I dreamed of diarrhea - a prediction from popular dream books

His appearance in a dream symbolizes your weakness and a situation that you cannot cope with on your own. An intestinal disorder may also mean that you will embarrass yourself in public or commit some act because of which no one will talk to you.

In some situations, the plot is carried out literally, since the body gives signals of trouble during the night's rest. To understand why you dream about diarrhea in your case, pay attention to where you found it and who it happened to. This is how the modern dream book interprets this plot most often.

Dirty toilet or other places

If you don't know who owns the pile and just see the result, expect trouble or money soon. Finding poop in your toilet is an unpleasant surprise.

This vision may mean that you will very soon receive a small amount or find several bills that will help you pay off debts or survive for a while until your salary.

However, most often such a dream predicts a big scandal and troubles in your home. Especially if the funds were obtained through dubious means. For example, you found them in a teenager who, due to his age, cannot earn anything.

If you see a dirty and unpleasant toilet and know that someone in the household has diarrhea, this plot predicts an extremely unpleasant situation for you.

Scandals in the house, quarrels, constant grievances and deterioration of relations with one of the family members are possible. Perhaps your relative will do something very bad and confess to it, but you will despise him for his ugly act.

Just a dirty toilet in a public or work toilet means resentment and quarrels. Sometimes a dream foretells you big troubles or getting money through dubious means.

In this case, the amount may be small, but because of it your reputation will deteriorate and many unpleasant moments will arise in life.

If you want to go to the toilet and cannot rinse or clean it, feeling disgusted, then, willy-nilly, you will be drawn into other people’s scandals and squabbles. Try not to take sides and stop communicating with unpleasant people as soon as possible.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

The interpreter associates diarrhea in a dream with the highest sensory tension, a state of passion, horror, internal discomfort and uncertainty. If a young guy has such a dream, in real life he is obviously afraid of intimacy, or rather does not understand how to supervise his own main male organ at a moment of powerful overexcitation. When it comes to your first sexual experience, try to choose an experienced passion for this option. Then all you need to do is relax and enjoy.

Severe diarrhea can represent health problems that affect your sexual activity. Feeling discomfort, experiencing pain - in reality there is a great possibility of being rejected due to sexual incompatibility. You have absolutely no desire for what makes a potential partner horny.

If you experienced relief from bowel movements in a dream, it will be very useful in life to change your habits and experience something new. Breakups during this period will only be beneficial. You will again feel at the peak of sexual activity.

The inability to hold something inside yourself in dreams speaks of your lack of restraint, frivolous behavior with ladies, the desire for sexual freedom, and the immediate gratification of low needs.

Increased activity of the intestinal tract may reflect internal feelings about your own inability to satisfy the one that captivates and excites you. Perhaps you often experience problems with erections, or sexual intercourse with you occurs quickly and fleetingly. The leading prerequisite for such dreams is the horror of the situations experienced and great demands from the lover.

Gustov Miller

Diarrhea in a dream foreshadows quarrels and problems. If you experience inconvenience in the midst of your workday by always occupying the restroom, in fact, prepare for unexpected difficulties in the workplace. Perhaps you will be assigned a task that will exceed your competence in terms of difficulty. By failing to complete an assignment, you undermine confidence in yourself as a specialist in your own field. This leads to stress and future depression.

If you managed to take the pill and stop the diarrhea, you will be able to save the situation thanks to your business skills and resourcefulness. Even if you do not have sufficient experience, the successful completion of the assigned project will be a reason to increase and climb the career ladder.

There was an embarrassment with the stomach in an apartment where there were many household members - the dream warns of friction in the family. It will seem like there is not enough personal space for you. The last thing you want during this period is to have annoying relatives who will try to express their worldview, impose their position or help. You can avoid conflict if you show more independence or go on a business trip for a while.

Evgeniy Rastenii

Seeing children's diarrhea in a dream means expecting unexpected news from your own children in the near future. The guys will try to amaze or stun you with indecent behavior, hide tasks or ill-considered actions, for which you will later be ashamed in front of others. In addition, giving financial compensation for what you have done is also for you.

