How to take mumiyo for pancreatitis: reviews and instructions

The pancreas is necessary for the production of digestive enzymes, hormones, and regulation of metabolic processes. If the diet changes, bad habits appear, the organ becomes inflamed quite quickly, and the pathological process makes itself felt with severe girdling pain in the abdominal cavity.

Treatment of pancreatitis takes a long time, sometimes you have to fight the disease for the rest of your life, as it quickly becomes chronic. Doctors themselves recommend taking a course of therapy with traditional medicine recipes along with medications. One of the effective ways to treat pancreatitis is the use of mumiyo.

The active use of mumiyo for the treatment of diseases began many thousands of years ago; today the remedy has not lost its popularity. To improve the functioning of the pancreas, it is best to use Central Asian mumiyo; it is this type of substance that is most effective in cases of disorders of the regenerative processes of internal organs and symptoms of fibrosis.

Shilajit can be used for treatment with equal effectiveness: primary, secondary. The primary route of formation of the product is associated with the leaching of resin; it is found in rock crevices. Secondary has become more widespread and contains residues of:

  1. herbs;
  2. insects;
  3. animals.

A product of this type is found everywhere. Types of mumiyo are usually divided by color; the most common are black and copper; the use of brown and black resins is indicated for the treatment of the inflammatory process in the pancreas.


The substance can be obtained by primary and secondary routes. Primary is the path of formation in which it is washed out of rocks and collected in rocky areas. Secondary mumiyo may contain small admixtures of animal bone tissue, as well as insects.

The color of the rock can be silver, copper, dark and golden. The most common substance is dark and copper in color. It is this type of mumiyo that exhibits healing properties for pancreatic diseases.

To determine the quality, it is squeezed in the hand with little effort. It should be soft, pasty, and easy to compress.


Propolis, or bee glue, is a resinous substance whose color can vary from brown to dark green. Bees produce propolis from sticky substances collected from plants, in particular, from buds swollen in spring, and modify what they collect with their enzymes. Propolis is used to seal cracks, disinfect cells in combs before laying eggs, and to regulate the permeability of the entrance.

Treatment of the pancreas is based on the analgesic, bactericidal, antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties of bee glue. It is recommended to take two teaspoons of an aqueous solution of propolis for two weeks. Along with propolis, you can take herbal decoctions.

Effect on the body

  • Shilajit affects the production of hormones in the endocrine and exocrine glands. Therefore, it is often taken for pancreatitis to normalize the functioning of the pancreas.
  • Another effect on the endocrine system is considered to be the prevention of diabetes mellitus by activating the normal release of insulin into the blood.
  • It is also useful for the gastrointestinal tract, which is important for pancreatitis. The substance promotes better movement of feces through the intestines, improves peristalsis and reduces fermentation processes that cause flatulence, cramps and bloating.
  • It has a general effect on the circulatory and immune systems. The blood becomes thinner in those who suffer from blood clots or high blood clotting, high erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

A little about the pancreas

Diet is the key to good pancreatic function

The pancreas is one of the two most important systems of the body - digestive and hormonal. For the digestive system, iron produces enzymes that break down the triad of nutrients into components, and for the hormonal system it produces insulin in the so-called islets of Langerans.

The pancreas is an unpaired life support organ. Therefore, doctors avoid surgical interventions until the last minute and try to maintain its functionality with the help of medications and diet. For patients suffering from pancreatic diseases, a diet and a gentle lifestyle are strongly recommended.

Take medications only those recommended and prescribed by the doctor. Do not experiment with medications without consulting your doctor, even if this or that remedy has helped someone.

In case of acute and recurrent pancreatitis, you must definitely go to the hospital.

Action for pancreatitis

This natural biostimulant helps to activate metabolic processes in the affected tissues of the pancreas, which leads to an increase in the secretion of pancreatic juice. In this case, secretory deficiency is fully compensated.

For treatment, Central Asian mumiyo is often used. It also has an anticoagulant effect. When the gland becomes diseased, inflammatory processes and tissue wrinkling begin, which lead to fibrosis and compaction. Consumption of mumiyo eliminates compactions, fibrosis, restores affected areas of tissue, which helps improve secretory activity.

Treatment of pancreatitis with herbs

Herbs should be used with caution

To prevent herbal tinctures from being addictive, they should be taken in courses. After completing one course, use another. Listen to your body. Perhaps some of the proposed recipes will not suit you, and unwanted reactions may occur.

Other herbal compositions may not have any effect: neither positive nor negative. For pancreatic diseases, birch buds or lingonberry tincture, which help remove excess glucose from the body, can alleviate the condition.


Resin acids contained in immortelle have antibacterial activity. Halogens activate bile secretion, stimulate the synthesis of bile acids from cholesterol, and increase the concentration of bilirubin and cholates. The flowers of this plant have an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the intestines, the gallbladder and bile ducts, and blood vessels, thereby ensuring better blood circulation in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it kills staphylococci and streptococci, calms nausea and vomiting.

