeutic effect of natural components complements the effect of the drug, reducing bloating, improving peristalsis, and alleviating colic. The solution is used at the first signs of dehydration in infants, starting from the first days of life.

Taking the solution according to the pediatrician's instructions quickly eliminates diarrhea and replenishes fluid and salt losses. Sometimes additional substances in the composition cause allergic reactions, so the first dose of the product should be taken with caution.

The standard package of Humana Electrolyte with fennel contains 12 sachets. The total weight of the drug is 75 g. The price of the box is from 400 to 430 rubles.

Oral rehydration products have a similar composition and are safe in most cases. However, even drugs approved for children have a number of contraindications: individual intolerance to any component, diabetes mellitus, anuria. Under the supervision of a physician, rehydration solutions are used for disorders of potassium excretion and renal failure.

Does a person need 2 liters of water per day?

Disputes among doctors and nutritionists about the amount of fluid per day continue. This topic has become overgrown with a bunch of myths, following which people harm their own health. Experts from the World Health Organization believe that there is no identical daily fluid requirement for all people. And don’t believe that you need to drink 2 liters of water (not counting tea, coffee and liquid from food). The main factors here are the person’s age and weight. So, how much should you drink per day per 1 kg of weight:

  1. Children up to 10 kg – 4 ml of water per hour.
  2. Children up to 20 kg – 1000-1500 ml per day.
  3. Teenagers and adults over 20 kg - 1500 ml for the first 20 kg plus for each subsequent kilogram of weight - 20 ml.

Let's do the math. If a person weighs 50 kg, he needs 1500 ml of fluid plus 20 ml multiplied by 30 subsequent kilograms. Yields 2100 ml per day. If you feel thirsty, be sure to drink! But if you don’t want water, you don’t need to force yourself: the body itself signals when it needs water, so forget about the numbers.

Read also The most effective probiotics for the intestines: top 5 How to choose a probiotic and for what problems it is prescribed.

Homemade remedy

If suddenly, for a number of different reasons, it was not possible to get the necessary product, you can prepare an oral rehydration product at home. The result will be some kind of analogue of “Regidron”. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • Water – 0.5 l (boiled).
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt - a quarter of a teaspoon.
  • Baking soda - the same amount as salt.

All this needs to be mixed in a liter jar. There is nothing complicated in preparation, but before use it is better to consult with a specialist regarding this solution.

Usually, if you follow the dosage indicated in the instructions for the drugs, there should be no side effects. But if an unusual reaction is observed after taking the medicine, you should consult with your doctor, who will decide whether to continue taking the medicine or whether it is better to find another option.

Symptoms of dehydration

Thirst is not the main sign of dehydration, as we used to think. Long before pathology occurs, the body sends signals about a lack of fluid.


Pinch the skin on the back of your hand with your fingers. If the fold is quickly leveled, there is enough water in the body; if it is slow, you need to drink.

Under normal conditions, the kidneys process about 100 ml of fluid per hour, so it is usually difficult to bring the body to dehydration unless there are aggravating factors. The main signs of pathological dehydration are:

  • weight loss over 3%;
  • pale skin;
  • low temperature;
  • sunken eyes;
  • rapid pulse;
  • rare or absent urination;
  • dry mouth (no saliva);
  • swollen tongue;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • cold sweat.

With such symptoms, the blood becomes thicker and the acid-base balance is disturbed. You need to understand that dehydration is not an independent diagnosis, but a consequence of a certain disease.

If a patient has kidney or heart failure, not only dehydration itself is dangerous for him, but also a sharp replenishment of fluid in the blood. In such cases, central venous pressure and pulmonary artery pressure are measured invasively.

Determining dehydration by electrolytes in urine is not always reliable. If the patient has healthy kidneys, sodium is retained in his body for a long time, which does not enter the urine in large quantities.

Dehydration test

Photos from open sources

Complications from dehydration

Dehydration is dangerous primarily for children and the elderly. A child’s body contains more fluid than an adult’s, so if a child loses even 10% of water, serious problems in the functioning of internal organs are possible.

It doesn’t matter what the cause of dehydration is, the result is the same: the body loses important ions that maintain the acid-base balance and are responsible for the proper contraction of the heart muscle. Renal blood flow also decreases as fluid decreases. The kidneys respond by releasing the hormone vasopressin, which provokes vasospasm throughout the body and increases blood pressure.

During dehydration, blood flow to vital organs increases, but other organs do not receive enough of it - there is a danger of disruption to their functioning. Blood pressure decreases, the pumping function of the heart and blood supply to its muscles decrease. This further reduces blood pressure, and there is a risk of ischemia of the brain, kidneys and lungs. This is called hypovolemic shock, the symptoms of which are:

  • pale skin;
  • general weakness;
  • muffled and slow heartbeat;
  • mental disorders (sometimes increased agitation);
  • foggy consciousness;
  • coma.