For those whose children are still in school, such a dream is a harbinger of problems with studies or difficult relationships with peers. Your attention, help and parting words will be needed. Show elements of humane pedagogy, be a friend and advisor to your descendants.

Source: tayniymir.com

See on the street

Feces on the road, in the bushes or on the grass can dream of illness. This vision often foreshadows problems not only with the intestines, but also with the stomach, liver and kidneys, an exacerbation of a dangerous disease that can unsettle you for a long time.

Sometimes people see such stories before poisoning or severe alcohol intoxication. The modern dream book writes that you can lose control over yourself and ruin not only your reputation, but also your health.

Therefore, try to drink less, especially beer or questionable drinks, which are bad for the liver. By the way, if children or teenagers see a “cake” with an unpleasant smell, this means that an unpleasant surprise awaits them.

Why do you dream about stepping on poop? The dream book writes that you may get into an unpleasant situation. Sometimes such a plot shows a situation that you will subconsciously perceive as “dirty” and unworthy.

If you can't wash off or wipe away the diarrhea, expect illness. Or long-term showdowns with neighbors and different people.

Seeing another person step on diarrhea and get very dirty means that he will find himself in an unpleasant situation or someone will decide to frame him in a major matter.

He himself will not be guilty of anything personally, but a dishonest and cruel person can take advantage of his gullibility.

Feeling the unpleasant smell of diarrhea, but not seeing it, means there is a danger of poisoning, intestinal or stomach disease.

General interpretation

Experiencing acute intestinal pain, cramps and diarrhea in a dream means trying to suppress deep emotional experiences and feelings. This personifies a state of internal anxiety, depression, depression. You are trying to hide fear, excitement, excitement, but from the outside you look like a confused, insecure and unhappy person.

Such a dream may indicate a state of love in which you do not see happiness, since there is no reciprocity. Or perhaps it reflects family circumstances in which you have become a victim or witness of terrible scenes of jealousy, violence and cruelty.

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I dreamed of looking for a toilet in an unfamiliar office, but could not find it - this portends failure at an interview when applying for a job. Most likely, the position will be offered to another applicant. We found a toilet and relieved ourselves - we would be able to gather our strength, put aside our worries and appear as a very worthy candidate. Expect a promising ending for you. You will interest future employers with your deep knowledge of the specifics of the job and convince them of your desire to work for the benefit of the company.

A woman dreamed of suffering from diarrhea - you risk spending all your savings on new clothes. Playing sports, chatting with friends, and enjoying your favorite hobby will help you avoid going to the mall again. Diarrhea did happen and put you in an unpleasant situation - in reality, expect big financial problems that you cannot cope with alone.

In another interpretation, the woman thereby seeks to get rid of what interferes with her comfortable existence. This may be due to the divorce process and the final stamp in the passport about the change in marital status. It may also represent a long process of dividing property or other material disputes.

If you saw loose stool in the toilet - this unsightly dream can promise unexpected profit. In this case, easy money can be spent as quickly as it is earned. A successful investment will help you stop from financial ruin. Don’t rush to part with your money, check and make sure of the future prospects.

Getting into a liquid substance is a good sign. Global and positive changes await you. Pleasant moments in the future can affect everything - work, study, career or love relationships. You will see your purpose, be pleasantly surprised and admire what you had not noticed before. The main thing is to believe in your own limitlessness and be able to be filled with optimism.

If you dreamed about your child’s diarrhea, this means that in the coming days you will have to deal with your children, finding out the reasons for their strange behavior. You will be alarmed by their secrecy, tense and thoughtful appearance. Put aside current affairs; now your main task is to help solve the child’s problems.

Loose stools

If during a night's rest you begin to feel that you are going to the toilet with liquid, it means that in life you will not withstand some test and will show weakness. Especially if you have to stand up for yourself or defend your own interests and values.

If you had such a vision before a quarrel, a sports competition, or a lawsuit in court, you will lose the case. It is possible that you will admit some kind of weakness, you may feel bad and your fighting spirit will decrease significantly.