In the evening, you need to grind 5 g of dried flowers and fill them with cold purified water. Leave to infuse overnight. Drink one glass throughout the day for two weeks. Take one tablespoon of flowers and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Leave for 30 minutes and take half a glass 2 times a day for two weeks.

To prepare this infusion, immortelle flowers, motherwort herbs and St. John's wort are taken in equal proportions. The plants are crushed and mixed. 1 tablespoon of this mixture is poured into 1 glass of boiling water and left for an hour. Take 50 grams warm half an hour before meals. Thus, one such glass is enough for a day.

Calendula infusion

Calendula has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. The infusion is used as a choleretic agent for gastrointestinal diseases. The petals of these flowers are used instead of saffron to color and flavor some dishes.

Soup with the addition of calendula petals will be useful for patients with pancreatitis, and not only for them. The infusion of this plant has a pleasant smell and slightly bitter taste. 1 tbsp. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of flowers and leave to steep until the morning. Drink half an hour before meals three times a day for two months.


Great plantain grows everywhere. It is a valuable medicinal raw material with bactericidal, hemostatic and healing properties. In the treatment of pancreatitis, plantain is used to relieve inflammation. To do this, you need to squeeze the juice from the leaves of this plant every time immediately before use and drink 1 teaspoon of it before meals. Plantain contains vitamin R, which has a positive effect on the liver.


Only environmentally friendly raw materials should be procured

Chicory contains inulin, a substance that ensures the normal functioning of the pancreas. A delicious coffee-like drink is prepared from chicory roots. The collected roots must be cleaned, thoroughly rinsed from the soil and then dried.

How to use

Taking mumiyo is not a panacea for pancreatitis, but can complement the treatment regimen with traditional methods, which was chosen by a gastroenterologist. You can start taking it only after consulting a doctor, so that there is no incompatibility between the components of mumiyo and medications for pancreatitis.

Mumiyo is produced in tablets, each of which weighs 0.2 grams. You need to take it twice a day, one tablet. The minimum duration of treatment is three weeks. The break also lasts three weeks before starting a new course. For complete therapy, at least two courses in a row are required.

Before starting use, you must conduct an allergy test. Drink half the tablet during the day and observe the body’s reaction until the evening. If there is no nausea, vomiting, skin rashes or fever, there is no allergy to the components of the mummy.

In addition, mumiyo can also be produced in small bags, from which solutions and lotions are prepared. Children under one year old are given 0.01 g of mumiyo, and children under five years old - 0.05 g.

It is worth noting that mumiyo is incompatible with alcohol and the body’s reaction to such a combination can be unpredictable, so you should avoid drinks containing alcohol during treatment.

Pancreatic diseases: how and why?

Much depends on the condition of the pancreas, and damage to it poses a serious danger.
Located near organs such as the spleen, kidneys and liver, stomach and heart, it can have a direct effect on their functioning. When the gland becomes inflamed, pancreatitis may occur; we have prepared a special article about the treatment of pancreatitis with folk remedies.

Pathological changes in the pancreas progress very quickly, threatening to even lead to its necrosis. Among the causes of gland diseases, the following are most often noted:

  1. Unbalanced and irregular diet.
  2. Smoking and alcohol abuse.
  3. Nervous stress, prolonged depression, etc.

These factors can sooner or later lead to the appearance of symptoms such as

  • sharp burning pain in the back in the area of ​​the lower ribs, decreasing when bending forward;
  • decreased appetite;
  • nausea and gag reflex when pain intensifies;
  • temperature increase.

Based on a survey and examination, studying anamnesis and examination data, the doctor can easily diagnose the disease, after which the patient is prescribed appropriate treatment. And treatment of the pancreas with folk remedies helps speed up recovery.

Also, in the treatment of opisthorchiasis, much attention is paid to the restoration of the pancreas.


Additional Recipes

The substance is taken not only in its pure form. It can be mixed with honey or aloe - such formulations are also known in folk medicine.

To mix with aloe you will need the juice of the plant.

  • One gram of the drug is added to thirty grams of juice.
  • You need to take one teaspoon of the mixture twice a day, preferably after meals, to reduce the load on the gastric walls.

To prepare a mixture with honey, take 200 mg of mumiyo and 50 ml of water. After thoroughly kneading the mixture, add a tablespoon of honey, preferably liquid, and mix thoroughly again. Honey will supplement the composition of the substance with its vitamins and enzymes, enhancing the beneficial effect on the gland and immunity.

Treatment of pancreatitis with oats

Oats have long been famous for their ability to cleanse the intestines. This food product is included in the diet in the form of porridges and jelly.

