Physical activity after gallbladder removal and precautions

Indications for gallbladder removal

After removal of the gallbladder, you must follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

The human gallbladder, like other mammals, is an organ that is a collector for bile coming from the liver. Actually, it is an anatomical part of the liver.

The released bile is then sent to the small intestine. This process is regulated by the hormone cholecystokinin. The gallbladder is susceptible to a number of diseases due to damaging factors:

  • poor nutrition;
  • peritoneal tumors;
  • injuries;
  • congenital curvature;
  • metabolic disorders (including diabetes).

As a result of exposure to these factors, the following may appear:

  1. cholecystitis;
  2. cholelithiasis;
  3. dyskinesia;
  4. polyps.

Modern medicine offers many options for conservative treatment of gallbladder diseases, but in a number of circumstances, only surgical intervention - cholecystectomy - is effective.

Indications for gallbladder removal:

  • Cholecystitis, cholesterosis and other complications of gallstone disease.
  • Cholangitis is inflammation of the bile ducts as a result of an infection.
  • Choledocholithiasis and other forms of cholelithiasis.
  • Calcinosis is a critical decrease in calcium content in the walls of the bladder.
  • Persistent jaundice.
  • Disorder of liver functions and changes in its structure.
  • Polyps.
  • Perforation of the organ.

Also, surgery is prescribed depending on the patient’s condition. Often the decision about surgery needs to be made urgently, since the patient’s life depends on it.

What not to do after mammoplasty

We have already written in more detail about rehabilitation after plastic surgery for breast correction by day and month in this article. Now let's look at the restrictions after breast augmentation surgery, lifting or reduction mammoplasty.

Lifting arms and heavy objects

Immediately after mammoplasty, you should not raise your arms up. It will be difficult to do this due to pain, but if the patient, on the recommendation of a plastic surgeon, takes painkillers, then it is easy to forget about this important rule. If you raise your arms above the shoulder girdle, you can not only overstrain or stretch the pectoral muscles and healing tissue, but also accidentally displace the position of the implant. The same applies to lifting weights weighing more than 3-5 kg. For the first 5-7 days after breast replacement, you should not strain your pectoral muscles. You should avoid sudden movements, and also do not carry heavy bags on your own or open doors.

Work and drive a car

It is recommended to take a vacation during the operation and 1-2 weeks after it to recover in a relaxed environment. You may need to take painkillers. Driving is also not recommended due to the strain on the pectoral muscles, which increases the risk of implant displacement. After mammoplasty, you should not squeeze your breasts with a seat belt so as not to deform them. Therefore, in order to avoid emergency situations, you should refrain from driving a car after mammoplasty for some time.

Sleep on your side and stomach

For 2-3 weeks after breast correction, you need to sleep on your back. Why can’t you sleep on your stomach and side after mammoplasty? Firstly, the position of the implant is not yet fixed in the capsule - it can move. Secondly, the pressure of implants on the sutures causes discomfort and can negatively affect the quality of the postoperative scar. If the prostheses were installed under the pectoral muscles, then lying on your side can lead to overstrain. You should not forget about this not only immediately before bed, but also, for example, while watching TV.

Do sports and sex

As we have already noted, after mammoplasty you should not over-strain the pectoral muscles and disturb the healing tissue. Since the types of physical activity vary, and the course of recovery is individual, the question is “when can you go to the gym after mammoplasty?” should be discussed directly with your doctor. Premature vigorous training can lead to implant displacement and internal bleeding. When blood accumulates in the implant capsule, hematomas and seromas form, and the healing process slows down.

After mammoplasty, you cannot have sex for about 1 month. This is not so much due to physical activity as to the fact that under the influence of strong emotions the risk of accidental damage increases, which can undesirably affect the aesthetic result. In addition, during sex, the hormonal levels in a woman’s body change, and additional blood flows to the breasts, which can increase swelling.

Visit the bathhouse and sauna

Exposure to high temperatures on healing tissue after mammoplasty is unacceptable, as this can negatively affect the quality of the sutures and the process of scar formation. If rehabilitation is generally favorable, then a full visit to the bathhouse is possible after 6 months. A plastic surgeon who sees the patient after surgery will be able to answer the question about the timing of rehabilitation more accurately. Theoretically, a short-term visit to the hammam is possible as early as 1 month after the operation.

Sunbathing on the beach and in the solarium

After mammoplasty, you need to be wary of intense ultraviolet radiation. Exposure of seams to artificial or direct sunlight is unacceptable. Premature sunbathing can cause scars to become more visible. After breast correction, you should abstain from sunbathing in a solarium or on the beach for an average of 6-12 months.