If diarrhea tormented you at home, and because of it you had to change plans, expect major trouble. It is possible that illness or an unpleasant surprise will really ruin your upcoming day.

In some cases, the dream comes true literally. Therefore, avoid poisoning and low-quality products, as they will negatively affect your well-being.

Finding diarrhea in yourself and getting dirty means trouble. Most likely, your not very good deed will become known to everyone. Try to find an excuse for yourself and come up with a plausible version or deny everything


If no one saw the dirt, and you managed to hide and wash everything off, don’t worry. Yes, you will make some mistake, but no one will know anything.

But if you dreamed of diarrhea at work or in a public place, and even in front of other people, this means that everyone will know about your weakness or dishonest act. There may be a surprise that will give you away, or some kind of scandal.

General interpretation

Experiencing acute digestive pain, cramps and diarrhea in a dream means trying to suppress the deepest sensory experiences and feelings within yourself. This personifies a state of internal anxiety, depression, depression. You are trying to hide horror, excitement, excitement, but from the outside you look like an absent-minded, insecure and unhappy person.

Such a dream may speak of a state of love in which you do not see happiness because there is no reciprocity. Or maybe this reflects your family incidents, in which you became a victim or an eyewitness to terrible scenes of jealousy, violence and mercilessness.

I dreamed of looking for a toilet in a not very familiar office, but not being able to find it - this predicts failure at a job interview. Most likely, the position will be offered to another applicant. We found a toilet and relieved ourselves - our brothers and sisters will have the strength to put aside their worries and become a very worthy candidate. Expect a promising ending for you. You will interest future employers with your deep knowledge of the specifics of the job and convince them of your desire to work for the benefit of the company.

The lady dreamed of suffering from diarrhea - you risk spending all your savings on new clothes. Exercise, socializing with friends, and your favorite hobby will help you avoid going to the mall again. Diarrhea did happen and put you in an unpleasant situation - in reality, expect huge financial problems that you cannot cope with alone.

In another interpretation, the lady strives to get rid of what interferes with her comfortable existence. This can be combined with the effect of the divorce and the final stamp in the passport about the change of home situation. It may also represent a long process of dividing property or other material disputes.

If you dreamed of watery stool in the toilet - this unsightly dream can promise unexpected profit. In this case, easy funds can be spent as quickly as they are earned. A successful investment will help stop you from going broke. Don’t rush to part with your funds, check and make sure of your future prospects.

Getting into a watery substance is a good symbol. Global and positive changes await you. Pleasant moments in the future can affect everything - work, study, career or love relationships. You will see your purpose, be pleasantly surprised and admire what you had not noticed before. The main thing is to believe in your limitlessness and be able to fill yourself with optimism.

If you dreamed about your baby’s diarrhea, this means that in the coming days you will have to work with your children, finding out the reasons for unusual behavior. You will be alarmed by his secrecy, tense and thoughtful appearance. Put aside current affairs; at the moment, your main task is to help solve the baby’s problems.

If this happened to another person

Seeing a stranger who is attacked by very severe diarrhea is a scandal. If he sits in the toilet and does not let you go there, it means that someone will disrupt your plans for the future or will begin to aim for your place.

The dream book writes that now you are not in control of the situation and may miss your chance. Sometimes such a night picture predicts an intrigue that will spoil the mood of someone who watched the story about diarrhea for a long time.

Seeing that your friend craps himself and has diarrhea means that soon everyone will know about his weakness or unpleasant act. Perhaps he will make a mistake that everyone will remember for a very long time.

Some people dream of a similar plot to the point of dislike for some familiar person, even to the point of disgust. Therefore, it is not surprising if you see him dirty and disgraced.

If you know for sure who went to the toilet and did not wash anything after themselves, it means that this person will do something mean to you in the near future. Some dream books write that someone’s interference in your affairs will significantly ruin your life and force you to do something bad.

Modern books on dream interpretation write that, by the grace of your friend, you can find yourself in an extremely unpleasant situation. Try to get away with it and save your own good name.

This will help you soon establish relationships with pleasant people and forget about the bad history.

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