Oat milk

The so-called oat milk is very useful for strengthening the pancreas. To prepare it, you first need to rinse the cereal in a fine-mesh colander, let the excess water drain and pour the cereal into the pan. Pour water at the rate of 100 g of grain per half liter of water. The oats are cooked over low heat for 45 minutes, after which they must be ground without pouring from the pan and cooking continued, stirring, for another 20 minutes.

The broth must be cooled and drained through a sieve. For treatment you will need a white, milk-like decoction. It must be taken 3 times a day, half a glass before meals. Oat milk can be stored in the refrigerator for two days, but only drunk when heated in a water bath to room temperature.

Oat decoction

Rinse 1 kg of oats and add water so that it covers all the grains. Cover the dish with gauze to allow air to enter it and place in a warm place. After 2-3 days, the oats will germinate and be ready for use. It needs to be washed, dried and ground to a flour-like state. 1 tablespoon of oatmeal is diluted in a third of a glass of boiled and cooled water.

Treating the pancreas at home

You can help and support your pancreas using folk recipes at home. Many ingredients for them can be found, for example, in the kitchen or in the garden, but first, let’s talk about treating the pancreas with hunger.

If you want to learn more about herbal recipes, then read the separate material about treating the pancreas with herbs.

Let's starve and get better

The main principle in treating the pancreas with the help of diet is formulated as follows: “Minimum harmful and maximum healthy food.”
In the first 2 days of the diet, food is replaced by hunger: the gastric system must be completely unloaded so that the gland stops producing unnecessary enzymes. During this period, you can only drink water without gases and rosehip tea. The next stage of the diet (about 2 weeks) is a separate diet, including only those foods that will not provoke the activity of the gland: low-fat soups, cereals, ground meat, no canned food, fruits and other foods containing fiber.

Further, the diet can gradually expand and become more varied, with the exception of “forbidden” foods. As a drink, it is recommended to consume plenty of good mineral water, to which you can add freshly squeezed lemon juice.

It is also important to pay attention to your lifestyle in general: spend more time in the fresh air, move more, give up bad habits. This, along with proper nutrition, will be the best prevention of exacerbation of the disease.

Everything ingenious is simple!

This is perhaps one of the main principles of traditional medicine, which is capable of discovering healing properties in the simplest products.
We are talking, for example, about treating the pancreas with oats, which have long been known for their cleansing properties. Therefore, in case of problems with the pancreas, you should actively include oatmeal in your diet. Drinking oat milk also brings noticeable results: rinse unpeeled oats or whole oatmeal, drain in a colander, place in an enamel pan, add water (100 g of oats per 500 ml of water), put on low heat.

At the 40th minute, grind the oats directly in the pan and cook for another 20 minutes. Cool the broth and strain the resulting white liquid, similar to milk, drink 100 g before meals 3 times a day, storing the stock in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Another easy-to-prepare medicine is oatmeal broth: sort and rinse 1 kg of oats, add water so that it covers all the grains, and put the bowl in a warm place, covering it with gauze. On the 2-3rd day, when the oats sprout, they need to be washed, dried and ground into flour. 1 tbsp. l. This flour should be diluted in 1/3 cup. cool water, and then add 1 cup. boiling water, then bringing the mixture to a boil and leaving it on low heat for 2 minutes. The broth is infused for another 30 minutes and, after cooling, is taken half an hour before meals - always fresh.

Oat jelly is also easy to prepare: washed and dried oats are poured with purified water and kept in a dark place for 12 hours, then brought to a boil and simmered under the lid for 30 minutes. Then the pan is wrapped, the jelly is infused all night, and in the morning the broth must be strained and diluted with boiled water to its original volume. You need to drink jelly in between meals, ½ cup. 3 times a day.

This treatment is not only very effective, but also has no contraindications. The same can be said about treatment with buckwheat: the cereal needs to be soaked in kefir (for 1 cup of buckwheat - 0.5 liters of kefir) and left for 12 hours. Then the mass is divided into 2 parts: the 1st part is breakfast, the 2nd is dinner. It is recommended to follow this diet for 9 days: during this time, buckwheat not only heals the pancreas, but also perfectly cleanses the body. There is also an opinion that a diet based on buckwheat and kefir is an excellent precursor to treating the pancreas with oats.

Another simple and harmless way to support your own pancreas is treatment with potato juice, which has analgesic, healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Potato juice should be freshly squeezed (up to 10 minutes) from old and healthy tubers. You need to drink potato juice 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals, 100-200 ml. After 5 minutes, you can drink 1 glass of juice. kefir The course of such treatment should be 2 weeks and repeated 3-4 times. Potato juice can also be mixed with carrot juice (1:1 ratio), taking a 30-minute rest in a horizontal position after taking this “cocktail”.

Potatoes can also have a therapeutic effect in the form of puree: the tubers are crushed on a grater, the gruel is consumed 30 minutes before meals in small quantities with a gradual increase in portions, starting from 1 tsp. Among the contraindications of such a medicine as raw potatoes, perhaps only increased stomach acidity.


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