If treatment is not started immediately against the background of hypovolemic shock, DIC syndrome (disseminated intravascular coagulation) occurs and, as a result, death.

How to treat dehydration

The sooner the balance of fluids and electrolytes in the body is restored, the better. It’s just that pure water is absolutely not suitable for these purposes - when there are few blood ions in the body, water will not be absorbed.

If dehydration is mild and the person is not vomiting, oral rehydration is appropriate. Doctors prescribe water-salt solutions. You can prepare them yourself by dissolving the contents of the sachet in water. The required volume of solution is determined by how severe the patient’s condition is. For diarrhea, for example, you need to drink 100 ml every 5 minutes.

If it is heatstroke, there are convulsions and large volumes of fluid come out in the urine, you need to drink 900 ml of rehydration solution in small portions within half an hour. Next is taking the drug for maintenance therapy.

Severe cases of dehydration, causing disruption of internal organs, require urgent hospitalization - intravenous administration of drugs to replenish fluid and balance electrolytes. Usually sodium chloride, Ringer's solutions, glucose or potassium are "dripped".

With burns, in addition to water, the body usually loses protein. Therefore, in addition to restoring fluid balance, it is necessary to introduce solutions of albumin, dextrans, and hydroxyethyl starch.

Dehydration, as we've already discussed, is especially dangerous for children, older adults, and those with certain chronic health conditions. Therefore, it is important to replace fluids during vomiting and diarrhea and treat the cause of fluid loss. Diabetics should periodically monitor their glucose levels, follow a consistent diet and drink enough water.

Symptoms of dehydration

Photos from open sources

Classification of drugs

Physiological loss of fluid (with sweat, urine, feces) is replenished with food and drink. But there are situations when ordinary water is not enough, even in large quantities.

In adults, dehydration can be caused by increased physical activity, heat, high body temperature, infectious diseases, and intestinal disorders. In this case, the body reacts painfully to the loss of already 1% of fluid. 20% dehydration of an adult body is considered life-threatening.

The same reasons lead to fluid loss in children, but due to low body weight and accelerated metabolism, the process is more pronounced and causes complications faster. So, every degree rise in temperature increases the metabolism of a child under 5 years old by more than 10%.

The condition is seriously aggravated by the presence of excessive belching, vomiting or diarrhea. The water-salt balance is quickly disturbed, the body is depleted from the loss of potassium, sodium and water. It is impossible to quickly make up for such losses with ordinary teas, milk or water.

Medical scientists have developed special recommendations for proper “soldering” for any type of dehydration in adults and children. Such mixtures have a precise balance of microelements and glucose, allowing the body to restore impaired metabolism and absorb water more fully.

Effective ratios of components in rehydrating solutions according to WHO recommendations (calculated for 1 liter of water):

Standard prescription for oral rehydrationModified Reduced Osmolarity RecipeHomemade recipe
For any type of dehydrationRecommended for vomiting and diarrheaIf pharmaceutical solutions are unavailable
Glucose – 20 g
Potassium chloride – 1.5 g

Sodium chloride – 3.5 g

Sodium bicarbonate – 2.5 g

Glucose – 13.5 g
Potassium chloride – 1.5 g

Sodium chloride – 2.6 g

Trisodium citrate – 2.9 g

Sugar – 18 g (3 tsp)
Salt – 3 g (1/2 tsp)

Oral rehydration for children can be made with salt, baking soda and sugar!
The oral rehydration product for children and adults is prepared only with warm water, which ensures complete dissolution of the components and rapid absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

If it is impossible to take liquid due to uncontrollable vomiting, the first doses of the solution can be used chilled or even frozen. Dissolving small pieces of ice calms the urge to gag, and gradual rehydration helps eliminate the symptom.

The pharmacokinetics of dehydration solutions assumes almost complete absorption of all active substances by the body. After oral administration, glucose is broken down into carbon dioxide and water, and the remaining components replenish the potassium and sodium ions lost by the body.

These elements are excreted in the urine in small quantities. Most pharmaceutical oral rehydration products follow a modified or standard formulation recommended by WHO.


Probably the most commonly prescribed drug for dehydration. The powder contains: sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium citrate and dextrose (D-glucose). The ideal balance of sodium and glucose is maintained here, so Regidron is considered the best remedy for absorbing water and reducing the load on the intestines. The drug also contains sodium citrate (citric acid salt), which improves energy metabolism. "Regidron" not only restores the water-electrolyte balance, but also the acid-base balance. The product is indicated for diarrhea, moderate vomiting, and severe sweating. It’s easy to prepare the solution – you just need to dissolve a bag of powder in 1 liter of cool boiled water.