Swim in the bathtub, shower, sea or pool

You can take a shower no earlier than 5-7 days after breast augmentation surgery, reduction mammoplasty or lift. Until then, wet wipes should be used for personal hygiene. Before swimming, it is necessary to close the seams with special plasters to avoid infection. You should not wash your hair yourself, since you cannot raise your hands yet. You can take a moderate temperature bath (not hot) after about 6-8 weeks. If the rehabilitation progress is favorable, after 2-3 months the plastic surgeon may allow you to swim in the sea or pool. However, you must first consult with him on this issue.

Smoking and drinking alcohol

Smoking after surgery increases the risk of complications, therefore, 1-2 weeks before mammoplasty and 2-4 weeks after surgery, doctors recommend refraining from the bad habit, since smoking:

  • constricts blood vessels and impedes blood circulation;
  • weakens the immune system.
  • slows down the healing of injured tissues, disrupting blood clotting.
  • leads to oxygen starvation of the body - the cells do not receive it in sufficient quantities.

Observations in focus groups showed that patients who smoke 1 pack of cigarettes per day have, on average, 37% more postoperative scars, and the risks of complications are significantly higher.

Alcohol weakens the immune system, that is, it reduces the body’s ability to resist viruses and infections. It also negatively affects the tissue healing process. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for 2 months after surgery. Sometimes the doctor allows you to drink a glass of red wine, but not earlier than 2 weeks after surgery.

Losing weight or gaining weight suddenly

Increased or decreased weight changes after mammoplasty can lead to undesirable aesthetic results. The appearance and shape of the breast also depends on the amount of fatty tissue. With sudden weight loss after mammoplasty, contouring (protrusion) of the implants on the upper pole of the mammary glands may occur. With rapid weight gain after surgery, the likelihood of ptosis and stretching of the skin increases.

Remove compression garments

Perhaps the most important rule for successful rehabilitation is to wear special compression garments to fix the position of the implants and form a beautiful bust for 2 months. At the end of this period, you can wear beautiful bras with wires.

Restoring work capacity after kidney resection

After a maximum of 1.5–2 months, you can return to work. If the profession involved heavy physical labor or interaction with toxic substances, it is better to find another job. The lifting limit of 3 kg is sometimes extended to one and a half years; subsequently, it is not recommended to lift more than 6–7 kg.

Retirement from disability is rare and is possible in the case of an unfavorable prognosis for oncology, severe renal failure, or severe pyelonephritis.

It is possible to return to sports - fitness, athletics, swimming, skiing. Exercising with weights will cause harm.

Hygiene rules

  • do not touch the area of ​​sutures and installed implants with your hands or tongue,
  • in the first 3-4 days, limit yourself to oral baths (just hold the solution/water in the mouth), after which you can carefully rinse,
  • on days 3-5, that is, after the inflammation and swelling have reduced, you need to start using a toothbrush. The recommended bristle hardness is soft or ultra soft, so as not to damage the gum tissue and the area of ​​sutures,
  • introduce toothpaste at the same time as starting to use the brush: Parodontax, ROCS or RasYan Herbal Clove toothpaste (for example, herbal, clove). These pastes allow effective prevention of gum inflammation,
  • starting from 2-3 weeks after installing the implants, after each meal, use an irrigator (to begin with, at 1-2 speed, that is, minimum), and finally rinse your mouth with water or an antibacterial rinse.

After implant treatment, be sure to buy a new toothbrush. Do not use the old one - it contains a huge number of microbes and bacteria that can lead to the development of an inflammatory process.

Mastectomy: contraindications to treatment

Relative contraindications are diseases such as:

  • Decompensated circulatory failure;
  • Severe diabetes mellitus;
  • Chronic renal or liver failure;
  • Cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • Pathology of the blood coagulation system.

If the patient has any of the listed diseases, the question of surgery can be resolved positively only when the condition has stabilized.

Absolute contraindications include conditions such as:

  • Extensive swelling of the mammary gland;
  • The presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes, complicated by swelling of the arm on the affected side;
  • Tumor infiltration into surrounding tissues.

Recovery time

How long it will take to recover after surgery depends on how it was performed. To treat a varicocele, the surgeon needs to gain access to the dilated vein. The doctor can do this in different ways:

  • through a small incision in the inguinal fold on the left or right - to see the affected vessel, the doctor uses an operating microscope;
  • through a relatively large incision in the skin of the abdomen.

The first operation is considered more gentle and safe. It causes less tissue damage, and therefore recovery takes less time. In addition, after microsurgical intervention, a barely noticeable scar remains, and not a rough suture.

The recovery time after surgery is also influenced by the patient's age and medical history. Some chronic diseases can slow tissue healing.

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