Orion Pharma (Orion Pharma), Finland

- oral rehydration and prevention of dehydration in acute diarrhea accompanied by mild to moderate dehydration.
from 18


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List of effective remedies

Almost any pharmacy has a lot of rehydrating products in the form of powders, tablets or granules. And here the question may clearly arise: what kind of treatment with tablets and powders is there if the child is dehydrated?! It is worth considering that with the loss of fluid, the child’s body experiences a lack of sodium and chlorine salts. In addition, such medications contain other excipients that help stimulate the child’s immunity. The fermentation process improves, the body has additional energy, which it spends on fighting infection.

It is not necessary to purchase all rehydrating medications at the pharmacy; it is enough to choose a number of effective medications. Among the majority, we will highlight the most common means for oral rehydration. The list in this case will look like this:

  • "Regidron".
  • "Hydrovit".
  • Humana Electrolyte.
  • "Gatsrolite."

It is important to pay attention to the expiration date!


This anti-dehydration drug is not as balanced as the previous one, but it also works great to restore fluid balance. Ingredients of Oralit: table salt, sodium bicarbonate, potassium chloride, glucose. The product contains the most necessary components to relieve first or second degree dehydration. Oralit is suitable for children who do not want to drink on their own - in small portions (10-15 ml) every 15 minutes. It can be taken from a spoon or through a syringe without a needle. A child needs about 1 glass of solution per kilogram of weight per day, and the dosage cannot be increased. If a newborn is dehydrated, the solution prepared according to the instructions must be diluted twice more with water, because the preparation contains too much sodium for the baby.


Oralit is a rehydrating agent for normalizing electrolyte and energy balance. Method of administration: oral. Reduces or prevents dehydration. Effectively restores lost potassium, sodium and water. Used to restore fluids and lost electrolytes during diarrhea. Normalizes acid-base and water-electrolyte balances disturbed by dehydration. Metabolic acidosis is maintained by glucose through the absorption of citrates and salts.

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The product is relevant in case of need to provide emergency rehydration and detoxification assistance. It will also be useful for intoxication of various origins, as well as for replenishing the water-electrolyte complex. Taking the drug allows you to adjust the body's metabolism. And thanks to the balanced chemical composition, the risk of acidosis and electrolyte disorders is eliminated.

The main feature of the drug is the content of colloidal silicon dioxide, which, in fact, is a powerful sorbent. The rehydration product has no contraindications regarding the patient’s age. That is, it can also be used on infants.

As is typical for glucose-saline solutions, the oral rehydration product for children called “Hydrovit” has a specific taste that not all children like. Therefore, sometimes difficulties arise in taking it. For such cases, there is a preparation with strawberry flavor. Children with allergies should be given solutions that do not contain flavorings or additives.

Adiarine Regidro

The drug contains glucose, sodium citrate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, silicon dioxide, zinc amino acid chelate. A good drug for preventing dehydration and restoring electrolyte levels during diarrhea. It is the zinc in Adiarina Regidro that helps to quickly stop diarrhea. The product is ideal for acute gastroenteritis in children, reducing mortality due to dehydration due to diarrhea by 93%. Also, Adiarin Regidro protects the intestinal mucosa from the penetration of toxins and bacteria into the blood. The contents of the sachet should be dissolved in a glass of boiled water at room temperature. You need to take the anti-dehydration medication until the diarrhea stops.

Adiarine Regidro
Jadran-Galenski Laboratories, Croatia

Adiarine Regidro is a drug for the prevention of dehydration and rapid replenishment of water and electrolyte losses due to diarrhea.
Thanks to its zinc (Zn) content, Adiarin Rehydro reduces the duration of diarrhea. from 281


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"Gastrolit" contains sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, glucose. In addition, the composition contains chamomile, which has an antimicrobial effect and “calms” the gastrointestinal mucosa during intestinal infections. To prepare a rehydration solution, you need to dissolve a packet of Gastrolite in a glass of hot water and wait until it cools down - you get a medicinal drink with an optimal set of electrolytes.

TEVA, Ukraine

The drug replenishes water and electrolyte losses resulting from acute diarrhea and relieves metabolic acidosis. Chamomile extract additionally has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antispasmodic effect on the intestines.

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Humana Electrolyte

Children do not refuse to drink this banana-flavored drug, which is very important. “Humana Electrolyte” with banana is prescribed for children from three years of age; for newborn babies there is “Humana Electrolyte” with fennel. The product is excellent for treating dehydration for almost any reason: vomiting, diarrhea, increased sweating, intestinal infection, hormonal imbalance, etc. Humana Electrolyte instantly restores the imbalance of electrolytes, replenishes fluid and minerals. One sachet of the drug should be diluted in a glass of water (250 ml). It is advisable to take warm boiled water or tea.

Humana Electrolyte
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